How is the damage to a person: signs of removal of damage, protection after removal. What happens to the customer after removing damage? How to return damage to the one who made it?

How is the damage to a person: signs of removal of damage, protection after removal. What happens to the customer after removing damage? How to return damage to the one who made it?

How to find out if there is damage to a person and how to get out?

Many of us know firsthand what damage is. But it is also important not only to identify the symptoms of magical influence, but also to correctly cleanse the soul and body from the evil eye. In this material, we will consider how to identify and protect against damage.

Damage and its consequences: types, symptoms of damage

Since ancient times, people have been very afraid of black magic. At present, the situation has not changed at all: fears of the unknown burn human hearts when they are faced with the first signs of black magic. What is the fact that the damage is? What are its species and what happens to a person after when the damage is removed from him?

Damage - This is a powerful effect of strong energy, which is aimed at destroying life human energy. The person who sends damage can do it on his own or use the help of a professional sorcerer.

Damage to different types
Damage to different types

Damage carries destructive power. Now there are many types of damage. As a rule, one of them begins to act gradually, and some very quickly. Such magic is not taken to do every magician. After all, black forces act as a boomerang. The energetic force that goes to the victim necessarily returns, while it increases its own power.

Types of damage:

There are a variety of damage options. Basically, black magicians use:

  • Damage to death
  • Damage to success
  • Damage to human health
  • A vest (love spell)
  • Strong evil eye

Symptoms of damage:

Symptoms of damage can be both obvious signs and hidden. But hidden over time tend to manifest. Only in such a situation it is no longer possible for a person to help. The main symptoms of damage are:

  • Health worsens sharply.
  • There is a loss of finance.
  • There is a disagreement in the family.
  • Infertility.
  • Failures are pouring one by one.
  • Alcohol and drug addiction.
  • Unexpected events that lead to death.
  • Suicidal inclinations are manifested.
Signs of damage will appear in any case
Signs of damage will appear in any case

You will have to worry and ask for help from professionals if you have:

  • For no special reasons, the head began to hurt.
  • You constantly get tired and feel broken.
  • You have regular nausea and diarrhea.
  • You sweat a lot.
  • You constantly want to drink.
  • You are annoyed.
  • You have decreased libido.

In such a situation, only a professional can help you. But you should know what will happen to you after removing damage.

How the damage to a person comes out: signs of damage removal

Yes, there are signs of damage exit from a person. They are very similar to the symptoms of damage, also have many variations. And if you are an observant and thoughtful person, you can easily notice it. Do not worry, worms will not crawl out of you, they will bother you, perhaps only in dreams.

As a rule, spoilage is removed very easily. That is, you should not be afraid of various horrors. You better follow how you will change your mood. So, what will happen to you when you leave the damage:

  • You may have: anger, hysteria, a desire to kill someone. This is considered the norm. And these manifestations pass very quickly.
  • After such negative bursts, you will have a feeling of emptiness. If you have done a strong damage, you can even sometimes fall into prostration. Of course, this condition is not very pleasant, but it is necessary. It is it that is considered the starting point.

If you do not feel anything like that, then the ritual was carried out poorly.

When spoiling, anger is replaced by the void
When spoiling, anger is replaced by the void

You should also trace:

  • For dreams. If damage comes out of you, dreams will become clear and lighter. In addition, in your astral, the magician will be able to indicate the personality that is the culprit.
  • For an emotional state. After removing damage, your mood improves significantly.
  • For what people around you will feel. Believe me, when damage will leave, your friends, family and friends will be much easier to communicate with you.
  • And most importantly, you will look more attractive, your eyes will begin to shine, and you will also have a huge smile on your face, which will be accompanied very often.

What happens after the removal of damage: human condition

After the damage is removed from you, you will feel both physical changes and mental.

  • You will stop getting sick often. The likelihood of an accident will decrease. But this does not mean that you will be constantly pursued by luck. You just find a healthy body and a healthy mind again.
  • Anger and constant envy will leave your thoughts. You will learn how to rejoice at the world around, sorry enemies, begin to make successful plans for your near future.
After cleansing of damage, you will immediately see positive changes
After cleansing of damage, you will immediately see positive changes
  • After the damage leaves you, you will breathe more freely. The stone that previously pressed your heart will disappear. Prayers every day will be able to help you preserve this condition for a long time and will not let the new curse hit you.
  • Communicating with other people, you will not be annoyed.
  • It will not seem to you now that someone is pursuing you.
  • You will stop seeing enemies in people, and you will trust your friends even more.

How does a person feel after removing damage?

You will not confuse the sensation that comes after removing the damage. Instead of depression and constant mistakes, you will have confidence in your own abilities. You will begin to feel that they are able to overcome all kinds of difficulties.

  • The sensations that arise after the removal of damage are very similar to the fact that a heavy load was sleeping from the heart. Meditation will help you feel at all 100 %.
  • Sometimes you may feel that you are missing something: this damage is trying to return to your place and again “stick” to your aura. You can get rid of such a feeling very easily if you visit the church regularly and read prayers.

After damage leaves you, you will immediately feel the strongest surge of strength. You will easily notice it. Just think about your own actions and rethink life situations.

So that the damage is not visited again - visit the church
So that the damage is not visited again - visit the church

You should not scare the advancing changes, feel free to meet your fate. Damage will not stick to you again if you pray with all sincerity and do not hide envy and anger in your soul.

After removing damage: how long does it come out, immediately or gradually?

After removing the damage, you can get some recommendations from the sorcerer how to behave in the early days. This period is considered the most difficult. The curse is still located in your energy field, regardless of whether you are strong or weak. Accordingly, the curse will go away earlier than after 3 days. Though there are exceptions.

  • If, after removing the damage, your head is spinning and nausea is present, then negative energy leaves your aura. She is trying to catch on you again. Follow your own emotional state about 14 to 30 days.
Dizziness means that getting rid of damage will be severe
Dizziness means that getting rid of damage will be severe
  • With depression and any other negative impact, a platform appears on which damage in the aura is strengthened. There are situations when sorcerers carry out a rite of removing damage more than once.
  • If you constantly want to sleep after removing damage, then the matter is much better. Here the risk is minimal. Damage leaves your aura after 3 days, after a maximum of 7 days. In this period of time, you need to be a little care for. But do not worry much. You have not done a strong damage, respectively, it will leave very quickly.
Frequent desire to sleep means that damage is successfully leaving your body
Frequent desire to sleep means that damage is successfully leaving your body
  • If after removing the damage you will not feel anything at all, then she will leave you faster than you think. But this does not mean that you can already relax. Do not forget from the fact that you need to follow the rules of 3 days. But then you can lead an ordinary lifestyle, forget about problems.

After removing damage, what happens to the leading?

Always remember that you can not completely isolate from people. An unfamiliar person will not cause a special reaction to aura. And the person who will affect your emotions will certainly convey a piece of his field. This principle will help you understand how the customer feels after you can withdraw from you.

The case is as follows - the evil evil was stored until a certain time, and also worked only in your energy field. After the curse was successfully removed from you, this black force returned back to its ancestor. Many sorcerers claim that they send a negative impact into space or they are annihilate. But a part of the curse still penetrates the head of the customer himself.

Failures will sprinkle
  • After removing the damage, the customer will feel that she returned to him. Remember, professional sorcerers always understand what happened. And ordinary people with evil intentions will feel this in their subconscious. They have anxiety.
  • Your image can come to them in a dream. Various thoughts, even the most poor, will begin to climb into their heads.
  • The customer can come to you without understanding why he does it.
  • Also, luck will turn away from him. What he had previously managed to do without problems now does not work.
  • The mood begins to deteriorate. For 3-7 days, the customer is attacked by a real damage. However, it is extraordinary. It is called "self -witnessed." That is, the customer begins to "bite" his anger.
  • The life of the customer after removing the damage will be completely different, which only he is to blame.
  • This thought begins to crush the customer, torment him, force him to make misses and make mistakes.
  • In addition, the customer will begin to suffer from his nervous system. Then he will just get sick.

How to return damage to the one who made it?

There are 2 methods of returning damage:

  • The 1st method is the return of damage to the customer you know.
  • The 2nd method is the return of damage to the customer whom you do not know.

1st method:

If you know for sure the person who brought damage to you, use the next return. To do this, take the chicken egg, run your own body to them, saying the following words:

The words of the first method
The words of the first method

Try so that the egg touches each part of the body. Then put the egg under the threshold of the customer. Or make your enemy always crosses through this egg. When he crosses through him, the curse will definitely return to him. After that, pick up the egg and destroy it (get into the toilet).

2nd method:

Perform this method on the 27th day of the moon. Until that moment, try to fast and be cleansed spiritually. Talk as little as possible with other people, do not allow negative emotions.

You can pray and listen to good musical compositions. Watch positive films, read books with a good ending. Stay for some time in your own space.

When the 27th day of the moon comes, take a small piece of meat (preferably raw) and say the following conspiracy for this meat:

Conspiracy for the second method
Conspiracy for the second method

Read this conspiracy 3 times. Immediately go to the intersection, then bury this piece in the ground. Put a candle for the health of your enemy. Give the temple a certain amount of money. Never tell anyone that you are going to return the curse. Such information is required to remain only in your head.

Helpful advice: During the rite, it is better to wish you not to return the negative energy to the customer, but just think about removing the negativity from yourself. Let the highest power itself decide where to put the curse for her. The rite is the same, but at the same time you will relieve yourself of responsibility. Of course, in this case, the return will not happen, you will just be spoiled.

Restoration after removing damage to death

You do not have to do something special. Your aura has already begun to work positively after performing the cleaning rite. You only have to help Aura. To do this, just exclude negative emotions, preferably completely.

  • Feel free to refuse to communicate with people who ask a lot of questions, annoy you, complain and dissolve gossip. These personalities are considered to be vampires to a certain extent. This means that they will only interfere with the restoration of your energy.
  • You can pray to quickly open a coherent channel with the universe.
  • You can sit for some time in complete silence, watch the lights of candles. Such a process is considered quite useful, since it stops thoughts and puts them in order.
  • You need complete silence, do not worry and worry.
Damage to death - a serious blow to the energy field of a person
Damage to death is a serious blow to the energy field of a person
  • Analysis of the events taking place, make a plan for the future.
  • Perhaps you have long dreamed of going to the sea. Do not deny yourself this.
  • Spend more free time with family and loving people. But avoid places in which a huge number of people accumulate.
  • Do not turn on the TV for some time, since it is a source of negative information.
  • Only one random frame will return the curse to the former place where it was previously located.
  • If you really want some impressions, then you better listen to pleasant music.

And most importantly, do not drink alcohol and abandon the stupefying components. They will not benefit. If you are an impressionable person, also refuse coffee. Drink teas made from therapeutic grasses. After about 7 days, return to the previous rhythm of life.

What can not be done after removing damage?

If you decide to remove damage in the temple, you should remember the various mistakes that people often make. So:

  • Going to church and another similar place, do not tell anyone about your own intentions. Practice showed that mostly familiar people and relatives, girlfriends or close friends can be spoiled. If they find out what you have planned, they will definitely try to stop you, and perhaps they will hold a more strong ceremony to the curse. Accordingly, going to the temple, do not tell anyone about it.
  • Also, during the removal of damage and after the ceremony, do not give absolutely your own things and do not take money. Perhaps the person who did damage to you will want to take money from you.

Why, after removing the damage, nothing can be given?

Why is it not allowed to give something after the damage was removed? The fact is that with these objects you tear off a piece of your own aura. In ordinary life, this phenomenon is considered normal. After all, we constantly give someone what we could accumulate and get certain things in return.

If you liked someone, one mutual field has formed between you. If a person has caused a bad impression of you, something similar happens, that is, negative interaction has appeared.

Protect the aura with good thoughts
Protect the aura with good thoughts

When you give some things, let it be even your money, you share your own energy. A person who takes these things can send you his own emotional or mental plan. Often we do not understand this and do not feel, but regularly exchange our energy. A person who has not been cursed has been triggered, the defense is triggered. She protects his aura from negativity.

Remember, a sorcerer who has done damage to you will definitely try to return negative energy to the place. But you do not know what he will come up with. Accordingly, you should save yourself. When 3 days pass, your aura will become stronger, the ability to reflect such attacks will return to you. Therefore, tolerate a little.

How to put protection after removing damage?

It is easier to protect yourself and your own house before damage was blocked. But if this has already happened to you, use simple methods:

  • Get a protective icon, for example, the icon on which the Blessed Virgin Mary is depicted. Put an image in the hall or living room under the ceiling itself.
  • Put protection with an ordinary pin. When you fasten it to your clothes, read the following words:
Say these words
Say these words
  • Carry out the ceremony with two mountain ash bushes. Find a couple of mountain ash bushes. Take one twig from each bush. And then fulfill the following:
Ritual with rowan branches
Ritual with rowan branches
  • Buy a protective amulet, for example, the Scandinavian rune of Algiz or a protective bag.

Video: How to find out about damage, evil eye, curses?

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Comments K. article

  1. Weak

  2. And if the expected customer blooms and smells. And my child is sick of a complete collapse in everything and a year has gone to be ermorious with this where to go and there is no beauty left and the gripping teeth and not one grandmother and the witch did not say that it was to death.

  3. Thanks for the info, whether when cleaning the damage from the intestines can go out of the hair cm30-40, the husband is cleaned very badly, said the master 71 days will report, today he has already got into the operation, and until now the pains are not going on in I don’t know what to do, I feel very bad.

  4. Hello, whether it is possible to remove the vessel from a person to whom they have laid out and return back

  5. We recently died Anashka on February 23 on her, was done by a vegetation how could be returned and remove from her and return it back to them

  6. i didn’t live for a year, then I didn’t eat and I destroy the family, I don’t understand why there are often thoughts of suicides of desire, there is no desire to do something, I just don't want to do something

  7. Good afternoon. The last few years have been huge problems in life, especially in personal. Although at work, unexpected problems often arise, too, and with relatives. I thought everything, there is no more chance to fix something, I thought to live as I would receive and that’s it. The desire to try almost disappeared.

  8. Well, I don’t know how you are, but I had a damage .. Unfortunately. But now life has changed a lot) and all thanks to Irina. This wonderful woman removed damage in 2 days !!!! I have never met such a master once! If you want, write, it will also help you- 89506515445, Watsap or Waiber !!

  9. And I have a spouse after cleaning. The offender appeared incognito and handed over her wife and put the products in the bag. What does it mean? Who will say why she did so?

  10. Contact my mother. She often travels to holy places and places of power. He will not guess, but he will tell everything from the photograph. And he conducts rituals with light forces. Only on Watsap write, do not name. Because of the coronavirus, she generally stopped conducting a personal reception, and works according to Watsap from the photographs. People, in principle, are satisfied. Only paid. Goods and peace to you !!!!!

  11. hello, I really need your help. I do not need to make a diagnosis,

  12. Of course, depending on what kind of damage, it costs all the money. There is a paid for money. And there is a free, free removal of damage, the one that dwarfing, life, money, etc. I had damage, but I got rid of. On me was a love spell, a non -senior ex -husband fed up that I did not hunt the child and got married. I did not want to and did not want the children, but I did not pregnant, not from Kavo. Then my husband and I parted, fell to the divorce took the child. And then my sister went to Tula to her boyfriend, her former mother -in -law is with magic. She showed my photo said damage, black on me what is disgusting to watch and what I did not know. I had a relationship after my husband, but I didn’t succeed, I couldn’t hire anything. Then I met another guy. I got pregnant from him, he refused me, the child will plunge but I don’t. But he threw me. I couldn’t blame anything my marriage, I have no time for a marriage. Let me drag on all the extens to look for a fortuneteller, etc. I had nothing to go out and did not fall. Then the guy did not appear from whom the child, wax. I had a detachment of the placenta. I was looking for all the way the guy to bewitch purely because of the child. She fascinated him, he ran there that he would be with me. But a bunch of information collected all the correspondence. For his parents, what he hid from his parents and Rostlists. The child was 2 months. The child was 4 months later, I found a psychic, he said he said that I was working on marriage, that is, celibacy and what I do not remember. What a woman is that. But that the father of the second child loves very much, because of this he cannot be a cadet. Then I was looking for all the years again a psychic. He met one guy, he was also a magician. And specifically said who brought me to celibacy. But it was a mother -in -law. And he said that my mother made him to death with difficulty believed him, and a friend told me that his mother did this to death. But she found clairvoyant. She looked at me so said that she made my mother to death and God forbid to the next world, but I have long to live. I just didn’t ate. But she seduced from 2 times the essence. Now my mother is angry with her nerves, then her leg is swelling and now walks with the Fingal under the eye. She shocked there so that I would feel that I will stay in poverty that I will have debts for 5 years. But as shifts they took off in half a year, I got married a good husband in my arms wears 2 children from various marriages. My husband is wearing me in my arms, we will not quarrel. But the mother did the sprayer. But with a repeat father of the child I do not look like

  13. I quickly took off the damage at my place and put the protection from the evil eye and damage.

  14. Nina777, how?)

  15. No egg will be removed from you, especially cemetery or death. It is generally difficult to remove, not everyone will take it. Everything that is described here is complete nonsense. Some kind of pins, runes are absolutely not at all. Everything is much more complicated, and the spoilage comes out painful and longer, if it is not an evil eye.

  16. Do I understand correctly that it is practically not possible to remove cemetery damage?

  17. Damn, in the comments some kind of gathering of illiterate psychborne ones!

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