The top 10 winners of the lotteries who lost all the money: Evelyn Adams, Michael Caroll, Martin and Kay Tott, Andrew Jackson Whittacer, Denise Rossi, Suzann Mullins, Billy Bob Harrell, David Lee Lee Lee Lee Gryffit, Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova

The top 10 winners of the lotteries who lost all the money: Evelyn Adams, Michael Caroll, Martin and Kay Tott, Andrew Jackson Whittacer, Denise Rossi, Suzann Mullins, Billy Bob Harrell, David Lee Lee Lee Lee Gryffit, Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova

This article contains interesting stories of the winners of the lotteries who have lost all the money won.

Top 10 winners of the lottery who lost all the money

To win in the lottery, it would seem, a dream. Many of us represented how they would spend the money won. But winning the lottery is not so simple. The chances of the fact that lightning can get into a person is higher than the chances of a major win.

Many buy tickets, play the lottery for years and win nothing. In the best case, they pay for the amount spent on tickets. However, sometimes fate gives a chance to the lucky ones. Units win especially large amounts in the lottery.

Important: according to world statistics, more than 60% of the winners in the lottery cannot competently dispose of money and lose everything.

It is often not easy to dispose of a large sum. And some do not know what to do with a win. Below 10 evidence that crazy money in inept hands brings only troubles. Here are 10 stories of winners in the lottery, who have lost all the money won.

Evelyn Adams

Those who play the lottery know how difficult it is to become a super -consumer. However, Evelyn Adams from New Jersey was able to win the Jack-Pot twice.

Important: Evelyn Adams became the winner of the lottery in 1985 and 1986. The total amount of her winning amounted to $ 5.4 million. It would seem, here she is luck!

But Evelyn Adams could not invest this money in a profitable business or spend it wisely. Instead, she was addicted to the gambling of the Atlantic City, which the owners of the gambling business were probably glad. After all, Adams left her entire winning there.

It is known that after the millions were spent, Evelyn Adams was forced to live in a trailer.

Stories about how easy it is to lose winning in the lottery

Michael Caroll

The Englishman Michael Caroll became Fortuna's favorite at the age of 19. Then he was just a guy who has problems with the law. He was lucky enough to win 9.7 million pounds.

Not realizing the entire scale of his good luck and a chance for a comfortable life in the future, the winner of the lottery, Michael Caroll began to burn money. Every evening he reached, arranged parties, spent money on girls, drugs and entertainment.

Michael Caroll became the winner of the lottery at the age of 19

Important: as a result, 10 years after the victory, the guy did not have a dime left. He was forced to get a bin to work in order to somehow exist.

In an interview, Michael Caroll said that the money left him in the same way as they came. And also the fact that he is even glad that he spent all his money, because they could simply bring him to death.

Currently, Michael Caroll does not even have his own home and car.

Later, the guy began to work as a garbage manner

Martin and Kay Tott

Important: the next couple of the winners of the lottery won $ 5 million, but they could not even hold their winnings in their hands.

Spouses from Great Britain 33-year-old Martin Tott and 24-year-old Kay Tentt won a huge amount of money in the lottery. For a young family, this could be a ticket to a happy and comfortable life. But, as it turned out, the couple simply lost their ticket.

With the help of the court, they managed to establish their right to a monetary prize. However, an annoying problem happened again, which cost them loss of winning. All documents had to be collected within 30 days. The couple could not do this and did not receive their prize.

In an interview, they said that this case almost cost them a divorce. Money is very circled. One can only imagine how annoying to lose such an amount in an absurd manner as the Towt spouses did.

Spouses from the UK have lost a winning ticket

Andrew Jackson Whittaker

A resident of a small village in West Virginia Andrew Whittacher in 2002 won $ 315 million in the Lotherle on the eve of Christmas. The man had a construction company that in those days underwent not the best times.

The Whittaker wanted to restore the business, to return all the dismissed employees, to engage in charity work. He had the opportunity to receive a certain amount of money for 25 years, but the man chose everything at once. Given the payment of all taxes, he received $ 114 million.

The man turned out to be a very generous winner of the lottery. His kindness began to use everyone who is not lazy. Whoever asked him money, Andrew Whittacher could not refuse. A lot of amounts to the man sacrificed churches and municipalities.

Andrew Whittaker and his family were very happy to win a huge win

He gave out fabulous amounts a week to his granddaughters. As a result, a few years later one of his granddaughters died from an overdose of drugs. The second for an unknown reason died later. Whittaker divorced his wife. Business crashed.

From all sides, the calls were rained to the court for rape, harassment, fraud. Thus, people tried to get the money won by the Wittaker. Several times the house of Wittaker was robbed, thieves were able to take decent amounts. Andrew Whittaker himself also added to alcohol and drugs.

Important: Later Andrew Whittaker said that it would be better if he tore the ill -fated ticket in 2002. After all, the win did not bring anything good to the man or his family.

Winnings brought Andrew Jackson Wittakera continuous troubles

Denise Rossi

Important: money is a serious test for marital relations. The next story about the winner of the lottery is very instructive.

In November 1999, American Denise Russia won $ 1.3 million in the lottery.

Until that moment, she lived with her husband in a happy marriage for 25 years. Suddenly, the woman decided to get a divorce. Denise Rossi wanted to divorce as quickly as possible. The woman decided to do this so as not to share her winning with her husband. However, the secret could not be preserved. Thomas Russia accidentally found a letter that was intended for his wife. It offered legal assistance to those who received a big win.

As a result, Thomas Russia sued his spouse and won the court. Indeed, according to the law, the whole win should be shared in equal shares between spouses. The Los Angeles Court awarded the whole win to the Center for the deceived Thomas Rossi.

Folk wisdom says that greed gives rise to poverty. This happened in the case of Deniz Rossi.

They won millions. And lost them

Suzanne Mullins

Unlike her comrade -in -arms of succession, Andrew Wittaker Susann Mullins decided not to pick up the entire amount of the winnings at once. In 1993, the woman won $ 4.2 million in the lottery.

She signed an agreement according to which annually was supposed to receive $ 50,000. A reasonable decision, which was supposed to warn a woman from a premature spending of a huge amount.

But even this approach does not guarantee that the money will be spent wisely. Susann Mullins regularly received payments, but she lacked this money for a living. The family was mired in loans.

In 2000, the winner of the lottery was able to get the remaining amount of the winning at once. But this amount was not enough to pay off interest on loans. In the results, the woman remained with a debt about 150 thousand dollars.

Some manage to be left without money and debts

Billy Bob Harrell

The next chosen one of Mrs. Fortune and the winner of the lottery was an ordinary hard worker who laid out electric lamps on the shelves and believed in God. It was difficult to feed the family for a meager salary. Therefore, Billy Bob Harrell periodically bought lottery tickets in the hope of winning. Once he was very lucky.

Billy Bob Harrell became the owner of $ 31 million in 1997. He decided not to pick up his winning right away, but to receive $ 1.25 million annually.

The man immediately bought a house for himself, and also made gifts in the form of houses of five relatives. He gave all his relatives a car by car. Large sums of Billy Bob Harrell donated to the church. On the day of thanksgiving, he gave good gifts to the poor.

Harrell turned the money, he began to cheat his wife and spend money left and right. As a result, his wife threw him.

Important: a couple of years after the winnings, Billy Bob Harrell shot himself in his own house. The day before, he told his financial assistant that the lottery winning was the worst event in his life.

What sudden wealth does with people

David Lee Edwards

Important: a vivid story of how money can destroy a person’s life.

The winner of the lottery David Lee Edwards in 2001 won $ 27 million. He gave an interview in which he said that the dream of a poor man came true. David Lee Edwards believed that fate gave him a chance to correct all his mistakes in the past and start a new life.

But after winning, life did not work out the way a man wanted. As befits millionaires, David Lee Edwards began to spend millions on a luxurious life.

Together with his wife, the man bought a collection of expensive cars, a plane, a luxurious mansion, antique weapons, horses. They burned the money, not embarrassed and nothing to limit themselves. In the first year after the win, the man spent 3 million. Next year, the appetite grew - 12 million have already been spent.

Repeatedly both spouses were held accountable for the use and storage of drugs. David Lee Edwards and his wife spent money until they were left without a single penny. Further, they were forced to ask friends and friends.

David Lee Edwards died at the age of 58, full of loneliness in the hospice. The consequences of drug use have led to hepatitis. David Lee Edwards died in 2013, only 12 years after a stunning winner in the lottery.

David Lee Edwards: The winner of the lottery

Roger and Lara Griffith

Spouses Griffith managed not only to lose all the money won, but even divorced.

Until 2005, Roger and Lara lived as many ordinary families live. Everything changed the winnings of $ 2.7 million. The couple considered that all horizons and all paths are now open before them.

Finally, they were able to open their own business, while they decided to improve their living conditions. Griffiths bought a mansion in England, a luxurious Porsche, began to travel around the world.

Happiness did not last as long as expected. After 5 years, a fire occurred in the mansion. Most of the house was destroyed. Insurance could not cover all recovery costs.

According to the classic of the genre, the business of the Gryffites fell apart. There was not enough money to restore the mansion, the family was mired in debt and was forced to rent housing.

Griffith's family marriage could not withstand the strength of the strength with wealth and a sharp loss of all the best. Soon the couple divorced. Only memories remained from the winnings.

A large win can lead not only to its loss, but also to a divorce

Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova

In 2001, a fabulous amount of money fell on an unemployed Russian family from Ufa. Nadezhda and Rustem Mukhametzyanov won 29 million rubles, a very decent amount at that time.

The spouses led not a highly moraine lifestyle. They rumored that I bought hope for a ticket for a change. Apparently, the family did not particularly believe in their success and was not ready for such money.

Luck fell into the Mukhametzyanov family unexpectedly

At first, the Mukhametzyanovs celebrated their victory. They generously shared money with everyone who would turn to them: with relatives, friends, with strangers. The winners of the lottery bought apartments for two sons, teenage, a new apartment in the center of the city and a couple of cars of domestic brands. The rest of the money was lowered in the wind.

The Mukhametzyanovs did not know how to dispose of the money and where to spend it. They decided to spend money on a gorgeous life. But the paradox, the family did not know what a gorgeous life was.

Nadezhda and Rustem Mukhametzyanovs drank for no prominently. The lottery directorate provided the family as a financial director who conducted all their financial affairs. Soon, the distant relative of the Mukhametzyanov took the financial department in his hands. And the money began to melt much faster.

The Mukhametzyanovs have two sons who at that time were teenagers. They were arranged in prestigious lyceums, where they regularly missed classes.

Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova died 5 years after winning in terrible poverty. Relatives collected money for a funeral. Sons are now adult men who live with their father in one of the apartments purchased for a lottery kush. The remaining apartments are leased, due to this they live and do not work. Mukhametzyanov live very modestly, as all the money was wasted.

Nadezhda Mukhametzyanova

The morality of these stories is simple - to get a large amount does not mean to become a successful and rich person. With money, which, as if from the sky, it is important to be able to competently dispose of it, and this is not given to everyone. As you can see, our heroes could not properly dispose of fabulous money and remained with nothing. Many later said that the winning did not bring them happiness at all, even vice versa. Write in the comments if you managed to win a certain amount of money in the lottery and how would you dispose of your winning.

Video: TOP-10 winners of the lotteries who have lost all the money

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