The harm and benefits of beer for women and men. Are they getting fat from beer? Can I drink non -alcoholic beer?

The harm and benefits of beer for women and men. Are they getting fat from beer? Can I drink non -alcoholic beer?

Beer is the most popular drink. The article discusses the issues of the benefits and harm of beer.

Beer is the most popular alcoholic drink on Earth. Moreover, it is believed that beer is also the most ancient drink that a person has learned to cook.
The impetus for the emergence of brewing was the discovery of the properties of wild cereals. And when humanity has passed to growing wheat and barley, beer production began to be especially popular. In this article you will learn about the benefits and dangers of beer, as well as the connection between beer and a set of excess weight.

Beer - alcoholic drink

Beer - alcoholic drink

Of course, a modern popular foamy drink is very different from the beer that was cooked in antiquity. The taste of this alcoholic drink and methods of its production are distinguished. According to industry experts, modern beer is tastier, safer and even more useful than the beer that was cooked at the dawn of mankind. But is it? Let's understand.

Beer consists of:
• Water;
• malt (product from germinated barley grains and wheat);
• hops;
• yeast.

No matter how the technology of beer production changes, these four main ingredients were used in the production of this drink almost all the time. The exception is, perhaps, only hops. It began to be used to make beer only from the 9th century.

This is interesting: the presence of a hops in beer does not make this drink alcohol. Bitter alpha acids obtained from hops give beer a unique taste and aroma. But, most importantly, they act as preservatives and allow the drink to be stored longer without loss of quality.

Yeast is responsible for alcohol formations in beer. Current beer do not add alcohol. The process of fermentation is responsible for its presence in the beer. In addition to the production of alcohol in a drink, brewer's yeast add the thin shades of taste and aroma to the drink. According to legend, until the beer yeast was opened, to activate the fermentation process, the brewers dipped their pants with future beer.

Beer-a source of biologically active substances

Beer-a source of biologically active substances

Real beer is made only from natural products. With the correct production technology, the drink received at the “output” is quite vitaminized. Beer contains in large quantities B vitamins B (B1, B2, B6) and PP. In addition, this drink may contain other beneficial substances. They help improve metabolism and the production of red blood cells.

The beer also contains micro- and macroelements as magnesium, iron, fluorine, copper, phosphorus, etc. In the “non-orned” varieties of beer, the share of useful substances is even more than in the beer that the pasteurization process has passed. In such a drink, many amino acids and other substances necessary for our body are preserved.

Important: lactic acid and carbon dioxide contained in beer improve digestion. Most nutrients from this drink are easily absorbed by the body.

Due to the large amount of potassium (and practically the absence of sodium) contained in beer, this drink can help with hypertension. The hoppy substances that make up this drink can help with insomnia.

Beer: harm and benefits for women

He drinks beer
Beer: harm and benefits for women

The harm of beer is due to the presence of alcohol in this drink. Let the amount of alcohol be contained in small quantities, but it is there. Moreover, unlike strong alcohol, beer is drunk in large quantities. So, such an amount of alcohol enters the body that can be compared with alcohol from strong alcohol.

The harm of beer is also due to the fact that in our stores it is almost impossible to buy a “clean” beer. In pursuit of profit, breweries produces drinks that are difficult to compare with real beer. These drinks contain large quantities such harmful substances as sivuye oils, methanol and various aldehydes. These substances can not carry anything but health.

As for the benefits of beer for women, it is. The properly prepared beer should contain phytoestrogens. Useful for women biologically active substances.

Important: estrogens are sex hormones produced by the entire period of the reproductive age of a woman. The extension of youth and beauty depends on their development. Phytoestrogens are plant estrogens. Of course, they have nothing to do with sex hormones, but are also able to extend female youth.

But, there is one “but”. If the body finds external sources of estrogen, the production of its own sex hormones may decrease. That is why the abuse of beer can greatly affect the female body later.

Beer: harm and benefits for men

Alcohol is harmful, albeit in the quantities in which it is presented in beer. Alcohols, falling into the stomach, can inflaure its mucous membrane. In addition, frequent use of alcoholic beverages leads to cirrhosis of the liver and severe diseases of the cardiovascular system. Namely, these problems primarily concern men.

As for the “purely” male problems, beer can have a detrimental effect on testosterone production. Namely, this hormone is responsible for the success of a man in bed. But, that's not all. Frequent use of beer leads to the greasy degeneration of seed tubules in the parenchyma of the testicles. What can lead to male infertility.

Important: a toxic cobalt, a substance that most modern brewers add to stabilize foam in beer, can lead to various diseases of the stomach. Until the formation of an ulcer.

Are they getting fat from beer?

Whether they get fat from beer
Are they getting fat from beer?

Initially, beer was a very nutritious and high -calorie drink. He was even called "liquid" bread. But, today the production process and ingredients going to prepare this drink are slightly different. Modern beer does not lead to fullness. But, it contains alcohol and hopping compounds that cause severe appetite.

The calorie content of beer is extremely small. Total 45 calories per 100 ml. For comparison, in the same amount of vodka 230 calories.

Important: when drinking beer, alcohol suppresses the formation of glucose. Because of which there is an increase in the feeling of hunger. And a person eats food in more quantity than his traditional norm. Which over time leads to obesity.

It is also important to understand what to eat beer. These are usually harmful calorie products. If you combine one bottle per day with proper food, then the cause of excess weight can not become like a beer.

Blood beer: Composition

Today, brewers have learned to cook non -alcoholic beer as tasty as the one in which alcohol is present. There are three technologies for the production of non -alcoholic beer:
• suppression of fermentation;
• alcohol evaporation;
• dialysis (removal) of alcohol.

When fermentation is suppressed, special yeast is used, which do not completely convert malt sugar into alcohol. That is why the non -alcoholic beer produced in this way has a sweet taste.

When evaporating alcohol from beer, you can get a foamy drink in which the proportion of alcohol does not exceed 0.5% (less than in kvass). But, with this transformation, the taste of beer suffers.

A more perfect method is the removal of alcohol from already finished beer. Using dialysis, you can get non -alcoholic beer, the taste of which is no different from the taste of ordinary beer.

Important: the non -alcoholic beer produced by the dialysis method has the same benefit as the usual beer. But, due to the absence of alcohol in its composition, it is practically deprived of disadvantages.

Tips: how to drink beer correctly

Tips: how to drink beer correctly

Council #1. You can not mix beer with other alcoholic beverages. Even beer of the same brand, but different in the fortress, should not be mixed. With any mixing, beer loses its best properties, taste and aroma. In addition, it is harmful to the body.

Council #2. Beer needs to be poured into a clean and dry glass. Drops of water, the remaining particles of other drinks adversely affect the taste of this drink. If you drink beer from a bottle or jars, then it is not possible to reveal its entire aroma and taste.

Tip #3. Beer beer must be poured correctly. The glass must be put at an angle of 45 degrees. Pour beer slowly. So that it flows along the wall of the glass.

Council #4. In order to reveal the aroma and the unique taste of beer, you need to drink it without rush, in small sips.

Council #5. Beer cannot be hypothermia. Depending on the beer variety, the optimum temperature at which it needs to be consumed is +4 - +13 degrees.

The beer is not unambiguous. But, in moderate quantities it is useful. The still famous doctor of antiquity Paracelsus believed that 2-3 beer mugs per day not only could not harm the body, but even benefit him. You can agree with this legendary person. But, the main thing here is that beer is of high quality, and not the one that is sold in our stores.

Video. Beer. Harm or benefit? 10 facts

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