The temperature of the nursing mother: is it possible to feed the child? Breast temperature during breastfeeding: how to measure the temperature correctly? Increased and reduced temperature in a nursing mother: what to do?

The temperature of the nursing mother: is it possible to feed the child? Breast temperature during breastfeeding: how to measure the temperature correctly? Increased and reduced temperature in a nursing mother: what to do?

Momo milk is the best food for the baby. However, it is not always possible to quickly establish lactation. It takes 2-8 weeks to install the normal functioning of the mammary glands. During this time, the body is trying to understand how much food the baby needs. Therefore, hyperlactation or lack of milk can be observed.

What should be the temperature during breastfeeding?

If the nursing mother immediately after feeding or expressing the temperature will arrange an armpit, he will find that it is higher than the norm. Usually on the thermometer you can see values \u200b\u200bin the range of 37.0-37.4 ° C. This is absolutely normal, since after feeding, the muscles release heat, in addition, the temperature of milk in the ducts is above 37 ° C. Accordingly, to obtain reliable results, doctors do not recommend measuring the temperature with an armpit.

Temperature and lactation
Temperature and lactation

Reasons for changing the body's body temperature during breastfeeding?

Physiological increase in temperature is due to the process of milk formation. In addition, at the beginning of lactation it is not established. Accordingly, the chest can be overflowed and stretching from stretching. This process is also accompanied by an increase in temperature. But if the temperature rose above 37.6 ° C, other reasons should be sought. This temperature is not the norm and may be a symptom of a dangerous disease.

The temperature during lactation
The temperature during lactation

How to measure the temperature during breastfeeding?

If you measure the temperature in an armpit, you will get an inaccurate result. When breastfeeding on a thermometer, there are always more than 37 ° C. This is normal, therefore, to obtain adequate and true values, put the thermometer in the elbow bend. Just click the thermometer, bending your hand. In the hospital they measure in a inguinal fold or even in the mouth. True, the temperature in the mouth is also normal higher than 37 ° C.

If you suspect that you have problems with breasts, measure the temperature under both armpits. It may differ, but if higher than 37.6 ° C, we can talk about some kind of illness.

The temperature at Guards
The temperature at Guards

Is it possible to breastfeeding at temperature?

This is a separate topic, since earlier mom was taken from the baby and forbidden to breastfeed. Now everything has changed, and in most cases, if the mother does not take any serious drugs, it is not only possible to feed the baby, but it is necessary.

If the mother of SARS, there is no need to stop lactation, it is enough to put on the mask and try to spend less time with the child so as not to infect it. You can express milk and give it to the child from the bottle. With lactostasis, that is, blockage of the milk ducts, it is not necessary to stop feeding. The kid will remove milk from the inflamed area better than any dairy. Many mothers are scared by the brackish taste of milk in the presence of seals in the chest. It should be so, because at the same time sodium salts are suitable for breast tissues, and the taste of milk changes.

The salty taste of milk is in no way connected with the appearance of pus in it. If milk is normal with a brackish taste, you can feed the baby. Moreover, it is better to do this only from a sick chest. From a healthy breast, milk is expressed.

Lactostasis and feeding
Lactostasis and feeding

Reduced temperature during breastfeeding, causes

Reduced temperature during breastfeeding is rare. If this happens, most likely, a woman fell ill.

Causes of low temperature:

  • Anemia. This ailment is often found after childbirth. Gemoglobin decreases due to blood loss during childbirth, so a woman can feel weakness and dizziness
  • Disadvantage of vitamin C.
  • Thyroid ailments and adrenal glands
  • Overwork of power

Elevated temperature during breastfeeding, causes

There are many reasons for the temperature. This is not necessarily some kind of dangerous disease. Most likely, this is lactostasis or banal SARS.

Reasons for increasing temperature during lactation:

  • Inflammatory processes after cesarean
  • Poisoning
  • SARS
  • Mastitis or lactostasis
  • Endometritis

If you suspect that some fabrics after childbirth could remain inside the uterus, contact your gynecologist urgently. With untimely circulation, blood infection and even death are possible. As practice shows, women with endometritis rarely turn to a gynecologist on their own. They are taken away by ambulance due to an increase in temperature to 40 ° C. Do not launch the seams on the stomach after cesarean. If they constantly pull, hurt, pus oozes from them, contact the doctor.

Reasons for the temperature at the GV
Reasons for the temperature at the GV

How to increase the temperature during breastfeeding?

It is desirable to not appoint anything yourself. To increase the temperature, you need to sleep well and relax. After all, the cause of low temperature is overwork. In addition, it is worth passing the analysis for hemoglobin. If the temperature is provoked by a low concentration of hemoglobin, take iron drugs, such as maltopher. It is safe and it can be taken during breastfeeding. A diet is welcome to increase hemoglobin. Eat buckwheat porridge, boiled beets and baked apples.

Low adjustment temperature
Low adjustment temperature

How to lower the temperature during breastfeeding?

If the temperature appears sharply, you can drink ibufen or paracetamol. These drugs are allowed even to children, so there is no need to stop feeding the child. Many mothers refuse to take any drugs on GV, this is wrong, since you will make it worse for yourself and the child.

No antibiotics can drink it yourself. They can harm the child. Any antibacterial and antiviral drugs can only be prescribed by a doctor.


What are chills and temperature during breastfeeding?

First you need to decide what provoked the temperature. If this is lactostasis, then you will feel characteristic chest pain and seal. The chest will seem to be "burning".

  • To reduce the temperature, it is enough to take a warm shower and massage the chest, it can be very painful, but tolerate, otherwise you risk missing the seal. After that, press on the mammary gland in the direction from the armpit to the nipple
  • It is not necessary to press on the areola. You must free distant slices that are worst of all
  • After that, the cabbage sheet is beaten with a chip and cools in the refrigerator. We put such a compress on the chest
  • Constantly attach the baby to the sore chest. If very bad, you can take ibufen or paracetamol
  • If you do not feel pain in your chest, the glands are not hot and misconducted, then most likely the reason is not in lactation. Pay attention to overall well -being. If you have a headache, it breaks your back and muscle weakness, then most likely you were caught a cold. This is a banal SARS
  • If your stomach hurts, the discharge after childbirth intensified, urgently call an ambulance
Chills at Guards
Chills at Guards

High temperature during breastfeeding

A very high temperature during breastfeeding can be triggered by purulent mastitis. This ailment is accompanied by chest pain. When pressed on the iron, you feel pain. Redness and dent after pressure are not absorbed for a long time.

  • Be sure to try milk and evaluate its color. If it has become greenish and with an unpleasant purulent taste, express it and pour it out. You can't feed the child
  • With mastitis, antibiotics are prescribed, in advanced cases, surgical intervention may be needed
Chills at Guards
Chills at Guards

How to bring down high temperature during breastfeeding?

You can find information about drugs above. But if you do not want to take anything, try to lower the temperature without medication:

  • If you are very hot, undress. On the head and caviar, put the fabric moistened in a solution of the vault. You can just wipe yourself with cold water
  • If you have chills and very cold, get warm and lie down under a warm blanket. You need to sweat. To do this, drink warm tea
  • Drink linden, chamomile tea. You need to drink a lot of liquids
Reduce the temperature
Reduce the temperature

How to bring down high temperature during breastfeeding: tips

  • Do not stop the GV with an increase in temperature. Many mothers believe that milk is burning at high temperatures, in fact it is not
  • The amount of milk may decrease, this is normal
  • To stimulate lactation, apply the baby to the chest more often
  • With GV, you can drink antibiotics of the penicillin group
  • You can not take tetracycline and levomicetin. These drugs affect hematopoiesis and are prohibited at GV
Reduce the temperature
Reduce the temperature

Do not self -medicate. With a sharp increase in temperature, contact a specialist.

Video: How to knock down the temperature during lactation?

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