The theme “Multiple number” in English for children: the necessary words, exercises, dialogue, songs, cards, games, tasks, riddles, cartoons for children in English with transcription and translation for independent study from scratch

The theme “Multiple number” in English for children: the necessary words, exercises, dialogue, songs, cards, games, tasks, riddles, cartoons for children in English with transcription and translation for independent study from scratch

In the article you will find recommendations for the study of plural in English.

Rules on the topic in English "plural"

It is possible to learn how to make a plural in the preparation of phrases and sentences in English only when you learn the main rules of grammar.


Suffix-Sit is added to the nouns when you want to make many (plural). It is simply read “C” if it is placed after the deaf letters, and “Z” after the sonorous.

Construction of examples
Making examples

Other rules:

How to make a plural (rules)
How to make a plural (rules)
How to make a plural (rules)
How to make a plural (rules)
How to make a plural (rules)
How to make a plural (rules)
How to make a plural (rules)
How to make a plural (rules)
How to make a plural (rules)
How to make a plural (rules)

The necessary English words on the topic “plural” for beginners, children, list: what you need to remember

What vocabulary should be remembered to study plural rules:

English Translation
Plural Singular
Singular Singular
To make sentence in plural (Singular) Make a multiple (only) number
Suffix Suffix
Ending The ending
Word Word
Sentence Sentence

Exercises and tasks in English for children on the topic "Multiple number"

In order to consolidate the knowledge gained, you should choose exercises of various difficulties and, starting with simple, perform each oral and written.


  • Exercise number 1:You need to put each listed noun in a multiple form and write through a comma.
  • Exercise number 2:In these sentences, change the only number to the multiple and write down correctly.
  • Exercise number 3:The listed phrases must be put in a multiple form and record correctly through a comma.
  • Exercise number 4:Reveal the sentences by making the only multiple one.
Task number 1
Task number 1
Task number 3
Task number 2
Task number 4
Task number 3
Task number 2
Task number 4

Dialogue in English for children on the topic "plural" with translation

To fix the learned rules in the lesson in oral speech will help you draw up and play dialogs.



Cards in English on the topic "plural"

Cards for work and clarity are the obligatory elements of the English language lesson. You will be necessary for you to make the child remember the new material more qualitatively.


Visibility to the lesson
Visibility to the lesson
Grammar plate
Grammar plate
Card with exceptions
Card with exceptions
Calm card
Calm card

Games in English on the topic "plural"

Studying new material playing with the teacher is much more fun and interesting, so be sure to introduce gaming moments into the training process.


  • Find the right word: To do this, you should offer children a auditory dictation. Their task is to clap their hands every time they hear the noun in the plural.
  • Find the error: The teacher writes an incorrect multiple number of words on the board, the task of children to fulfill the role of the teacher and correct errors.

Tips for independent study of the topic in English "plural" for children and parents


  • It is possible to learn this topic qualitatively only when the material is presented correctly, understandable and affordable.
  • Choose not complicated exercises so that the child is not difficult to solve the tasks (best of all, those exercises that are designed for only one grammatical rule).
  • Teach the children to make sentences in the only and plural.

Video: "Multiple in English"

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