Taping the face from wrinkles: schemes, recommendations, efficiency, price, photo before and after

Taping the face from wrinkles: schemes, recommendations, efficiency, price, photo before and after

Perhaps we all want to look better, younger and more attractive. And since our face is in some way our business card, it is to him that we pay the most attention.

Today we will talk about the teipa of the face, learn to properly apply teip at home.

Taping the face: what kind of procedure is it, contraindications to the tensioning of the face

  • Before we begin to talk about the schemes and technique of the face of the face, a few words say what this procedure, what results can be achieved with its help about contraindications for the face.
  • Taping the face It is attributed to cosmetic procedures that help improve the condition of the skin of the face, eliminate wrinkles.
  • Besides, taping improves blood flow and lymph flow, And this, in turn, helps to remove excess fluid and, accordingly, get rid of swelling

Also, after regular taping procedures, the skin of the face is pulled up, the second chin is removed, wrinkles and goose legs are eliminated, and muscles relax.

Taping, imposition technique
Taping, imposition technique

Despite the fact that taping can significantly improve the condition of the skin of the face, this procedure is not suitable for everyone.

These are the contraindications for the face of the face:

  • Damage to the skin in the place where the tape will be imposed
  • Irritation skin
  • Any skin ailments
  • Diabetes
  • Any ailments of the lymphatic system
  • Any other diseases in the aggravation stage
  • Tumors, neoplasms

Very often we ourselves do not know what ailments we have, so we do taping the face at home Best after consultation with a specialist.

Taping the face: how to do it right, cosmetologists' advice

To get the maximum benefit of the face, it is important to do the procedure, taking into account the advice of cosmetologists.

Here are the main ones:

  • It is advisable to do the first procedure with a specialist in order to understand how to properly glue teip (special adhesive tapes, which are the main tool of the procedure), in what place.
  • Facial skin before taping It is mandatory carefully cleaned, this can be done by any means for washing. There should be no cosmetics on the face, especially fat creams.
  • Before tensioning, it is advisable to do light massage of the skinTo warm it up, accelerate blood flow.
  • You need to apply adhesive tape only to those areas on which this procedure is permissible. The eye area, places directly under the eyes should be avoided.
  • Glue tape so that in no case do not form cutting, folds.
  • Some sticky tapes so that they are better glued to the skin, you need warm up between the hands or rub them already glittering on the desired area.
Correctly gluing teips
Correctly gluing teips

Tipes are removed is not difficult, but sometimes they “hold” on the skin quite strongly. In no case do not urinate them with water and other means, this will only aggravate the situation - the glue will remain on the face. If you feel that you can’t remove the tape without auxiliary tool, use special tools to remove teips.

  • You need to take off the teips carefullySmoothly, according to the current of the lymph to the nearest lymph nodes or along the massage lines.
  • After you remove the teips be sure Moisten your face. For this, any nutritious and moisturizer, gel or serum is suitable.

You need to glue tape only after checking if you have an allergy to glue or the material from which they are made. To do this, cut a small piece of the tape and glue it on the hand, wait for 15 minutes. And evaluate the condition of the skin. If itching, redness, burning, etc. are absent, then you can proceed to cosmetic tensioning on your own.

Taping the face from wrinkles

Wrinkles are enemies of all women, and if earlier it was a problem of more mature women, now wrinkles can be seen even in young 20-year-old girls. Fighting wrinkles is quite difficult, however, it is possible. Proper tensioning of the face from wrinkles gives noticeable positive results. Therefore, if you want to get rid of this problem, take the following scheme of the face of the face from wrinkles.

We eliminate the wrinkle near the eyes:

  • Prepare the teip width no more than 2 cm. The length should be such that there is enough to the zone from the eyebrows to the cheekbones.
  • Remove protective paper from the tape and glue its middle part near the corner of the eye from the outside.
  • We fix the upper part of the teip near the eyebrow (external angle). Now slightly rub the glued places of the tape so that they hold better and start to "work".
  • We fix the lower part of the tape without tension, lowering it to the cheekbones. Now slightly rub this part of the teip, doing this from its middle down.
  • Repeat the procedure with a second eye.

Based on the fact that the skin in this area is very delicate, sensitive and vulnerable, all manipulations need to be extremely careful. The glued teip must be removed no later than 3 hours later. You can repeat the procedure after a few days, depending on the sensitivity of the skin.

Taping the face
Taping the face

We eliminate the face of the wrinkle on the forehead:

  • You will need a wider teip - approximately 5 cm.
  • We look at the forehead, determine where the middle is located, we glue the tape into this place. We do this immediately over the eyebrows without rising above.
  • Then placing the hand on the top of the head, Pull the skin up, smoothing wrinkles.
  • Draise the teip from the bottom up on the top of the forehead.
  • The tape itself should not be in tension.
  • We remove the teip after a few hours.
From wrinkles on the forehead
From wrinkles on the forehead

We eliminate the wrinkles between the eyebrows:

  • Prepare 1 tape about 5 cm wide, the length is such that it is enough to the zone from the bridge of the nose before the hair growth line on the forehead. Having prepared such a strip of teip, cut it along in half, without cutting 1.5 cm.
  • Prepare another 1 same tape, but cut it in half to the end.
  • Glue the unfinished tape Between the eyebrows. In this place, the base of the teip (unstable part).
  • The remaining 2 ends are glued from the nose to the forehead. After the manipulation done, we get the letter “V”.
  • Now we glue the remaining 2 strips of teip. They go to the zone over the eyebrows. First, glue the basis of the teip, then pull the skin upwards up, Putting the palm near the hair growth line, then do the tape to the end.
  • Remove the teip in a few hours.
Taping face, photo
Taping face, photo

We eliminate the wrinkle around the mouth:

  • Prepare 2 tapes with a width of 1-1.5 cm and about 10 cm long.
  • Top the lower lip so that the skin under it is slightly pulled. Stick Tip under the lower lip, Fixing its ends in the cheeks.
  • After top the upper lip, put the tape above it, fixing it in the cheek area over the first teip.
  • Make sure that the ribbons do not bend anywhere and do not break.
  • Remove the teip in a few hours.
Taping face, photo
Taping face, photo

Facial Taping: Nosogly folds        

The presence of deep nasolabial folds confuses many women. For this reason, many women are trying to get rid of ugly grooves in a variety of ways.

Taping nasolabial folds - a great solution to the problem:

  • Prepare 2 strips with a width of not more than 1 cm, about 5-7 cm long. At the same time, it is necessary to round the edges of the strips with scissors.
  • Remove 1 cm teip, remove the substrate.
  • The adhesive part of the tape glue to the wing of the nose.
  • Next, remove the remaining substrate, glue the remaining teip on the nasolabial fold.
  • Check that after the manipulation, the corner of the lips will rise up, and not fall down.
  • Slightly Rub the teip upwards.
  • Repeat the procedure on the other side of the nose.
  • After the first procedure, it is advisable to remove the teip for an hour. Next, you can walk with him for 2-12 hours.

Tip in this place will help relieve swelling, muscle spasm, will make the skin more elastic.

Taping nasolabial folds: video

Taping the face from edema

Edema is a serious problem for many people. If you encounter a swollen face after sleep, switch after eating a lot of salty or drink a lot of water, you should try on your lymphatic drainage of the face from edema. Taping the face in this case will improve blood flow and lymph flow, make the skin of the face more elastic and elastic.

  • Prepare 2 tapes about 1.5 cm wide and about 6-7 cm long.
  • Crubate corners on 2 tapes, but only on one side.
  • Cut each strip into 3 identical strips, Without cutting to the end of about 1 cm (the base of the teip - the unstable part should be rounded).
  • Remove the teip so as to remove the substrate from the base.
  • We glue the base on the temporal part, a little above the corner of the eyebrow. Clay without tension. It turns out that 3 cut ribbons “look” down towards the cheek.
  • Now we remove the substrate from the tape, which is closest to the eye, glue the teip Under the very eyebrow.
  • We glue the middle tape just below the eye cavity and even lower the remaining tape with glue. All tapes are glued without tension.
  • After a little rub the teip and leave it on your face for 2-4 hours. Then, carefully remove it.

Video: Taping the face from edema

Taping the face from the second chin

The second chin is a complex of many people, because it happens that even in a slender person he hangs and spoils the entire appearance. If you are faced with such a problem, solve it with the help of the face in this zone.

  • Prepare tape about 5 cm wide And such a length that it is enough from one ear to the other through the chin.
  • The resulting fold the tape in half And cut the free edges in the middle by 3 cm, round the ends of the tape.
  • Now tear the teip, or rather its non -melodious part, in the middle and along the edges with each individual tape.
  • Rejoice your head slightly back - it will slightly stretch the skin on the chin. Initially, glue the teip on the chin, slightly climbing onto the lower jaw. It turns out that the middle of the tape is already glued and on the sides there are freely not glued ribbons.
  • Now remove the substrate on one side of the teip and glue it with movements from the bottom up, but without a special stretch.
  • Then remove the substrates from the cut pieces of the tape and secure them near the parliamentary and subsidiary lymph nodes.
  • Repeat the same manipulations with the remaining ribbon.
  • Check that the teip does not tighten the skin, does not lower the corners of the lips.
  • You can do such a procedure within a month. Walking with a cashed teip is permissible for 12 hours, that is, You can glue it at night.

Video: How to get rid of the second chin using a teip?

Taping the face from Brylya

They wandered or in a simple sag of the cheeks, very spoil the appearance of the face, because even if you are the owner of a beautiful appearance, then stretched skin and sagging muscles spoil the whole picture. Bryli appear due to the fact that the skin ceases to be elastic and elastic, the muscles lose their tone, or due to a set of extra pounds. And if the last reason can be dealt with quite simply, then the rest is not so easy to eliminate. Despite this, there is a way out - aesthetic taping from Brylya for tightening the oval of the face.

  • Prepare 2 strips of teip about 5 cm wide and such a length that the teip is enough from the earlobe to the middle of the lifting zone.
  • We cut each strip alongbut not to the end - we leave the base of about 3 cm.
  • Now we tear off the non -adhered piece of paper from the base and glue it near the ear by capturing the zone of the jaw and the zone of the neck.
  • Then we remove the non -adhered piece of paper from the cut pieces and glue them - one along the lower edge of the lower jaw, the other - just below the previous one.
  • After smooth the teip, We check that it is correctly glued.
  • We repeat the procedure on the other side of the face.
  • You can walk with such a teip for about 2-5 hours., Then you need to carefully remove it.
From Brylya
Taping the face from Brylya and the second chin

Taping the face for neuritis

The facial neuritis is a serious disease, which is manifested by weakness of the muscles of the face of varying degrees, as well as disorders in the work of the organs of smell and hearing. Of course, the face is not able to cure the ailment itself, however, it is able to significantly accelerate the rehabilitation process, improve the general condition of the patient.

  • It is important to understand that with neuritis of the facial nerve, only a professional should be engaged in tensioning. Independent teip imposition is possible only with the permission of the doctor.
  • Prepare 2 strips of teip about 2.5 cm wide and about 10 cm long. Cloth the edges of the stripes
  • Now one strip cut along In half up to the middle.
  • Tear off the paper base in the place where the strip remains unstable.
  • Glue the base of the teip on the face at the middle of the ear.
  • Then tear off the paper base at the cut strips and glue them: the top closer to the hair growth line, the lower one is a couple of cm below it (above the eyebrow).
  • Next, take a previously prepared strip and cut it to 3 parts, Also leaving the unstable base in about half the strip.
  • Tear off the paper base based on the teip and glue it on the base of the first teip (on top of it).
  • Then we remove the paper base from 3 cut strips and glue them: the upper one is above the upper lip, the middle is under the lower lip, the lower-along the lower part of the lower jaw.
  • It turns out that 2 strips of teip form one continuous teip with branches in the upper and lower part of the face.
  • Now prepare again 1 strip of teip 2.5 cm wide and about 5 cm long, The edges are rounded. Then cut it up to the middle into 3 strips.
  • Remove the substrate from the base of the teip and stick it into the middle of the previously resulting teip.
  • After that, remove the paper base from the cut strips and glue them: the upper one - to the zone of the lower eyelid, the middle one at the beginning of the nasolabial fold, the lower - 2 cm below the average.
  • You can keep such a teip up to 8 hours. The procedure can be repeated within 5 days, after making 2 days of the weekend and repeat the course.
  • Do not forget that before applying a teip you need to exclude allergies to it.

Video: Taping the face for neuthy facial nerve

Taping the face: before and after

  • If you have seriously thought about learning to do the right to do your face at home, a book will come to the rescue "Aesthetic taping of the face and body", The author of which is Dilya Shcheglova. Shcheglova Dilya is a neuropathologist, a certified specialist in tape, the author and developer of the course "Aesthetic Taping of the Face and Body."
  • Taping results really surprise, and you yourself can see this by looking at the results before and after or after testing the tensioning of the face on yourself. As you can see, the procedure significantly improves skin quality, makes the skin of elastic, fit, eliminates wrinkles and folds, leads the muscles to tone.
Taping the face, results before and after
Taping the face, results before and after
Facial Taping Results, photo
Facial Taping Results, photo
Taping the face, photo before and after
Taping the face, photo before and after

Facial Taping: Price

The price of the face of the face will depend on many factors, and the main one - you will do the tape yourself at home or seek help from a specialist.

  • If you do taping faces at home, then the price of the procedure will be equal to the price of a teip.

Tape 2.5 cm wide and 5 m long costs about 300 rubles, 3.75 cm wide and 5 m long - about 500 rubles, 5 cm wide and 5 m long - about 650 rubles. It is worth considering the fact that teips are different (material, manufacturer) and this also affects their price.

  • If you seek a specialist for help, the face of the face will cost you much more. The price will depend on the problem that you want to solve the tape, experience of a specialist, etc.
  • The approximate price of the 1st procedure is the face of the face 500-700 rub. So that the procedure is effective and give the result, it is necessary to make it at least 5-10 times.
You can do teiping and at home
You can do teiping and at home

Taping Faces: Reviews

  • Marina 35 years old: “After 30 years, wrinkles on the face became deeper and more noticeable. I tried several creams, but did not notice any special results, and then came across information about taping. Without hesitation, I tested this procedure on myself, I am satisfied with the result. ”
  • Irina, 50 years: “On the 50th anniversary, the children presented a certificate for the procedure for the face of the face. Of course, I did not have any ideas what it was, but the youth explained and begged to try it all the same. To say that I am satisfied with the result is to say nothing. At the age of 50, the face looks younger, more tightened and well -groomed than 45. ”
  • Christina 28 years old: “Despite her age, she always suffered from edema on her face, tried both diuretic and special diets, but only the taiping of the face helped. Now I wake up a normal person with a rested, fit and beautiful face. ”
  • Anna, 44 years old: “And I always had a different problem, although I am slender, but the second chin hung. I decided to try the taping of the face and was very pleased. In combination with massage, I got an excellent result. ”

If you have no contraindications for the face, be sure to try this procedure. The result will certainly please you, because a fit, elastic skin without wrinkles is a dream of any woman.

Useful articles about beauty:

Video: Aesthetic Taping Facial

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Comments K. article

  1. By the way, the truth is a great thing! I practice myself! But it is worthwhile to understand that this is only one of ... because the skin needs an integrated approach. I must take Evalarovskaya hyaluronic acid (she has a good dosage. In the online store I order a phytomarket, so conveniently) and try to drink more water to moisturize the skin. As a result, I am completely satisfied with its appearance))

  2. By the way, the truth is a great thing! I practice myself! But it is worthwhile to understand that this is only one of ... because the skin needs an integrated approach. I must take Evalarovskaya hyaluronic acid (she has a good dosage. In the online store I order a phytomarket, so conveniently) and try to drink more water to moisturize the skin. As a result, I am completely satisfied with its appearance))

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