Drawing technique with crumpled paper in kindergarten, school: master class. How to draw flowers, lilac, landscape, spring, dandelion with crumpled paper?

Drawing technique with crumpled paper in kindergarten, school: master class. How to draw flowers, lilac, landscape, spring, dandelion with crumpled paper?

Lessons of non -traditional drawing techniques: crumpled paper, polyethylene.

Drawing non -traditional methods is a simple and interesting drawing technique. This is a great opportunity to teach a child to use well -known objects as artistic materials.
The ease of execution allow small pens to freely fantasize, inspiring confidence in the child in their abilities.

Drawing technique with crumpled paper and plastic bag in kindergarten, school: master class

Drawing techniquepolyethylene package

Option 1

  • Dilute the paint in a small saucer
  • A piece of polyethylene is well crushed
  • Dip in paint
  • We make an imprint on the sheet
  • Next, we finish the necessary details with a brush

Option 2

An extraordinary, spectacular background is created using polyethylene film and watercolors:

  • We very greasily paint over a sheet of paper with watercolors. If you mix different colors of the same tone, you get a more structured background
We put watercolor densely
  • We apply polyethylene in diluted water, make folds with our hands
We squeeze the film
  • We leave the film on the sheet for 10 minutes. We do not remove it at once - the watercolor will grow and the effect will be lost
  • This method can be used not only for the background. They look original: the greens of an exotic flower, crystals, veins at plant leaves
Unusual background with polyethylene

Drawing techniquecrumpled paper

As in any creative work, in this method there are no established requirements and restrictions.
Next, we consider the basic phased steps. Over time, an understanding of the essence of the method will come, then rebuild it in any direction.
For example, a diverse thickness of paper material allows you to make acute or smooth, thin or thick strokes. In your work, you can use watercolor, gouache, mascara, acrylic. And someone may want to cook natural dye from fruit juice and berries. After all, the quality of the paint has a strong effect on the finished pattern.

Choose the method you like

We proceed:

  1. We start with the preparation of paint. Choose the necessary tones for the future drawing
  2. Pour a small amount of water into each separate saucer
  3. Add a little watercolor with a brush. We adjust the color level with a density, but leave the gouache with a liquid
  4. We tear any paper into shreds
  5. Roll them into lumps of convenient volume
  6. Each palette select an individual paper piece, prepare a little additional, just in case
  7. Dip the lumps in a saucer with diluted paint
  8. We are waiting a little while excess water leaves
  9. We apply stamps on a clean sheet of paper, forming a conceived pattern
  10. Using sliding movements, we make strokes and stripes
  11. We create textures with lumps with lumps on paper
  12. Everything is simple and easy

How to draw flowers with crumpled paper?

  • To begin with, we crumble the paper. This is a very entertaining process for children, in addition, developing fine motor skills
Preparatory stage
  • Then we draw the sprigs of the flower
  • We throw the branches thicker
  • Add thin branches and leaflets
We form a flower trunk
  • Diping paper lumps in the color of the selected flower
  • We form the petals, leaving traces on paper
  • The flower is ready
Unconventional way of drawing flowers

How to draw lilacs with crumpled paper?

To work, prepare:

  1. Paper - A4 format
  2. Gouache - purple, white, yellow, blue, black, green
  3. Brush - flat to sketch the background
  4. Brush - thin for drawing parts
  5. Palette
  6. Water
  7. Madly soft paper

We begin the creative process:

  • First draw a yellow background with horizontal stripes
  • Add blue lines, erode the boundaries of the connection
  • We draw a vase
VAZ sketches against the main background
  • Put the flower branches in a vase
Punies in a pot
  • We take crumpled paper and dip in a purple paint diluted at the palette
  • We form lilac flowers spots in the figure
  • Then we highlight them with the help of white
  • Using a thin brush, we make scraps with white gouache in some places
  • We look through the whole drawing, if necessary, add a little more white color
The bouquet is almost ready
  • We revive the bush with green leaves
  • Draw white bends on greenery, as shown in the figure
  • A simple but beautiful bouquet is ready
Lilac with crumpled paper

Video: Drawing with crumpled paper: Lilac

How to draw a dandelion with crumpled paper?

Nothing is easier than drawing an air flower in this way - no.

  • We make the background with the help of a wide brush: the sky is blue, grass is green
  • We draw a brush bright green twigs of dandelions
  • Remember the paper
  • Dip in yellow or white paint
  • We apply to the twigs
  • We get cute flowers
Spring primrose
  • In the same way, we make delicate yellow flowers on a green, background grass
Easy to draw dandelions

How to draw a landscape with crumpled paper?

It is very easy to draw a winter forest with crumpled paper.

  • We begin to draw the sky from dark tones, gradually turning to lighter, almost white
  • We go to the image of snow. The principle of the approach is direct: the top is light, the bottom is dark
The background of the landscape
  • Carefully crush the pieces of paper
  • Dip in white watercolor
  • We form clouds, pressing the paper to the sky
  • The higher the clouds, the closer they are to our figure
  • We make small clouds in small pieces of paper, large - voluminous
  • Draw a dark horizon line with a brush
  • We apply strokes of the Christmas trees throughout the drawing with a narrow brush
  • We do not draw the details, under the snow they will not be visible anyway
  • We draw nearby figures larger, as we remove - we reduce
  • We wrap the Christmas trees in the snow, using crumpled paper and white paint
  • We do everything carefully, not in a hurry
  • Adjust the size of the paper for large and small trees
We portray snowy spruce
  • We get such a beautiful winter forest
Snow Christmas trees

How to draw a spring with crumpled paper?

We prepare:

  • Multi -colored paints
  • Steaches with water
  • Brushes
  • Paper

We go to work:

  • Divide the sheet into three wide horizontal stripes of blue, yellow and green tones, using a wide brush.

  • We make prints of different densities so that the sky is diverse. We get openwork clouds.
  • The main color of spring is green. We portray the spring landscape in the prime. The grass is rapidly turning green. Stamp it with lumps of paper with soaked green color. We throw the shape of a tree with the same color.
  • Add a warm breeze, tilting the impression on the side of the wind.

  • Spring changes nature into multi -colored clothes. We portray the first spring flowers: yellow dandelions, red poppies, blue bells.

  • Fantasize. Add any signs of spring mood to your drawing: a bright sun, a cheerful stream, birdhouses, a rainbow. All in your hands!
Spring mood in drawings with crumpled paper

Drawings with mint paper for sketching

Shaggy cat
Bright asters
Beautiful roses
Frosty cold
Snow blizzard
Beautiful bouquet
Fairy tale characters

Non -traditional materials and techniques in the development of drawing skills contribute to development in children:

  • Fine motor skills of the hands
  • Tactile perception
  • Orientation in space on a sheet of paper
  • Glazomer
  • Visual perception
  • Attention and perseverance
  • Thinking
  • Observation
  • Aesthetic perception

Help the formation of control skills and self -control.

This is not only an interesting and entertaining activity, but also very useful.

Video: Drawing with crumpled paper

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