A rash in a child on the face, stomach, on the legs, back, a pope and on the body: Reasons. What to do if the child has a rash and itching?

A rash in a child on the face, stomach, on the legs, back, a pope and on the body: Reasons. What to do if the child has a rash and itching?

In this article we will talk about rash in children, about what it can be and when it is about allergies, and when about infectious diseases.

  • Anxious symptom in form rash u baby is a sign not only possible allergic reactions, but and development more dangerous diseases. Experienced dermatologist or infectious disease specialist not difficult define character rashes and put loyal diagnosis
  • But what the same do parents, which not can figure out in origin these spots and dot. We we will try tell about possible symptoms rash and about disease, which she is maybe correspond
  • For beginning let's we will figure it out what such rash and what species she is maybe to be.
  • Herself rash is primary manifestation different pathological reactions organism on the change states in body

She is happens the following species:

Knot or papule looks, how hillock and not it has recesses or holes, her dimensions s average from 1 mm before 3 cm in diameter and her maybe find it
Blisters present yourself education without cavities, which rises above surface skin, hypersium and itching
Bubbles have cavity with lid, them the size it is before 0.5 cm in diameter, cavity them filled transparent liquid (serous in efficiency). If a these dimensions exceed 0.5 cm, then education called bubble
Pustule or pusterer similar on the bubble, but content education purulent
Spot manifests itself change colors skin in defined place and his dimensions can to be different
Roseola represents yourself spot in diameter before 5 mm, which maybe have color from palepink colors before red
Hemorrhagethis is bruises or hemorrhages under skin and have view spots or small points

After cure rash can stay various traces, which called secondary elements rash in form rubtsov, pigmentation, scales, erosius, abrasion, ulcers or cracks.To begin costs with yourself common reactionsallergic rashes.

Symptoms allergic rash u children

Symptoms of an allergic rash in children
Symptoms of an allergic rash in children

Basic symptom, certainly, this is availability themselves rashes. At manifestation contact allergic reactions rashes arise in places contact with allergen (cream, diapers, things wild with certain powder and t.d..).
If a rashes connected with manifestations food or medicinal allergic reaction, then rashes can arise on everything body, or on the goals, buttocks and cheeks.

Hyperemia individuals sites skin pokov
Appearance different elements rash (blisters, vesicula, rosoeols, spots and t.d..)
Annoying itching, often his not maybe tolerate
At damage elements rash can arise wounds or erosion
Child very brought, appetite bad, dream violated

Time appearance rashes depends from forms pathology, which maybe to be acute or chronic.

1. At acute manifestation rash arises practically straightaway after contact with allergen and often legalized in areas cheeks and upper parts torso (in folds)

2. If a rashes not pass on the length 6 weeks, then should talk about chronic form pathology. Symptoms rash not differ from acute reactions, but general well -being suffers much stronger. In addition reduced appetite, bad sleep and irritability child starts lose in weight, his view it becomes pale, exhausted and tired

AT thoracic age allergic rash called atypic dermatitis and, often, it has chronic flow. Periods exacerbations such allergic reactions change long periods remission. AT thoracic age allergy most often is food.

Why u child rash spots on the body?

  • Of course reasons rashes maybe to be lots of, we we will analyze only part from them. However reading, not try put diagnosis on one's own, so how for this necessary pass the examination and pass defined analyzes
  • And so, let's start with most frequent the reasons rashes in form spots it becomes allergic reaction. At allergic rashes can arise scarlet heel in result contact with allergen. So the same allergy maybe manifest red points on the certain sites bodies or everywhere
  • Allergy so the same maybe show myself in form nettlersthis is redness, externally similar on the burns. Those who often prostious allergic reactions, how rule, know how treat such rashes. However if you first noticed similar rash costs urgently turn to doctor

Psoriatic rashes so the same look on the body how red spots. Distinguish such rashes can on characteristic peeling and presence scales. it genetically determined disease, which fully not cULTIONAL and subjected only therapy for excretion in condition remission.

Psoriatic rashes
Psoriatic rashes

Vitiligo so the same it has in quality symptoms appearance on the skin red spots. General well -being patient at this not suffers. These rashes maybe temporarily put away at help medication therapy.

Sclerodermamore one disease, which on the skin manifests itself red spots. it disease congenital and it has autoimmune origin. AT result impact own immune systems suffers connective the cloth. At this disrupted work the smallest vessels blood supply and arise characteristic spots.


it only some diseases which manifest red spots. Anyone manifestation symptoms requires diagnostics and correct treatment.

Why u child rash on the face and head?

Appearance rash on the face baby enough frequent phenomenon.

Often this is total only manifestation adaptation to conditions surrounding wednesdays. And arise she is maybe how on the face, so and on the head and on the everyone body.

Why does the child have a rash on his face and head?
Why does the child have a rash on his face and head?

AT dependencies from symptoms, which accompany these rashes, need decide with reason this phenomena.

There is lee temperature, pain in throat u baby and other manifestations diseases. So how rash maybe have not only benign flow and pass on one's own, but and wear infectious character.

Most often meet diseases, which manifest rashes can become:
Chickenpox (rash in form bubbles on everything body and head)
Erythema infectious (big spots cO light center)
Measles (initially rash amazing face, a then distributed by on the all body)
Scarlet fever
Roseola (rashes pink colors, which not go on the length near 5 days)
Rubella (common rashes on everything body, which disappear through 5 days)

So what diagnostics diseases and differentiation allergies from infections very important and requires special attention u children.

The reasons rash on the stomach and legs u child

Reasons this rashes maybe to be several:

let's more details we will analyze how show myself rashes at everyone from lesions and let's get acquainted with a photo:

1. Measles is infectious disease. At this rash manifests itself after several days, after togo how was noted climb temperatures. Present pain in throat at swallowing, cough and runny nose. Rash initially arises on the face and head, a then covers all body. Spots at this enough big and rise above skin.


2. Smallpox windy manifests itself rash, which so the same in beginning diseases it begins with faces with subsequent distribution on the all body. First arises reddish spots, which then they become bubbles, filled serous liquid. Then bubbles dry and it is formed itching crust. Maybe increase temperature bodies.

The smallpox is windmill
The smallpox is windmill

3. Rubella characterized rashes, which in beginning diseases formed on the face and in bends joints. Usually child at this the fever, present signs poisoning, occipital lymph nodes enlarged. Rash similar on the small points, which sharp disappear after several days.


4. Scarlet fever manifests itself symptoms sore throats u child, rash at this arises on the 3th day after beginning diseases. Spots not too much big and distribute on everything body. Local temperature skin in area rashes rises. After disappearance rash leather peeling

Scarlet fever
Scarlet fever

5. Allergy arises sharp after contact with irritator. At this rash on the touch relief and maybe accompany others signs allergic reactions. Arise rash maybe where most, at this u small children she is not painted and not very noticeable


6. Scabies shows myself in form soft, filled liquid blisters. At this rashes strongly itching. Located rashes paired on the distance several millimeters friend from friend. The most the first rashes always arise between fingers hands


7. Traces after bites insects often confused with symptoms different infections. Leather in place bite inflamed and itching, at combing covered crust. Such rashes pass on one's own

Traces after insect bites
Traces after insect bites

The reasons rash after antibiotics u child

If a rash arose in result treatment baby antibacterial drugs, then reasons this can serve:

Allergic reaction
Dysbiosis in result reception drug

If a this is allergic reaction, then will arise she is practically straightaway after reception the first dose funds. At this need immediately stop reception antibiotics and turn to doctor per consultation and for therapy consequences reception medication.

Causes of rash after antibiotics in a child
Causes of rash after antibiotics in a child

AT cases dysbiosis in result reception antibiotics and occurrence rash on the this background, your path must lie through gastroenterologist and dietary food. At this assigned therapy for recovery normal microflora intestines child. Exactly on this reasons on the row with therapy antibacterial drugs assigned reception bifidumbacterina and probiotics.

Why u child small rash with temperature?

Reason high temperatures more often total is infectious disease, although and allergic reaction not exception and maybe provoke hyperthermia.

All depends from external species rash, possible options which we described above. Each rash and character her occurrence tell about disease, which she is belongs.

Why u child small rash without temperatures?

1. Practically all infectious diseases accompanies climb temperatures. Without hyperthermia rash maybe arise at defeat skin scabies. Rash maybe hit pens, legs and tummy baby, so the same buttocks and crotch, internal surface hips.

Reason these rashes is scabies mite, which the settles in superficial layers skin. AT result his penetration and life arises strong itching and many children comb these rashes before blood. Itching more intense total in night time day.

Why does the child have a small rash without temperature?
Why does the child have a small rash without temperature?

2. So the same without hyperthermia maybe flow pyoderma. Rashes at this not itching and scattered chaotic on everything body. it bubbles with purulent filling.

Subsequently bubbles burst and dry, after falling away grayish crusts traces not it remains. General condition child enough vigorous. This view rash so the same requires adequate therapy

3. Hivesview allergic reactions, which the externally similar with burn and it is treated respectively allergic reactions. He so the same not gives increased temperatures bodies

4. More one view rash without temperatures is erythema. it chronic disease, which initially manifests itself on the face, then on the bends joints and wrists. Often rash manifests itself on the back sides brushes and stop. Child it becomes nervous and with a tearful. Rash looks how reddened bubbles, which inflamed and fatherly, leather cracks, a from cracks sitting serous liquid.

U child causes small rashwhat do?

AT anyone case not let's to kid comb rashes, so how this is damage skin and maybe bring to additional infection comb.

Htoob decide with tactics treatment necessary turn to doctor for inspection and staging correct diagnosis. So how from correct diagnostics depends correct treatment.

Treatment rash u child on the body: drugs and funds

Treatment of rash in a child on the body: drugs and drugs
Treatment of rash in a child on the body: drugs and drugs

If a you discovered rash u your own child necessary spend the following events:

  • The doctors should call home. it need and for staging faithful diagnosis and in avoid infection others children in moment visits clinic, if this is infection
    At high temperature maybe to be suspected meningococcal infection. AT this case necessary urgently call ambulance help
    Doctors not recommended on one's own smear rashes neither ointments, neither zelenka. Doctor must adequately estimate all picture diseases. Independent therapy it is forbidden categorically
  • What concerns medications, then for everyone diseases exists row ointment and funds, which assigned exactly for therapy diseases, which it was discovered in everyone specific case.
  • Be attentive to to your own health and to his own kids!! We the same we wish to you and yours children health.

Video: rash - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. The child had a rash on his feet and arms when we picked up the coksaki. Only I did not know this, but as the doctor said, I was in shock. And they were not at sea, but the child was ill. We were treated for a long time and then there were still consequences, in the form of peeling nails.

  2. And we fell ill at sea ((and I didn’t let the pool swim, and on the third day the rash went. The doctor prescribed some medicines and additionally I gave Enterosgel, which I so successfully took with me. Thanks to him, we easily endured this nasty sore , the removal of toxins and harmful substances is still important.

  3. Of course you need to understand. For example, I thought that the allergy began, but somehow strange on the ass only, but it turned out to be diaper rash. So the pediatrician advised the pantenolsprey to buy and process them. So I took the original with Smile in the pharmacy and a sign was produced in Europe, redness went away, everything is fine.

  4. thank you for the article.

  5. I also thought it was a rash. But it turned out that diaper rash appeared on the skin (

  6. Lera, so you need to process them. I have already got a trick, only I see the child’s redness in the child, I immediately begin to use a panthenlsprey with a smile and a sign is produced in Europe. I really like this tool.

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