The properties of citimon and its action, composition, form of release, dosage, contraindications, side effects, overdose. Citramon increases or lowers pressure?

The properties of citimon and its action, composition, form of release, dosage, contraindications, side effects, overdose. Citramon increases or lowers pressure?

A painting drug known to everyone is not only effective, but can also cause a lot of side effects, which is important to know about.

Today there are a huge number of painkillers. This category includes citimon - a universal drug that helps eliminate different types of pain. How to take citramon? What qualities does he have? What is part of the medicine? You will learn all this from our material.

Citramon properties and its action

  • Citramon contains important active elements. The modern drug has some differences from the classic medicine. It also consists of analgesics and antipyretics Phenacetin. But many manufacturers no longer include traditional components, for example, cocoa beans, since they do not have significant healing properties.
  • The new citramon still has its own nature of the influence of a beloved brand.
  • The drug Citramon is considered a means that can facilitate a variety of pathological conditions, disorders of the nervous system. Citramon belongs to the group of analgesics, in its composition they are combined acetylsalicylic acid and psycholeptic.
From pain
From pain

Since citimon contains strong components, it has the following effect on the human body:

  • Anti -inflammatory. Eliminates inflammation, inhibits the development of cyclooxygenases and the formation of regulators, as well as intermediaries of the inflammatory process. Citramon is useful during the acute period - when the acute stage of the disease develops, inflammation is of protracted in nature. The medicine is valid for the central nervous system, thanks to it, the TsOS-3 enzymes cease to spread. Citramon has a positive effect on peripheral tissues - it neutralizes oxidative and recovery enzymes in cells. As a result of this process, the salt balance is not disturbed, the water is not delayed in the body, the volume of fluid inside the vessels ceases to increase, and so on.
  • Anesthetic. Citramon weakens, eliminates pain due to the central mechanism of the antinociceptive effect. It reduces pain, kills prostaglandins in cells. Citramon is especially useful during acute pain, migraine, arthralgic pain syndromes. By its own strength, Citramon is very reminiscent of ketorolac, metamizole. However, the medicine has no side effects.
  • Antipyretic. Citramon is able to control the fever, reduce the strong temperature, and normalize it. Thanks to the tool, the synthesis of prostaglandins is blocked, due to which the thermoregulation system is actively rebuilt. To quickly lower body temperature, the drug is used by adults. There are certain restrictions for children. Since citimon can act on the liver, it cannot be taken by children, adolescents during SARS.
  • Anti -aggregate. Thanks to the citimon, blood is thinned, platelet aggregation slows down, loose platelet plugs are not formed. Citramon also improves blood circulation of muscle tissue, brain and all organs.

Citramon: composition, form of release

Since today Citramon It is produced by many manufacturers, the composition of the product changes slightly, but the number of main components is still preserved.

The classic form contains the following substances:

  • Acetylsalicylic acid. This is a non -steroid component that affects inflammatory processes that reduces the permeability of each capillary, limiting the energy supply of inflammation, which affects the hypothalamic center of thermoregulation, the pain zone, diluting blood.
  • Phenacetin. This substance today was eliminated from the main recipe, because side effects occurred because of it.
  • Caffeine. This substance is considered alkaloid, belongs to the Purine row. Thanks to the component, the central nervous system is stimulated, all the functions of the respiratory and heart system are normalized, blood vessels expand, the urinary process is enhanced, the pulse is accelerated. Caffeine also has a strong impact on the physical activity of a person, his performance.
  • Cocoa. It has an antidepressant, stimulating effect.
  • Lemon acid. It has a positive effect on the biochemical reactions that occur in cells.

Citramon is produced by many well -known manufacturers. Each pharmacological company offers its own option that is characterized by the composition.

Citramon p

  • The composition of the medicine is present, as in other types of drug, paracetamol. This component affects the central nervous system, the thermoregulation zone, and pain.
  • Together with other substances, caffeine enhances the healing properties of paracetamol, which is considered an important, indispensable component of drugs.
  • Citramon cannot be taken by adolescents, since it contains acetylsalicylic acid. Older people can drink the tool, but they must adhere to special instructions.
Contraindications are also present
Contraindications are also present


  • The next commercial form of the known treatment agent. The composition contains all important components.
  • There are also additional substances: citric acid, potato starch.

Citramon Darnitsa

  • This is a very popular option among consumers. Children, younger than adolescence, the drug is not recommended.
  • The composition contains all the same components that are added in other means of this category.

Citramon ultra

  • Tablets that have a thin shell in the form of a film on top.
  • The maximum permissible number of tablets per day is 8 pcs.


  • This treatment drug is considered combined.
  • These tablets are prescribed for weak and medium pain in the severity of pain.
With not severe pains
With not severe pains


The composition includes the same components that are in other forms of the drug.

The pills of each manufacturer are light brown. Their surface is heterogeneous, there are small intersperses, the smell of cocoa powder. Pills are produced in a blister of 6 to 10 tablets.

Citramon: Instructions for use, dosage

Citramon is available without a prescription.

  • However, taking the medicine must be coordinated with the attending doctor-therapist. It is recommended to take no more than 8 tablets per day.
  • If you decide to give preference to Citramon Forte, then no more than 6 tablets.
  • In order to prevent side effects in the digestive tract, the medicine must be drunk after eating, washed down with water.

We advise you to take citramon according to the following scheme without violating the dosage:

  • If you have headacheWe recommend taking 1 tablet.
  • For elimination of dental or severe headache Drink 1 or 2 tablet 3 times a day.
  • Periodic pain syndromes, for example, during the menstrual cycle, you can eliminate by drinking 1 tablet every 4 hours.
  • The course of therapy can be a maximum of 10 days.

The instructions of some types of citramon indicate that it is allowed to drink medicine for children over 12 years of age. But certain types of the drug contain an increased concentration of active substances (for example, citimon forte). Therefore, doctors recommend taking 1 \\ 2 standard dosage of the medicine or choose a safer counterpart.

Features of the use of citimon are as follows:

  • Before you start taking the drug, carefully study the instructions for the medicine. Also note what precautions there are.
  • Long -term use of this drug requires regular laboratory control of the liver and kidneys, blood condition.
  • Due to the fact that the drug contains acetylsalicylic acid, when taking the medicine by children to eliminate acute viral disease, a risk of occurrence is possible Ray syndrome.
  • If the patient is prescribed an operation, the doctor cancels the intake decrease blood coagulation.
Is it safe?
Is it safe?
  • A patient who is allergic to one or more components of the citimon should take the drug carefully, having previously received the recommendations of the doctor.
  • Prolonged medication can lead to poor deduction of uric acid.
  • The acting substances interact with many other drugs. But before taking citimon and additional drugs, it is necessary to consult a medical worker.
  • Citramon does not affect the functioning of the nervous system.

Citramon: Indications for use

The main indication in which it is prescribed to drink Tablets of citimon - the treatment of fever, pain of an inflammatory nature of various conditions.

The effect of citramon on the patient's body is as follows:

  • Reduces body temperature during an acute disease, SARS, influenza.
  • Eliminates the headache of different origin.
  • Causes with toothache.
  • Eliminates the pain syndrome that occurred in muscle tissue or joints.
  • It can overcome the pain that occurred due to aseptic inflammation of the peripheral nerves.

In addition, citimon is prescribed in order to reduce pronounced pain during the menstrual cycle in women.

Citramon: Contraindications for use

Citramon is a common drug. But despite this, he has some contraindications:

  • It is possible to lower the liver, as well as the kidneys.
  • Intolerance to one, and possibly 2 components that are present in the drug.
  • If the patient has an information about bleeding from the stomach, a 12-type intestine or intestinesEven if it was transferred in the past.
  • In the presence of hemorrhagic diathesis, which may be accompanied by poor blood coagulation, severe bleeding of thin vessels.
  • You can not take citramon to pregnant women on the 1st and 2nd trimester.
  • Citramon is not recommended for those women who feed the baby.
  • If the patient has high intraocular pressure.
  • Children under 12 years old. Some species can be taken from 15 years.
  • With severe excitability of the nervous system.
  • Also, you can’t drink people who have impaired sleep, insomnia often appears.
Is it possible?
Is it possible?

Before you start taking the medicine, consult your doctor. He will determine the presence or absence of contraindications.

Citramon: side effects, overdose

As the reviews of patients and medical workers show, due to an overdose and prolonged use of the drug, weak poisoning occurs. A person is worried:

  • Dizziness
  • Entrance reflexes
  • Pain in the abdomen
  • Noise in ears
The side effect is not excluded
The side effect is not excluded

If the poisoning is severe, a person may encounter the following unpleasant consequences:

  • Constant desire to sleep.
  • Prostration.
  • Complicated breathing.
  • The patient will decrease the ability to think quickly, he will speak poorly, slowly respond to what is happening around him.
  • The patient may have: bleeding, convulsions that threaten life.

When these signs appear, a person needs to rinse the stomach urgently.

Side effects are not excluded against the background of citimon:

  • Nausea, a person refuses to eat, he has pain in the stomach.
  • An allergic reaction, the occurrence of bronchospastic syndrome, rash on the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Dizziness, strong heartbeat, sharp pressure drop.
  • Lowering of vision, hearing deterioration.
  • If the patient during the intake of citimon is consumed by alcohol, he may have bleeding in the stomach, intestines. The electrical drug is not compatible with other NSAIDs or derivatives of acetylsalicylic acid.
  • In order to exclude the appearance of side effects due to the adoption of several drugs, you need to inform the doctor.

Citramon increases pressure or lowers?

Since in Citramone contains such an active component as caffeineby accepting this tool you can increase pressure. Be sure to consider this fact if the pressure is already constantly higher than the norm.

Video: citimon and pressure

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