Wedding toasts in verses and prose for newlyweds - from parents, guests, witnesses, friends, sisters, brother: the best selection

Wedding toasts in verses and prose for newlyweds - from parents, guests, witnesses, friends, sisters, brother: the best selection

A large selection of wedding toasts in verses and prose to congratulate the newlyweds on the birthday of their family.

Wedding toast in your own words for newlyweds from guests

Wedding toast in your own words for newlyweds from guests

Wedding toast in your own words for newlyweds from guests:

  • Raising this glass of sparkling champagne, I would like to wish our newlyweds billions of pleasant hours together. Drive your feelings, do not waste them on empty quarrels and disputes. Always remember this bright day in which you have become happier. And remember, every person for happiness, you need a like -minded person who can support and cheer. Therefore, just be support for each other and in sorrows and in joy. Bitterly!
  • My dear, I know with what impatience you were waiting for your wedding. And now I see really happy people in front of me. You really are two halves of one whole. On this day, I want to wish your love to be strong every day, and even after 100 years it resembles a rose that is fragrant with a drunk aroma. And so that my desire becomes a reality, just be tolerant of each other, try not to notice small and annoying mistakes, support in difficult times. Well, of course, do not forget to smile at each other, waking up in the morning. Be happy!
  • Dear newlyweds, today there were a lot of pleasant words to you. I join all previous speakers, And I also wish you great human happiness. Well, I will add a little serious notes from myself. My dear, remember that the family is a huge work, and both my husband and wife will have to work. Be prepared for the fact that dark clouds will appear on your horizon. But if you go through life hand in hand with a smile on your face, then the most gloomy clouds will be very quickly replaced by a colorful rainbow, and your life will again sparkle with bright colors, and will be filled with warm emotions. Bitterly!

Wedding toast of the bride and groom - words of gratitude to guests

Wedding toast of the bride and groom - words of gratitude to guests

Wedding toast of the bride and groom - words of gratitude to guests:

  • The happiest day is in full swing. It is filled with the aroma of happiness, love and fun.Othe day, an important day for us made a bright, joyful, warm and memorable you, our dear guests. At the festive tables, the people closest to us gathered that we value and whom we love. Thank you for being with us today! We hope that you liked our holiday, and with great joy you will come to visit us many more times.
  • Today we have heard a lot of pleasant wishes that we will try to bring to life with all our means. Your delicate words and spiritual speeches, we warm our souls and made happier. The sincerity and sincerity of your words proved to us that people who really love us live around us. Thank you for everything! Now let's continue to have fun and make our wedding as enchanting as possible.
  • Our relatives, thank you for sharing this beautiful day with us. We were warmed by your smiles, warmly emanating from your souls, and all this made our wedding of the most beautiful in the universe. We are grateful to you for every wish, for lovely flowers and unbridled dances. Without you, our wedding would be boring. We promise you many times to invite you to our family celebrations.

Short wedding toasts in your own words

Short wedding toasts in your own words

Short wedding toasts in your own words:

  • Dear newlyweds, I sincerely want to congratulate you are with the birth of your family. I wish you both simple human happiness, and let it not overshadow it and troubles.
  • Today is an important day, from now on you will go through life of the same road. I wish it to be without steep turns, large pits and deep cliffs. Let your young family life be easy and pleasant.
  • Dear newlyweds, thanks for invited me to my holiday. I want to wish you many happy years together. Be always full of energy, multiply your love for each other exponentially.
  • I look at you, and my soul rejoices. Love glows in your eyes, special warmth and light come from you. Try to save them for life, because this is the only way you can live a long, and most importantly, happy life.
  • Today is rich in warm smiles, fun, mental warmth. These emotions make everything around more colorful and beautiful. And thanks to these positive emotions, this beautiful day will be remembered by absolutely everyone. Dear newlyweds, I wish you that your whole family life be as beautiful as your wedding celebration.

Wedding toasts in prose - pleasant wishes

Wedding toasts in prose - pleasant wishes

Wedding toasts in prose are pleasant wishes:

  • The union of two lovers is a kind of book that two people write. And what it will be dependent solely on them. Raising this glass, I want to wish the newlyweds so that the book of their love turns out to be romantic, sincere, and have a happy ending. I wish you a honey, long and most happy life together.
  • Once one wise man said that only love and support of his native soul can Give a person real happiness and peace. You were lucky with dear newlyweds, fate brought you on the path of life, and you were able to understand what was created for each other. Today you began to build your family hearth, which will warm your souls all your long life. I would like to wish you that your hearth always glowing with the fire of love, passion, tenderness and fidelity.
  • Family is a ship floating in the stormy waters of human being. And so that the family ship does not drown and does not get a leak, it is necessary to control it correctly. The husband and wife must replace each other in time at the helm, so that the one who currently holds him in his hands can relax and gain strength in order to continue to sail through the stormy course. I wish your family ship to fall only into the whirlpools of love and passion, and often be in a quiet harbor.

Wedding toasts and wishes to young people with humor

Wedding toasts and wishes to young people with humor

Wedding toasts and wishes to young people with humor:

  • Dear newlyweds, I wish your love to live forever. Let her all your life warm the heart in love, giving pleasant minutes of bliss. I want to wish the bride of patience, wisdom and ability to forgive. Indeed, in life different situations come from, and from them you need to come out correctly. I wish the groom to become a real support of his soulmate, a real earner and defender. Be very vigilant, because you got a treasure, which other representatives of the stronger sex can be taken care of.
  • Love is a delicate flower that needs to be looked after every day. Therefore, do not be lazy, and feed your feelings with pleasant emotions, passion, tenderness. This is the only way the flower of your love can live forever. I wish you to grow old together, live a long, happy life, and let it be beautiful and bright as a rainbow.
  • It is difficult to imagine the relationship of lovers without tender and sweet kisses. This is a peculiar manifestation of ardent feelings that people write. I wish the newlyweds that they kiss them and after 20, 30, 50, 100 years of marriage, to be sweet as honey, they forced the heart to beat faster and gave unearthly pleasure. Let's drink for the sweet kisses of our newlyweds and wish them a happy life together. Bitterly!

Wedding toasts with poems - warm congratulations

Wedding toasts with poems - warm congratulations

Wedding toasts with poems - warm congratulations:

I raise my glass
For the happy young!
So that God give you kids,
And spare nerves.
I wish you happiness
I will pray for the young!
There will be a strong family
To the strands of your gray -haired!

Let the compass of life indicate the path
You can’t turn off from his road.
Who means more - the scales will solve
Who lived longer will decide the clock.
And only now we decide now
Who will kiss more strongly. Bitterly!

For you, the bride and groom, I raise a toast.
For the fact that they paved between two hearts you are a bridge.
You have connected two hearts for centuries,
Let your shoulder be touched by the most delicate hand.
Behind him, his wife, as in a fairy tale, the queen will live,
He will give her husband affection, he will cherish him.

The rings connected you
And from now on you are a family
I wish you many years
Happiness, joy, kindness!
So that everything turns out in life,
Never swear
To always live in the world,
So that love always blooms!
For the family, for you today,
I will only drink to the bottom
I wish you a sweet life,
You never know the troubles!

Young, you are good,
After all, you are a family from now on
Two rings and two souls,
So that you always love!
And I drink to the bottom for you,
I have been in a hurry to desire for many years,
So that there are a century together,
Closer than you, no longer!

I will raise my toast for the young
For their family, for happiness and for joy,
I want to wish them wealth,
And so that their dreams come true!
Kids to you healthy and obedient,
To be for everything, there is always enough strength,
So that the union is strong, the best,
So that there is prosperity in your house!

For the bride and for the groom,
I propose to drink
And from now on you are a family
You need to get used to it!
Everyone should share now
Bitterness, fun,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Be in the mood!

The toast is said for the young
For love, their consent.
I came for parents
We are the turn to raise a glass.
And no difference to us, honestly,
Whose groom you are, the bride.
We give gratitude to you
And bow to your feet!

Wedding toasts for young in verses and prose

Wedding toasts young in prose

Wedding toasts are young in verses and prose:

We were invited to the wedding
And they treated wonderful
I will say toast:
So you can love
To give birth to children
So that they do not meet grief!
So that the order in the house is,
So that the Holy Spirit lives there,
So that God give patience,
And he helped you all!
To live together for a long time,
About two hundred years!

We wish our newlywed
So that their path in life is successful,
So that the house is always a complete bowl,
Life every day is brighter and more beautiful!
Let the sun shone brightly,
Let the children bring you joy,
So that together a young couple
To live to the golden wedding.

Wish you happiness,
Good luck,
I wish you fun and laughter in addition,
I wish you health, I wish you enthusiasm
In the family so that there is no drop of discord.

Now, a wonderful evening
At the wedding table
I want to congratulate you
With your day.
Love to you, friends dear,
Love to you and advice.
Live your life happy
Live up to a hundred years.
You still have everything in the future
All more ahead
Live together, fun.
Bon Voyage.

I wish you at your marriage
There was a “quality mark” big!
So that you have brought love you a torch
Before your wedding "Golden".
I wish the eternal mountains
Love alone, but for two,
Health, vitality, patience
And all the joys of earthly.

You have a lot of things today:
Friends, smiles and flowers
You have one road now
The dream is one, one love.
And this day will not happen again
Manage to cherish happiness.
And God give you, as they say,
Not to go astray from the Wide path,
Do not freeze, do not stumble,
You can fall in love even more
And keep these feelings!
Congratulations on a legal marriage!
There are no more joyful minutes!
We wish you a good thing
Great happiness, long years!

Strong happiness, tenderness and passion,
Fidelity in friendship, life, in love.
Kiss more, swear less,
You will go together in life.
Be beautiful, be happy
And the mother -in -law, mother -in -law will be satisfied.
Be healthy, always satisfied,
Let the advice and love will be with you!

Cool wedding toasts in verses and prose

Cool wedding toasts in prose

Cool wedding toasts in verses:

So that there is no quarrel or anger in the house,
So that the house is visited by the desired guests,
So that the fun of the laughter is here,
So that even melancholy choke with laughter.
So that there is no excess in your offspring,
And the norm for you is only 10 children.
May engineers, artists, artists,
Teacher, writer and hockey players.
And if you want to have an astronaut,
Buy one more in the store.

Congratulations to the newlyweds
We wish them love and happiness,
Husband - obey his wife
And love her alone,
And to his wife - to give birth to kids,
Cute, glorious huts!
We are waiting for you from you heroes
And beautiful-doors.
And we also wish you
You will always be young
We are golden for the wedding
Do not forget to invite.

We wish to live up to a hundred years,
Always have a peppy look,
Be so young,
And not soon become gray.
To eat excellent children,
The grandchildren of the glorious to educate.
Both great -grandmother and great -grandfather
Be sure to become you!

Love for all ages,
As a wise classic spoke.
So let the Amur bended between you
He flutters without sparing strength.
So you show you to meet
He’s hearts, as they say!
Let you "cripple" you with arrows
From January to December.

We wish to live for many years,
It is true to love and be loved.
In life, anxiety and grief do not know -
This is what we want to wish you.

Let your days be gloomy,
Let happiness boldly enter the house,
Let you be warm with laughter,
And from love is light around!
Let it be moderately joy, to the best of sadness,
Frost and heat - everything will be in moderation,
And only happiness will be let
Always beautiful and immense.

Love, family! What could be more valuable?
Crystal vessel, full of roses,
A gift of stars, the basis of happiness,
For many, only the source of dreams.
Take the gift carefully in your hands
Like a flame a light candle
Do not lose heart, carry
Through all obstacles and swords.

Wedding toast sister in verses and prose

Wedding toast sister in prose

Wedding toast sister in verses:

We are in a parental house, sister, with you
For many years they lived together and grew up together.
And today you have become a happy wife
And we won’t share clothes with you.
You now have your own house and family
Everything will have to be yourself, it is no longer up to boredom.
Let your chosen one love and appreciate you!
Do not pull with children: mom and dad are waiting for grandchildren!

You, sister, we give
For the husband-here, handsome-vyatyaz!
Live happily together
And multiply, and breed!
Yes husband, as now, wrapping
And remembering the kisses,
The same fry to you love
And after five decades!
We wish you, son -in -law
In life of poor, viscous
Sister - your bride - take
And surround it with warmth and affection!
Yes, how much is waiting for you: the bed is waiting for you ...
We drink, and you kiss!

My sister is dear, what a happiness!
Today is the day of the connection of two hearts,
Dreams came true, and like a princess in a white dress,
Leads you (the name of the groom) to the crown.
He, of course, was lucky with you,
There may be no more people like you in the world.
You are so smart, you are so kind, you are so beautiful,
And you dance - you enchant the whole world.
And although you often quarreled with him, it happened
But your feeling was able to overcome everything,
And from adversity it has only become brighter
In the hearts of your lovers burn.
You, (the name of the bride) beloved, we wish,
So that your couple is the most friendly,
So that you seem to you both autumn and winter
Unlucky happiness and warmth!

My favourite sister,
Today you have become a wife
I wish you happiness and good
On a wonderful holiday, this is yours!
Let the wedding bring joy,
Let your husband always love you
And only happiness in life awaits,
And let the trouble go away!

On your wedding day
I am glad
I will congratulate you
Ten times in a row!
I wish you all
The most
The best
The lightest!
Today you are life
You start again
Let everyone come true
Your thoughts are cherished!
I wish you happily
Live for many years
Always be beautiful!
Love and advice!

Oh, beloved sister!
I want to hug you!
On the day of your wonderful wedding
A sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness will wish!
The sky will be in diamonds!
Yes, the kids are a “bunch” right away!
Both boys and girls
In blue - pink diapers!

My sister is dear
I drink for you today,
And I wish you happiness
Take care, love your family!
Harmony to you and prosperity
And never swear,
Let everything be all right
And be next to me!

Wedding toast to the brother in verses and prose

Wedding toast brother in prose

Wedding toast to the brother in verses:

You are happy, endlessly glad:
Mistress, girl,
You take a beauty in your wife, brother ...
She is glad with yours too
Combine your fate,
To sing a song, hear a fairy tale ...
After all, no matter how much the thread curls
Get her to the eyeballs!
Put a bunch of kids
With his wife, simple and sweet!
And I am all lovely tribes
I already love with all power !!!

Native brother, close friend,
I am present at this wedding.
And tears gives me not onions,
And the joy of your answer!
Shine a hundred bright stars
In love, the most beautiful to each other.
Go through the kilometers of miles
Only together and in any blizzard!

My brother will marry today
And his life will change.
You will become a family man,
Now you must be straightforward.
I wish you a lot of happiness,
And so that you have lived with your wife for a very long time.
Look, there is an angel in the sky,
Hurrying to give my gift!

My beloved brother!
I love you.
And with this day beautiful
Today I congratulate.
Let the wedding be bright
The bride is the best itself
I am the city to give gifts
And life to miracles.
So that the sea is happiness,
Luck, good luck,
The wife loved you
And your own cottage.
My brother is dear!
The empty angel protects
Your family peace
And life protects ...

Our brother is well done -
He brought such a bride to us!
And proudly led the aisle,
And we made a fiesta!
Brother, you don't disgrace us!
Many your wife regularly,
And do not argue too often with her,
And everything will be gorgeous for you!

Brother has a wedding! Congratulations!
And on this wonderful day to him,
Congestly, sincerely wish
Do not know the remorse of the torment!
Let it be a loving spouse,
And the kids will soon grow up
And in the summer in the color meadow
Let me run towards dad run!

My brother will marry today!
He is now, like a sultan, rich:
The pocket is cracking from the money!
Champagne is already hissing,
And waiting for an hour,
When the bride will enter the hall!
Let your day be joyful,
Let it be not laziness in the evening
So gently express your ardor,
So that the first -born was more!

Wedding toasts from godfathers in verses and prose

Wedding toasts from godfathers in prose

Wedding toasts from the godmother in verses:

I wish you a variety of blessings!
Live for a long time only like this:
Not knowing the quarrels, disagreements, troubles,
In love and happiness for many years.
And if, say, sometimes
The trouble will come unexpectedly
Shoulder to shoulder fight with her -
Two pairs of hands are much stronger!

On this solemn holiday
You need to wish a lot:
Happiness, love, understanding in everything,
Living is good, interesting and amicably.
But the most important thing is that trouble
Your house has always been bypassed,
So that your main guest is always
Family happiness was.

Feel free to be in love
And cherish love,
To you newlyweds
They could call all their lives!

It’s easier to go through life with love -
Everyone knows about this.
Consent in life achieve,
Live up to a hundred years.
Always respect each other,
Love to you and advice!

What to wish you?
Of course - happiness!
It is everywhere: in flowers, in dreams,
Sometimes in music, sometimes in bad weather,
Sometimes only in expensive eyes.
Let the trouble not touch you,
So be happy always!

The wedding is dancing from the crown,
Flates the ribbons.
Hearts are engaged
To applause.
No for sadness forever
Time and place,
If bitter to the groom,
The bride will sweeten.

Congratulations to the young
We wish you a lot of happiness
Let it pass in life
Any bad weather.
Let the river with a honey
Your life is flowing
And, as a month young,
Your son will be born
Your daughter is like poppies color,
In comfort to mom.
Well, how many of them will be
You decide for yourself.

Remember this minute forever,
May she be sacred.
Now you are not just a bride and groom,
From now on - you are a husband and wife.
And let any misfortunes pass you,
Let the flame go out in the blood.
We wish you health. We wish you happiness.
We wish you strong love!

Beautiful wedding toasts in verses and prose

Beautiful wedding toasts in prose

Beautiful wedding toasts in verses:

Congratulations, newlyweds!
And we want you to wish you happiness,
Every day to be in love
And never lose heart!
Dry more children,
To make the family hard,
Live, rejoice and flourish,
Let only friends surround!

Today we are shouting "bitterly"
We want to congratulate the young
Let a couple of doves like
Love leads to you in life.
We wish you children to raise
And getting it up with your happiness!

Wedding! Wedding! In this sound
A lot of happiness and good.
We cordially click your hands
And we wish you in the morning
And do not be angry until night,
Live and live together,
Do not load at work,
On the way home - dream
About hugs and affection,
In general, you live -
As if in a fairy tale!

I wish you young love
Huge joy without measure!
Appreciate the moments from the heart,
With hope to live together and with faith!
And let's drink, to the bottom,
For these glorious words!

Let your love be -
The most joyful, beautiful!
Full sensual spring dreams,
And bright, like a morning dawn.
I offer this toast,
And I drink for your happiness!

We drank for the young
We drank for their happiness.
And now the turn has come
Raise a glass for parents!
For those who raised and raised
Who did not sleep many nights,
Before the wedding of children, he lived -
And today I became happy!

I want to drink with you for love
Which as an ocean is vast.
Which is clean, like a sky,
Who does not know the barriers in anything,
Which calls for exploits,
In love with lovers, inspires.
And he collects us at the wedding together.
Let's drink for love!

Your most important day has come
He is the most joyful and glorious,
The happiest, dear!
Solemn, bright and native.
He is the worst, the worst, sweetheart
Well, in general, he is the only one!
Although life is not smooth,
After all, sometimes problems come,
Let everything be all right
And be happy always!

Original wedding toasts in verses and prose

Original wedding toasts in prose

Original wedding toasts in verses:

Love, family is only in your power.
Crystal vessel, full of roses,
Gift of the sky, the basis of happiness,
For many, only the source of dreams.
Take the gift carefully in your hands
Like a flame a light candle.
Do not splash out and carry
Through all obstacles and swords!

For you, young, blue palaces
In all cities they create
So that there are gold in memory, gold,
When you are called a family.
Live together, love each other,
May life be full of happiness!
Store loyalty, grow children.
For all this - drink to the bottom!
So that the life of a young one is not in vain,
To have, what to remember,
I wish you your golden wedding
To celebrate this table!

We wish you happiness without sadness
We wish friends not upset,
So that pain and grief in life do not meet,
And the joy in life did not end!
Let there be spring among the winter and summer,
Let there be a lot of light
And let everything happen to happen -
After all, for this, it was worth marrying!

We wish you great luck
So that your life is richer,
So that you have success in everything,
So that you live happier than everyone!

We wish you a variety of blessings!
Live for a long time only like this:
Not knowing the quarrels, disagreements, troubles,
In love and happiness for many years.
And if, say, sometimes
The trouble will come unexpectedly
Shoulder to shoulder fight with her -
Two pairs of hands are much stronger!
It still remains to wish
Good children to educate -
Girls a bunch and guys -
Well, in a word, a whole kindergarten!

Today, angels are spinning
Above the heads of the young!
We wish to resist
Together to them to the gray hair!
Let happiness be endless
The road is light, without interference.
And let the house sound careless in the house
Cheerful, sonorous children's laughter!

On this day you have friends,
His family was born!
We wish you today
So that your house is always your house!
So that harmony and joy
Settled next to you!
Our dear guests,
Do not skimp you to toasts!
Let's drink for that, friends,
To a new family
I gave birth to many children
I was resting on the Caribbean!
So that the house is a complete bowl
Our newlyweds!

Wedding toasts funny in verses and prose

Wedding toasts funny in prose

Wedding toasts funny in verses:

So the weddings waited!
If you want, you don’t want to, but have fun!
All at the table sit together
Young people need to congratulate you!
Pour the piles full,
The first toast is for the young!

Like the wings of a mountain eagle
Husband and wife are similar in agreement.
On a wave of one wing
The flight cannot be successful.
I wish that I am a toast
Consent to the newlyweds,
To get your flight
Throughout my life successful!

Let's raise full glasses
At our wedding table.
And, as expected, first
In honor of the young toast we will say.
With all my heart we wish them,
How to do it for a long time
So that love is strong,
How good wine is;
So that life is their full bowl,
From which happiness cannot be left;
So that the groom with our bride
Together in love to live a hundred years!

Let it be a long road,
Let only happiness wait on the way,
Love, hope, there is a lot of faith,
To make it easier for you to follow it.
Both from friends and relatives
Let's raise the toast for the young!

Let the word at the wedding: "Bitter!"
It sounds very loudly.
Loud - bitter!
For the whole universe - bitterly!
We drink for the love of young people!

At the wedding there is an unspoken law:
Calling should not silent glasses.
The first is for the health of the young,
The second glass - to them of the remote children,
The third glass is for happiness and fun,
And the fourth to us - on a light hangover!

With all my heart, we wish you
Good health, and let
Your wrinkles will be so,
Sorrow and sadness will come down from the face.
Today is a happy day today
Do not count relatives, friends.
Fun, music and jokes,
At the wedding, you are your children.
You raised them, it was difficult
You lost peace and sleep.
For all anxieties and worries,
Earth and low you bow!

Good wedding toast in verses and prose

Good wedding toast in prose

Good wedding toast in verses:

Young people have a special day today.
There will never be others.
From now on, they go the same way.
Love each other for many years.

From now on, you have to share with each other
Both joy and sorrows in half.
And give the spouse and spouse
Attention is more than other matters.
And on this day in this beautiful room
Both relatives and friends gathered,
All those who knew you from the diapers
And with whom the student brought together the path.
Flowers, gifts, congratulations, toasts -
Today everything will be for you!
So raise the glasses, guests,
Our first toast for the happiness of the young!

We wish you health, we wish you
And give each other a soul without a trace.
However, leave a little to the children,
We will be happy to meet their appearance!
We are glad to the boy, and we are waiting for the girl.
And you can immediately, you can together.
It is clear that the expenses are large with twins,
We will help with money, because not strangers!
And the year old after fifty
In the company of children, grandchildren, great
A glass of milk, and perhaps not only
Let's raise and shout to you with pride: "Bitter!"

Live cheerfully and amicably,
Turn up if necessary.
But know the matter tight
That you can’t live without each other,
That you cannot be sad at all ...
Friends, let's shout "bitterly"!

Become a support to each other,
Happiness and part of one.
Woe, sadness and blizzards
Let them fly by.
Let it be preserved for years
Gentle strong feeling.
Together in love and hardships -
In this family, art!

Any will become a hut,
The good wife reigns!
She is more expensive than all wealth
More expensive pearls and gold!
I drink, more confidently, vote with a glass
For the choice of the groom - for young!

Wedding toast from the parents of the groom in verses and prose

Wedding toast from the parents of the groom in prose

Wedding toast from the parents of the groom in verses:

In honor of your wedding - congratulations and toasts,
For you - a banquet and petals of beautiful roses,
Conduct of cars and dressed guests,
And traces of happy tears shine before our eyes.
May there be joy and fun in your life,
The care of everyday life will not overshadow love.
Let amazing, bright moments
They give you tenderness and worry your heart again.
Let the hardships dissolve in kisses,
The cold leaves from the arms of warm hands.
We wish you a feeling of carrying you in years,
And let you never have separation!

All the best to you in life and health,
Wealth, peace and warmth.
A family warmed by love,
Always reliable and strong.
So that your union is only a joy,
So that the children are near you,
You, young, will just say to you:
Live together, at good time!

Wedding ... how much in this word
Prospects, hopes, aspirations.
But in the middle of the sea congratulations
Do not forget about the basis:
For a happy life together
It’s not enough just to live with each other -
Only love in any blizzard
Save your marriage by honor!
So love mutually
All dead years
Let family weather
It will never be winter.
Let it always be glad to each other
And souls will be open,
Let them not violate unity
Neither the heat, nor a thunderstorm with a hail,
Let it always be a single rhythm
Two hearts in love are beating
And they do not part anywhere,
Wherever you have to be!

Cupid gave you for good luck
A fairy -tale sparkling crown,
So that the bodies always burn with passion,
So that there was a single knock of hearts,
So that you live together and happily,
Kiss interrupting the dispute.
May the beautiful beg
And your unique cleaning!
Let him not allow parting
Hot, excites your blood,
After all, the crown is, as the legend says, -
True and eternal love!

You have a special day today.
So be happy always.
Let it be a bright road,
Let the family be friendly.
Keep sensitivity, tenderness, affection,
The mental thrill of the first meetings.
And the rings are those who picked up
Say to the end to save.
May your life never
Such days will not be repeated
It is always supposed to love
And only one time to get married!

The hearts of young people are knocking in unison,
Flowers and gifts, like a fairy tale, like a dream,
The bride is a princess, shines in flowers,
The groom soars in heaven from emotions!
And you are not more beautiful on the whole earth,
You have opened your soul today,
Why did not strive for the day or two -
From now on, the road through life is one!
Live together - love and advice,
On the way, let the light shine for you,
Your star is burning in the sky of happiness
And pain and sorrows will leave forever!

Lovers, let the wedding be kind!
Two fates in one road long
Must connect.
You must become consonance,
That the songs are born
And let your life become like this.
And let the children grow up in your home,
Not knowing the orphanage of the orphanage.
Let your blood tornado not crush your blood,
Let the fate of separation promise you,
May your happiness be long-long!
Keep good impulses in the souls.
Keep the fidelity of feelings, as long as alive,
So that the flame of the hearth can burn,
Do not kiss other people's lips,
And only those that you have now gained.

Wedding toasts from the parents of the bride in verses and prose

Wedding toasts from the parents of the bride in prose

Wedding toasts from the bride’s parents in verses:

D. our children!
Let the sun shine over you!
Let your union be strong
And your house is very happy,
Let the kids be born -
Both girls and boys,
Let there always be enough money,
And friends do not leave.

Our daughter-bride,
And the groom, beautiful to match,
We wish you only together
Go ahead of fate.

And to be a support to each other,
Help in all matters
Let the quarrels pass the family
Happiness shines in the eyes.
Will sound under your roof
Let the sonorous laughter rather
There are many children
Hard more and better than anyone!

Congratulations on your wedding!
Let your love keep you
Fate sent us my daughter,
And now the son has come.
From the heart we wish you:
Be happy always
So that with warm prosperity
Live all years to live.

The newlyweds are expensive!
You found your halves ...
And from the bride's parents
Take these wishes.
So that your life is your way, we want
Gifts generously awarded,
The leaves were strewn with happiness,
And drove up trouble, bad weather ...

We give my daughter to marry,
Be happy together!
We congratulate young young people
We wish you understanding.
Live in harmony and love,
The children will soon have the children.
So that he reigned in a family
And there was order with work.
Our daughter is our native,
You are our beauty and our pride.
Let everything turn out with you
Our children, in a good hour!

Wedding toast of a witness, witnesses for newlyweds in verses and prose

Wedding toast of a witness, witnesses for newlyweds in prose

Wedding toast of a witness, witnesses for newlyweds in verses:

We are honorary witnesses at the wedding
And so we wish you now
All that you yourself wished.
Be together every day and hour.

Be together. Never part.
Whatever happens, always remember
That you are together. And so try
You never leave.

You invited us to the wedding.
We witnesses. So honorable!
What do we wish you? -
So that life proceeds testedly.

So that you live peacefully and amicably,
They did not poor and did not push.
To help, to go when necessary,
To each other to cherish the eyelids.

Love, warmth, good luck and health
We wish you young people on this day.
So that you pass all obstacles in life,
The husband has hands to be gold.
The wife is good to be the mistress,
And let your mother be worthy.
To call each other a bunny,
And let your life be calm.

Health and happiness! Well, what else can
Will your new family wish for your new one?
Love each other, give birth to kids,
And together so that you never get bored!

May your happiness be long
And you don't know the grief at all!
Today we are shouting to you "bitterly",
Kiss husband, wife soon!

Wedding toast to his nephew, niece from aunt and uncle in verses and prose

Wedding toast to his nephew, niece from aunt and uncle in prose

Wedding toast to his nephew, niece from aunt and uncle in verses:

My niece is my native
I wish all the best
I am on this holiday with all my heart,
Today you have become a wife!
Always understand a friend of a friend,
Always respect each other,
And always lovedly love
You live worthy together!

Luck, joy, happiness, laughter
Let him distinguish you from all.
And together with a peaceful couple
Go together a big way
Until the very wedding of gold.
Let people admire you
For you, February will be in the spring.
Let youth excite the blood
And so: advice to you and love!

Today I am in a hurry to congratulate
Well, of course, add.
That there is no other holiday
So bright, big.
On the wedding day, I want to say
And the newlyweds wish:
Love for you strong and excellent,
Good, clean and blessed.

God give you a hundred years to live,
And cherish each other!
For life to be in abundance
The house was all right!
So that the wife is beloved
Husband with affectionate stored,
Husband - he was always well -groomed,
And in love with his wife lived!

Mendelssohn's march sounded,
And declared you husband and wife,
Let fate give you happiness,
Let life flow with a wide river.
God grant you health, affection, warmth,
So that love in life led you,
So that luck does not pass by
So that you have enough strength for all

Wedding toast from friends - friends, friend in verses and prose

Wedding toast from friends - friends, friend in prose

Wedding toast from friends - friends, friend in verses:

D. ruzia! We wish you happiness.
May spring reign in the soul of the century,
Bypass the misfortune
And they beat the hearts in unison.
Soar like birds over problems.
And let you not scare you.
Over the years, become only devoted
And every day to love stronger.

We wish you, dancing,
Through life, they walked, bypassing troubles.
And let the kids surprise you
Devoting all victories to you.

A wedding is just a beginning,
Only the start on the life path.
And together there is a lot
You hand in hand in hand.
Let it never fade
A happy life of a dawn.
Let it always be sweet to you
Well, today - bitter!
For our charming young

If you want, believe it, but you want, no.
But happiness is known for the cherished secret.
To conquer my husband forever,
The wife should cook the treasured super.
You salted him, Praopchi
And add a pinch of love on top.

You caught a good luck by the tail,
And they finally met each other.
And so that you are not sad only,
We again shout "Bitterly!" Together.

For the bride, groom
Let's raise it, gentlemen
We are full glasses.
Let them live satisfied!

Video: Wedding toasts - how to congratulate the newlyweds?

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