Structure, structure and functions of a person’s hair on the head: a scheme with a description

Structure, structure and functions of a person’s hair on the head: a scheme with a description

A detailed analysis of the hair structure on the head: diagrams, detailed description.

The hairline on the head is a micro-organ, which, like other parts of the body has its own structure, and can also hurt, deform, gray and even fall out without the possibility of updating. This article has a detailed analysis, what is the structure of the hair on the head and what to do so that the hair is always healthy and strong.

Hair structure on the head: diagram and analysis

By analyzing the question of which hair structure on the head, it is recommended to start, it is recommended with a schematic image of all parts of the hair, both a living part (located inside the skin) and dead (the very outer part of the hair, behind which we are so desperately trying to care for).

Hair structure scheme on the head
Hair structure scheme on the head

Hair, like nails, is commonly called the dead parts of our body. Yes and no. On the one hand, the visible part of the hair, a really measured part, in which neither blood nor any substances from the human body enter. The visible part of the hair does not experience pain, and we can paint them, curl, cut, etc. Without any uncomfortable sensations.

On the other hand, hair is a living organ that works at an incredible speed and propagates its cells depending on thousands of external and internal factors! The structure of the hair on the head is so difficult that many minds of mankind have been abandoned for its study for decades, but work is not moving at all.

Hair is a living organ that is constantly reproduced throughout a person’s life (with the exception of some cases, due to diseases or aging). At the same time, the living part of the hair organ is under the deep cover of the dermis, and therefore all our attempts to influence the quality and growth of hair with shampoo, masks and balms are the placebo effect. Remember - the hair is not treated in the shower, but it is there that you can maintain a dead part of the hair at the most well -groomed level (shiny, elastic, durable, obedient), moisturizing hair, closing the scales and adding to the crap of curls of volume, lightness and beauty.

Hair structure on the head: chemical composition

Despite the fact that our body is 60% of the water, in the hair of water within 15%. The basis of our curls is protein, also called keratin. It is this factor that gives many girls the hope that instead of a painstaking study of their health and balancing, having paid a certain amount of money, you can carry out hair cerebral and get a chic hair filled with protein. But it is worth paying attention to the fact that the protein created from amino acids is laid deep inside the dermis, and with keratin processing the outer part of the hair gives a short -term effect (up to several flush).

The chemical composition of the hair
The chemical composition of the hair

With numerous analyzes, it was revealed that healthy hair (in external and internal indicators) contains.

Substance Composition in percentage ratio
Keratin 78
Water 15
Line 6
Pigment 1

As already mentioned - the quality and quantity of our hair is laid from the inside, in the presence of good health, the right lifestyle, lack of stress and, of course, proper nutrition. But even if all aspects are adjusted from this day, you can see the result in six months, or even later, taking into account the hair growth rate. But what to do today? Read in ours article.

Hair structure on the head: hair follicle

So, as we learned from the first section, the hair is divided into two parts: the visible dead part of the organ, and the invisible living part of the organ hidden in the depths of the dermis. It is there, in the bowels of the dermis, the hair follicle is located - this is an invisible living part of the curls, which include the surrounding fabrics and the root itself.

It is by the number of follicles in the newborn that you can judge the future density of the hair. Each person has its own number of follicles, but there are cases when some of them “falls asleep” as a result of which density visually decreases.

Fabrics fitting on all sides of the follicles - can be attributed to the most important fabrics in the structure of the hair on the head. They are those responsible for the creation of the root zone and have a hair-ghost complex.

Hair-ghost complex
Sebaceous ironthat highlights Sebum, which is created by nature specifically in order to protect hair from external dangerous factors. Initially, nature was conceived by nature saturated with fat, but the man decided that it was inconvenient, not aesthetically aestheticallyhed and carefully washed out of the hair from the hair;
Sweet iron - extracting slags, toxins and other “poison” from the human body along with a liquid, designed to cool the skin and protect from overheating;
Micro-thought, the work of which is the raising of the hair by compressing and pulling the skin around the rod (for example, with fright, hair becomes on end);
Nerve endings (it is they who hurt when they pull the hair);
Blood vesselsdelivering nutrients to the living part of the hair.

Scientists of the whole world are actively exploring this part of the hair structure on the head and will come across that for several years they will find a formula that can adjust the condition of this zone to defeat such defects as baldness and gray hair.

The detailed structure of the hair
The detailed structure of the hair

It is worth noting that at the very bottom of the follicle there is a vessel-piece, and it is precisely this part that is responsible for nutrition and saturation of the hair. Do you now understand how stupid to believe in marketing slogans of nutrient shampoos accelerating hair growth?

Thanks to the active micro-muscular system, the hair can move, but this happens only at the signal of the nerve endings, a person is not able to control this zone of the muscle system. By the way, these same muscles are responsible for the so -called “goose” skin. With stress, strong fear, cold or blowing of cool air, the muscles of the hair follicles tense and raise the hair, clutching the skin around the hair. Thus forming "goose paws."

The structure of the hair on the head of women and men is similar, but has its own characteristics. At the same time, in the human body, it is in the top three leaders and takes 2nd place in terms of cell division. It is worth noting that the championship in the rate of cell division in the human body has a bone marrow, it is it that is used for transplanting, as the last instance in the treatment of deadly diseases.

Hair structure on the head: hair rod

Having examined the root part of the micro-organ, the time has come to go to a detailed study of the upper part of the hair structure on the head, the so-called rod. What we comb every day, what is exposed to staining and styling. This is the core of the human hair. There is no blood flow to him, he does not have nerve endings and we can do everything that we want and at the same time do not experience either pain or discomfort.

The structure of the hair rod
The structure of the hair rod

In this case, the hair rod is conditionally divided into three parts:

  • Upper, outer layer, also called a cuticle, which has a porous structure, or the so -called scales. In a flat hair, scales are smeared, in the wavy hair, scales are more behind the main hair structure. Therefore, curly hair is also called porous. The cuticle consists of a lipid layer and keratin in 6-10 layers of scales. It is they who protect the hair from external factors, and it is on them that we can influence masks and balms. Healthy hair has smooth scales, which additionally possess such qualities as elasticity and shine;
  • Immediately behind the scales, a cortical layer is hiding, Also called Cortex. This is the basis of the hair structure of the external part and the thickness of the hair depends on its quantity. This layer incorporates billions of keratin micro-folly and the more twisted the fibers are, the healthier the hair looks healthier and more elastic;
  • And the very heart of the hair is a medical layer. This layer is considered the brain and central part of the human hair on the head. At the same time, it is worth remembering that fur hair does not have a medical layer. This layer contains air bubbles, and it is this quality that allows the hair to warm us in the cold and add coolness in the heat. It is worth remembering that you can not influence the medullar layer. Also, the physical and chemical indicators of the hair do not change from its change.

Hair structure on the head: amino acids and transverse bonds

Having studied the structure, it's time to focus on what hair consists of on the head, because the structure of the hair on the head is strikingly different from the structure of the fluffy hair and has some differences from the hair through the body.

Hair in this zone has long polypeptide chains, Which are placed in the cortex and connect the hair into a single whole. It is these chains that make a human healthy hair very durablesometimes reaching stunning indicators. Another strongest relationship in the structure of the hair is disulfide connections (the connection between two strong communications atoms). After scientists learned about the presence of these connections in human hair, they were able to invent a chemical curling, the essence of which is based on the rupture and subsequent combination of sulfur atoms in the structure of the hair.

But hydrogen chains are responsible for the elasticity of the hair. There are a lot of them in the structure of the hair and the essence of the work can be described as "accordion". With slight stretching, hydrogen molecules are repelled from each other, slightly, but lengthening the hair, and as soon as the hair stops stretching like a spring, hydrogen molecules are attracted back.

Amino acids deserve special attention. It is they who give the main raw materials for the propagation of cells and nourish it throughout the life cycle. Amino acids enter the body with food, as well as with food additives. Thanks to the internal enzymes of the body, the food is split, and the amino acids begin their way from entering the blood, to delivery to the final destination, and in this case to the root of the hair.

Amino acids, arriving in the follicles of the hair, are converted into polypeptide chains that are constantly growing and resemble threads. These threads are twisted, repeatedly forming inextricable, durable ropes. At the same time, we see only thin hair.

Hair structure on the head: life cycle and growth

If you are a girl, then at least once in your life you met articles and video instructions on how to grow hair for a record length over the meadows. It should be understood that the body has its own internal processes that can be fed if they need trace elements, but it is impossible to radically change, such as speeding up growth.

Every second at the base of thousands of follicles, cells are continuously called “papillae”, which are responsible for the supply of nutrients from blood vessels to the very heart of the organ of the dividing cell. Further, the substances fall into the middle of the follicle, and in the middle part of the bulb there is a continuous division of the cells and it is pushed into the outer part of the dermis. The closer the hair to the surface, the more it “loses” the root structure, which is converted into the outer layer of the hair.

When the hair was practically formed, another substance is formed in it - the pigment, under the influence of melatonin. Moreover, if a person is constantly in the sun, the pigment is brightened, and the so -called “burnout of the hair in the sun” occurs, namely the upper parts of the hair receives a lighter pigment.

Life cycle of hair
Life cycle of hair

Almost at the exit to the hair, sweat and sebaceous glands are added, which help to preserve a sufficient amount of moisture and do not collapse of the hair with adverse external factors.

The structure of the hair on the head of a person has such a microscopic structure that it cannot be considered without increasing it ten times. With continuous and rapid division of human hair cells, an average of two centimeters per month grows on the head. In the event of a lack of trace elements or amino acids of a person’s hair, it can grow 0.5 cm per month, and also develop thinned, weakened and quickly break. It is in such cases that women complain that they cannot grow long hair, this is not genetics, but improper nutrition and hair care.

The life cycle has the same features as the structure of the hair on the human head. Hair covered by a person’s skull has a longer life cycle than the rest of the hair on the body. The cycle is conditionally divided into three stages.

The name of the phase Decoding
Active growth It is in this phase that the cells are actively divided, and the hair grows by 1-2 cm per month. This phase can last up to 5 years and is called Anagen.
Peace During this period of time (from 1 to 3 weeks), the hair papilla stops feeding and the cell division stops. The hair bulb (it is it that we call the root when we tear out the hair) exfoliates from the papilla and begins its movement to the surface of the dermis. This period is called katagen.
Dropping out during this period, the hair completely comes to the surface and falls. This period (bodyogen) lasts up to three months and at the end of the period a new hair growth can already begin.

At the same time, it is worth knowing that all three phases occur in time from 2 to 4.5-5 years. The life cycle of the hair is determined not only by genetic, but also by external factors. It should be remembered that the life cycle of the hair has nothing to do with hair haircuts, but depends on the torn hair “with the root”.

Each hair follicle lives according to its schedule, and if one follicle can give a hair life for 5 years, then this does not mean that all the follicles of this person have a life cycle of 5 years. In addition, it should be understood that if all the follicles worked synchronously, then once every 2-5 years we would have completely bald, and then again overlined.

Each follicle gives life to new hair about 25-29 times, and it all depends on individual indicators. After that, the follicle “falls asleep” forever. Therefore, hairdressers are categorically against tearing gray hairs. This will only lead to early baldness.

Scientists Trichologists are looking for new options for the treatment and awakening of "fallen" hair follicles. But at present it is still as developments.

Now you know everything about the structure of the hair on the head, and if you want to know how to grow long hair in a short time, we recommend reading our articleabout hair growth at home.

And in conclusion, a video in which is told not only about the structure of the hair on the human head, but also their historical origin.

Video: Hair | Great leap

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