How to restore dry, damaged hair? Masks, moisturizers, nutrition and vitamins for dry hair

How to restore dry, damaged hair? Masks, moisturizers, nutrition and vitamins for dry hair

Dry hair is a very common problem. However, it is realistic to fight her. How to do it read in the article.

Why did the hair become dry?

Dry hair is one of the first problems that women face. It is difficult to fight her. Usually, if the hair has become dry, then with a high probability they will begin to break, to scream.

Very often, women do not understand what caused such a sudden change in hair structure. On the forums you can read that genetics, climate and some other factors that have only indirect relation to hair health are to blame for everything.

In fact, the hair becomes dry, only when it lacks moisture. If the hair is not moisture enough, it begins to break.

Dry hair
Dry hair

So where does the moisture from the hair go? There are two options:

  1. She does not enter it
  2. She evaporates

In the first case, the problem lies most often in nutrition. If a woman or girl consumes little water (namely water, not drinks), if she eats few vegetables and fruits, if she does not consume a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates - her hair becomes dry.

  • Water nourishes hair, no organ can exist without water, hair including
  • Vegetables and fruits contain a lot of vitamins and all kinds of minerals that also nourish hair, making it elastic and elastic
  • Protein is the main construction tool of cells. All that we have, we have thanks to the protein. If the protein is not enough in the human diet, the body begins to collapse, since there is no resources to conduct any restoration work. The first to destroy not vital parts, for example, hair
  • Fat in the diet of a person is necessary. Without fats, normal metabolism is impossible. Fat respond just for dry hair. If the diet does not have enough fats - the hair becomes lifeless, stops growing well, breaks, seize
Dry hair
Dry hair

In the second case, when moisture literally evaporates from the hair, improper care is to blame. What is the wrong hair care? These are the procedures that women and girls are used to subjecting their hair almost daily:

  • Drying with a hairdryer
  • Hair straightening with an iron
  • Frequent staining
  • Incorrect shampoo
  • Irregular hair haircut
  • Incorrectly selected comb

All these factors are extremely negatively affecting the condition of the hair. As a result, the hair loses their protective shell and is no longer able to retain moisture. In this case, the condition of the hair inevitably worsens. If you do not take measures in time, you can lose beautiful and healthy hair for many years.

Dry hair
Dry hair

Oils for dry and brittle hair

  • Dry and brittle hair can be saved using competent oil care. More often, oils are applied to the roots, tips or to the entire length, depending on what kind of task is facing you. If you need to "save" the ends - the oil is applied to them, after heating it
  • But this is only if the general condition of the hair is quite good. If the majority hair is in poor condition, the application of oils over the entire length will help you. Then the oil penetrates the hair evenly, nourishing and moisturizing it. If everything is completely sad with the hair, the oil is applied to the roots
  • This method is used when you need to quickly grow hair. And rapid hair growth is interesting to those women whose hair can only be saved scissors
This is what dry hair looks like
This is what dry hair looks like

So what oils are ideal for dry hair? In fact, almost all cosmetic and essential oils intended for hair care. It is easier to say which oils are not suitable for hair care.

Such oils include:

  • Burdock
  • Castor
  • Coconut

Why are these oils not recommended for hair care, while exactly they are actively advised on the Internet? Because these oils are not suitable for a lot!

Hair oils
Hair oils
  • Burr oil. No matter how much praises sang to him, this is not the best hair care oil. It is recommended to be applied only to the roots, and it is not suitable for everyone. Sometimes it’s hard to wash off burdock oil from the hair even from the second and the third time. It is extremely not desirable to apply burdock oil to the ends, it dries them very much
  • Castor oil. People who have tried castor oil for hair care are divided into two camps. The first camp is people who used castor oil and it helped them a lot to restore hair. The second camp, these are people with whom castor oil completely spoiled their hair. Indeed, castor oil is suitable for only 50% testing it. It is very fat, it is poorly washed off, and it, just like burdock, cannot be applied to the tips - it dries
  • Coconut oil.This is a unique oil in its properties, it’s hard to argue with this. If coconut oil came up to your hair, you are a real lucky oil, because now your hair will become beautiful and shiny, and you will forget about the visited ends. But if it turned out that coconut oil does not suit you, get ready to see your hair in a new light: dry, brittle and oily along the entire length. Usually the volume is still completely disappeared
Hair oil
Hair oil

Do not refuse to use these oils, because you may be among the lucky ones to which these oils came up. And if not, try others. The world of cosmetic oils is huge.

So what oils are suitable for dry hair?

  • Jojoba oil
  • Rose oil
  • Grape seed oil
  • Almond oil
  • Walnut oil
  • Linseed oil
  • Persian oil
  • Apricot oil
  • Cacao butter
  • Olive oil

Of the essential oils, the following are suitable for dry hair:

  • Ilang-ylang oil
  • Shea Butter
  • Tea tree oil
  • Cinnamon oil
Essential oils for hair
Essential oils for hair

It is worth remembering that you do not need to blindly believe the reviews on the Internet. All people have different structures and hair thickness, which depend on many factors. But, of course, it is also not worth refusing to use oil for hair care either.

Recipes for dry hair masks

As the main components in masks for dry hair, oils, eggs, fatty dairy products are used. In general, everything that contains a large amount of fats.

Mask for dry hair with oils. Recipe No. 1

As a basis for this mask, grape seed oil (1 tablespoon) is taken. 2 teaspoons of peach oil and 1 teaspoon of linseed oil are added to it. The components are mixed, heated in a water bath to a temperature of 40 degrees Celsius. The mixture is applied in any option: for the entire length, for the ends or to the roots. It all depends on the condition of your hair. Pour a shower hat and leave the mask on your hair for 2 hours. You can more if desired.

Mask for dry hair with oils. Recipe No. 2

For this mask you will need coconut oil, jojoba oil, tea tree oil and grape seed oil. To begin with, take 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and melt it in a water bath. Then add a teaspoon or half a teaspoon of jojoba and a couple drops of tea tree oil to melted coconut oil. At the end, add grape seed oil in the ratio to the Jozhoba oil 1: 1. Heat the whole mixture again (not in the microwave, this is important!) And apply to the hair in any way described in the previous recipe. Such a mask can be kept on the hair for a long time. For example, you can do it at night.

Dry hair masks
Dry hair masks

Mask for dry hair with an egg. Recipe No. 1

For this mask, take 2-3 eggs, depending on the length of the hair, separate the yolk from the protein, connect the yolks in a wooden dish with 3-4 drops of ylang-ylang oil and then add 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the hair in any way. Dress the shower hat, keep the mask for 40 minutes.

Mask for dry hair with an egg. Recipe No. 2

Take a whole egg, beat it well. In order for the egg mixture to become homogeneous, it can be beaten with a mixer or blender, or wiped through a sieve. Then add 2 teaspoons of grape seed oil and a couple of drops of shi oil. Mix everything and apply it to your hair in any way convenient for you. Hold the mask on your hair for an hour or one and a half.

Mask with egg and hair oil
Mask with egg and hair oil

Mask for dry hair with honey. Recipe No. 1

Honey is an important component of masks for dry or prone to dry hair. For this mask, take a tablespoon of honey, melt the honey in a water bath. Do not use the microwave for this purpose. Add a tablespoon of olive oil of cold spin and chicken egg olive oil to the honey.

Mix the mass very well. Apply to dry hair, mainly on the tips, put on a shower hat, and fasten with a warm winter hat or towel on top. Keep the mask for no more than 60 minutes.

Mask for dry hair with honey. Recipe No. 2

For this mask you need fresh honey. Sharged not suitable. Honey should pour a thin stream from the spoon without interrupting. Take a tablespoon of such honey, slightly warm it in a water bath.

Then, in a blender, chop the banana to the consistency of puree. It is important that there are no pieces of banana! Mix warm honey and banana, add a couple of drops of jojoba oil and half a tablespoon of olive oil, mix. Such a mask should be applied to the hair immediately and hold no more than 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water with shampoo.

This should be honey for hair masks
This should be honey for hair masks

Moisturizing hair products

Moisturizing hair products can be attributed:

  • Masks
  • Balms
  • Oils
  • Sprays
  • Cream
  • Serum
  • Rinses

Most often, people use masks, oils and balms.

Purchased hair masks They differ in composition. You will not find so many components at home to prepare a hair mask that looks like a purchased one. In addition, purchased masks have an accelerated effect, they do not need to be kept on the hair for several hours to see the result.

Unfortunately, many companies add too many different chemistry to their products, as a result of which it turns out that masks act only at the moment while you use them. There is no accumulative effect. Such masks do not withstand any competition in comparison with home masks that really treat hair, rather than masking the ends.

Hair Mask
Hair Mask
  • Many firms include oils in their lines for hair care. Rather, a mixture of oils. As a rule, these mixtures include such oils that are difficult to find in the store. Some manufacturers add a good dose of silicones for a greater effect
  • But even in such mixtures, the number of real oils significantly exceeds a small number of silicones. As an example, you can cite the oil of Natura Siberica from the Oblepikha series. This oil is created specifically to prevent secant ends
  • It must be applied to the hair after it dries in the amount of 1-2 drops. The manufacturer promises protection for healthy hair from excessive moisture loss, and for dry hair, preventing brittleness and section
Obolepikha Siberica oil complex
Obolepikha Siberica oil complex

Another well -known oil for dry hair from the store is the oil of L’Oreal Elceve Extraordinary “6 oils of rare colors”. Reviews about this oil are impressive: the hair is smooth, shiny, after the first use of oil, the hair stops to shine. The composition includes chamomile oil, sunflower, coconut, lotus, rosehip and tiara. The composition contains silicones, but the number of natural oils is really impressive.

Oil l'oreal elseve экстраординарное 6 масел редких цветов
L’Oreal Elseve oil Extraordinal 6 oils of rare colors
  • Balms are used after washing to give the hair shine, beauty, and remove excessive fluffiness. Balms are recommended to be applied to the ends of the hair, if your hair usually gets dirty quickly
  • If you have normal or dry hair, retreat from the roots 5-10 cm and apply balm on clean wet hair. There are a great many balms. Each company produces its own balms, with an individual composition
  • How to choose your balm? Only by trial and error can I find the perfect balm, after which your hair will shine with health and at the same time will not look oily
Hair before and after hair balm
Hair before and after hair balm

Professional shampoos and air conditioners for dry hair

Professional shampoos and balms are also professional, which differ greatly from funds from ordinary stores. The shampoos of the professional series are designed to deeply cleanse the hair.

These are usually used before lamination procedures, keratin recovery and the like. For daily use, such shampoo is unlikely to be suitable. It is worth saying that professional shampoos should always be used with air conditioners or balms, as they wash the hair literally “to the creak”.

Professional hair shampoos
Professional hair shampoos

For dry hair, you need to use professional shampoos extremely carefully. Choose special shampoos for dry hair, otherwise, instead of a chic hair, you risk getting a “washcloth”.

Air conditioning is usually paired with shampoo, so there is nothing to worry about. You can safely take it.

Laying tools for dry hair

Sprays and mousses are ideal for laying dry hair. Sprays in their consistency are very light, air. They do not weight hair and are simply ideal for dry hair. Some sprays create an additional film that protects the hair from overdrying the wind, the sun, protects from heat and cold. It is sprays that leading stylists recommend the owners of dry and brittle hair.

Hair spray
Hair spray

Mousses for laying are also suitable for dry hair, but there is one rule: you need to carefully monitor the amount of mousse before application. It cannot be used a lot. In a large amount of mousse, it can harm the styling, the hair will look very rigid, they will get dirty quickly.

Mousse for hair
Mousse for hair

Varnishes are suitable for spectacular and voluminous styling. Varnishes are used for any hair. They have a very strong fixation. Owners of dry hair should look for varnishes that apply a minimum lesson to the hair. Usually varnishes dry the hair very strongly, so for dry hair it is better to try not to use varnishes.

Hair varnishes
Hair varnishes

What products should be eaten if the hair is dry?

  • As already mentioned at the very beginning of the article, the condition of the hair is very dependent on the nutrition from the owner. Fruits, vegetables, water, proteins, fats and carbohydrates - what you need to eat to maintain hair health
  • There are products that need to be eaten by owners of dry hair necessarily. Such products include oil (vegetable, butter), fruits, legumes, cereals, nuts
  • Oil Their fats are almost completely. It is fats that are needed to give the hair elasticity and smoothness. Fat gives the hair shine. Each oil affects the condition of the hair in different ways, but one thing is clear-oils are extremely useful for hair! It is recommended to add linseed, mustard and olive oil to improve hair condition.
Hair oils
Hair oils

Fruit Unique in nature. They have a lot of vitamins, they contain a lot of carbohydrates. They have been used in cosmetology for a long time, no one will definitely say exactly who and when he came up with the use of fruits to maintain beauty and health.

Modern studies only emphasize the importance of fruits in the diet for hair health. If you have dry hair - increase fruit consumption. Very soon you will notice how your hair has become softer and more elastic.

Hair fruits
Hair fruits

Nutsfor hair is also very useful. The article spoke about the importance of protein and hair for hair. So in nuts there are both fats and proteins. This is a very useful product not only for hair and skin, but also for mental activity. Do not be afraid of high -calorie nuts. 30-40 g of nuts per day will protect your hair from dryness. Regular use of nuts will significantly improve the condition of your hair.

Hair nuts
Hair nuts

Hair vitamins

Of course, hair vitamins are very important. There are special complexes of vitamins aimed at improving the condition of hair, nails, skin. In such complexes, all vitamins are balanced so as not to interfere with each other's work. It is difficult to say which hair vitamins are most useful.

It turns out a long list: A, B (1-12), C, E, D, K, F. For the hair, a useful meal is useful. Your diet should be rich in vitamins, then taking any additional drugs will not be required.

Video: Dry hair care

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Comments K. article

  1. The reasons for the female baldness of a lot, ranging from banal, low hemoglobin to serious hormonal or genetic problems. I had an alopecia, I certainly did not know about it and was treated at home, made masks that did not help me ... Then the trichologist helped) wrote out the lotion Rinfoltil Siglex with a dwarf palm berries, he coped with falling perfectly.

  2. After giving birth, I had three problems. This is excess weight of course, the hair fell out with his shreds and the nails broke. The capsules of model forms Slender Mom came to my aid, as soon as I weaned from my chest, I drank them. I was able to lose weight, the hair now does not climb and their appearance is healthy, well, the nails do not break. The drug justified my hopes.

  3. The hair was also terribly dry, stone, fell out ... In the winter, they’ve been elected, sticking out, sticking out in all directions (((I tried all sorts of oils, shampoos, masks. The effect was, but it was quite short. Still, I decided to restore the hair from the inside. I drank the Famvital course ( A month), there are a lot of all sorts of components for moisturizing and strengthening, for the synthesis of collagen. The hair has really become more dense, the volume again increased.

  4. I advise you to include more beneficial fats in the diet: nuts, red fish, cheeses. Do not forget about vitamins that are easily now purchased at any pharmacy, I have been drinking an Evalarovsky complex for skin, hair and nails for a long time.

  5. Useful article! I also came to the conclusion that my hair cannot be locally cured, it is necessary to both outside and inside. She began to use the matrix therapeutic shampoo, air conditioning and serum, from vitamins I drink Famval. And I reviewed the diet - now I lay down on seafood, green salads and avocados.

  6. I restored my hair with a balm with olive oil. I don’t remember pah-pah about dry hair and dry scalp. I took it in a pharmacy, winger beauty

  7. I agree that coconut oil is just wonderful for hair ... But in addition to it, I also use many other oils so that the hair does not get used to it and there is always an effect. I usually order on a phytomarket, there is a large selection) just in ordinary stores, as a rule, a small variety ... (((

  8. It is almost impossible to make a good hairstyle when hair suffers with dryness. A tedious struggle against this problem largely becomes a way of life, especially when it is not possible to restore hair for a long time.

  9. Well, if the ends of the hair are very dry, then it is better to cut them. Once again a month I do polishing my hair and at the beginning of spring I drank Natubiotin to improve the condition of my hair. Very pleased. The hair is alive and obedient!

  10. Burdock oil is rubbed into the roots of the hair and into the tips. Two times a week. There is no more since it is difficult to wash off. My onion shampoo with nettle fuel networks extract. Natural extracts included in the composition return a healthy shine and elasticity to the hair, increase hair volume, effectively moisturize, prevent dryness, fragility of hair.

  11. Mask honey and cognac helps from dry and brittle hair, it makes hair elastic and gives shine. But the problem is still there and it is necessary to treat the bulbs. For several months I washed my hair with a onion shampoo with red pepper 911. Pepper extract activates hair growth cells, stimulates blood circulation, arouses numerous “sleeping bulbs”, and improves capillary blood flow. The use of shampoo gradually strengthens and nourishes the hair follicles, restores the damaged hair structure.

  12. As for the additives, I can safely recommend the concentrate of fish oil omega-3 from Evalar. I always take it, because both the price is inexpensive and trust in quality. Still, Evalar has already established himself well for so many years. Plus, of course, I also play masks to all this, but they play a secondary role ... I like it most with gelatin. I do not complain about the condition of the hair, even in winter they feel good.

  13. I use a onion shampoo with the nettle extract of the 911 series. Onions and nettles extract the root system. Gives the hair shine, volume. Effectively moisturize, prevent dryness, brittle hair. They soap their hair for a few months. Tal hair is better to grow

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