Strobi fungicide instructions for use for grapes and apple trees and other fruit trees, reviews

Strobi fungicide instructions for use for grapes and apple trees and other fruit trees, reviews

Instructions for the use of Fulgicide Strobi.

Garden cultures are prone to various diseases that affect their foliage, and also prevent the obtaining a good harvest of fruits. Therefore, in order to obtain a large amount of crop, it is necessary to properly and in time carry out preventive treatment, and manipulations for the treatment of garden crops from diseases. In this article we will talk about Fulgicide Strobi.

When to spray the string of grapes, apple trees and other fruit trees?

Strobi is a fungicide that contains a substance such as a crezoxim-methyl. Available in the form of small circles, balls or granules. A rather dangerous substance that fights with various mushrooms. You can cure apple trees and grapes, as well as other fruit trees and vegetables from diseases caused by spores of mushrooms.

The timing of the processing of garden crops:

  • The treatment is carried out several times a year. The maximum is the amount 3 times a year for fruit trees and vegetables.
  • If it is chrysanthemums and roses, then processing can be carried out more often, because the substance is inclined to accumulate in fruits, leaves and colors. It can cause poisoning after eating these fruits.
  • The first processing is carried out in early spring, that is, immediately after the snow melts in the month of March, and during the growing season. It is necessary to spray apple trees.
  • The next processing is carried out a month before harvesting and after harvesting. That is, before winter, the last spraying of the substance is carried out.

Strobi fungicide instructions for use for grapes

The drug protects grapes from such ailments as Oidium and Mildu.


  • In order to conduct spraying, it is necessary to dissolve 2 g of substances in 7 liters of water.
  • After the granules are completely dissolved, the fluid is poured into sprayers and processing is carried out during the growing season.
  • The next spraying is carried out a month before you cut the grape brush.

Strobi fungicide instructions for use for fruit trees

Apples are also treated with this substance. It is effective in relation to scam, powdery mildew, as well as a burn.


  • The concentration of the solution is slightly different than when processing grapes. It is necessary to dissolve 2 grams of granules in a 10 liter bucket of water.
  • It is necessary to carry out processing in such a way that all the leaves are wetted evenly. For 1 year, the apple is sprayed no more than 2 times.
  • The fruits can be consumed only 30 days after the last fungicide treatment. That is why spraying is carried out a month before harvesting.
  • Please note that the drug is used to treat chrysanthemums and roses.
  • The concentration is higher and is 2 g per 5 l of water. In total, for processing colors, it is necessary to spray no more than 3 times in a year.
Spraying fruit trees
Spraying fruit trees

Strobi fungicide: reviews

Of course, each summer resident has its own recipes that help to avoid infection of garden crops with the most common fungal diseases. But very often preventive measures are not enough. After all, rainy in spring or summer, almost all trees and fruit crops are exposed to mushroom growth. Below are reviews about the drug.


Valentina, Kaliningrad. I really liked the drug, because it is quite effective. Solving simply, spraying even easier. I used for the treatment of powdery mildew on chrysanthemums. Before that, I used other drugs. Efficiency was low due to the fact that almost the entire season was held low temperature. This nullified the action of advertised, expensive fungicides. Strobi coped with powdery mildew for just a few processing.

Alexander, Rostov. I am a gardener with experience. The main advantage of the strobe is the possibility of its use with other chemicals. Therefore, treatment can be carried out in conjunction with other chemicals, and thus drained spraying against parasites, various viral and fungal diseases. The only minus of the funds in its toxicity. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate in advance when the time comes to harvest, so as not to be poisoned by collected fruits.

Elena, Kazan. I am delighted with the drug because I have a plantation of grapes. After harvesting, I often make wine. Last year, the vine was struck by Oidium. This season, without waiting for the time when the leaves appear, I processed the vine in the spring. After the first processing and the appearance of leaves, I did not find any symptoms of the disease. The crop was just magnificent.

Alla, Moscow. I am careful about all sorts of chemicals, and I try to use them extremely rarely. But our apple tree was struck by such a disease as a scab, all folk methods were ineffective, and we got a very bad crop. Therefore, in the early spring, on the advice of one of my friends, I acquired a strobe. Despite the rainy spring, the drug acted. Got a decent yield of apples. Now I will always use this drug, and recommend it to my friends.

Spraying rose bushes
Spraying rose bushes

Strobi is a toxic fungicide that will help save fruit trees, grapes, as well as vegetable crops from fungal diseases. If the first symptoms of diseases appear, do spraying with the drug.

Video: Strobi drug

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