Strigeous lichen in the child on the head: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment

Strigeous lichen in the child on the head: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment

Symptoms, causes of occurrence, and methods of treating a stripping depriving on the head of a child.

Lichen is a collective term that implies a disease of a fungal or viral skin. It manifests itself in the form of rashes, a variety of spots on the skin. Most often manifests itself in children. In this article, we will talk about the methods of treating stripping lichen.

How to distinguish a stripping lichen in a child from other types of lichen: signs of ailment

Please note that 90% of all parents of small children at least once faced this disease. This is due to the fact that the child is only formed by immunity. Therefore, as a result of many other diseases, the immunity is weakened, it becomes sensitive to this kind of fungal, as well as viral ailments. In addition, children are very curious and love to play with each other, as well as to squeeze, stroke homeless animals, which also often provokes lichen.

There are several types of lichenes that are sick of small children. They can be provoked by both mushrooms and viruses.

Lichen on your head
Lichen on your head

Types of lichen:

  • Strigerating lichen manifests itself in the form of light spots on the scalp. It is in this zone that the hairs break off, become 4-8 cm long. Therefore, baldness spots are visible. The disease is caused by mushrooms.
  • Often cutting lichen is confused with pink. It manifests itself in the form of pink spots. Initially, a pink light spot of large sizes appears in a diameter of 5 cm. Smal spots are already departing from it, 1 cm with a diameter of 1 cm. The crusts are brightly painted, peeling and itching.
  • Smarub -shaped lichen is difficult to confuse with a string. It resembles brown spots that are scattered throughout the body in small areas that resemble grains.
  • Drinking lichen mainly manifests itself in the lower back, like small, red bubbles, Which then burst, merge into a single whole and resemble weeping wounds. Provoked by herpes virus. Most often, it is diagnosed in children who have been ill with chickenpox, which provoked the herpes virus. The virus sleeps in the body for some time, and with a decrease in immunity, it can manifest itself. Typically, children are sick, starting from 10 years old, as well as adults.
Lichen in a child
Lichen in a child

Why did shear lichen on the child appear: reasons

The main causes of the appearance of lichen are contact with patients.

Causes and symptoms:

  • Most often, a child can catch the disease in kindergarten, in the camp, school or in contact with a large accumulation of children. Usually these are some kind of children's sections, a pool or even a sandbox.
  • The most interesting cutting lichen is transmitted when children contact each other, as well as when using common hygiene items, such as a comb, towels or washcloths.
  • It is often transmitted when exchanging children's toys. Some of the types of lichen can occur for unknown reasons. Despite the fact that medicine has stepped far forward, it was not fully understood why pink lichen and some species of stripping occur.
  • Scientists suggest that lichen appears as a result of weakening the body and the growth on the epidermis of certain microorganisms, which are characteristic of healthy skin. But if the immunity is in order, then they do not bring any troubles. When the immunity is weakened, pink lichen appears with clear bright spots, peeling in areas.
  • Often lichen in children is accompanied by an increase in temperature, sore throat. In this regard, often the diagnosis of the disease is complicated. Because parents primarily treat ARVI and only then pay attention to spots, as well as lesions on the skin. Only then they turn to a dermatologist, which causes the development of the disease and its distribution.
Types lichen
Types lichen

How to treat cutting lichen in a child on the head?

The method of treatment of deprivation in children depends on the type of disease. That is why the correct diagnosis is necessary, which must be carried out in a hospital by a dermatologist or infectious disease specialist. The fact is that at home it is impossible to clearly determine what kind of depriving the child has. In the hospital, strokes, scraping from the skin are taken, examined under an ultraviolet lamp. Under such rays, the foci of the disease are stained in yellow in the case of a cutting lichen. If this is another type of lichen, then it is not painted in a certain color. To confirm the diagnosis, additional manipulations may be needed. These are mainly microscopic studies.

Methods of treatment of cutting lichen:

  • First of all, the patient is isolated. That is, it is necessary to warn educators in kindergarten that your child has found lichen. The fact is that disinfection is necessary, as well as the processing of all toys. You will need attention from the parents of other children who stayed with your child in the group. Because this ailment is transmitted through toys and hygiene products.
  • After that, the child is treated. It is necessary to lubricate the affected places with antifungal drugs. Because the disease is caused by fungi. Typically used antimicotics, such as ketoconazole, slotrimazole. These ointments lubricate the affected places.
  • If lichen except the head manifests itself on nails, and in almost all areas of the skin, tablet drugs are used. They cope with the ailment of terbinafin tablets, which are also antifungal.
  • The child is given antihistamines, so that the spots do not swell, there was no temperature.
  • Immunomodulators in order to strengthen immunity and contribute to the speedy recovery. For these purposes, the candles of Interferon, Laperobion are suitable.
  • In order for the affected areas there is no connection of secondary infection, they are often lubricated with sulfur, as well as salicylic ointment.

The greatest distribution was acquired by the stripping lichen, which is transferred by using hygiene products, as well as after contact with homeless animals. It spreads quickly enough, grows, so it is necessary to carry out quarantines, as well as isolate sick children until complete recovery. At the same time, adults risk infecting. We recommend using separate bedding and towels, as well as often make a change of home clothing in a child.

Lichen on your head
Lichen on your head

Strigerating lichen is an infectious, fungal disease, which is easily transmitted when using personal hygiene products, as well as when exchanging children's toys. It is necessary to carefully examine the skin of the child after bathing and turn to a dermatologist if colorless, red, brown, peeling spots.

Video: Treatment of cutting lichen

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