Strange phobias of stars: What are the more than anything else celebrities?

Strange phobias of stars: What are the more than anything else celebrities?

From the article you will learn what scares those that seem so magnificent and inaccessible to us. Even wealth and glory are not able to save from obsessive fears.

Few people in this life are absolutely not afraid of anything. There are fears that can be handled without difficulty, and they do not affect a person. However, there are also obsessive states called phobias, capable of significantly poisoning existence. Psychologists distinguish the most common fears: fear of being alone, die, to grow old ahead of time, go crazy, speak in front of a great accumulation of the people, enter into an intimate relationship, and become infected with an unknown disease.

Some individuals, as a rule, have a rich imagination, experience inexplicable fear even things from the usual environment. One of the representatives of personalities with a rich fantasy are stars, so today we will consider the star fears in the article described below.

Strange phobias of stars: What are the more than anything else celebrities?

In general, most phobias arise in childhood. What exactly is a trigger for each of the fears is difficult to say. After all, children, faced with something terrible, often try to forget about what happened, pushing unpleasant memories deeper into the subconscious.

It is not easy to work with fears, especially if a person is trying to get rid of them, already being an adult. One gets the impression that this is just a feature of a character that is simply inherent in a particular personality and is its integral part.

Let's get acquainted with the phobias of stars:

Johnny Dapp

  • The actor panic fear of clowns, which even he considers strange, not to mention his friends. According to the star, each person is strange in his own way, however, it is not worth hiding from fears, it is better to look in the face.
  • So having a phobia in front of the “lyceum”, as well as allergic intolerance to chocolate, Dapp played the main role in the film “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”, as well as a crazy hatchman (which, as you know, was made under a clown) in Alice in Wonderland.
Fear in the face
Fear in the face
  • John's second phobia was fear of ghoststhe third - Fear of dancing. The latter, of course, is more than strange, but the fact remains.

David Beckham

  • This feature of the famous football player can be attributed to the category of oddities, since David does not have fear of the device. He's just so much a zealous adherent of orderthat, opening the door of the refrigerator, he needs to see on the shelves a complete “openwork”. Another situation can be extremely upset by backham. To put it mildly, seeing a mess, he panic.
  • To maintain the ideal state and appearance of the shelves of the refrigerator, in the family of the star it is not one, but three as many as a specific set of products, in a certain amount. Of course, this is a non -standard economy approach inherent in perfectionists, but it is so.
  • The football star has another oddity - fear of cats and mice. He explains his attitude to these animal species as follows: if a cat lives in the house, then mice will certainly start. The logic is dubious, however, only dogs only dogs as pets in the family of backhams.

Orlando Bloom

  • The film actor does not particularly complain of all kinds of random little animals, but piglets bring him just in shock.
  • Of course, the pig is not the most graceful creature, and not the most clean, but the piglets are rather cute. And rarely anyone dreams in nightmares.

Candall Jenner

  • The popular fashion model and the Instagram star is afraid of everything that has grands or holes: Lotus seeds, honeycombs of bees and even familiar cakes. It is strange a little, but the fans are certainly able to understand and accept this feature of the girl.

Chloe Kardashian

  • He experiences fear of navels, trying not to touch even his own. Agree, a very strange phobia is a star.

Kylie Minogue

  • The phobia of the star is dressing rooms, due to the sound that is heard every time you shoot them. And as soon as the poor thing is going to go out into the street every day.
  • Trying to distract from his oddity, the pop star sometimes jokes that she does not like fashion models with a figure, like a hanger. Unlike Kylie itself, with beautiful bends of the body.

Nicole Kidman

  • The actress is horrified by such cute creatures as butterflies. She explains this like this: representing moths without wings, trembling from disgust runs directly over the body. It would seem that an argument that is not devoid of logic.
  • But, given that the actress can easily eat a living worm or larva, the fear of moths is seen more than strange.
Afraid of cute creatures
Afraid of cute creatures

Scarlett Johansson

  • The film actress is suffering blatterophobia - Fear of cockroaches. When the parents of the star parted, she had to live with her mother, then with her father. Once, waking up in her mother’s house, she found a huge cockroach on her face. To this day, these insects are horrified by Scarlett.
  • In addition, Johanson is experiencing fear of birds. Seeing any bird with a beak and wings (especially if they clap loudly), her everything inside simply squeezes into a lump. Perhaps this is a hereditary feature, since the native uncle of celebrities also suffers from ornithophobia.


  • The phobia of the singer Adele is in fear of being carried away by seagulls. This fear is from childhood, when this sea bird took away her ice cream.
  • Since then, the girl has been fear of seagulls, however, she has nothing to fear - they just do not have enough strength.

Natalie Portman

  • For some reason, the film actress is fear of cartoons.
  • Moreover, this is not just hostility, it is a real phobia that cannot be explained.
Afraid of cartoons
Afraid of cartoons

Robbie Williams

  • Not like everyone else, in childhood was singer Robbie Williams. The future star and idol of millions of women was afraid of cartoons! As soon as any children's program began on TV, he was hiding under the bed. This fear has passed with age. Moreover, Robbie often takes part in the show for boys and girls, and even voiced animated heroes.

Brad Pitt

  • The Hollywood actor has his own oddities and phobias. He does not like to wash, suffers arachnophobia (fear of spiders), hates sharks.
  • But his main fear, no matter how absurd it sounds - is fear of their feet. We all have their own weaknesses and “cockroaches”, but this is already too much.

Toby Maguire

  • From arachnophobia The leading actor in the blockbuster "Spider-Man", Toby Magweir, also suffers.
  • During the cinema of the superhero, deftly moving with the web, the unfortunate actor suffered from nightmares so much that only a visit to the psychoanalyst dulled his fear of theraels.

Channing Tatum

  • Hollywood film actor, fashion model and producer, who starred in many sensational ribbons, is trembling when looking at the faces Porcelain dolls. Understanding that fear is not amenable to reasonable explanation, but the actor is not able to fight him.
  • He does not leave the feeling that, passing by the dolls, he could swear that the toys are watching him.

Uma Thurman

  • The performer of the leading role in the movie “Kill Bill”, the beauty of the mind of Turman had to practically look into the eyes of her main fear - claustrophobia. Actress to colic in the abdomen afraid of a closed space, and during the filming she had to "bury alive."
  • With horror, she recalls the few minutes that she had to lie in a wooden box and listen to how they throw the ground on its lid.

Sarah Michelle Gallar

  • The film actress, who played the role of Buffy - Vampire Hunters, turns out to be experiencing Horror in front of cemeteries. Despite the fact that acting talent helped Sare look a fearless and desperate girl, the actress was not easy for the actress.
  • When they worked out shots in the cemetery, she had to collect all her will into a fist and play unpleasant scenes, holding back tears. In addition to phobia in front of cemeteries, Gallar admits that he is afraid to be alive.

Oprah Winfrey

  • A popular television presenter, also one of the richest women in the world, is afraid chewing gum. A similar rare fear has a name chiclephobia. As the Oprah itself admitted, this fear is still from early childhood.
  • He is connected with the fact that the grandmother of the star did not even allow her to touch the chewing gum, and this ban forever remained with Vinfrey in his memory. All OPRI invited to the show follow the secret rule - to come without chewing gum.

Jennifer Aniston

  • The actress of Hollywood, the star of the television series "Friends" is afraid of the flights. However, the career requires from time to time to use air vehicles. In order to minimize panic attacks from being in the air, the actress came up with the following ritual - before going on the plane, she knocks on board three times and steps on the ladder from her right leg.

INTERESTING: Jen is not the only one who is subject to this phobia. Actress Wupu Goldberg does not use this type of transport since she turned 13. Singer Alla Pugacheva prefers to pay for the rental of a whole car in the train, just not to fly by plane.

Jennifer Lawrence

  • There are several phobias in the life of a popular film actress: fear of dying, face a ghost, and also, oddly enough, to create a family.
  • In addition, Jen is afraid of spiders and is afraid of being unnecessary to others.

Alfred Hitchcock

  • The famous director, the creator of many popular “horror films”, himself did not escape the susceptibility of phobia, and such that he does not lend itself to a rational explanation. What scares Hitchcock? Only egg yolks, Which the director considers extremely vile and frightening in appearance.
  • So break a simple egg for him a real test.

Taylor Swift

  • A talented singer, a bright representative of the young generation of stars is subject to fear of sea hedgehogs. Even the very thought of them is horrified. Once the choice, to go into the water or stay on the shore, the beauty prefers not to take risks if there is even the slightest probability of passing a “monster in the pond.
  • The second phobia of the star, which she is susceptible to, is the fear of being arrested for shifting his guilt at her.

Magan Fox

  • Hollywood film actress and fashion model, experiences Fear, touching dry paper.
  • It is extremely not easy for her to read the script, so each time, while turning the pages, she leaves the gerry of water next to moisten her fingers.

Billy Bob Thornton

  • Billy is unable to be in a room with antique furniture, His fear of her is so strong. Most of all the actor terrifies ancient furniture from France, the times of Louis of the 14th.
  • Thornton assumes that his phobia is rooted in the past life when he may have suffered due to antiques.
Antiques is fear
Antiques is fear

Naomi Campbell

  • The famous supermodel suffers from hermophobia - Fear of any microorganisms. So much so that it affects even loved ones with its behavior. For example, going to fly airliner, the catwalk star will not calm down until it cleanses the whole space around itself with the help of wet napkins in the most thorough way.
  • She sits in a chair, only closing it with a completely personal towel.

Charlie Hannem

  • The film actor from Great Britain, Charlie Hannem did not accept the proposal to play the main role in the sensational picture “50 shades of gray”. And all are not because of frank scenes, but because of fear of infecting something from a film partner.
  • Hermophobia It developed with the actor even in childhood - he was ill with a viral ailment, from which he could lose sight. Since then, Charlie always diligently wash his hands, does not visit public restrooms and does not really like release in frank film scores.

Cameron Diaz

  • This beauty actress is extremely squeamish and trembling afraid of dirt and microbes. She cannot force herself to even touch the handles of the doors of airports, shops, public toilets, without having previously wore gloves. Or trusts the procedure for opening the doors to his security.
  • Moreover, the star never he does not shake his hand due to fear of picking up a virus.

Hilary Duff

  • Popular film actress and singer, Duff - comes to panic at the sight any dirt. It doesn’t matter if it is on tour or at home - cleanliness should be just blinding. The star will not go to the dressing room and does not settle in the hotel room, if the room does not correspond to its concept of ideal: neither dust, nor snorinka, and a spot.
  • To observe order, of course, it is necessary, but not reaching the point of absurdity.

Tom Cruise

  • Tom Cruise is subject to phobia to lose its external attractiveness, namely hair. The film actor is very worried that a bald head will appear on his head, so it often bothers new hair care products, especially those that stop the loss. Although, judging by the reviews of the star hairdresser, nature awarded him with a good, healthy hair and even now, the actor does not have not the slightest signs of approaching baldness.
Fear of baldness
Fear of baldness
  • The second phobia of the star is everything connected with alien aliens. The fear of meeting the creature from another dimension is so great that Cruise avoids watching films about aliens, as well as talking about them.

Pamela Anderson

  • According to Anderson, she is afraid to see herself in the mirror or on the telemonitor. Many doubt that the star is suffering eisoptrophobia, and all because she is a fan of surgical plasticity of her face (and not only).
  • If you think about it, the presence of such fear would not allow her to evaluate the results of each of the operations.

Tyra Banks

  • Famous fashion model, Tyra Banks experiences fear of dolphins. It sounds rather strange, because these animals are good -natured and peaceful.
  • However, Banks has a different opinion on this score - even talking about dolphins cause her panic.
Before dolphins
Before dolphins

Kristen Stewart

  • Film actress from an early age afraid of horses. It all started with the fact that at the age of seven she broke her hand due to falling from the horse. From that time, the girl tries to stay away from these animals. Once she starred in a movie, where she had to ride.
  • The role was not easy for the star, she had to collect all the will into a fist and take sedatives before filming.

Barbara Stabisand

  • This famous actress was able to cope with agorathobia is a fear of the crowd. When her star path to glory began as a singer and actress, the fear of speaking in public, each time drove her crazy.
  • Each time, the star had the feeling that a crowd of fans would simply break her. Nevertheless, after years of numerous performances, Barbara coped with her fear, getting used to the love of fans.

Harrison Ford

  • The phobia of this talented film actor is also fear of performances before a large number of people. Each time, giving interviews to reporters, Ford almost immediately moves away from communication with the press, answering literally 1-2 questions.
Afraid of the crowd
Afraid of the crowd

Lady Gaga

  • The singer Lady Gaga has the exact opposite phobia - to stay alone with someone. The star explains his peculiarity like this: without knowing the person with whom you communicate for the first time, you can face a person with bad energy.
  • Not wanting to spoil the aura for herself, the singer prefers to avoid the meetings of the aunt. Maybe its appearance is also designed to drive the negative? Who knows.

Steven Spielberg

  • Famous film director it suffers from fear of traveling on an elevator. That is why he always uses a staircase, even in a high-rise building, and if you still have to use a “lift”, then personal agents go in the cab.

Jennifer Love Hwitt

  • Such a phobia also haunts the film actress Jennifer Love Hwitt. Of course, the star prefers to use the word “distrust”, characterizing its characteristic character, as well as, according to her, walking up the stairs is an excellent physical activity useful for the heart.

Angelina Jolie

  • The famous actress fought with a fear of height for a long time, peering out of the window of a high -rise building, she even had an idea to reduce her life. Previously, Jolie had a tattoo on the lower back in the form of a window - as a symbol of her phobia.
  • However, after the birth of the son of Maddox, the fears themselves disappeared. Now in the lower part of the actress is a tiger tattoo.

Daniel Craig

  • The actor was forced to look into the eyes of his fear of height, playing the role of James Bond - there were many scenes with dangerous tricks at a considerable height on the set. Of course, most of these scenes were taken by stuntmen, but in some Daniel starred himself.
Fear in the eye
Fear in the eye

Winona Ryder

  • The actress suffers aquaphobia From the age of 12, when young Winona almost drowned. Nevertheless, I had to deal with fear, during the filming in the movie "Alien" Star, it was necessary to swim under water. Fortunately, at that moment there were 3 rescuers near Ryder.

Eva Mandes

  • The actress Eva Mandes is worse - the fear of water is so great that the girl even does not go into reservoirs or pools. Nevertheless, among the acquisitions of the star there is a large villa with a pool, which, as you know, has never been used for its intended purpose.

Christina Orbakaite

  • Such a phobia also haunts the singer Christina Orbakaite. For example, during the filming in the comedy “Love-Carrons”, the star hardly found the strength to jump into the water, as required by the script.
Afraid of water
Afraid of water

INTERESTING: These are not all stars suffering from aquaphia. Among them is also a television host, Valdis Pelsh. The actress beloved by many Audrey Hepburn, Which near the child almost drowned in the pond and, subsequently, she dreamed that she was dying in the waves. Ashton Cathcher also does not like water and practically does not know how to swim. Even an actor Jackie Chan, who never resorts to the help of stuntmen, personally performing all the tricks on the set, is afraid of water, who would have thought?

Katy Perry

  • The talented singer, the author of music and the Ambassador of Goodwill, the UN suffers from fear of darkness. Going to bed, the star leaves light on the light on, fearing that it will be harmful to evil creatures living in darkness.

Keanu Reeves

  • The favorite of the public, not only for the role in films, but also for his charitable activity, Keanu Reeves A simple and kind person, with his shortcomings and fears. The only phobia of the star - Fear of darkness. The actor is trying to fight his strangeness, plunging into work. During the filming, willy-nilly, episodes come across when the star has to find himself in the dark.
  • To recall only the paintings in which he was involved - “Dracula” or “Constantine”, so you immediately understand that the actor each time is forced to rise above fear, overcoming himself. In addition to the fear of darkness, the film actor is afraid to lose his voice.
Fear of darkness
Fear of darkness

Anna Semenovich

  • The singer from Russia, the ex-“brilliant”, Anna Semenovich, in addition to the panic fear of the dark, is still afraid rats and various microbes. On the set, Anna practically does not part with wet wipes.

Lera Kudryavtseva

  • Russian TV presenter Terribly afraid of a thunderstorm. During the raging element, fear simply paralyzes it, even if the beauty is indoors.

Jim carrey

  • Once the star of American comedy films experienced fear of the stage or movie camera. Fighting this phobia, he was able to make an actor's brilliant career. However, now the comedian is afraid of video surveillance cameras, suffering from paranoia.
  • Few people like it when they are watching him, even for security purposes. When Jim stops at the hotel, the cameras are disconnected there at the request of the star.

Penelope Cruz

  • Recognized as one of the most attractive films of this time, Penelope Cruz cannot show off on the red carpets of film festivals.
  • She is already shaking when she has to pose for cameras and catch the “scanning” views of fans, critics, presses and colleagues-actors.
Does not like red paths
Does not like red paths

Matthew McConahi

  • How the film actor gets to the shopping center is probably known only to himself. In most supermarkets, as you know, rotating doors are installed, which the actor is panicky afraid of.
  • Perhaps the star is afraid to be a pressed door or there is a fear that the door will jam and he will not be able to get out of the glass "box". In general, even finding near such a door leads the actor horror.

Chuck Norris

  • The peculiarity of the "Texas ranger" lies in fear of any alcohol. The fact is that Norris's father suffered from alcohol dependence, which in the most negative way was reflected in the family.
  • Since then, Chuck does not even tolerate the smell of alcohol, as well as drunk people.


  • Singer and fashion model Rihanna suffers ichthyophobia - Fear of any fish, even though her homeland is the island of Barbados. Thus, the star never bathed in a pond, she is quite enough for the pool.
Strong fear of fish
Strong fear of fish

Tom Hiddleston

  • The actor from the UK is not afraid of either fish or filming in films with dangerous tricks, but at the same time panically afraid of sharks. Another feature inherent in the star (unusual, I must say, for a man) when fright, Tom cannot restrain tears.

Salma Hayek

  • Herpetophobia - The fear of the snakes is called, from which actress Salma Hayek suffers. One can only imagine what efforts the star was given to the star with a python in the film "From Sunset to Dawn."

Matt Damon

  • Cold -blooded reptiles, namely snakeMatt Damon is also afraid. During the filming in the film “We bought a Zoo”, Matt, confident that all animals would be recreated using computer graphics, with pleasure accepted the role proposal.
  • What was his horror when it turned out that all the animals were real and snakes including. Unfortunately, faced with the phobia, the actor failed to overcome it.
Fear of snakes
Fear of snakes

Christina Ricci

  • From childhood, Christina it does not tolerate any indoor flowers. Looking at the plants in pots, it seems to her that they are very bad, so much so that the “cacti” and “ficuses” want them to be destroyed, getting rid of captivity.
  • Perhaps the star is simply crooked in my soul so that plants do not give her in pots - they need to be careful for them.

Undoubtedly, for stars, the main frightening factor is the opportunity to lose the recognition and love of fans. Unfortunately, no one even thought about the name of such a phobia.

One way or another, it was found that the fear of death is based on any phobia. Whatever the problem the person would come to a psychologist: whether it be arachnophobia, claustrophobia, etc., it turns out that the main fear is to die. Such a state is inherent in people who are afraid to live, fear their innermost desires, avoid desperate acts, and restrain feelings and emotions. However, you just have to look in fear in the eye, recognize him, how the opportunity arises to get rid of him forever. You need to live at full power, love, implement fantasies, take risks. This is the whole meaning of the struggle against fears - the struggle against oneself.

Video: Unusual phobias of stars

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