Stomatitis in the mouth of a child. How to treat children's stomatitis? Home treatment of stomatitis

Stomatitis in the mouth of a child. How to treat children's stomatitis? Home treatment of stomatitis

You have found a child’s sore and do not know what to do? In this article you will learn what types of stomatitis are, how they differ, their symptoms and causes. And also what medicines and folk remedies can be treated with stomatitis at home.

If the child is tearful, he has a bad sleep and appetite, maybe there is even a temperature and he complains about his mouth pain, parents need to suspect a stomatitis disease. Look into the baby in the mouth, most likely you will find sores or redness there. Do not treat stomatitis yourself, because For effective treatment, it is necessary to find out the cause of the disease, it can be caused by both viruses and fungi or bacteria.

Stomatitis in kids
Stomatitis in kids

What are the types of stomatitis in a child?

There are several main types of stomatitis that most often occur in children:

  • candidiasis stomatitis, most often occurs in babies under 3 years old
  • aftose stomatitis, this allergic disease often occurs in schoolchildren
  • herpetic (viral) stomatitis, is usually observed in children from year to three
  • angular stomatitis, in simple - "seizures"
  • bacterial stomatitis, occurs when injuring the oral mucosa and with neglect of hygiene (unwashed products, hands) often occurs in young children, which all pull in the mouth

Stomatitis often occurs in babies, because Their delicate mucous membrane of the oral cavity is easy to injure, and immunity does not work properly and simply cannot cope with all infections. In saliva, small children do not have the required number of enzymes that act as antiseptics.

Stomatitis at the baby
Stomatitis at the baby

Stomatitis of any kind can occur in different forms, both light and severe, can be chronic or related.

Herpetic stomatitis in children

This form most often occurs in both children and adults. This comes from the fact that almost all people become infected with herpes virus, but whether an adult or a child is sick, depends on immunity.

This virus is dangerous in that it is always present in the body, it can be in a latent state or become a chronic disease with constant relapses.

If the children's body is faced with this virus, it will actively fight, therefore, with herpetic stomatitis, the child has a high temperature and there are signs of intoxication of the body.

Herpetic stomatitis
Herpetic stomatitis

Features of herpetic stomatitis:

  • redness appears on the mucosa at the onset of the disease, then halls occur when the bubbles rupture occurs, ulcers or cracks appear
    After healing ulcers, a marble pattern can be considered on the mucosa
    The child becomes irritable, does not want to eat, because ulcers cause burning and itching
  • this type of stomatitis can be confused with SARS, because Symptoms are observed the same: the temperature initially rises to 38 ° C, the lymph nodes increase, then after the appearance of ulcers the temperature grows to 39 ° C and often gets down poorly with drugs, nausea and vomiting may occur, the head is exhausted and chills appear
  • in the acute period of the course of the disease, you can count up to 20 ulcers, which can be not only in the mouth, but also on the nose and lips, the gum is inflamed and dry in the mouth is felt
  • if the disease is easily tolerated, ulcers usually up to 6 pieces, the temperature does not increase above 38 ° C, is easily lost and the child recovers quite quickly

Candidiasis or fungal stomatitis (thrush)

Candidiasis stomatitis usually appears in infants in the form of thrush, which is easy to recognize by a characteristic white raid in the tongue and even lips.

Candidiasis stomatitis
Candidiasis stomatitis

Features of fungal stomatitis:

  • usually the disease passes without an increase in body temperature
  • sores can be with white or gray raid reminiscent of cottage cheese
  • the wounds are very painful, I can burn, itch, there is a feeling of dryness, so the child is capricious, he has a restless sleep and poor appetite
  • sores often appear on the Desna, the inner surface of the lips and cheeks, as well as on the tongue
  • lesions have a white plaque that goes into a homogeneous film

Aftose stomatitis in children

It is believed that aphthous stomatitis occurs due to improper operation of the digestive system, other doctors believe that it occurs due to allergic reactions that lead to injury to the mucosa. Due to the ambiguity of the causes of this type of stomatitis, it is quite difficult to treat it.

Aftose stomatitis
Aftose stomatitis

Features of aphthous stomatitis:

  • ulcers are similar to the lesions of the mucosa as with herpetic stomatitis, redness, itching is also observed, temperature may rise
  • then Afts arise instead of bubbles - these are white sores around which there is redness, and they are very painful, the shape of the AFT is round and even edges
  • next in the ulcers appears a muddy film
  • if an infection has been repeated after the ulcer breaks, the course of the disease worsens, the body temperature in the child may increase

Angular stomatitis in children

Seams, wet cracks in the corners of the mouth, most often appear due to a lack of iron in the child's body. Angular stomatitis is also caused by streptococci or yeast -like fungi of the genus Candida. These fungi can be on the mucous surface of the child and cause a disease when the body decreases and insufficient receipt of vitamins.

Angular stomatitis
Angular stomatitis

Features of angular stomatitis:

  • the cracks in the corners of the mouth, depending on the causes of the occurrence, can be without a crust, lacquer-red color and with a grayish plaque (fungal) and with a purulent crust, if it is torn off, then the wound will bleed (streptococcal)
  • fungal stomatitis often goes into a chronic disease
  • angular stomatitis can occur due to improper bite
  • poor hygiene also provokes this disease, as well as the presence of caries in the mouth

This type of stomatitis is sometimes very worried about the child, because In the absence of treatment or incorrect treatment, the condition of the child worsens, it becomes painful to open his mouth to say something or eat.

Bacterial stomatitis in children

Bacterial stomatitis

This type of stomatitis is caused by bacteria that live in the human body. With a decrease in immunity due to the presence of teeth diseases, as well as tonsils and nasopharynx, bacteria become active. However, stomatitis does not occur at the same time if the mucous membranes are not injured, but with the slightest damage, the bacteria will immediately penetrate there.

Features of bacterial stomatitis:

  • the disease begins with pain during food, especially acidic and sharp products
  • then the mucous surface of the mouth turns red, ulcers appear, they cause a burning sensation, itching, mucosa swells, there is an unpleasant odor
  • it becomes painful to brush your teeth, because The gums are swollen, their surface is loose, bleeding
  • the infection can go further along the nasopharynx, in such cases, the child also has an angina

Stomatitis in children: symptoms

The main symptom of the presence of stomatitis in a child is sores in the mouth, most often they are behind the lower lip and you can see them by bent and looking inside.

Ulcers are different in structure, from quite clearly visible pimples and redness, to slight irritation. Therefore, parents need to be vigilant and carefully examine the entire oral cavity - the mucous membrane is normal in the norm has a homogeneous pink color and smooth structure.

The secondary symptom in children is changes in their behavior: they begin to be harmful, capricious, do not eat well and sleep, because The sores are quite painful and bothering the kids.

Another frequent symptom of stomatitis is an increase in the lymph nodes that are located under the jaw. In addition to the fact that they are enlarged, they are also painful.

Also, if stomatitis herpetic, the child has the following symptoms:

  • sores arise at one time in different places, and they are almost the same size
  • the second wave of the disease is possible: first, ulcers appear and the temperature rises, then everything goes away, but after a few days it begins again
    An unpleasant odor appears from the mouth
  • the gums swell a little

If stomatitis aftous, the following symptoms appear in children:

  • a couple of days before the main symptoms, small lesions of the tongue appear that cause a burning sensation, this symptom is called the "geographical language"
  • often a white plaque occurs in the child's language
"Geographical language"

Stomatitis in children up to a year

The children's body is not so strong as to reflect the attacks of various viruses, bacteria and fungi, so stomatitis often occurs in babies. Children under the year who are breastfeeding partially receive immunity with mother’s milk, but this is not always enough to not get sick.

In infants, fungal stomatitis most often occurs, which is not at all difficult to recognize. White plaque on the lips, the sky, the inner surface of the lips and cheeks, on the tongue - the business card of stomatitis caused by the fungus. Also quite often babies suffer from a viral look of this disease.

Stomatitis at the baby
Stomatitis at the baby

It is important for children from birth to monitor personal hygiene and hygiene of the oral cavity, temper the child’s body and protect it from infections.

How to treat stomatitis in children up to a year?

  1. First you need to determine viral stomatitis or fungal, because The treatment will be different
  2. Observe cleanliness: wash the toys well with which the child plays and licks, it is better to pour them with boiling water, as well as children's bottles and nipples
  3. Let's taste neutral, not acidic, not salty, without spices, so that it does not irritate the sores even more
  4. If stomatitis candidiasis (thrush), stop giving the child dairy products for a while
  5. After each meal, you need to treat sores with an antiseptic, for example, with a soda solution or a solution of furatsilin
  6. Give medicine as prescribed by a doctor. Often doctors prescribe Holisal gel, it also contains an anesthetic that will remove the pain of the pain
  7. In acute forms of stomatitis, you may have to go through disinfectant physiotherapy
Stomatitis treatment in infants
Stomatitis treatment in infants

Parents should understand the state of the crumbs and patience with his whims. Their condition is still complicated by the fact that small children are looking for calming in sucking, and often all diseases are carried out in their mother under the chest, but in this case, sucking will cause pain. Therefore, you need to start treatment as soon as possible.

How to treat stomatitis in a child 1 and 2 years old?

Children at this age are small researchers and are very active, so viral stomatitis often occurs.

Viral stomatitis is dangerous in that it spreads rapidly. In no case do not lead the child to the site or in nursery, at this age, children often exchange saliva through the hands and toys, so you risk infecting all the children with whom your baby will contact.

Stomatitis in a child up to 2 years
Stomatitis in a child up to 2 years

Take all preventive measures so as not to become infected with viral stomatitis:

  • make wet cleaning in the house more often, wash toys
  • make sure that the child is well and often wash his hands
  • sterilize bottles, nipples and other personal belongings of the child
  • the personal belongings of the child should only be him, do not lick his spoon, and do not try tea from his cup - you can be a carrier
  • do not walk with the children who now collapse stomatitis
  • strengthen the immunity to the baby
  • make sure that the child does not freeze

How to treat stomatitis in children in the mouth? Medicines and drugs for stomatitis for children

At herpetic Stomatitis The basis of treatment will be the drug reducing the activity of the herpes virus, for example, acyclovir or viferon. These drugs have antiviral properties, but their use is advisable in the first 2-3 days of the onset of the onset of the disease before the bubbles burst.

Acyclovir from stomatitis
Acyclovir from stomatitis

For rinsing, you need to use solutions that are active to the herpes virus, for example, Miramistin. You need to rinse 3-4 times a day. However, young children do not know how to rinse their mouths, so moisten a cotton swab in the solution and wipe them with the mucous surfaces of the child's mouth.


You can rinse the baby’s mouth as follows: dial the medicine into a small pear, tilt the child upside down so that he does not choke, and inject the solution into the mouth.

At aphthoz Stomatitis, the duration of the disease should not exceed two weeks, otherwise immediately consult a doctor. Since there are several causes of aphthous stomatitis, the treatment is different.

First of all, it is necessary to exclude products that are possible allergies and products that can aggravate the disease (acidic, acute, gross food).

Antihistamines are prescribed, such as Suprastin or Claritin. The oral cavity is treated with Miramistin in the initial and middle period of the disease, as well as the point processing of AFT gel Holisal.

Gel holisal from stomatitis
Gel holisal from stomatitis

At the end of treatment, epithelizing agents are used to treat the damaged mucosa. Physoalization of ultraviolet rays is also often used.

At angular Stomatitis The doctor will surely prescribe iron preparations to the child.

In no case do not hope to make up for iron deficiency with products, they can only maintain the necessary level, but if it is not enough, it is necessary to take iron drugs, and not ignore the doctor’s prescription.

Folk remedies for stomatitis in children. Treatment of stomatitis at home

Quite often, treatment of stomatitis at home gives positive results.

Robi processing

To wipe the mucous surface of the child’s mouth, you can prepare a soda solution, for this, dilute 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of boiled water. Wrap the bandage on the finger and, dipping in soda solution, lubricate the damaged areas. At the same time, gauze will remove the plaque, and soda will disinfect wounds.

Rinse with stomatitis
Rinse of the mouth with stomatitis

In the same way, treat damaged areas with ordinary green, it also helps with stomatitis well.

Herbal infusions

A good antiseptic is the infusion of chamomile. Prepare it, filling 1 teaspoon of dry flowers with a glass of boiling water, leave to brew and strain when it cools down. Brave the oral cavity with a decoction several times a day.

Strongly brewed green tea is well suited, but it is better for kids to make a calendula decoction.

For children, you can make pink syrup: the washed tea rose petals are filled with sugar in a ratio of 1: 2 and leave it at night, then heat in a water bath until the sugar is completely dissolved. With this syrup, you need to process your mouth after eating, the child will be happy to give you this delicious procedure.

Herbal treatment for stomatitis
Herbal treatment for stomatitis

You can also brew the bark of oak, yarrow, burdock, sage or a mixture of these herbs. Rinse your mouth with decoctions after each meal.

At home, you can also use scarlet. Give the child a well -washed scarlet leaf and ask him to chew him, if the baby does not want to, you can grind it and attach the resulting gruel to the affected area. So that the child does not harm, you can add one spoonful of honey.

Using products

If the child does not have allergies when the sores have just begun to appear, lubricate them with honey.

Another folk remedy is raw potatoes. Attach grated potatoes to the affected areas and hold about 5 minutes at least 2 times a day, spend about a week for this treatment.

Treatment with raw potatoes for stomatitis
Treatment with raw potatoes for stomatitis

In the absence of allergies to egg protein, you can use it to eliminate the symptoms of stomatitis. To do this, mix the protein of one egg with a glass of boiled water and caress your mouth with this mixture about 4 times a day. At the same time, the wounds are enveloped, so they heal faster.

Natural oils

In order for the wounds to heal as soon as possible, you can use various oils, such as peach, flax or rosehip oil. After treating the mouth with antiseptics, grease them with oil. Such processing should be carried out at least 4 times a day, and do not miss the procedures, regularity is important here.

Treatment of ulcers with stomatitis
Treatment of ulcers with stomatitis

It should be noted that it is not necessary to treat a child from stomatitis on your own. Be sure to consult a doctor if such treatment will be effective in this particular case and whether it will help to cure your child from the type of stomatitis with which he fell ill.

VIDEO: Stomatitis in a child. How to recognize and how to treat - the school of Dr. Komarovsky


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Comments K. article

  1. How many types of stomatitis. I first saw him with my youngest son, in the form of some wounds, the pediatrician appointed Stomatidin. She explained that he fights with a large number of different microbes and acts locally. He helped us.

  2. The son constantly jumped up in the same place AFTA. What was not treated, and after treatment with Wissid, they forgot what it is. This is a rinseum with a complex composition, there is no antibiotic, but a lot of other components: grass, amino acids. And he is still able to increase local immunity. Very quickly passed.

  3. So for us, as Ulyana, a pediatrician, with stomatitis, recommended a Wispyide. I applied it on a cotton wool and put it to ulcers. In just two days I will drag on.

  4. I’m reading, so many children are sick. After each feeding, I gave my child to drink, so there were without him.

  5. It is good that the child drinks water. Mine personally refuses ... Stomatitis was a couple of times. They treated Holisal, the son did not even frown when she smeared. He kills bacteria, and anesthetize, and heals the wounds. Stomatitis passes without problems.

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