Ways to stimulate ovulation. Do I need to stimulate ovulation?

Ways to stimulate ovulation. Do I need to stimulate ovulation?

Find out what methods can stimulate ovulation. What are medications for this and how to stimulate folk remedies.

Almost every married couple sooner or later thinks about the continuation of the genus. Everyone wants to have a child, but what to do when a woman cannot get pregnant. Recently, this problem has become even sharper. And many expectant mothers are helped by the stimulation of ovulation. It is thanks to this method that women give birth to children even after forty. The main condition for successful procedures is ultrasound control.

Methods of stimulation of ovulation

The nature laid that every month in the body of a woman, namely, the eggs ripen in the ovary (the number of them can be different: from one to three). After that, the egg comes out of the follicle into the abdominal cavity, and then moves into the phallopium pipes.

If in this period sperm gets inside, then a new life (fertilization) is possible. However, it happens that the maturation of the follicle occurs with a violation or there is no ovulation at all, in such a situation it is stimulated.

  • Before the activation (ovulation), it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, take tests to exclude sexually transmitted diseases, AIDS and other sexual infections. Moreover, both spouses must undergo a medical examination
  • A woman will need to make ultrasound diagnostics for an in -depth examination of the condition of the fallopian tubes, ovaries. Hysteroscopy is performed in cases where you had surgical interventions, you used a spiral or have previously been complicated birth
  • A man will need to conduct a postcoithic test for the compatibility of the couple and spermogram
  • If all kinds of inflammation, violations of the hormonal background are detected, the doctor must first treat the future mommy. And only then proceed to stimulation

Important: only after the full restoration of the health of the future mother can you begin to stimulate ovulation.

Methods of stimulation

There are two main groups: drug methods for activating ovulation and using traditional medicine. See the details below.

  • Stimulation with medical, hormonal drugs
  • Activation of ovulation using healing infusions, decoctions, diet
  • Stimulation with vitamin therapy and high -quality nutrition

Scheme of stimulation of ovulation

  • The main goal of the activation of ovulation is to cultivate follicles to a certain size (23-25 \u200b\u200bmm). To do this, on the ninth to twentieth day of the 28-day cycle, the doctor will send you for the first ultrasound. Then you will visit this office almost every two to three days
  • In addition, upon reaching the required size of the follicle, you will be injected with chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). What will protect you from suballing the development of follicles. According to the rules-after a day and a half, ovulation should occur
  • Most often, injections for ovulation are made in the muscle or subcutaneously. Use injections for this Gonal-F, Menapuretc.
  • Then the second phase occurs during the time that hormonal is used to maintain the ovaries ( Dufaston or Progesterone). Meding is carried out under the control of your specialist doctor
  • The future woman in labor must follow the basal temperature. Daily sexual relations with the spouse are recommended

Drugs to stimulate ovulation

To arise a new life in the womb of the future mother, it is necessary to successfully occur three processes:

  • ovulation
  • the origin of the embryo
  • the embryo thoroughly fixed in the uterine cavity

For these three stages, medicines will be needed, namely:

  • drugs ( FSG, LG) - for the growth of follicles
  • HCG - To maintain a follicle
  • progestin tablets

Follicles growth preparations

Such drugs should be prescribed by your attending doctor. The following medicines will help you get pregnant:

  • Menogon - It should be drunk on the second day from the beginning of the menstrual cycle, drink within ten days
  • Clostilbegid - These tablets are drunk from the fifth day from the beginning of menstruation to the ninth, they have a strong effect, it is allowed to use them no more than five times in their lives
  • Puregon- the drug is effective in natural, artificial fertilization

After taking the last tablet FGS or LG The next day they are injected with injection HCG. As a hormone, they use: Profazi, Passed, Gonakor, Menapur etc. To consolidate the results, you need to drink tablets with progesterone ( Dufaston, Progesterone).

HCG injection when stimulating ovulation

To continue the life of the yellow body, the formation of the placenta, the activation of ovulation, the hCG injections are injected. As indicated above, the injection is made intramuscularly or subcutaneously, after which ovulation is activated within twenty -four hours. This process is confirmed on ultrasound diagnostics. In order for the conception to be effective for sexual relations a day before stimulation and a day after it. The frequency of such relations is set by the doctor.

Contraindications for injections of chorionic gonadotropin

  • Lactation, hyperprolactinemia, hypothyroidism
  • Lack of glands (sexual)
  • Allergenic reactions
  • Menopause, pituitary tumors
  • Thrombophlebitis, pipe obstruction (uterine)
  • Hypocorticism, ovarian cancer

Important: after two weeks after the injection of gonadotropin, you can do test tests for pregnancy. The tests performed earlier can be false positive.

Hormonal stimulation of ovulation

For hormonal activation of ovulation, it is important that the attending medical specialist selects the correct drugs. It is the doctor who should make schedules for taking medications, monitoring their effects using ultrasound, laboratory tests, duration of drug use.

The doctor should individually approach patients, take into account their age, the temporary period of non -passage of pregnancy, diagnostic studies.

Stimulation of ovulation duphastone

In the first phase of activation of ovulation, Duphaston cannot be drunk. It is this drug that will impede the possibility of conception. Duphaston itself is a synthetic drug. And they drink it already in the third stage after the injection of the hCG until they establish the fact of conception.

The safe use of duphaston or what should not be done

  • When taking the drug from the sixteenth day of the menstrual cycle, you can thereby violate the ovulation process if it is delayed
  • The cessation of duphaston tablets on the twenty -fifth day of the cycle threatens a miscarriage

The consequences of stimulation of ovulation

If the doctor was attentive to the patient, correctly set the doses of the drugs and the frequency of their intake, then the stimulation will end with the birth of a new resident.

However, due to the illiteracy of a specialist, complications may occur during the process, namely:

  • impaired functionality of the thyroid gland, this occurs when taking too large doses of hormonal tablets
  • incorrect work of the mammary glands, adrenal glands
  • multiple pregnancy
  • ovarian rupture, severe pain syndrome
  • fluid accumulations in the body (pelvis, lungs)
  • increasing ovaries, nausea, stool violations
  • cyst formation

Stimulation of ovulation by folk methods

For the effective work of the woman’s childbearing functions, many of them use folk recipes. Activation of ovulation is carried out using:

  • taking decoctions of herbs of sage, red brush, boro uterus, rose petals, large plantain
  • mudding, with the help of this procedure, hormonal activation resumes, inflammation is eliminated
  • aromatherapy, inhaling the essential oils of sage, cypress, anise, you can restore reproductive functions
  • laminaria baths
  • proper nutrition, it is necessary to introduce milk, hard cheese, yolks, tomatoes, spinach, cucumbers, dates, apples, legumes, carrots, beets, pumpkins, limit - cabbage, rice, figs, pears.
  • reception of group vitamins: B, C, E, folic acid

Sage for ovulation

Take a natural potion for ten days. The approximate dosage of tea is 0.25 cup four times a day. Start reception from the fifth day of the monthly cycle. It is recommended to drink sage for three months.

Sage decoction

Take one large spoonful of sage, pour a cup of boiling water, cover with a lid, let it settled for 20-26 minutes.

Sage decoction with linden

To increase the effective effect of the decoction, take a spoonful of sage, linden, pour boiling water, again, cover, let it stand for 20-26 minutes.

IMPORTANT: Before using medicinal plants, consult with a specialist-grass about their use.

Ovulation stimulation: reviews and results

After stimulation, many women received a happy opportunity to become mothers. Of course, there are unsuccessful attempts. Much depends on the correct compliance with the recommendations of the specialist and the experience of the medic himself.

Video: ovulation stimulation

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Comments K. article

  1. I had problems with ovulation during the planning of the first child, so I could not get pregnant for a long time. They stimulated it to me with non -hormonal ovariamine and after that the ovulation appeared and was able to get pregnant. The second began to plan immediately from the ovariamine and did not arise with conception, and became pregnant on the first attempt.

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