Cell phone: benefits and harm. The influence of mobile communications on the health and brain of adults and children. Is the radiation of Wai Fi dangerous?

Cell phone: benefits and harm. The influence of mobile communications on the health and brain of adults and children. Is the radiation of Wai Fi dangerous?

The influence of the latest technologies on human health: mobile phone, mobile tower, wai fire. How many years can children use cell phones?

For many years, research has been underway aimed at studying the effects of cell phones on the human body. The fact is that technologies in the field of mobile devices are developing every day more and more rapidly.

Mobile phones manufacturers every minute come up with know-how for their gadgets. Each new model can be equipped with an innovation, the impact of which has not yet been studied hitherto. Just these factors complicate the task for scientists experiencing radiation from “mobile phones”.

What radiates a cell phone?

What radiates a cell phone?
What radiates a cell phone?

Probably the only thing that doctors and scientists are unambiguously known is that phones emit radio waves or electromagnetic radiation. Naturally, such streams do not pass without a trace for humans. They can leave their mark and a trace on his body.

Exposure to electromagnetic radiation on a person

Impact of phone radiation on a person
Impact of phone radiation on a person
  • Scientists managed to establish that radio frequencies have a rather unfavorable effect on the human body
  • There are no clear numbers and evidence, since this kind of experiments are necessary for a long period of time
  • On the way, scientists are the largest giant manufacturers of cellular gadgets. Some sources argue that it is precisely such companies that mainly finance research in the field of exposure to electromagnetic radiation on the human body. It goes without saying that in their interests to maximize the likelihood of causing any harm to a person with a phone
  • In addition, there are facts of initiating criminal cases against members of commissions involved in such experiments. The defendants are charged with receiving bribes on especially large sizes from mobile phone manufacturers in order to distort the true state of things
The influence of electromagnetic radiation on a person
The influence of electromagnetic radiation on a person
  • Among other things, it is difficult for scientists to work also because of constant innovations in the phones market. Inventors of such innovations claim that their devices are safer than their predecessors. Therefore, research has to be carried out again and again, and, given the need for a lot of time for each study, this delays the announcement of the final results even more
  • In any case, the WHO attributes cell phones to the 2B class agents. This means that the phones may have a carcinogenic effect on a person. Yes, the wording, of course, is not impressive. She only says that someone from the investigative commission agreed with the damage of the phones, and someone did not
  • The 2V group also includes such carcinogens as coffee, DDT, gasoline, chloroform, etc. Substances

The effect of radiation of the phone on the human brain

The impact of the radiation of the phone on the human brain
The impact of the radiation of the phone on the human brain

The negative effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human brain is to heat the brain tissue. Such heating can lead to the formation of chromosomal changes in brain cells, their mutations and, as a consequence, to the occurrence of a brain tumor.

The scientist from Scotland William Stuart took up such a theory. He managed to establish that under the influence of electromagnetic waves, the structure of the protein has changed at the rainworm.

The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human brain
The effect of electromagnetic radiation on the human brain

William Stuart believes that under the influence of radio waves the human brain is able to heat up and melt like food in the microwave.

Such a hypothesis, of course, has a place to be, but its evidence base is too weak to convince all users of mobile phones to abandon constant communication with other subscribers. In addition, a similar effect of radio emission should continue constantly and continuously for a long period of time.

How does the electromagnetic radiation of mobile on children affect?

How does electromagnetic radiation affect children?
How does the electromagnetic radiation of mobile on children affect?
  • As for children, it is necessary to be careful here
  • The fact is that the child’s organs are formed throughout his childhood. The effects of electromagnetic waves can disrupt their development and direct the wrong direction
  • Scientists believe that the constant prolonged use of cell phones can lead to brain cancer, autism, meningitis, etc. Such diseases are very dangerous, therefore, in the case of children, it is worth taking all precautions
  • In addition, the effects of radio waves can affect the mental and physical condition of the crumbs. Some studies have proven that cell phones can cause sleep disturbance, lethargy, drowsiness, reduction of immunity, memory impairment and mental disorders

Can a child use cellular. From what age?

Can a child use a cell phone?
Can a child use a cell phone?
  • For many parents, their baby’s cell phone is the key to his safety and their calm. After all, thanks to the "mobile phone" the child is under the constant control of his dad and mom
  • However, the health of the crumbs should be in the first place
  • It is advisable to delay the purchase of a mobile phone for a child for longer
  • Sociologists believe that the most suitable age for the use of cellular is the age of ten years. At this moment, the baby is more or less prepared morally for such a responsible thing as the phone
At what age can a child use the phone?
At what age can a child use the phone?
  • Based on the question of the baby’s health, to purchase a mobile phone for him as later as possible
  • If parents believe that their baby needs a phone at an earlier age, they should make sure that their child’s telephone conversations are as short as possible
  • The best way out of this situation is the option when the connection on the child’s phone is one -sided. In other words, parents can call the child, but he is not. The baby has only the opportunity to give a signal about the need to talk to them
  • To do this, you can either purchase a special package for children, or simply do not replenish the account of the child’s phone

Harm mobile, cell tower

The harm of cellular, mobile tower
The harm of cellular, mobile tower
  • If the mobile phone emits electromagnetic waves, then the radio rack will also accept and spray the same waves
  • Many residents of houses close to the location of cellular towers are extremely concerned about such a neighborhood. Some of them argue that after the establishment of a similar structure near their housing, their well -being and state of health were extremely worsened. Some noticed the absence of cockroaches in the houses, some even insist that homeless animals in such areas began to multiply worse
  • All these statements can, both have a scientific justification, and be a complete fiction or a manifestation of universal panic
  • In fact, radiation occurs, but the state clearly regulates the standards of such radiation. Moreover, the radiation rate in our country is a smaller figure than in other European countries

Damage to wai file radiation

Harm Wii Fi
Damage to wai file radiation

Relatively recently, our life has entered such a thing as Wi Fi (Wi-Fi). Wi-Fi is a wireless Internet. It is sprayed into the air with the help of all the same radiation. Considering that today there are almost every apartment, cafe, restaurant and even in parks and places of mass recreation, hiding from such radiation is almost impossible.

However, it is worth considering that the sources of such radiation are not as close to the human body as the same mobile phone. In addition, specifically, your router can be turned off for a while, until no one is going to use it.

How harmful Wi Fi radiation is
How harmful are Wi Fi radiation?

You can also compare the action of Wi Fi with other everyday objects of our life:

  • the signal from the microwave is 10,000 times higher than the router signal
  • the cell phone emits as many waves as two routers and twenty laptops radiate simultaneously

In addition, in cases with Wi-Fi-Routers, their harmful effects on the human body can be reduced as in such simple ways:

  • it is best to place a router at a distance of more than forty centimeters from a permanent location
  • if there is no need, the router is best disconnected at all from power
  • laptop or tablet receiving Wi-Fi signals cannot be placed on your knees

Video: harm from mobile phones

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  1. Electromagnetic radiation of mobile communications. True and fiction.

    1. To begin with, we will get acquainted with the concepts found when assessing the factor “electromagnetic radiation” (hereinafter AMI) in professional activities to which I have some relation (certified expert doctor):

    1.1. PDU (maximum permissible level) is the level of factor established and approved by the state, the excess of which leads to diseases. For cellular objects in Russia, PDU is approved - 10 μW/cm2 for stationary devices and 100 μW/cm2 for subscriber devices of mobile land communications, directly at the user's head.

    If you adhere to a different point of view, you may not read further, you will not need information.

    1.2. The frequency of AMI cellular communications is 850/900/1800/1900 MHz.

    1.3. The building restriction zone is a spherical space created by electromagnetic radiation of basic stations, the outer boundaries of which are the level of AMI equal remedies. Inside the zones restrictions of development, the placement of residential and other objects with the stay of people is prohibited.

    1.4. The sanitary protection zone is the AMI DDA exceeding the AMI, created by electromagnetic radiation of base stations at a height of 2 m from the Earth's surface. Inside the sanitary protection zones, the placement of residential and other objects with the stay of people is prohibited.

    The electromagnetic radiation of the frequency range from 300 MHz to 300 GHz is characterized by: a change in the functions of cellular and humoral immunity (their suppression), the development of cancer (gliomas, etc.), endocrine dysfunctions, reversible and irreversible chromosomal aberrations, etc. A reliable dependence of the development of diseases is associated with three components of AMI: frequency, power, exposure time. The higher the frequency and the higher the power, the more expressing the damaging biological effect. The longer the exposure time, the more pronounced the dose load is. And this means that the diseases from the AMI mobile communications have the same dependence as on the well -known gamut of radiation. And for both factors, the exposition dose of irradiation is important, i.e. The total radiation power for a certain period of time.

    The capacity of the emitting of cell phones is different and the fact that it can exceed the PDD both constantly and periodically during the conversation, the measurements I conducted and my colleagues prove (the reasons are different, including the manufacturer, the year of release of the phone, settings, the quality of the network. base stations). Peak levels differ several times (sometimes up to a dozen) from average (5 μW/cm2 - 60 μW/cm2). Since the vast majority of people do not test the levels of Amy's phone instrumentally, we make a banal conclusion: a cell phone is an Amy's source of harmful radiation (the principle of doctors: “It is better to overdo it than to unleash”).

    On the Internet I see the publication that mobile phones radiate an AMI with a capacity of 1 W and higher, without deciphering this indicator regarding units of normative measurement. This capacity is comparable to a small base station if it is applied to the Russian Federation of Russia (10 μW/cm2 for stationary devices and 100 μW/cm2 for subscriber devices of mobile land communications), but in this concern there is a share of truth. People confuse indicators: effective radiated power - MKVT/cm2 (Russian indicator) and the level of SAR for Europe (absorbed energy, W/kg per second) for which the standard is really approaching 1 W (not more than 0.8 W; earlier the standard was 2 WT of thermal energy per 1 kg of “living fabric” per second). If you recalculate the SAR level in 1 W 1 kg relative to MKVT/cm2, we get a conditionally 1000 μW/cm2 from the user's head and this is a lot, we make an amendment: this calculation level takes into account, including radiation, which goes in the opposite direction from the head (because radiation of the antenna of the phone is circular), in fact, the electromagnetic load on the brain will be approximately 2-4 times lower –250-500 μW/cm2, but this elementary calculation shows that the European The standard is significantly liberal than Russian maximum permissible levels (the standard of 100 μW/cm2) and this is definitely not good.

    The thing is not real to abandon the cell phones currently, so it is important to reduce the dose load when using them. Recommendations are banal:

    1. During a conversation on a cell phone, use the headset (headphones) or speakerphone, if the situation allows, keep the phone at a distance from the body. Know - the intensity (power) of radiation is inversely proportional to the square of the distance.

    2. During the call (waiting for the connection), do not bring the phone to the head.

    3. Reduce the time of conversation on the cellular. If you have the opportunity to call on a stationary phone, do not miss this opportunity.

    4. When buying a phone, you are interested in information about the SAR level, the lower it is “0.8”, the better.

    And now about the topic of the placement of basic mobile communications and their influence.

    In my practice, there have been repeated cases of unscrupulous placement by operators of the cellular communications of their base stations. What you have to face, we will start with the most common situations:
    1. The placement of additional equipment and antennas to legally existing basic stations, without taking into account the total capacity of the radiation of the existing and installed new equipment. Such an installation of additional equipment requires the development of design documentation with the calculation of the levels of the AMI and the determination of the zones of restriction of development and sanitary protection zones. Subsequently, the calculations should be confirmed by field measurements of AMI levels.
    2. The placement of new multi -storey residential buildings without taking into account existing base stations. At the stage of land carrier, the administrations of municipalities do not take into account the radiation of existing antennas (as a rule there is no information, or such information is not requested), the reason has changed, in the light of which at the stage of land experts excluded the examination of pre -design materials in the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor.
    3. At the stage of engineering and ecological surveys and the development of design documentation, designers hide information about the presence of basic stations in the near the designed heights. Design documentation undergoes examination without taking into account the existing electromagnetic situation.

    The levels of exposure to basic stations are characterized by the following values \u200b\u200bI average (based on my experience) and depend of course on the number of equipment, its power, and the characteristics of the antennas; I will make a reservation - these are average values \u200b\u200band it is not a dogma: the radiation of mobile antennas depends on their characteristics and has both a circular focus and sector (much more often); The length of the electromagnetic petal with the level of DPD excess (10 μW/cm2) varies on average from 30 meters to 70-80 meters (sometimes reaches 120 meters). The lower border from the horizontal axis of the radiation from the center is usually below the axis by 2 - 4 meters (sometimes 6 meters).

    Tip: If you see the antennas of the basic cellular stations located approximately at the level of the windows of your apartment (for example on the roof of a neighboring house) at a distance of 100 m or less, it makes sense to think about measuring the density of EMI Energy. Measurements must be carried out by the forces of the accredited laboratory, without informing the owner of the equipment of basic stations and the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor (at the first stage). If excesses are revealed, feel free to file a complaint and copies of the research protocols (the originals in your hands) to the territorial Rospotrebnadzor. Communication with supervisory authorities and upholding their rights, a matter of a separate topic.
    In my practice, there were cases when the equipment was disconnected by Amy (the owner of the equipment by law, the supervisor must inform in advance), respectively, the radiation was reduced and the results were not reliable.

    Electromagnetic radiation of Wi-Fi router, truth and fiction
    Disinformation taking place in this article and found in similar publications:
    1. The first misinformation-the radiation of Wi-Fi routers is safe.
    Let me give you a specific example: the apartment was investigated in the apartment by the Wi-Fi router of Netgear and 2 cell phones. The density of the energy flow of the Wi-Fi router at a distance of about 30 cm was 110-120 μW/cm2, which is 4-6 times higher than the radiation of the investigated mobile phones (button Nokia-30 μW/cm2, Samsung Galaxy-15 μW/cm2) and in 12 times higher than the maximum permissible level for stationary devices (hereinafter referred to as PDU - 10 μW/cm2).
    Many will say: “The router is far away, but we apply the phone to the ear, that’s the phone will be harder.” And this is true, but:
    -From the above studied router and similar to the excess of the radiation, the radiation will be fixed at a distance of about 1.0-1.2 m, so the router standing on the desktop can cause harm to health. This picture exacerbates in apartment buildings the presence of several Wi-Fi networks of neighbors (up to a dozen). EMI levels of one frequency range have the effect of the summation. Those. It would seem that it would seem insignificant levels of the Amy of good neighbors, you can get a significant electromagnetic load of a permanent nature;
    - It is very important to take into account such an aspect as an exposition radiation dose applicable not only to all the well -known banal gamut of radiation, but also to the AMI Routor frequency of 2400 MHz. The irradiation from the Wi-Fi router is constant, many hours, and the irradiation from the cell phone is periodic and short-term. So it turns out that the total electromagnetic load on a person from routers can be no less significant than from a cell phone.
    2. The second misinformation - the harm of electromagnetic radiation has not been proven. This is not true. The electromagnetic radiation of the frequency range from 300 MHz to 300 GHz is characterized by: the development of cancer (gliomas, etc.), a change in the functions of cellular and humoral immunity (their suppression), endocrine dysfunctions, reversible and irreversible chromosomal aberrations, etc. The higher the frequency, the more expressing the damaging biological effect. On the basis of serious scientific research of the Gossanepidadsor of the Russian Federation (now the Federal Security Service of Rospotrebnadzor of the Russian Federation), PDU developed. I draw attention to the fact that PDU is an established, proven and approved state level of factor, the excess of which leads to diseases.
    3. A disinforming video presented on the Internet by amateurs, in terms of measuring the levels of AMI from routers, in most cases has nothing to do with the regulatory measurements of the AMI frequency range of the routers (about 2400 MHz). It is carried out by amateur devices designed to measure the intensity of the electric field of industrial frequency (50 Hz) or devices with a frequency of up to 30 kHz (no more) and is accompanied by comments and conclusions of people that are distant from this problem. The determined indicator of such measurement devices is in/m and the DPD for this indicator of another (from household appliances with a frequency of 50 Hz, electric networks 50 Hz, the remote control is adopted in Russia 500 V/m at a distance of 10-30 cm), including and for routers (as a secondary factor). The intensity of the electric field (V/m) is an indicator according to which the emitting devices of mobile communications and routers, for their functional radiation, are not evaluated and not normalized. Keep this in mind. Amateurism in health and safety matters is not permissible.
    4. I see delusional comparisons on the Internet (including in this article), where not comparable things are compared: “The intensity of the Wi-Fi signal is several thousand times weaker than that of the microwave.” Let me remind you that the purpose of the microwave, including “Kill living organisms” by electromagnetic heating of water (thermal disinfection) and this function is performed inside the device. And here is the external radiation of Wi-Fi routers and how can this be compared ?? Well, perhaps their frequency of work (2400 MHz) !!!!. Funny.
    WHAT TO DO? Eternal question. How to save yourself and your loved ones from the harmful effects of Wi-Fi routers? Everything is simple:
    a) if you have not refused to use the Wi-Fi router (the most reliable option), then purchase this equipment with low radiation power, do not strive to cover the space of the whole house and Wi-Fi Street with a network (and such figures are in life);
    b) know that the radiation intensity of the Wi-Fi router is inversely proportional to the square of the distance (I gave a specific example above), so place a router in the non-residential premises of the apartment and do not put it on the desktop or near your workplace and places of rest;
    c) minimize the working hours of the Wi-Fi router; The less time the Wi-Fi router works, the better;
    d) I will not speak on the use of protective materials in this topic (a separate topic in the future).
    Health to you

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