Sophora Japanese: therapeutic properties and contraindications, reviews. Sophora Japanese: Application in cosmetology and folk medicine in diabetes, hypertension, psoriasis, oncology, for blood vessels

Sophora Japanese: therapeutic properties and contraindications, reviews. Sophora Japanese: Application in cosmetology and folk medicine in diabetes, hypertension, psoriasis, oncology, for blood vessels

From this article you will learn what therapeutic properties of Japanese Sophora has and how to be treated.

The appearance of Japanese Sophora is very reminiscent of acacia, but Sophora blooms with yellow, lilac, pink and white colors, and a little later than acacia-in June-July.

In the wild, the plant grows in the Far East, the islands of Japan, in China, and other Asian countries. A cultivated Japanese Sofor can be found in city parks in southern Europe.

Few trees and herbs have a wider range of use than Japanese Sophora. The therapeutic Sophora was known to the ancient Chinese healers. Now the traditional medicine also recognized the positive result of the treatment of Japanese Sophora. You can be treated with sophora in the form of a decoction, infusion, tinctures, ointments, oils of seeds, tea and tablets.

Japanese Sophora: Therapeutic properties and contraindications

Sophora Japanese

Therapeutic in Japanese Sophora are considered: unbroken buds, flowers, fruits and oil from fruits.

The healing properties of Japanese Sophora are mass:

  • The vitamin P contained in the plant reduces the fragility of the capillaries, and, as a result, reduces pressure, and prevents the disease with a stroke.
  • Quarcetin in sophora reduces allergies to many drugs, has anti -inflammatory and antiviral effects.
  • Preparations prepared from Japanese sophora clean the walls of blood vessels and reduce it.
  • Helps stop in mild bleeding.
  • Sophora fruits treat the liver and stomach.
  • The fruits also restore violations: sleep, appetite, help the heart.
  • Dysentery is cured with decoctions and infusions.
  • Outwardly with lotions of decoction of sophoras are cured: festering non -healing wounds, trophic ulcers, frostbitten skin and after burns, psoriasis, conjunctivitis and barley.
  • Rinsing with a decoction is cured by patients with stomatitis and gum periodontal disease.
  • Fruit oil has an antioxidant effect, increases immunity.

Sophora has Japanese and contraindicationswhen medicines from it cannot be taken:

  • Reduced blood pressure
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Allergy to Sophora
  • Children under 3 years old

There are also cases when medicines from Japanese Sophora you can accept, but with cautionand necessarily it is necessary, before treatment with the drug consult with the attending physician:

  • Kidney and liver diseases
  • Increased blood coagulation (Japanese sophora drugs increase it even more)
  • You can not take Sophora drugs to Japanese drivers, since they depress the nervous system, and you can fall asleep while driving

Alcohol tincture of Japanese sophora: instructions for use

When flowering Sophora of Japanese clusters of flowers, they hang beautifully from the branches

Tincture disinfects and acts as an antiseptic.

Alcohol tincture

  1. We take 250 ml of 70%- alcohol and fill it with 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry buds of Japanese Sophora.
  2. We insist in the dark for 10 days.
  3. We filter the tincture in a dark bottle and save in a cool place for no more than 2 years.
  4. To achieve a positive effect, we take at least 6 months.


  • Before using tincture externally (to strengthen hair, treating wounds, ulcers, burns), we dilute it with water (1 tbsp. Tincture spoon per 100 ml of water).
  • To rinse the mouth with stomatitis, periodontal disease, we dilute the tincture as follows: 1 tbsp 1 cup of water. spoon of tincture.
  • To cure cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, colitis, remove stones from the bladder, as well as prevent bleeding, dilute 1 teaspoon. a spoonful of tincture from Sophora in 1 glass of water, and drink.

Note. The rutin of the fruits of Sophora is almost not dissolved in water, which means that tincture is the most effective medicine for inside, and infusions and decoctions are not so effective.

How to make a tincture of Japanese sophora on vodka?

Japanese sophora flowers

Tincture on vodka

  1. We take 0.5 l of 40%vodka, and pour 100 g of ground fruits.
  2. We set to insist 10-14 days.
  3. 15-20 drops diluted with water, drink 4 p. for a day. Treatment is 21 days, then we take a break for 1 week.


  • Dysentery, gastritis, liver diseases are treated with vodka tincture.

Japanese sophora tablets: Instructions for use

The Japanese Sofor was recognized in official medicine, and made from it biologically active additives. They can both be treated or accepted with a preventive purpose. These are such medicines:

  • Soforin
  • Pakhikarpin
  • Askorutin

Dietary supplements from Japanese Sophora, together with other medicines, treat the following diseases:

  • Violation of the circulatory system
  • Diabetes
  • Increase immunity
  • Bleeding
  • Skin diseases
  • Impotence in men
  • Baldness

Soforin -This is tincture on a 48%alcohol prepared from the fruits of Japanese sophora.
Compresses from Soforin are applied to non -healing wounds, trophic ulcers and burns. Also, with tuberculosis of the lungs, even neglected, and muscle dystrophy, tincture is taken inside.

Pakhikarpin - A medicine from Japanese Sophora in tablets and ampoules. Pachikarpin is taken before meals or administered intramuscularly to relieve spasm and stimulation of childbirth.
In addition, Pakhikarpin is used:

  • With muscle dystrophy
  • With inflammation of the nerve nodules
  • With hypertensive crises
  • To reduce blood loss after childbirth
Askorutin - Vitamins with Japanese Sophora

Askorutin - The drug is vitamin made of Japanese Sophora. It is taken with vitamin deficiency P and C, to return elasticity to the capillaries and blood vessels, treats eye outputs in the retina. Adults and adolescents are recommended by doctors of 1-2 tablets per day, children from 3 years old-0.5-1 tablet.

Daytime face cream with Japanese Sofora: Instructions for use

Face cream with the addition of Japanese sophora

Rutinaccommodating in the plant, protects our cells from free radicals, they are faster updated and more tenaciousSo, using the Japanese sophora in the cream, the skin of the face and body will be cleansed, expanded pores will be narrowed, and the skin will retain its elasticity longer.

Rutin, Moreover, helps to preserve longer vitamin C necessary to extend the youth of the skinTherefore, Sofor is especially often used in mature skin creams.

Japanese sophora cream helps:

  • Eliminate vascular nets
  • Remove acne, and pustular skin lesions
  • Increases collagen digestibility
  • Protects the skin of the face from the harmful effects of the atmosphere
  • In adulthood - stops the aging of the skin

To rejuvenate the face, we prepare alcohol lotion of flowers or fruits:

  1. Take 200 g of colors (you can fruits) of Japanese Sophora and fill them with 0.5 liters of vodka.
  2. We insist 2 weeks, you do not need to filter.
  3. Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of an alcohol lotion, dilute with water 1:10, and wipe the face of 2 p. per week, more often not desirable.

Ointment with Sophora Japanese: Instructions for use

Japanese sophora for external use

For treatment of poorly healing wounds, burns, frostbite skin, trophic ulcers We cook at home dried fruit:

  1. We chop 1 cup of fruits in a coffee grinder, break the black seeds with a hammer, and mix with 2 glasses of fat (goose or badger).
  2. In cast -iron dishes, we languish this ointment in the oven for 2 hours.
  3. The next day we put in the oven again for 2 hours.
  4. On the third day, we again do the same procedure.
  5. On the fourth day, we heat the ointment, wipe it through a sieve, and can be used.
  6. We apply the ointment to clean fabric, apply to the wound, and bandage it on top. When the wound begins to heal, the ointment can be applied, and not covered with anything from above.

Tea with Sophora Japanese: beneficial properties and application

From the fruits and colors of Japanese Sophora, we cook tea

Japanese sophora tea applies as follows:

  • Tonic
  • Prolts youth
  • Reduces pressure
  • Cleans the blood
  • Stops bleeding
  • Relieves inflammation

Tea from flowers and fruits of Japanese Sophora

  1. 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flowers (you can fruits) sophora pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and let it boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Removing from the fire, insist 1 hour.
  3. We filter and drink 150 ml 3 p. in a day.

Sophora Japanese from hair loss: recipe

This is what the fruits of Sophora of Japanese look like

If hair falls out, for their strengthening and improving growth, decoctions and infusions of Sophora will help. What if rinsing and washing the head with sophora combine with head massage, then the effect will be even larger.

A decoction of fruits

  1. We take 20 g of fruits of sophora and pour them with 1 glass of boiled water.
  2. Cook with a weak boil for 15 minutes.
  3. We express the decoction, cool and rub the hair and roots of the hair.

Infusion of fruits

  1. 20 g of fruits of Sophora is poured with 1 cup of boiled water.
  2. We insist for 15 minutes and filter.
  3. Righten when it cools down, in the hair, preferably into the roots.

You can also use alcohol tincture When hair loss. It is diluted with water 1:10, you can 1: 5, and rubbed into the roots.

The use of Japanese sophora for diabetes mellitus

This is how the unopened buds of the Japanese sophora look like

Sophora has sugar -lowering propertiesTherefore, medicines from it can be used for diabetes (sugar). At the initial stage of diabetes, only a drug with sophora is prescribed, and if diabetes is complicated, then a complex of drugs.

Tincture of fruits

  1. We fill the glass bottle into 2/3 parts with fresh fruits of sophora, pour vodka to the top.
  2. Let us brew for 3 weeks.
  3. We drink 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Sophora Japanese from hypertension: recipe for applying

With hypertension, there will be a tincture with Sophora of Japanese and Omella than the effect

At hypertension helps reduce pressure and improve the condition of the circulatory system tincture of flowers:

  1. We take 20 g of dry colors of sophora and 100 ml of 70% alcohol.
  2. We insist 1 week.
  3. We drip 25-30 drops and drink 1 time, 3 p. per day, and so take 20 days.

To it is better and faster to clear the vessels and restore their elasticity, lowering pressure and reduce the risk of stroke, prepare at home tincture of Japanese Sophora with Omela:

  1. We take the fresh branches of the mistletes, grind them through a meat grinder and fill them with vodka 1: 2.
  2. We insist in the dark for 30 days.
  3. Separately, the fruits of Sophora (100 g) are filled with 75 ml of vodka, and also let it brew 30 days.
  4. We drain the defended tinctures together and continue to insist for 10 days.
  5. We filter and drink tincture, diluting with water (1 teaspoon of tincture, 30 ml of water), 3 p. a day before meals. We are treated for 30 days, then we take a break for about 10 days, and repeat the course again.

How to take Japanese Sophore with psoriasis?

Psoriasis - the initial stage, ointment from Japanese Sophora helps

To cure psoriasis, as well as dermatitis and eczema, spread sore spots with ointment from psoriasis with fruits of sophora, sold in pharmacies. The treatment lasts 1 month, then 1 month break, and you can repeat.

To recover faster, except for ointment, they drink Tincture of fruits and colors of Japanese Sophorawhich can be prepared at home:

  1. Take 50 g of fruits or flowers of sophora and pour them 0.5 liters of vodka.
  2. We insist 1 month in the dark.
  3. We drip 30-40 drops and drink half an hour before meals, 3 p. for a day. The treatment lasts 3-4 months, then we take a break for 1 month, and, if you have not yet achieved the result, we begin treatment again.

A decoction for the treatment of psoriasis on the head

  1. 4 tbsp. tablespoons of sofora flowers pour 400 ml of hot water, cook for 5 minutes with slow boiling.
  2. We filter, cool and rub into the affected places on the head and in the hair.

Oil recipe for psoriasis of the palms and soles of the legs

  1. We take 1 liter of a glass jar and fill it with half the fruits of the Japanese sophora, pour boiling water to the top.
  2. We express the water after 2 hours, and rub the fruits into porridge.
  3. We take 1 part of the gruel and fill it with oil with vegetable (3 parts).
  4. We insist in a warm place for 1 month.
  5. The resulting oil is filtered and lubricated with the soles of the legs and palms, if cracks are formed.

How to take Japanese Sophore with oncology?

Sophora Japanese helps with oncology

Tinctures and pills from Sophora separately or together with another healing grass have a destructive effect on cancer, prevent the expansion of metastasis.

With tumors we make at home tincture on vodka:

  1. 150 g of fruits of sophora is chopped to the powder, pour 700 ml of vodka.
  2. We insist in the dark for 1 week.
  3. We express the tincture and drink 1 seials. spoon 2 p. a day for a long time.

In addition to taking orally, they help compresses, irrigation from a decoction of Sophora Japanese, for example, with breast or uterus cancer.

How to take Japanese Sophore for the treatment of blood vessels and atherosclerosis?

Sophora Japanese helps to clear the vessels

For cleansing of blood vessels At home, we prepare the following apple vinegar:

  1. We take 100 g of fruits of sophora along with black nuclear vagues, which we flatten for the effectiveness of the medicine.
  2. Pour in the fruits of 1 liter of apple cider vinegar.
  3. We insist 20-30 days, sometimes shaking.
  4. We use without filtering this: we take 1-2 teas. tablespoons with vinegar, honey from Sophora and 1 cup of warm water, stir and drink on an empty stomach 1 time in the morning.

Note. A product with apple cider vinegar is contraindicated for people with increased acidity.

At atherosclerosis, increased pressure and vascular thrombosis It will be effective cognac tincture tincture tincture:

  1. Take 100 g of fruits and pour them 0.5 liters of cognac.
  2. We insist 3 weeks, filter.
  3. We drip 30-40 drops, drink 1 hour after eating, 3 p. For a day, for 21 days, then we do 1 week of a break, and begin treatment again.

Japanese Sophora in Gynecology: Recipe for applying

Sophora Japanese treats gynecological diseases

Sophora is treated with such female diseases:

  • Belie and candidiasis
  • Miom
  • Inflammation of the appendages
  • Endometritis
  • Erosion of the cervix
  • Infertility
  • The bleeding is uterine
  • Trichomonosis
  • Owl of the uterus

Gynecology is used pakhikarpin with Sophora Japanese. It helps to stimulate weak contractions in a woman who has a woman, and after childbirth he is prescribed if severe bleeding.

Bleeding from the uterus also stop japanese Sophoras with ascorbic acid. In addition, these joint drugs return the elasticity to the vessels. Treatment is carried out both inward and douching, compresses.

Japanese Sofora - Therapeutic properties: reviews

Japanese sophora flowers

We learn about the successes in the treatment with Sophora Japanese from the letters of consumers who have achieved positive results.

Maria K., Yekaterinburg. I drank a dietary supplement from Sophora of Japanese after the birth of the twins. After giving birth, my hair began to fall out straight with shreds. I prepared such a decoction for myself: 2 g of fruits of the Japanese sophora flooded 200 ml of boiling water. The insisting decoction drank during the day. And additionally the same decoction was prepared for rinsing hair. The procedure lasted 3 weeks. A month later, she repeated the treatment. The hair stopped falling out, acquired a natural shine.

Sergey N., Murmansk. For a long time my legs were covered with ulcers and did not heal. I bought a tincture of Japanese sophora in alcohol in a pharmacy. He began to smear her every day. For 10 days, while I smeared, the old ulcers dragged on, and the new ones stopped appearing.

So, with the help of Sophora of Japanese, you can cure various diseases, but before you begin to be treated, you need to consult your doctor.

Video: varieties and properties of honey. Japanese Sofora honey. Councils of specialists

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Comments K. article

  1. I have never heard of this, but was the same about the connection of this product with diabetes, I have a pre -antiabet and I was very worried about my sugar until I found a good way to keep it normal, I switched to low -carb diet and I drink vitamins in diabetes, still means They help to maintain sugar in normal)

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