Combinations of the Cheka and CN are written without a soft sign: rule, examples

Combinations of the Cheka and CN are written without a soft sign: rule, examples

In this article, we will consider the rule why words with particles of the Cheka and CH are written without a soft sign, as well as give examples.

The basic principle of competent writing is compulsory knowledge and application of grammar and spelling rules in the Russian language. Only with their help can I achieve perfectly written texts and sentences. But sometimes banal words make you think about the correct spelling. For example, the phrase of the Cheka and CH is written without a soft sign. And why is the soft sign is not needed, remember the rule and examples for clarity.

Why in the combinations of the Cheka and CN the soft sign is not written: we remember the rule and find examples

In general, these are the basics of the Russian language, which go in parallel with the basis of “life” and “shi”, which we write only through “and”. Or recall the word "joking". By the way, note that “h” is not used in combination with the letter “Y”. This will be a small clue why the Cheka and CN go without a soft sign.

Let us also recall for clarity that consonants have steaminess in softness and hardness. For example, the forehead - pain, company - drink.That is, letters can be pronounced with and without softening.

Remember: the letter "h" does not have a couple in hardness! That is, it is always soft. Therefore, on the letter there is no need to additionally focus on its softness using a soft sign.

Since h does not have a pair of solid
Since h does not have a pair of solid

At the same time, the standing letters will also soften. The same goes for and the letters "Shch", which also always protrudes soft.

Examples of using words with a Cheka:

  • Before hCand from the Vuji hCoh lived like two friends.
  • But hCand it turned out to be dark.
  • Light hCand she burned slowly.
  • String hCand on the typewriter it was uneven and constantly torn.
  • El hCand burned all year night.
Examples when a soft sign is not needed
Examples when a soft sign is not needed

Examples of softening words with CH without a soft sign:

  • Fairy tale chnthe hero defeated evil.
  • El chnthe toys shone brightly from the lights.
  • CO chnthe watermelon ate all the children.
  • Ski chnth the lesson came to an end.

Do not forget: the reverse combinations of the letters of the LF and CC are also written without a soft sign, due to the softening consonant of Parts.


  • Ko hCand appeared on the road unexpectedly.
  • By lFikov was not enough for everyone.
Combinations that are written without a soft sign
Combinations that are written without a soft sign

The same with the phrase NCh: go nChiK rushes very quickly.

Attention: a combination of letters CH can also be pronounced as the sound "shn" For example: of course, boring, bakery, laundry.The last three words can have two pronunciations with SN and with CH.

Video: Why are words with particles of ChN and a Cheka without a soft sign?

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  1. And how is Manchuria?

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