How many months can a fresh baby be given to a fresh, baked apple, compote, jelly of fresh and dried apples? Give children an apple: before meals or after? Dishes for infants up to a year from apples: Best recipes

How many months can a fresh baby be given to a fresh, baked apple, compote, jelly of fresh and dried apples? Give children an apple: before meals or after? Dishes for infants up to a year from apples: Best recipes

All about apples in the children's menu.

Why is an apple useful for children?

Apples are one of the most valuable gifts of nature to humanity. No wonder our ancestors argued that you will not need a doctor’s services if you eat one apple daily.

Important: apples are not treated for diseases! Apples help to support the mechanism of self -healing the body!

All the beneficial properties of apples are presented in infographics (see below).

What is contained in the newly torn apple?
What is contained in the newly torn apple?

In addition, apples are the product that not only our grandmothers ate, but also our great -grandmothers, so that the intolerance of apples with a children's body comes down to “0”.

Give children an apple: before meals or after?

In this case, it all depends on the age and state of health of the child.

Children at the age of 6-12 months eat apples

  • as part of cereals (as the main meal),
  • in the form of mashed potatoes (like a dessert after the main meal or as a snack),
  • in the form of compotes, jelly (like dessert),
  • if the baby shows interest in the apple (as a “pedagogical” feeding).

Important: it is better not to drink apple snacks with milk (including breast)!

Children over 1 year old can eat apples before eating as a stimulant of appetite, but take into account the fact that children should not abuse apples

  • with the problems of the gastrointestinal tract,
  • with a tendency to flatulence,
  • sick with diabetes

Important: after apples, it is not recommended to eat sweets, since fruit acid weakens tooth enamel and increases its sensitivity.

How many months can a baby, baby, baby, baby, fresh apple, a piece, a piece, through Nibbler, gnawed?

The answers to these questions are presented in the table.

Product At what age can you give a child?
Grated fresh apple. From 7.5-8 months as a "pedagogical" feeding. From 1-1.5 years as complementary foods.
An apple with a piece. From 1.5 years (provided that the child knows how to chew well).
An apple placed in Nibbler. From 7.5-8 months as a "pedagogical" feeding.
The whole (without a skin). From 1.5 years (provided that the child knows how to chew well.)


Important: acquaintance of a child with new products, including With apples, a very individual procedure and you need to focus here on the state of health of the baby and its individual taste preferences.

Fresh apple and freshly squeezed apple juice can irritate the gastrointestinal tract of the child.

From how many months can a baked apple, compote and jelly made of fresh and dried apples be given to the infants?

Important: the baked apple almost completely retains its supply of vitamins and trace elements and has a very mild effect on the gastrointestinal tract of a person.

Product At what age can you give a child?
Baked apple.

From 5 months for children on Yves.

From 7 months for children on guards.

The compote from apples.
Jelly jabs.

Is it possible and how to give a green and red apple 3 - 11 month and one -year -old child?

Children under 12 months old can be given green apples with white pulp, which grow in local gardens. Most often these are apples of Antonovka or Semirenko varieties. The ideal period for the first acquaintance is the season of the natural maturation of apples.

How to bake an apple to a baby: recipe

Baked apple for baby
Baked apple for baby

Wash medium-sized apple thoroughly, cut in half, put in a refractory shape and send it to the oven for 15-20 minutes. Cooking temperature: 180-200 ° C. Cool the finished apple slightly and free from the seed and peel. If necessary, shatter the flesh with a blender.

Apple slices are prepared 2 times faster.

If you want to bake an apple in a microwave, proceed from the following recommendations:

  • Cut 1 average apple in half,
  • set the power-700-800 watts,
  • cooking time-4-5 minutes.

How to brew a bungeal baby compote from dried and fresh apples: recipe

Apple compote can be used not only as a vitamin drink, but also as a basis for fruit porridge.

Flood compote (fresh):

  • apple medium -sized - 1 pc.,
  • water without gas - 200 ml.
  1. Wash the apple thoroughly. For compote, only apple pulp without peel and bones is needed. Cut the peeled apple into slices.
  2. Put slices in boiling water.
  3. Boil under a closed lid for 3-5 minutes from the moment of repeated boiling of the water.
  4. Let it brew for 1 hour.

Important: in the process of preparing compotes, it is better not to open the lid.

Apple dried compote:

  • apple drying - 20 g,
  • water without gas - 200 ml + 50 ml.
  1. Drink dried fruits thoroughly, rinse, pour boiling water.
  2. Fold dried fruits in a pan in which you will cook compote, and pour them with warm water. Leave it overnight.
  3. In the morning, bring the compote to a boil, let it brew for 1 hour.

How to brew a baby from apples: recipe

  • apple medium -sized - 1 pc.,
  • drinking water without gas - 200 ml,
  • starch - 1 tsp Without a hill.
  1. Wash the apple thoroughly. For compote, only apple pulp without peel and bones is needed. Cut the peeled apple into slices.
  2. Put slices in boiling water (200 ml). Boil under a closed lid until soft (apples should be boiled).
  3. Brease an apple broth. Try pulp for a blender. Combine the decoction and apple puree, mix the mixture.
  4. In cold water (50 ml), dilute the starch.
  5. Bring the apple mixture to a boil. Constantly stirring the mixture of a wooden spoon/spatula, enter the diluted starch into it. Do not stop stirring jelly until boiling!
  6. As soon as the contents of the pan boils, remove it from the heat and let the jelly cool a little.

How to make a puree from apples as an infants: recipe

Apple puree for the baby
Apple puree for the baby

The first apple puree for the baby is best done from baked fruits. How to bake apples can be read above in the text.

Some pediatricians advise the first apple puree to prepare from boiled apples remaining after the preparation of compote. It is believed that such fruits are devoid of vitamins, but they have enough fiber necessary to adapt the children's digestive tract to adult foods.

How to make cauliflower with apples as an infants: recipe

Wash medium-sized apple thoroughly, cut in half, put in a refractory shape and send it to the oven for 15-20 minutes. Cooking temperature: 180-200 ° C.

Boil the inflorescences of colored cabbage (200 g) for a couple until soft.

Cool the finished apple slightly and free from the seed and peel. Fly flesh and cooked cabbage break with a blender.

How to make a charlotte with apples as an infants: recipe

Important: infants cannot eat pastries from the common table!

The recipe offered below is rather like apple mousse, and not a classic apple pie.

  • apples - 200 g,
  • milk - 50 ml,
  • wheat flour - 8 g.
  1. Bake apples.
  2. Mix milk with flour and warm up on low heat with constant stirring. At the end of preparation, the mixture according to the consistency should resemble custard.
  3. Thoroughly break through the baked apple pulp and the custard base.

Apple snack "a la charlotte for a baby" is ready.

How to make a baby to make pancakes with apples: recipe

Pancakes with apples: recipe
Pancakes with apples: recipe

Important: children under 3 years old are not recommended to give fried dishes!

  • kefir (or any other fermented milk product) - 100 ml,
  • wheat flour - 50 g,
  • sugar, salt - to taste,
  • food soda - 1/3 tsp,
  • apple - 1 pc.
  1. Mix kefir, flour, sugar, salt, soda well. The dough in consistency should be thick enough (so that you can put it, and not pour it into a pan).
  2. Remove the peel from the apple, remove the seeds. Grate the pulp on the grater, slightly squeeze and add to the dough. Mix everything thoroughly again.
  3. Bake pancakes on a lubricated frying pan over medium heat. Do not forget to turn the pancakes for uniform incurrection.

How to make a chest casserole with apples as a baby: recipe

Important: the dish contains eggs!

Such a casserole is recommended to be entered in the menu of babies older than 12 months.

For one portion:

  • apple medium sizes - 1/2 pcs.
  • cottage cheese (fat content of not more than 15%) - 100 g,
  • quail egg-2-3 pcs.
  • butter - ½ tsp.

Important: all products should be at room temperature!

  1. Remove the peel from the apple, remove the seeds. Grate the pulp on the grater, slightly squeeze.
  2. Place cottage cheese, eggs, grated apple, soft butter in the blender bowl. Grind thoroughly. The more homogeneous the consistency of the cottage cheese dough, the more casserole will be!
  3. Put the dough in the shape and cake at a temperature of 180 ° C. Baking time: from 15 minutes (depending on the thickness of the casserole).

How to make a baby a casserole with rice with apples: recipe

Important: the dish contains eggs!

Such a casserole is recommended to be entered in the menu of babies over 2 years old.

  • rice-50-60 g,
  • water - 50 ml,
  • baby milk - 200 ml,
  • quail egg - 5 pcs.,
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • softened butter - 1 tsp.
  1. Rice carefully sort and rinse with cold water. Boil up to a half -consumption of 50 ml of water. Add milk to the semi -finished croup and cook to a viscous boiled state. At the end of cooking, you can add a pinch of salt and sugar. Cool to room temperature.
  2. Remove the peel from the apple, remove the seeds. Grate the pulp on a grater, slightly squeeze.
  3. 3. Add yolks, butter, apples to rice porridge. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Beat the proteins into a thick foam and gently intervene in a rice-apple mixture.
  5. Put the mixture in shape and cake at a temperature of 180 ° C. Baking time: from 15 minutes (depending on the thickness of the casserole).

Comments on the recipe: for casserole, it is better to use ordinary round -grained rice.

Video: Apple puree - a recipe for a child. How to cook mashed potatoes for infants. The kid eats an apple

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