Eyes are applied: causes, medication and folk remedies, prevention

Eyes are applied: causes, medication and folk remedies, prevention

Sliping the eyes is a symptom that requires immediate treatment. About him will be discussed in the article.

Every morning we open our eyes and meet a new day. But sometimes the morning awakening is associated with discomfort in the eye area. Lumps of painful discharge th glue Our eyelashes interfere with the full functioning of vision. What are the causes of such manifestations and how serious is it?

The reasons for the sticking of the eyes

At the initial stage of the disease, the eyes are asymptomatic. For this reason, a person does not resort to timely treatment and exacerbates the course of the inflammatory process. Slight itching or redness Most often perceived as a result of a hard working day.

But in the near future, discomfort in the eyes is accompanied by discharge of a certain nature. The long -term presence of the eyelids in a closed state contributes to the accumulation of painful secretions and their drying in the area of \u200b\u200bthe visual organ. Without special prophylactic measures, the amount of fluid secreted increases and annoying the organ of vision even more.

Negative factors because of which the eyes stick together after a night sleep:

  • Using low -quality eye cosmetics.
  • The inferior functioning of the lacrimal canal.
  • Allergic inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye due to conjunctivitis.
  • Eye diseases, accompanied by chronic inflammation.
  • An allergic reaction to the components of water and air.
Eyes stick together
Eyes stick together
  • With an infectious disease In the area of \u200b\u200bthe visual organ, suppuration accumulates. After sleeping, the eyes stick together, the eyelids are inflamed and the redness of the eyeball is observed. The main symptoms that signal the onset of the disease are abundant secretion of tears and itching in the eye area that cause discomfort.
  • With an inflammatory process The eye organ is distinguished by such a disease as blepharitis. The main defeat in this pathological process falls on the edges of the eyelids. As a result of inflammation of the follicles of eyelashes, protective mucus is ceased to be produced, consisting of secretions of the mucous membrane and the secret of the mable glands. The eye swells and begins to itch.
  • The initial stage of barley It also proceeds with abundant purulent discharge. The eyelid acquires a pronounced red color. Soon, characteristic visible signs of the disease appear.

On the visual organs of each person, various bacteria and parasites live. In an acceptable amount, they do not interfere with the normal functioning of vision. With weakened immunity, the number of pathogenic organisms begins to exceed the norm and provoke various diseases. One of these parasites is a demodic tick provoking the disease demodecosis. Visible purulent formations cannot be categorically to be squeezed out, this will provoke the spread of infection.

  • In children, purulent eye secretions often occur against the background of viral diseases. The greatest danger is inflammation of the eyes at elevated temperature. The cause of secretions in the eyeball can be the disease sinusitis.
  • Eyes often stick together in newborns. The main reason for such manifestations is fragile immunity unable to overcome various infections. That is why newborns are carried out preventive measures that prevent such inflammation.

Methods for preventing the eye slip after visiting a bath or pool

The course of an infectious disease can worsen after bath procedures. The cause of such manifestations is high temperature and increased humidity. Thermal effect on the body and a sharp change in temperature subject the body to a certain load. Similar procedures awaken pathogenic processes.

The main factors provoking eye infections:

  • Using other people's detergents.
  • Non -compliance with personal hygiene rules.
  • High temperature trauma.
  • Already existing herpes or conjunctivitis.
  • Strengthening the work of the lacrimal glands as a protective reaction of the body.

In case of an organism tendency to such manifestations before visiting the bath, it is advisable to use antihistamines for the eyes.

Use drops
Use drops

Visiting the pool also in some cases causes inflammatory processes. The main irritant in the pool is chlorinated water. If cosmetics are present on your face, then in combination with chlor, the face is subjected to an allergic reaction. With low -quality water purification, infectious conjunctivitis is provided to you. In order to avoid such manifestations, it is necessary to use swimming glasses.

What needs to be done if your eyes are sticking: treatment

The main causes of redness of the eyes are overwork and poor -quality sleep. In order to restore the healthy appearance of the visual organ, it is necessary to give the body the opportunity to sleep and relax.

  • The pastime at the TV screen, computer monitor and other gadgets should be limited within reasonable limits. Long -term reading of books also leads to overwork and inflammation of the cornea.
  • With increased concentration on certain objects, do not forget to switch your attention to distant landscapes, colors, pictures from time to time.
  • Control the correct distribution of light in the working and home space.
  • A full -fledged eye of the eye will exclude the sticking of the eyelids.

A special complex of exercises for the eyes contributes to normal awakening:

  • The maximum alternate opening of the eyes and mouth for 15 seconds.
  • Alternately closing their eyes and quick blinking for 30 seconds.
  • The movement of eyebrows up and down for 10 seconds.

Visual gymnastics helps to improve blood supply and leads the eye muscles to tone.

We perform exercises
We perform exercises

To prevent some eye diseases, special useful products must be consumed:

  • Blueberry berries or jam. Easily cope with eye fatigue and contribute to visual acuity.
  • Carrots in cheese and stewed form. Vitamin storehouse for the organs of vision.
  • Garlic and onion. High sulfur content favorably affects the clarity of vision.
  • Cottage cheese. The vitamins contained in it improve material exchange and blood supply.
  • Fish. The composition of fatty acids ensures the full operation of the visual organs.

Daily full hygiene will help prevent the eyes of eyes in the morning. When washing in clean water, try to open your eyes for a while. Such manipulation is useful for cleansing and correction of vision.

When the first alarming symptoms appear, the most reasonable solution will be to appeal to a specialist for help. Squeezing the eyes, tearfulness and redness require increased attention on your part.

To eliminate suppuration, the following measures must be taken:

  • Rinse the secretions with warm boiled water.
  • Each eye needs a separate sterile material.
  • Strong tea leaves or herbal decoction will help to remove swelling of the eye.
  • With a pronounced eye infection, it is advisable to attach compresses from rosehip decoctions.

Before using the recommended drugs, the eyes must be completely cleaned of secretions and dried crusts. For such manipulations, you can use cotton pads and a solution of furatsilin. Eye cleansing will contribute to recovery.

  • For effective treatment, you can use drops and ointments. To prevent aggravation of the disease will help drops of Levomycetin. With abundant sticking and suppuration, the drug is used every hour one drop in the eye. The drug will suspend the propagation of microorganisms.
  • Before going to bed, it is advisable to use Tetracycline ointment. The drug has an antibacterial effect. When conducting manipulations, it is very important to observe hygiene of the hands. To lay the ointment, it is necessary to push the lower eyelid.
  • Effective prophylactic is drops albucid. The only drawback of the drug is a short shelf life.
  • When sticking the eyes, it is important to always keep your hands clean. The sensation of itching can be facilitated by washing. It is categorically impossible to rub and scratch your eyes. Contacting with the eyes can provoke repeated inflammation.
  • When sticking the eyes, lenses cannot be used. A foreign body will lead to an increase and delay in suppuration.
  • For the period of the disease, it is worth reconsider your daily routine by reducing the visual load and increasing the rest time.
It is important to treat in time
It is important to treat in time

If, after a good rest and the exclusion of the surrounding stimuli, the eyes stick together as before, then pay a visit to an ophthalmologist. High -quality diagnosis will help to quickly identify and exclude the disease. Timely treatment will help in the shortest possible time to eliminate the danger to your body.

The use of folk remedies when sticking the eyes

  1. Compresses on the eyes are best made from a natural antiseptic - decoction of chamomile. To do this, several tablespoons of flowers are poured with boiling water and allowed to brew.
  2. Tincture of calendula Helps to quickly remove traces of fatigue. Fill a third of a glass with dry grass and pour boiling water. Insist at least an hour.
  3. Quick visible improvement results can be achieved by washing strong tea leaves or bag of tea. Pour a tablespoon of tea leaves with a glass of boiling water and let cool. Apply a warm tea bag to each eye for 3-5 minutes.

    Folk method
    Folk method
  4. Strong antiseptic effect has a weak solution of potassium permanganate. The solution inhibits pathogenic organisms.
  5. Effective action for the eyes has grass Own. Compresses with infusion of this grass relieve fatigue well, improve vision and treat barley. It is enough to pour 2-3 tablespoons of grass with boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes.

Video: Why do your eyes stick together?

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