Witch eyes watery what to do? The causes and treatment of tears of the eyes in adults, children and the elderly

Witch eyes watery what to do? The causes and treatment of tears of the eyes in adults, children and the elderly

The reasons for the tears of the eyes. Ways to treat itching and tearfulness.

Regardless of whether you have a good vision or reduced, you are familiar with the feeling of itching and tearfulness of the eyes. This is a fairly common problem and is found in people of any age.

Watery, itch and blush eyes: reasons

In fact, there are a lot of causes of discomfort and itching of the eyes. It can be an allergy or a serious infectious disease. Accordingly, the doctor should choose the treatment methodology, since you can aggravate the situation.

The main causes of redness and itching of the eyes:

  • Conjunctivitis. This is a disease characterized by inflammation of the cornea or eyeball. The ailment can be infectious or viral in nature. Often the cause of conjunctivitis is palpation of the eyes with dirty hands
  • Clothing of the cornea. This ailment appears due to injuries of the shells of the eye. Often occurs when a speck or sandstone enters
  • Bleferite. In this ailment, edema and itching of the lower eyelid appears. The disease provokes golden staphylococcus
  • Allergy. It can be caused by detergents, dust and pollen of plants. Often eyes itch and blush due to food allergies
  • Avitaminosis. The deficiency of B vitamins A and B often causes redness and itching of the eyes
  • Liver ailments and worms infection. Despite the fact that these diseases have nothing to do with the eyes, they can provoke their itching and redness
Eyes are itching
Eyes are itching

Why are eyes watery on the street?

The street is a place where the eye irritants are no less than at home. Usually on the street, eyes are watery due to dust. This is most often found in industrial regions.

  • Many enterprises of the coke -chemical and metallurgical industries are operating round -the -clock medical offices. The main reason for the appeal of employees is precisely the entry into the eye of a foreign body
  • In addition to dust, itching causes pollen. This is usually observed in the spring during the flowering of apple and apricot. In summer, the cause of redness of the eyes may be poplar fluff and ambrosia. If it enters the mucous membrane, its poplar fluff irritates it, itching occurs and redness occurs
  • Strong frost or sun. In some people, eyes inadequately respond to a strong decrease or increase in ambient temperature
Eyes on the street watery
Eyes on the street watery

The eyes of the eyes in the elderly

People in old age have more causes of itching and tearful eyes than young people. This is due to a whole bouquet of internal diseases that provoke eye irritation.

The common causes of the tears of the eyes in the elderly:

  • Keratoconjunctivitis. This is a disease in which the front of the cornea does not produce a sufficient amount of grease. It is often accompanied by loss of vision. At the initial stage of the disease, rubber and itching are observed in the morning and evening, and then tears flow from both eyes
  • Diabetes. This is a hormonal disease, which also often provokes lacrimation. It occurs due to lack of fluid. The mucous membrane dry out
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • lupus erythematosus
  • Autoimmune ailments
  • Dry eye syndrome
The eyes of the eyes in the elderly
The eyes of the eyes in the elderly

What to do if the child has one eye watery?

In infants, lacrimation usually occurs due to conjunctivitis. It often appears due to infection with golden staphylococcus in the hospital. This conditionally pathogenic organism is a frequent guest of operating and maternity rooms.

If you immediately after discharge from the hospital or in the hospital noticed that the baby is watery and sour eyes, you need to do treatment. Typically, the eyes of the crumbs are washed with a solution of furatsilin. If washing does not help, consult a doctor to establish the true cause of the disease. Perhaps your child is allergic to washing powder or baby food.

If after discharge from the hospital you did not notice any discharge from the eyes, but a month later they appeared, then most likely it is dacryocystitis. This is inflammation in a tearful bag. Often appears due to blockage of the lacrimal canal. The treatment should be comprehensive.

Methods for treating dacryocystitis of newborns:

  • Massage. It is carried out by adult pressing on the inside of the eye with a little finger. Hands must be thoroughly washed. Massage is carried out 4-5 times a day. When purulent discharge appears, they are removed with cotton wool moistened in a solution of furatsilin
  • Eye drops. Usually these are anti -inflammatory drugs and antibiotics: albucid, okulochiel
  • Medicinal herbs. It is useful to wash the eyes of the baby with a decoction of chamomile and green tea
  • Sounding. This is a simple operation that is carried out under local anesthesia. In the process of interference, a probe is introduced through the lacrimal canal, which sucks the entire pus from the bag
Dacriocystitis of newborns
Dacriocystitis of newborns

Video: eye massage for dacryocystitis

Drops from eyes of eyes for adults and children

There are many drops for the treatment of tearfulness, initially you need to find out the cause of the disease and only then engage in its treatment.

Types of eye drops for the treatment of lacrimation:

  • Corticosteroids. These are hormonal drugs that do an excellent job of allergic reactions. They are prescribed during the period of exacerbation of seasonal allergies during flowering of poplar and ambrosia. The most common drug is dexamethason
  • Antibiotics. They are prescribed for bacterial conjunctivitis and blepharitis. This is usually an albucid, Okomistin, Levomycetin
  • Anti -reducing. Such drops are prescribed for dry eye syndrome and constant work at the computer. Among them, the most popular are: Vizin, Nafkon, Oppon
  • Antihistamines. These are drops from allergies, they block the body's reaction to irritation. The most popular antihistamines for the eyes: Patanol, Azelastin, Ketotifen
Drops from tearfulness
Drops from tearfulness

Treatment of eyes of eye of eyes with folk remedies

If you are not a fan of medical treatment, you can try to eliminate lacrimation with the help of herbal decoctions. Most often used washing or compresses on the eyelids.

Folk recipes from tearfulness:

  • Lily of the valley. To eliminate tearfulness, a spoonful of crushed colors and leaves is used. They are pre -poured with boiling water and withstand 40 minutes. Cotton wheels are immersed in a warm solution and applied for 20 minutes
  • Zelenka from blepharitis. Do not worry, you don’t need to smear anything. You need to wind a cotton wool on a match and moisten it in green. Walk this wand along the eyelash growth line. Zelenka is absorbed in the pores in the area of \u200b\u200beyelash growth and itching will stop
  • Caraway seeds and clover. You need to prepare a decoction of caraway seeds, plantain and clover flowers. Plant raw materials are mixed in equal quantities and 400 ml of boiling water is poured. The mixture is boiled for 20 minutes. This broth is filtered and instilled 2 drops every 2 hours
  • Millet. This remedy helps with seasonal tearfulness. It is necessary to pour 50 g of washed millet with 700 ml of boiling water and cook for 7 minutes. The decoction is filtered and washed their eyes three times a day. Before going to bed, lotions from the decoction are applied to the eyes. You need to keep them 10 minutes
Folk recipes from tearfulness
Folk recipes from tearfulness

Keep in mind, itching and tearfulness can be symptoms of serious diseases. Be sure to visit a doctor.

Video: Eye tearfulness

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Comments K. article

  1. Thank you. I have had such a trouble with my eyes recently, but I spend a lot of time at the computer-everything can be because of this (

    1. Olya, yes, this can easily happen because of the computer-dry eye syndrome, heard? You need special drops for the eyes. Buy an artlack - there is an artelak balance and an artellar surge. The first for more serious cases are intended when other symptoms are added to dry eyes: lacrimation and carving - and all this bothers for a long time. And if you don’t bring it to this, you can bury an artelon - for rare cases of discomfort, the most

  2. And my conjunctivitis was manifested. All the symptoms are just as a selection: lacrimation, and redness of the eyes, and this terrible pus in the morning, that the eyes cannot be opened. As I recall - BRR. Floxal was saved-a week of instillation, and, pah-pah, everything went like a nightmare. In the very first days of the use of drops, by the way, relief has occurred.

  3. Thank you!

  4. Our child had similar problems!

  5. I wear lenses, and so that there are no problems with the eyes (including lacrimation), occasionally I spend the courses of Corneregel, healing and restoring the cornea of \u200b\u200bthe eye. And I also try to use it to use drops - the artlack is very good. They perfectly dry eyes and lenses eliminate and relieve possible problems.

  6. I agree with one of the commentators above. Such symptoms are quite possible with conjunctivitis. Quite often, he is accompanied by all these troubles. Tea bags are clearly here - not an option, it is necessary to use special means to avoid complications. I also like drops of phloxal from these - they “work” in several directions at once: both unpleasant symptoms from the very first instillations are reduced, and they affect the reduction of inflammation. 7 days of application - and everything is fine with the eyes.

  7. My eyes were watery, but also blushed with dry eyes. After all, I started to rub. And how I recall what kind of discomfort was at the same time (((the feeling of sand in the eyes, horror is simple. And it came to the point that unpleasant sensations did not even leave after the night (although when you sleep, my eyes rest). I decided to see a doctor, and now Cationorm drops use. Beauty))) Moisturized eyes and not pleasant sensations)))

  8. My eyes were not watery, but on the contrary, I wanted to wet them, or often start blinking, since I can’t sit at the monitor all day, and the end of the working day can no longer sit, since dryness is terrible in my eyes. True, this was so before. Now I have good drops - okutyars are called. There are no preservatives in their composition, but moisturize their eyes well. It’s quite with my not frequent dryness to me these drops are suitable for me.

  9. many look use drops, although something to be surprised, the air is dry in the office, and at home, and therefore their eyes dry. By the way, by the way, a drop of artelak has already trained with it to wear a surge in my pocket, and I use them as necessary. Verreny closer to the evening, when dryness begins to appear.

  10. My eyes also usually dry by the end of the working day, but I can’t pick up the drops in any way, there are so many of them (((

  11. Diana is for sure. There are many drops for the eyes now, but in general you need to select drops by symptoms. And I believe that no one will do it better than a doctor. Therefore, he consulted the doctor and he advised me. So now, if I work a lot behind the monitor and my eyes begin to dry in the evening, then I dig them and unpleasant sensations go away.

  12. We have many in the office, even the bottles with drops moisturizers carry with them. Well, I forget about them all the time. True, I found out about the drops of the optagel. They are enough to use them once a day so that the eyes are moisturized, which I actually do now. I use it at night.

  13. Also, his eyes were somehow watery. Then I only began to wear lenses, the first days I went to them. And with such a misfortune I ran into. The corneregel then used that everything was OK with the cornea (as part of this gel - healing Dexpanthenol). The discomfort disappeared completely after a few uses of everything.

  14. thank you for the article

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