Ginger teeth in a dream. 5 main causes of creaking teeth in adults and children

Ginger teeth in a dream. 5 main causes of creaking teeth in adults and children

The article is devoted to describing the problem of grinding teeth in children and adults. The causes of tugboat and methods of its treatment are named.

What does the rattle of teeth mean?

People of any ages face the problem of grinding. Many of them simply do not pay attention to this habit. In medicine, this habit is called towing.

Growing teeth occurs due to the tension of the chewing muscles, as a result-many dental problems. Taxism occurs in an unconscious state when a person sleeps or passionate about some process. Sometimes, grinding with teeth can be accompanied by neurosis. There are reasons why people have towing, as well as the methods by which you can get rid of it.

Grinding teeth in a dream in children

  1. According to doctors, grinding in children is less dangerous than in adults. It’s normal when a child will groan with milk teeth for a short time. This does not harm enamel. Worry and consult a doctor if the tugboat manifests itself daily for a long time
  2. Grinding to teeth may appear due to increased adenoids
  3. Taxism at night can occur in a child due to the overexcitation of the nervous system before going to bed (playing active games, watching TV)
  4. Growing teeth occurs due to the nervous state of the baby. If the child has problems at school or in the garden, he can worry about it. He will also fall asleep in the nervous state, which will be gripped with his teeth
  5. Eating for the night of heavy food that makes digestion complicates

Causes of grinding teeth in adults

  1. Taxism develops in people with professions where there is a large load on the nervous system
  2. Growing teeth can be observed in nervous and aggressive people at any time of the day
  3. Sometimes, tow occurs due to an incorrectly delivered seal or implant
  4. In exceptional cases, grinding in adults may indicate the development of epilepsy. If there are no other reasons, you should undergo an examination by a doctor

Despite the widespread opinion, medicine is not proven between the grinding of teeth and the presence of parasites in the body.

How to recognize the manifestation of tugboat?

The habit of grinding teeth is noticeable from the side. However, it itself is extremely difficult to identify it. If suspicions crept in, you can analyze such symptoms:

  • Dental problems are actively developing in towing: dental enamel is erased, bite changes, teeth are loosened
  • Ginger teeth affects the quality of sleep. The body cannot fully rest, and a person in the morning feels tired
  • Pain in the neck and head may occur
  • It feels ringing in the ears

If everything, or some symptoms are detected, you should observe the reaction of your jaw to nervous situations. A good way to identify tugboat, ask strangers to observe you for several days.

Ginger to teeth is not considered a disease. Experts attribute it to one of the options for sleep disturbance, along with lunatism and snoring.

Treatment of grinding, creaking of Brooksism teeth

If we take into account that towing is one of the options for mental disorders, then the first stage of treatment should be an exclusion of stressful situations from life. To do this, you need to turn to a psychologist, control your aggression, lead a more active lifestyle.

Also, you need to visit the dental office and voice your problem. There, special plates, capes that protect the teeth from erasure during sleep will be made.

There are also several effective folk methods of getting rid of tugboat.

  • Medicinal herbs against grinding teeth. Herbs such as valerian and lavender have a calming effect. For children and adults, evening massage with essential lavender oil and tea from valerian decoctions will be effective
  • Herbal teas have a relaxing effect. It is recommended to drink a cup of warm herbal tea before going to bed. It may include chamomile, mint, lemon balm, lemon juice and honey
  • Drink from milk and turmeric. It is necessary to heat a glass of milk to a hot state, dissolve a teaspoon of ground turmeric in it. Drink the mixture 30 minutes before bedtime
  • The use of calcium and magnesium will support dental enamel in the manifestation of tugboat
  • The practice of deep breathing will help relieve nervous tension before bedtime.
  • A healthy lifestyle, enough time for sleeping, physical activity help to establish the condition of the nervous system
  • Warm compress against grinding teeth. The fabric should be wetted in warm water, squeezed. Then attach to the muscles of the neck and jaw, where tension is felt. Heat will help to relax muscles and prevent pain

Grinding teeth: tips and reviews

There are many reviews of patients on the Web who were able to overcome the habit of grinding their teeth.

  • “For me, an important point in getting rid of this bad habit was its awareness. My husband, a few months ago, said that at night I would grind my teeth. I did not pay attention to this. Due to dental problems, I had to admit to ourselves that the towing is a real problem. I began to control myself during the day, and before going to bed I drank soothing tea and tried not to think about daytime problems. ” Svetlana, 38 years old
  • “I suffer from towing periodically. When there is stress at work, I can wake up several times at night from my own grinding with my teeth. As soon as I start to notice the problem, everything goes away. Until the next stress. " Nikolay, 45 years old
  • “I told me that I will grind my teeth. He advised to make capes. For a long time they prevented me from sleeping, but then I got used to it. I did not contact other doctors. I try to get less nervous and fall asleep in a calm state. Apparently, I would grind my teeth only at night, I didn’t notice this after myself. ” Alla, 27 years old

Dr. Komarovsky about tugboat in children

The well -known Komarovsky pediatrician also gives advice and recommendations to get rid of children from grinding with teeth. He warns that more vigilant parents can do more harm to the child’s health. No need to panic if the child sometimes grinds his teeth. Sometimes, this is just the process of playing and studying your mouth. Parents make a mistake when, due to tugboat, they begin to treat the child from parasites. Such treatment can be carried out only after examination and confirmation that parasites are in the body.

Of the reasons that provoke tugboat, Komarovsky notes the most probable:

  • An increase in adenoids
  • Heredity
  • Tooth cutting
  • Lack of group B vitamins

Komarovsky advises to treat towing, starting with the stabilization of the child's nervous state. Massages, herbal teas, warm baths should be used before bedtime. It is necessary to reinforce the child’s body with vitamins and minerals, especially in the winter and spring season.

The main problem of tugboat is that it is not enough to take attention to it. If the problem is detected, you do not need to postpone its solution. Attention should be paid to disorders in the body that could cause the occurrence of grinding with teeth.

Video: “Taxism. What to do if you grind your teeth at night? "

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