Tensions for children for speech and diction by years. Tongue twisters for children on the letters p, l, w, b.

Tensions for children for speech and diction by years. Tongue twisters for children on the letters p, l, w, b.

The modern world offers babies a huge number of interactive toys, high -tech entertainment, effective training techniques. At the same time, statistical indicators are ruthless: every fourth child in the world suffers from a delay in speech development. How to help the baby not get into sad statistics will tell an article.

Let's start with well -known facts

#one. Most of our time (about 16 hours a day) we communicate. It is obvious that the success of a person literally in any field of activity depends on communicative skills, since speech characteristics are an important part of his image. Speech shortcomings can have a negative impact on the future of the child. Such disadvantages include:

  • monotonous or too expressive intonation
  • non -compliance with pauses
  • poor diction
  • too fast or slow pace of speech
  • quiet or too loud voice

Most disadvantages are quite fixed. And not the sensational methods of overseas luminaries will help in this, but simple and unfairly forgotten tongue twisters

#2. The game is the most natural type of activity of the child. That is why game forms are the optimal path of attracting a child to learning. Easy to play with verbal material, including tongue twisters, the children themselves, without noticing it, will form a number of very important skills, which over time

  • they will form the basis of a clear measured speech
  • will help quickly master reading

#3. Each child is individual. The general and speech development of children of the same age may have some differences. The table at the bottom gives the estimated procedure for children to learn the sounds of the Russian language

The age of the child The sounds of the tongue
1 to 2 years old [A], [o], [e], [m], [n], [b]
2 to 3 years old [Y], [and], [s], [t], [d], [in], [f], [g], [k], [x], [n], [th], [th], [s], [th]
3 to 4 years old [S], [h], [c]
4 to 5 years old [W], [g], [h], [С sm]
5 to 6 years old [L], [p]
6 years The child fully speaks all the sounds of the Russian language

Important: if at the age of 6 the child has speech problems, for example, does not pronounce some sounds, parents need to contact a speech therapist

Tongue twisters for the development of speech and diction in children

Complex tongue twisters for children are the most entertaining game
Complex tongue twisters for children are the most entertaining game

Tongue twisters are not only a wonderful folklore heritage, but also the favorite tool of most speech therapists

Tongue Twisters

  • effectively train sound articulation
  • contribute to the acquisition of the skills of proper speech
  • correct speech defects
  • get rid of tongue -tied tongue
  • they develop phonemic hearing, because in order to reproduce the phrase, the child must hear it correctly.

The sooner you start telling the baby tongue twisters and purely, the faster he will learn to listen and hear various sound combinations, and eventually try to repeat them on his own

Before you start “skill” for a grateful public, take into account several useful tips:

  1. First, talk to the tongue twister slowly, try it “tastes” to remember all sound combinations correctly. Your task is at this stage: he will learn to clearly pronounce every sound of each word. If you teach a tongue twister with your child, adhere to the same rule: slowly and clearly pronounce every word.


  • Do not wait for the baby to repeat everything at once
  • Do not be angry if the result is different from the expected
  • Lesson time for the child: 5-10 minutes (depending on the age of the child)
  • Number of classes: not limited
  1. Plane tires can not only be said. They can be whispering and even sing. You can speak with different intonations and in different "styles". The main thing at the same time is a clear pronunciation of all sounds and sound combinations. Carefully follow this
  2. When you are completely sure of the clarity of the pronunciation of all words, you can try to speak the ornate sentence as quickly as possible. Please yourself and the child!
The more complicated the tongue twister, the more interesting it is to learn it
The more complicated the tongue twister, the more interesting it is to learn it

Before you start learning a tongue twister, a speech therapy gymnastic gymnastics will not be superfluous for the child. Such exercises will not only “warm up” the articulation organs, but also strengthen them. A classic set of articulatory techniques is presented in the video “Speech therapist. Articulating gymnastics. Exercise

Video: Speech therapist. Articulating gymnastics. Exercise

Tensions for the letter "Sh" for children

The correct articulation of the sound [w] should look as follows

Proper articulation of sound [w]
Proper articulation of sound [w]
For the smallest, not tongue twisters will not be a good start, but purely

Purely spokes with sound [w]
Purely spokes with sound [w]
Photo1_1 (2)

  • Sha-sha-sha-mom washes the baby
  • Sha-sha-sha-mom feeds the baby
  • Sha-sha-sha-mom loves the baby
  • Sha-sha-sha-we download the baby
  • Shu-shu-shu-I'm writing a letter
  • Shu-shu-shu-we will tie the scarf to the baby
  • Shu-shu-shu-we will tie a hat to the baby
  • Sho-shu-well for a walk
  • Sho-sho-our house is good
  • Sho-sho-in the summer in the park is good
  • ASh-Ash-U (Name of the Child) Pencil
  • Ash-Ash-We finished the hut
  • Shi-shi-shi-Kamysh whispers something

And for older talkers, funny tongue twisters are also suitable

Children's poems with [w]
Children's poems with [w]

The mouse is whispering the mouse:
"You rustle everything, do not sleep"
The mouse whispers the mouse:
"I will rustle quieter"

Masha did not finish the porridge
Masha is tired of porridge!
- Masha, eat porridge!
Do not bother mom!

- A cat in pants?
- In pants are not cats.
- Moshka in pants?
- In the pants are not a midge.
- A mouse in pants?
- In the pants are not a mouse.
- Bear in pants?
- In the pants Bear!

Yasha ate porridge
Antoshka - potatoes,
Goshka - okroshka,
Leshka - cake
Valyushka - cheesecake,
Irishka - dumplings,
Tanyushka - a bun,
And Michelle ate vermichel!

Mishutka in a basket
Mice, frogs, cats,
Balls, washers, coils,
Keys, curtains, pillows,
Jugs, pots, nesting dolls,
Mops, cabinets, cooks,
Cars, screws, shells ...
Toys, toys, toys

Hat - on Kolyusha,
Hat - on Andryusha,
Ushaka - on Grisha,
Galoshs - on Misha,
Shoes - on Vityusha,
Hood - on the currency,
Overcoat - on Igor,
Shirt - on Lyubash
The helmet is on Kiryusha,
Scarf - on Katyusha,
Kashny - on Alyosha,
Pants - on Plates,
Fur coat - on Ilyusha,
Shorts - on Vanyusha.

And now you can master the real tongue twisters

Tensions for the letter
Tensions for the letter "Sh" for children
  • A cat on a window sews a score for a ruff
  • Lesha and Glasha eat wheat porridge
  • Timoshka trumpers crumbling into the okroshka crumbs
  • Sixteen mice walked, carried sixteen pennies, two mice carried two pennies.
  • Jasper in the suede
  • Hat Misha bumpy
  • There are six huts in the hut

Tensions for the letter "Sh" for children

First of all, get acquainted with the correct articulation of the sound [sch]

Correct articulation of sound [sch]
Correct articulation of sound [sch]
Purery will tune in to the work of little fidgets

  • Ashch-Ashcha-Ashcha-a thick thicket ahead
  • Ashch-Asisch-We bought a cloak
  • Ashchi-amiah-amchi-don't go further into the thicket
  • Still-the bream beats in the networks
  • Annex-lesh-tick on the dog
  • Binding-horses-oak grove noise
  • Osh-Osh-Osh-horsetail in the garden
  • Feel-Osh-Osh-take care of the grove
  • Damage-Ushch-Ushch-behind the fence of ivy
  • Scha-shche-sho-we carry bream home
  • Scha-CHO-CHA-a belt from a cloak
  • Shche-thor-(the name of the child) in the cloak
  • Cheek-shche-we will repeat yet
  • Cabbage soup-(name of the child) loves cabbage soup
  • Schu-toch-to -ch-(name of the child) I am looking for

After purely speakers, you can proceed to entertaining poems

Speed-skills for the letter
Speed-skills for the letter "Sh" for children

Sweeps, rain, rain,
The wolf hid under the horsetail.
The tail under the horsetail,
And in the rain itself

The dandelon respects the brush,
The dandelor captures the dust with a brush.
If the thing is not cleaned,
There will be nothing to flaunt!

Trembling fins,
And tooth and thinness,
Looking for food for lunch
The pike walks the circle of bream.
That's how a thing!
Pike is in vain
Infringe on the bream.
That's how a thing!

Banner, foundry, swimsman,
Racer, crusher, diver,
Washer, pudel, tram,
Single, batman, drummer,
Saw, coachman, fencer
Dragged the boarding box.
In the box - gravel, brush,
Ticks, scores and rattles

And finally, the time has come for the tongue twisters

Tensions for the letter
Tensions for the letter "Sh" for children
  • I drag the pike, drag, I won't let go of the pike
  • Not the same, comrades, comrade comrade, who is comrade comrade with comrades, but he, comrades, comrade comrade, who is without comrades comrade comrade
  • Wolves are growling, looking for food
  • Scales at the pike, the bristle at the flash
  • In vain pike pike to infringe on the bream

The tongue twisters for the letter "l" for children

The sound [l], along with the sound [p], is the most insidious and difficult to pronounce. That is why, the permissible age norm for the independent development of these sounds is 5 years

Correct articulation [l] looks as follows

Proper articulation of sound [l]
Proper articulation of sound [l]
Warming is an important component of speech therapy. Do not neglect purely speaking. It is they who will prepare the articulation apparatus of the child for work

Purely speeches for the letter
Purely speeches for the letter "L" for children


  • Ul-ul-ul-our baby fell asleep
  • Ol-ol-ol-(name of the child) sat down/sat down at the table
  • Lo-Lo-Lo-we have fun together
  • Yl-il-il-I washed the car
  • La-la-la-steep rock
  • Lu-Lu-L-L-L-LU-We’ll get around the rock
  • Le-le-le-nests on a rock
  • Liu-lu-lu-(name of the child) I love

Speech therapy verses with funny texts will help to master complex sounds

Speed-skills for the letter
Speed-skills for the letter "l" for children

The moonlight is blue
He did not give a donkey to sleep,
Sitting a donkey on a boulder
And yawned and yawned ...
And by chance a donkey
Suddenly swallowed the moon
He smiled, sighed -
And calmly fell asleep

The foxes bark, the deaf farm.
Lies in the foliage under the Lipa Lan.
Delay in the depths of cold waters
Lazily, but easily floats.
The moon is to be radiated like a brass
Lun enjoys the frog.
A cheerful bee flies
Night haze lay on the forest

Topa to the poplar.
They drank to the poplar.
They drank to the poplar
Yes, the legs were torn off

Doll Mila Luda soap
I didn’t wash the dirt from the doll.
But from the soap doll Mila
Paired as she could.
From resentment Luda doll
I exchanged for a donkey

Speed-skills for the letter
Speed-skills for the letter "l" for children

Mila Mom, as best she could
Though small, but helped.
I haven't been looking for a long time:
Rinseed the towel
The forks washed and spoons,
I watered a cat with milk,
Half a panel luffled
From the corner to the corner ...
She wanted to rest -
I could not sit idle:
I found shreds on the shelf
Both pins and needles,
And for the doll, Mila became
Sewing a dress and a blanket.
This mila
Mom barely laid

In vain affectionate affection is named:
She's not affectionate at all.
The affection has evil eyes.
Do not expect affection for affection!

And for the most serious talkers the most serious test remains - tongue twisters for sound [l]

The tongue twisters for the letter
The tongue twisters for the letter "l" for children
  • Klava put onions on a shelf
  • Tasty halva - master praise
  • Near the stake of the bell
  • Laika - on the bench. The likes of the paw. On the paws - bast shoes
  • The field is not paintings, the field is not politically. You have to drink a field, you have to water the field
  • Swans flew with swans
  • Sitting a falcon on a goal trunk
The tongue twisters for the letter
The tongue twisters for the letter "l" for children

Tongue twisters for the letter "p" for children

Oh, this intractable sound [p]! How many disorders because of him are imaginary parents! But, paying due attention to a complex sound and following the advice of a speech therapist, you can learn everything: even growl like a tiger

Purely spokes with sound [p] for warm -up

Purely speeches with sound [p]
Purely speeches with sound [p]
  • Re-re-re-trees in silver
  • Re-re-re-cunning fox sits in a hole
  • Ry-ray-ray-Scarlet Zorya ascended
  • Ryu-ryu-ryu-I'll cook you lunch
  • Ary-Ary-Ary-eat, baby, cracker
  • Ra-ra-ra-(the name of the child) time to sleep
  • Ro-Rro-there is a bucket on the floor
  • Ry-rah-circles circle.
  • Or -or -or-We have lost the courtyard

Purely speeches with sound [p]
Purely speeches with sound [p]
Having mastered the proposed networks, you can come up with new double -faces with your child

And if you don’t really want to come up with, learn the speech therapy rhymes with your child

I prepared Raisa
For Boris rice soup
Boris Raisa gave
Thirty -three and three iris

Ostriches build nests on the sidelines.
These funnels look strange.
Pits in the sand dig quickly and simply
Slender birds of tall

At the stern, except Romka,
Egor and Artemka.
At the stern, except for the brand,
Rita and Tamarka

- Kar! - shouts the crow - Theft!
Guard! Robbery! The missing!
The thief crept out early in the morning!
He stole a brooch from his pocket!
Pencil! Cardboard! Traffic jam!
And a beautiful box.
- Wait, raven, do not scream!
Do not scream, shut up.
You cannot live without deception:
You don't have a pocket!
- How?! - the crow jumped
And blinked in surprise.
- What did you not say before?
Guard! The pocket was stolen!

Near the hill
Verochka with Egor.
Verochka with Egor
Speak down tongue twisters.
Their conversation is agile
Fast and speed:
“The officer marchs,
The engineer reports
The fire is flared up " -
Rada Vera and Egor

A gun charged with a traffic jam,
The ruff presented the fish timid.
Since then, pureblasty black cancer
Does not start fighting with her

And after funny verses you can do with tongue twisters

  • Artem Taries on a grater carrots
  • Brastvre's razor shave beards
  • All beavers are kind to their Bobraits
  • Gregory - Brother George
  • Cobra - in the terrarium, and carps in the aquarium
  • Fish in the pond - a dime a dozen
  • Thirty -three trumpeters trumpet the alarm
  • Three trumpeters were trumpeted into pipes
Tensor with sound [p]
Tensor with sound [p]

Tensions for children 3-4 years old

For most children aged 3-4 years, complex sounds are

  • [W], [w], [С sm]
  • [L], [p]

Given the young age of Govorunov, choose speech material not burdened with complex pronunciation

The tongue twisters below do not contain sonoric [l], [p], whistling, hissing and sound [f]


  • Venya and Ivan are not to blame
  • We will see Vadim and surprise
  • In the carriage of Vova and Matvey, Vikenty, Vitya and Avdey
  • Will lead Benjamin to bears and penguins
  • Attention: in a water reservoir
  • See: on the couch of Vova two boaless


  • Sweets - Faune, Confetti - Timothy
  • Fima has dates. Fani has candy wrappers
  • Fedot has a basket


  • Do not bubny, hit the bubo
  • I run to the bull and from the bull.


  • On hooves - horseshoes
  • Pete do not finish the drink
  • Pony in the blanket
  • The parrot does not bathe! The parrot is not scared! They buy a parrot!


  • In the reservoir of water, apparently invisible
  • At home - brownie, in water - water
  • One yes one - two


  • Wraply not on the heel
  • Anton has an antenna
  • Tanya has a secret. This is Tanina's Secret. And Tanya is fraught with this secret


  • The cap is compote
  • Kok has cocoa
  • Some people somehow throw some stone somewhere


  • Baba Yaga Mages do not help magic
  • Blutings are not in the south
  • Ignat helps to prepare Inge and Agnia


  • The day off is suitable. We’ll rest on the weekend
  • On the hunt - Ahmed Akhmedov, Pakhom Pakhomov, Mikhey Mikheev and Tikhon Tikhonov
  • The khan has henna


  • Owl has a conscience
  • Everyone would sit down and eat
  • Autumn has a canopy in the Seine


  • In winter, the carefree zoya is chilly
  • Do not forget the forget -me -nots
  • The bell rings loudly: "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!"

As soon as the child understood the rules of the game, clearly and quickly repeats the tongue twisters with light sounds, go to complex phrases

Tensions for children 3-4 years old


Photo6_2 (2)
Tensions for children 3-4 years old

Tensions for children 5-6 years old

At this age, work is carried out with all the sounds of the Russian language.

Tensions for children 5-6 years old
Tensions for children 5-6 years old

Our Chebotar
All Chebotars Chebotar,
No one of our Chebotar
Do not reinforce

Tensions for children 5-6 years old
Tensions for children 5-6 years old

Petr Petrovich,
Nicknamed Perepelovich,
Tamed the quail.
The quail brought
Peter Petrovich
Perepelovich will be quipped

Tensions for children 5-6 years old
Tensions for children 5-6 years old


Short tongue twisters for children 7-8 years old

  • Kosi's scythe is still dew. Downs down, braid home
  • Three shirts in three yards are chopped firewood
  • Serum from under the yogurt
  • The beaver has a hat
  • I will go to the forest along the ripples of the cow
  • The sea wave is strong and free
  • Swifts, taps, chogles and chiers chirp in the grove
Short tongue twisters for children 7-8 years old
Short tongue twisters for children 7-8 years old

Complex tongue twisters for children

Where did the millet’s clearing come from?
They woke up the millet here simply.
They learned about the millet.
Without demand, all millets were hidden.

Staffordshire Terrier Reset,
And the black -haired risenchneuzer res.

The parcel was sent to Pereslavl for subsequent shipping

Thirty -three ships were maneuveled, maneuveled, but did not catch

I broke my tongue, fired up until I ground my tongue.

Apartment of the cartographer in the cards, and the portraitist in portraits

Gathered margarita margarita on the mountain,
The Margarita Margarita on the grass lost her

Funny and not always logical tongue twisters is a wonderful way not only to correct speech problems, but also to have fun with the child. Appreciate these minutes of the game and trust. Small game tasks below will help you diversify classes

Video: tongue twisters. Cartoons for the smallest

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