How and what to brush your teeth to the dog at home: tips, recommendations. How to care for the dog’s teeth, how often do you need to brush your dog’s teeth? How to accustom an adult dog to brush your teeth?

How and what to brush your teeth to the dog at home: tips, recommendations. How to care for the dog’s teeth, how often do you need to brush your dog’s teeth? How to accustom an adult dog to brush your teeth?

In this article you will learn how and how to brush your dog’s teeth.

Do the dog need to brush your teeth?

Hygiene jaws of a dog is not just a whim, this is a procedure that is important for the health of the animal. If you do not take care of the dog’s oral, then a stone begins to form on the teeth. The stone injures the gums, and can also provoke the exposure of the tooth neck, periodontal disease. In this case, the dog will become nervous or lethargic. Pain will lead to the fact that the dog can refuse food or your favorite game.

Bacteria that are formed in the oral cavity can provoke an unpleasant odor from the oral cavity, tooth loss, and the worst - adversely affect the health of the heart, kidneys, liver of the dog.

Sooner or later, dog owners are wondering: do you need to brush your teeth to the dog? The answer is unequivocal: yes, you need.

The reasonson which the teeth in dogs begin to deteriorate different:

  1. Heredity. Dobermans, setters, sharpei are distinguished by strong teeth. But the poodles, cockers are a tendency to teeth diseases.
  2. Feeding. From the age of puppy, you should monitor a sufficient amount of mineral substances in the stern (calcium, phosphorus).
  3. Absence hygienic procedures.
  4. DiseasesThe previously transferred, can affect the health of the teeth.
Delicing in dogs is required

How to care for the dog’s teeth and how to brush your dog’s teeth at home: tips, recommendations

It is impossible to explain to the dog that it is necessary to brush your teeth that it is necessary for her health. The pet may not like the fact that they are trying to penetrate the mouth of him. Often the dogs begin to resist if they are not accustomed to brush their teeth in due time.

To instill a dog the habit of regularly brushing your teeth from a puppy. Up to 4 months, the puppy has milk teeth. The change of teeth occurs from 4 to 6-7 months. Milk teeth do not require special care. But the puppy age is the right time in order to develop a useful habit.

You need to brush your teeth to the dog special paste and dog brushthat you can buy in a veterinary store. Brushes are of different sizes and shapes. Choose one that will freely penetrate the mouth. There are brushes that are worn on the finger.

Dog denture brushes

Important: the success of teaching a dog to the cleansing procedure depends on the correct time of the procedure. It is best to start when the dog is tired: after walking, games, training. The weary dog \u200b\u200bwill not want to resist.

The dog takes time to get used to a foreign object in the mouth. Therefore, accustom gradually, periodically touching your teeth with your fingers. So the dog will get used to it, and the procedure will stop annoying it.

How to correctly brush your dog’s teeth at home, inside and out?

So, you chose the right time, bought a brush, pasta. Now it's time to master the technique:

  1. Let the dog smell a paste, she will understand that there is nothing dangerous in this and feels a pleasant taste.
  2. Raise your dog’s lip with your hand, then run the gums with your finger on your teeth.
  3. Then introduce the pet with a toothbrush.
  4. If the dog does not resist, clean the outer side of the teeth one after the other, moving in one direction.
  5. Then go to the inside, press a little to the mouth of the dog so that it open it. It is not necessary to clean the inside, the dog cleans its plaque with the tongue.

IMPORTANT: During cleaning, talk in a calm tone with the dog so that it is not afraid.

The procedure of brushing tooths to the dog

The cleaning time should occupy just a few minutes so that the dog does not feel discomfort. If you do not have time to quickly brush all your teeth, lay down until the next time. Thus, go to a larger number of teeth.

After a successful procedure, encourage the dog, giving her a favorite treat or a toy. If the dog protested, do not encourage him, otherwise he will take such behavior in the rule.

How often do you need to brush your dog's teeth?

It is advisable to brush your teeth to the pet every day. Daily brushing of the teeth serves as a prevention of tartar. In extreme cases, 2 times a week, if it does not work more often.

Important: develop such a rule - to inspect the eyes, ears, and teeth of the dog every morning. So you can prevent and recognize diseases in time.

Often, dog owners stop brushing their teeth for pets if they are stubborn. This is not necessary. Perhaps it is worth finding another approach.

Together with brushing your teeth, do not forget about toys that will help remove the plaque, as well as massage the gum.


It is worth visiting the veterinarian. The doctor will examine the mouth of the dog, teach you to brush your teeth for the dog. If there are any problems, recommend treatment or indicate further actions.

Often turn to a veterinarian when there is already a problem:

  • Unpleasant odor;
  • Yellowness of teeth;
  • Bleeding gums.

The problem of yellowness can lie in the formation of stone on the teeth. Most dog owners sooner or later face this problem. There are such methods of removing the stone:

  • Mechanical cleaning.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning.

With mechanical cleaning, a plaque is scraped. This procedure is painful, so the dog is immersed in sleep. Ultrasonic cleaning is a more gentle method. However, it is recommended to be carried out no more than 1 time in 2 years. If you compare these two methods, then ultrasonic cleaning is priority. Mechanical cleaning is dangerous due to anesthesia, as well as due to damage to enamel during scravation.

Video: Removing toothstone in dogs

Is it possible to brush the dog's teeth with tooth powder, human, children's toothpaste, hydrogen peroxide?

Many dog \u200b\u200bowners do not have the opportunity to get into the veterinary clinics. Therefore, you have to look for improvised means to care for the teeth of your favorite pet.

It is not surprising that many have a logical question: is it possible to brush your teeth with a human paste? Answer: No, you can’t. Neither children's nor adults, nor dentist.

The composition of the toothpaste for dogs and people is completely different. Fragrance and foaming elements are not suitable for our smaller brothers. If you can replace a dog with a regular toothbrush for people, then the paste should not even be considered as an option.

As folk remedies used for brushing animal teeth, is suitable hydrogen peroxide 1%. If you purchase 3% peroxide in the pharmacy, dilute it with water in a 1: 3 proportion.

To brush your teeth with peroxide, moisten the bandage in the solution and in the usual way to cleanse your teeth. But hydrogen peroxide cannot be abused. There is an opinion that peroxide destroys enamel if it is used for a long time.

Some also use for these purposes activated carbon, chlorhexidine. Grind the tablet, make a bandage in this powder and brush your teeth.

How to brush your dog’s teeth at home?

How to brush your dog’s teeth with a bandage, tomato paste?

Tomato paste is another available means for hygiene grazing. Many praise this "grandfather" method, noting a decrease in raid.

Apply natural tomato paste to a finger wrapped in bandage or gauze. Then brush your teeth to the pet. When doing it regularly, you will see the results. The plaque will decrease significantly. Some let the dog bite a whole tomato.

As you can see, the problems of dogs are akin to human. In the bustle of days, do not forget about the care of the pet. Then he will delight you with vigor and health for many years. As you know, diseases are easier to prevent than treating.

Video: how and what to brush your dog’s teeth?

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