How long does it take for extended eyelashes? What to do to go longer with extended eyelashes: tips, reviews

How long does it take for extended eyelashes? What to do to go longer with extended eyelashes: tips, reviews

Perhaps every woman and girl want to have beautiful, long and thick cilia. Some representatives of the fair sex were lucky - such beauty was granted to them by nature, however, not everyone is lucky.

Nowadays, there is a procedure for eyelash extensions, which enables every woman to become the owner of the most beautiful eyelashes of any length, density and bending. It distinguishes such eyelashes from natural only that they require special care, which we actually talk about today.

How long do extended eyelashes hold?

You can’t say accurately up to the day how long should extensive eyelashes staysince many factors affect the term of socks.


The main of them:

  • The professionalism of the master. Much depends on how much a master is a professional in his field. If a person conscientiously performs his work, uses only high -quality materials for the procedure, the cilia will be worn for a long time and well.
  • The peculiarity of the body. In the same way in the case of extended nails, correction is carried out when their nails grow and accordingly grow up with them. Eyelash correction is made when their cilia, on which the extended are held, begin to update and fall out. For someone, this happens after 2-3 weeks, for someone after 4-5, everything is individual.
  • The material used. Thin cilia wear longer, because they do not weight their own, thicker - on the contrary.
  • Cosmetological agents. If in the cosmetics that you use to care for the skin of the face, there are oils, fats, etc., then the time of the socks of the eyelashes can be significantly reduced. This happens for the reason that all these components destroy the adhesive base, with which the extended eyelashes are attached to natural ones.
  • The quality of glue. It is also important what glue the master uses for eyelash extensions. The cheap remedy will not properly keep artificial eyelashes and, accordingly, they will begin to fall out much earlier than they should.
Depends on many factors
Depends on many factors
  • Campaigns to the sauna, bathhouse. Due to the high air temperature and the couple in the bath, the extended cilia will help to simply peel off. Moreover, not 1-2 eyelashes can peel off, but a large number of them.
  • Taking hormonal drugs. Due to taking medications, which include hormones, extended eyelashes can serve you much less than you would like.

Factors with the same negative impact on artificial eyelashes include:

  • Lacrimation due to socks of lenses
  • Lens sock
  • Oily skin

How many extended eyelashes wear?

As for the approximate dates of the socks of extended eyelashes, they are:

  • Classic building, as a rule, rushes for the longest of all other types. On average, you can take 1-2 months with such eyelashes.
  • 2D and 3D. With such extensions techniques, the load on its eyelashes increases, so the sock time can vary from 3 weeks to 1.5 months.
Duration depends on the density
Duration depends on the density

What to do so that the extended eyelashes hold on for a long time: tips, reviews

Of course, having done such beauty for myself, I want to admire it as long as possible, however, this is impossible without complying with certain rules and recommendations. Therefore, if you want to wear your artificial cilia for the long time and without harm to natural, take the following tips:

  • The first day after the procedure you can’t wash, swim, and carry out any other procedures in which water will contact with eyelashes. You also need to refrain from going to the bathhouse, sauna, etc., so that steam does not affect the cilia. Thus, you will give time to glue even more securely and, accordingly, it will be better to hold the eyelashes.
  • Teach yourself do not touch or rub your eyes, since in this way you will pull out the extended eyelashes with yours. If the eyes itch, scratch carefully, not forgetting that the cilia fall out quite easily.
  • Do not sleep in the pillow. Despite the fact that artificial eyelashes are very similar to natural ones, from contact with a pillow or any other similar object, they bend and fall out.
  • Refuse for the time of the socks of extended eyelashes from all skin care products, which include fat and oils. You can use all water -based products.
  • Do not carry out the procedure curling On extended eyelashes, since it does not fit for them. The curl of 100% will ruin the deliberate beauty.
  • Comb the eyelashes Only a special brush, as a rule, can be given to you in the cabin after increasing such a brush. You need to do this procedure daily, on dry eyelashes, that is, not immediately after washing. It’s not worth being lazy, since combing the eyelashes takes several minutes, and the result is as if you had just left the master.
Comb the correctly
Comb the correctly
  • Try do not Cry, since tears adversely affect both extended eyelashes and your nerves, of course, except when you cry from happiness.
  • if you have the need to wear glasses (sunny, to improve vision), do not build up long eyelashes, as they will rest on glasses and conditionally deteriorate. In addition, with such cilia you will simply be uncomfortable.
  • Refrain from diving without special glasses. Chlorine and sea water negatively affects artificial eyelashes and reduces the time of their socks.
  • Walking with exacerbated eyelashes, get out the carcass. It is actually not needed, because by increasing the cilia, you can choose their density, length, color and bend to your liking.
The carcass with increasing is incompatible
The carcass with increasing is incompatible
  • At least once every 6-12 months, take a break in building, let your eyes rest.
  • Remove your eyelashes Only with the master, otherwise you risk losing your natural ones with artificial eyelashes.

Eyelash extensions during pregnancy: is it possible, how long will it last?

Pregnancy is a very important and crucial period in the life of every girl. That is why future mothers are very attentive to their health and abandon many procedures, including beauty procedures, so as not to harm themselves and, accordingly, the baby’s health. But does eyelash extensions belong to the procedure, which should be abandoned during the period of gestation? More likely no than yes.

  • After analyzing the contraindications for this procedure, it can be understood that there is no pregnancy on their list, which means that the future mommy prevents nothing to bring beauty in this period.
  • Why are many pregnant women so afraid to increase artificial eyelashes? Undoubtedly, due to stereotypes that have developed in society and ignorance of the necessary information.

Most girls in the situation think that the eyelashes and glue that are used to fix them are toxic and can harm the baby. This opinion can be considered completely erroneous.

  • If you make eyelashes with a good master, no such problems should arise, because professionals use only high -quality materials for work that are completely harmless to our body.
  • In the extension of eyelashes during pregnancy, there is even your advantages: You do not use daily mascara, which, by the way, can cause allergies and other negative reactions of your body, you do not spend a lot of time on makeup, because with beautiful artificial cilia this does not need this at all.
Pregnant women are not contraindicated
Pregnant women are not contraindicated
  • As for the negative aspects of building, they are, but They do not concern your health and health of the future baby. Many pregnant women are wondering - why exactly during this period of life, the extended cilia fall out, break, grow too fast? Moreover, this also applies to those women who, before pregnancy, wore artificial beauty for a long time and good. The answer is simple, the whole thing is in the hormonal background of the pregnant woman. Due to the pregnancy in the body, women begin to take place, first of all, hormonal and for this reason, sometimes building eyelashes becomes impossible
  • Another negative factor can be called The time of the procedure. Pregnant women, especially in a long time, are quite difficult to crawl out for 2-3 hours without moving. But again, this is a personal matter for every pregnant woman.

That's what you really need to take care of is that the master is a professional. In order to choose a good master, look at the reviews about his work, photos of works, received diplomas and certificates, specify the cost of building (should not be low), information about the materials used (certificates for them).

  • See whether the eyelash extensions are suitable for you, the room should be spacious and ventilated, this is quite important for a pregnant woman, especially in the first trimester of position, when there is a sharp reaction of the body to various smells. Well, how long you have been in a position with extended beauty depends on how you take care of your eyelashes and, of course, on the characteristics of your body. On average, the eyelashes will last 3-5 weeks.

How many extended eyelashes at sea are worn: is it possible to swim, dive with extended eyelashes?

Very often, the fair sex leads all kinds of beauty before a trip to, the sea, and in principle, this is not surprising, because we all want to look beautiful and spectacular on the vacation. But does it make sense to build eyelashes in the summer, before a trip to the sea, will they hold and delight you?

  • Artificial eyelashes require a fairly scrupulous care, otherwise they will simply leave your eyes and instead of beauty you will get bald spots.

On the sea there are factors that negatively affect the extended eyelashes:

  • Sea water and chlorinated water in the pool. The cilia themselves are not afraid of sea and chlorinated water, but the glue with which the master attaches these cilia to your natural ones, very much. Under the influence of such water, glue loses its properties, and accordingly, eyelashes begin to fall off.
  • Exposure to high temperature. This is another factor that can play a cruel joke with your nuclear cilia. For the sake of justice, it is worth noting that the only high air temperature is unlikely to harm your beauty, here it is more about the totality of the listed factors.
  • From all of the above, we can conclude that you can swim in the sea and pool with extended eyelashes only so that the water does not contact your eyes. It is impossible to dive without special glasses.
At sea, you need to be extremely careful with them
At sea, you need to be extremely careful with them

To extend the toe of eyelashes at sea, use several tips:

  • As already mentioned earlier, dive, plunge your head into the water only in a special mask or glasses.
  • Do not touch your eyes with your hands.
  • If you have poor vision, and you use contact lenses, replace them with glasses during the rest. Frequent eyelashes are not friends with lenses, because by removing and dressing the lenses, you constantly touch the cilia.
  • Do not build up too thick and long eyelashes, as they, in principle, are much worse than those that are close to natural.
  • Ask your master when increasing to use core technique, so eyelash loss will be less noticeable. Give preference to silicone eyelashes, this material is suitable for outdoor activities at sea, ocean. With such eyelashes you can dive and swim without restrictions.
  • If at sea you will follow all the recommendations for eye care, you can pass with them for 2-4 weeks, but if you swim in salt, chlorinated water, dive without a mask, etc., eyelashes will fall in a few days.
When diving without a mask, the eyelashes are short -lived
When diving without a mask, the eyelashes are short -lived
  • Freeded eyelashes are beautiful and spectacular, so if you have not yet tried this procedure, but really want to, feel free to sign up for the master for reception.

The main thing is to carefully and responsibly come to the issue of choosing a master, do not risk your health and beauty, turning to the "specialists" who promise you to make perfect eyelashes for a penny. Remember, high -quality materials are expensive, respectively, and the price of a procedure with such materials cannot be low. Also, do not go to the master who promises to invest in the time of 1-1.5 hours. Experienced experts say that it is impossible to make high-quality extensions for such a time.

Freeded eyelashes: reviews

As for the reviews about eyelash extension and their wear, for the most part they are positive. Why is that? Because it is very beautiful, convenient And, despite some restrictions, practical.

Positive reviews
Positive reviews
  • Visiting masters on average 1 time per month, you free yourself from the need to paint your eyes daily in mascara, correct the appearance of eyelashes during the day, wash off all this “beauty” in the evening. Everything is very simple with nuded cilia, you just woke up, and your eyes are already beautiful.
  • Girls note that compliance with the above recommendations significantly increases the time of socks of artificial eyelashes.
  • It is also noted that special products that protect glue from environmental exposure can help to wear cilia longer. You can ask your master about such funds, perhaps you can buy them from him.
  • Well, in order for the extended eyelashes to rush even longer, many representatives of the fair sex recommend further use nourishing tonics For their eyelashes.

Video: We extend the term socks of extended eyelashes

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