How many milliseconds and microseconds per second? 5, 10, 100, 500, 1000 milliseconds - how many seconds?

How many milliseconds and microseconds per second? 5, 10, 100, 500, 1000 milliseconds - how many seconds?

Millesekunts and microseconds. We sometimes do not think that there are such small temporary meanings. And for sure, few people know how many milliseconds per second.

MS-Millisekund It measures time and is equal to 0.001 (one thousandth) seconds or 1000 microseconds. This word when translation from Latini is divided into two parts and means: "Milli" — « thousand", "second" - translates the same "second".

S-sekunda It also measures time, but it is equal to 1/60 minutes or 1/3600 hours. This word also appeared for the first time on Latini and before it designated "Pars minuta secund"what designated "Powerful 2 - the second particle of the hour".

How many milliseconds and microseconds per second?

1 s \u003d 1000 ms
  • IN 1 second 1000 milliseconds.
  • Since in 1 millisecond 1000 microseconds, then in 1 second 1000,000 microseconds.

To make it easier for you to convert seconds into microseconds and vice versa, we offer such small tables for the most popular actions.

Sigrate for translation S into MS and vice versa
Sigrate for translation S into MS and vice versa

5, 10, 100, 500, 1000 milliseconds - how many seconds?

In one second, 1000 milliseconds, and 1 millisecond is 0.001 seconds. Accordingly, now just find other meanings:

  • 5 millisecond \u003d 0.005 seconds
  • 10 millisecond \u003d 0.01 seconds
  • 100 millisecond \u003d 0.1 seconds
  • 500 millisecond \u003d 0.5 seconds
  • 1000 millisecond \u003d 1 second

As you can see, finding the temporary period of time is simple. The main thing is to know and understand what is equal to a second, millisecond and microsecond.

Video: How fast is the milliseconds?

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