How many people on planet Earth are now: the population on Earth

How many people on planet Earth are now: the population on Earth

Find out how many people live on planet Earth now. Demographic data of the present tense, over past centuries and forecasts of scientists about the population in the future.

How many people live on planet Earth in 2018?

Scientists have established that the number of people on the planet increased constantly, although it sometimes stops their pace.

Important: wars, pandemia, other adverse deadly events lead to the fact that the number of people is reduced at times. For example, in the XIV century, due to the plague epidemic, 30% of the inhabitants of Europe decreased. In the twentieth century of war in the world, 5% of the world's population led to extinction.

Despite this, destructive events do not affect the total number of people in the world. Humanity quickly compensates for losses, and then returns to the previous trajectory.

10 thousand years ago, the number of people around the world was only 5 million people. In 1820, the number of land residents reached 1 billion, in 1987, 5 billion people already lived on Earth.

Important: in 2018, the population reached 7.6 billion people.

Over the year, population growth amounted to 83 million people. German researchers found that 26 children are born every 10 seconds. According to the funds for the study of the number of people, if the population does not undergo significant losses, then the mark of 8 billion humanity will reach in 2024.

It is known that in 2011, some countries said that they had a man who became a seven -millionaire in a row. In fact, it is not possible to establish the accuracy where the child was born. Due to the inaccuracy of the UN data from practice, to assign a “anniversary” number to a person.

Every year on July 11, World Population Day is celebrated. Every year this holiday takes place under a certain motto, which is aimed at attracting attention to the problems of mankind, solving the general problems and the development of mankind.

The number of people on Earth is growing rapidly

In what countries, cities does the largest number of people live?

The top three of the leaders in terms of the population of the following countries:

  • China
  • India
  • USA

Russia occupies in 20 leaders 9th place with the population of more than 146 million.

In which countries and cities do the largest number of people live?
  • There are 548 million-plus cities in the world. The largest of them is the Japanese city Tokyo. The population in Tokyo exceeds 37 million.
  • The second largest millionaire city is Guangzhou, China. About 26 million people live here.
    Third place - city Jakarta, the capital of Indonesia. There are 25.3 million people here.
  • For comparison, about 12 million people live in Moscow, 8.6 million in New York, 3 million in Kyiv.

Important: the most significant population growth is noted in Africa. Scientists explain this fact with a low level of education and the lack of contraceptives.

Currently, the number of people on the continent is 1.3 billion. By 2050, an increase in the population to 2.5 billion is expected.

Who is more on the planet: men or women?

According to statistics, men are a little more than women.

According to the UN research over the past decade, the number of people over 60 years old has doubled. For 2014, the number of elderly people exceeded the number of children under 5 years of age.

Demographic forecasts

The most correct forecast for the population was a biologist Julian Haxley. Back in 1964, the scientist found that in the early 2000s, humanity will exceed 6 billion. As we know and happened. In 2011, on October 31, the UN announced this event.

As for further forecasts, they are:

  1. By 2050, the reduction of the population is predicted in Poland, Russia, Ukraine, Germany, China and a number of other countries. Some scientists associate possible depopulation with a change in family-cultural and spiritual values. This is a large number of divorces, abortion, homosexuality. Other scientists associate forecasts with economic reasons (unemployment, a deterioration in the standard of living of many families, etc.).
  2. Some scientists consider depopulation a positive phenomenon. Since the anthropogenic impact on the resources of the planet is great, depopulation is the best way to maintain a stable standard of living.
  3. According to research by the Russian scientist A.B. Sinelnikova in the middle of the 21st century will be a significant part of the Russian population from Transcaucasia, Central Asia, China. This is due to the flow of labor migrants.

Now you know that the number of people on Planet Earth is 7.6 billion in 2018 and this mark is not the limit, according to scientists, the number of land residents will be 11 billion by 2100.

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