How many years have been serving in the Russian army and morflot now: the term of military service of the soldiers on conscription

How many years have been serving in the Russian army and morflot now: the term of military service of the soldiers on conscription

How many years is the service life in the army of the Russian Federation and in the sea fleet?

The question of how many years should you spend young people in the army, have always been interested in themselves and their relatives. This article will try to deal with all that exist today.

How many years have been serving in the Russian army now: the deadline for the military service of the soldiers on draft

What is the service life in the Russian army?
What is the service life in the Russian army?
  • A few years ago, the service life in the army of conscripts was 2 years. Then this period of time was reduced to 18 months. Since 2008, soldiers have been serving in the army of the Russian Federation for only one year, Tobies are twelve months. As the Russian government promises in 2017-2018, this figure will remain unchanged.
  • The draft age is 18-27 years.
  • As for the contract service in the army, those who want to earn good money and the experience today has the opportunity to conclude a contract for 2 or 3 years. However, such guys need to know that contractors at any time can be sent to hot spots.
  • The officers concludes a contract for 5 years.
  • The restriction for contract service in the army is the age of 65 years.

How many years have been serving in the Russian morflot now: the deadline for the military service of the soldiers by call

The service life of the Marine Fleet of the Russian Federation
The service life of the Marine Fleet of the Russian Federation
  • The sea fleet for recruits in Soviet times sounded like a sentence. The fact is that until 1996, the service life in such troops was maximum - 3 years or 36 months. Since 1996, they began to call for the morphlot of the Russian Federation for 24 months. And in 2008, army reform reduced the service life in the Russian morflot to 12 months.
  • As for contractors, you can conclude a contract for service in Morflot for 24 or 36 months. A repeated contract may already be concluded for a period of year to age. At the same time, after retirement, a person also has the right to be a contractor. In this case, the agreement between the Russian morflot and the sailor is concluded for a period of one year to 10 years.

The service life of the Russian Federation: video

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