How much and how to cook Brussels, white, colored, sea, Beijing cabbage and broccoli? How to cook fresh, sauer and frozen, young cabbage?

How much and how to cook Brussels, white, colored, sea, Beijing cabbage and broccoli? How to cook fresh, sauer and frozen, young cabbage?

An article about how long it is necessary to cook different types of cabbage in order to preserve all the useful minerals, and it did not digest.

Now it is impossible to imagine dishes without cabbage. All cabbage: white, colored, red -legged, broccoli is very popular among the population. This is not surprising, because cabbage is very useful for adults and children. And in order to preserve useful vitamins as much as possible, you need to know how to cook it.

How much to cook white cabbage after boiling?

How much white cabbage should be boiled

For white cabbage, it is very important not to digest it, since in a digested form it loses almost all vitamins and becomes not attractive.

Consider the options:

  • Large head of white cabbage for cutlets, chopping We cut into several parts, but it should be remembered that the less we cut, the less benefits will be. Cook for about 30 minutesThen we take it out of the water and cut it with stripes or squares, season with salt, pepper, dried herbs, and cook cutlets, chopped, or you can use boiled cabbage as an independent dish, watering it with butter, raw egg and lemon juice.
  • I COLLED OF COAR OF cabbage for cabbage rolls. We cook for 5 minutes after boiling, remove the upper, after cooking, which have become flexible, cabbage sheets.
  • Smallly chopped cabbage for soup and borsch is lowered 5-10 minutes before the end of cooking.

Note. Boiled cabbage cannot be kept in a decoction, so many vitamins are lost, after cooking it must be immediately removed from the decoction. Vitamins are also lost when heated the dish of cabbage, so you need to prepare a side dish of cabbage 1 time.

How much to cook fresh and frozen Brussels cabbage after boiling?

How much should Brussels cabbage cook

Kochaniki fresh Brussels cabbage cook very quickly about 5 minutes, if you cook longer, useful trace elements are destroyed.

We boil the Brussels cabbage in salted water, take it out of boiling water, let the water drain, and you can bake under sour cream sauce or fry in batter.

Frozen Brussels cabbage You need to boil about 10 minutes After the water boils.

How much to cook fresh and frozen cabbage broccoli after boiling?

How much should you cook broccoli cabbage

Broccoli It is very similar to the inflorescences of cauliflower, only green. Fresh cabbage cooked in salted water 5-7 minutes from the date of boiling. If you bought frozen broccoli, then it needs to be cooked longer 12-15 minutes.

The following spices are suitable for boiled cabbage broccoli:

  • Mustard
  • Home-Sunels
  • Black pepper and paprika
  • Basil
  • Thyme
  • Rosemary

The next sauce is also good for boiled broccoli.


  1. In a pan in 100 g butter Fry 2 tbsp. tablespoons of flour to golden color, dilute 1 glass of broccoli broth.
  2. Add to the sauce salt, black pepperto your taste, 4 branches of finely chopped dill, And let it boil for about 15 minutes.
  3. 3 egg yolks Beat with a fork, pour into the sauce, heat, but do not boil so that the eggs do not curl up, and serve to broccoli.

How much to cook sauerkraut after boiling?

How much sauerkraut should be cooked

In sauerkraut All vitamins and trace elements are preserved in the same way as in fresh. In addition, sauerkraut is low -calorie, and those people who want to lose weight can eat dishes from it.

Most often, sauerkraut is used as a salad, but you can cook different dishes from it, you just need to know how to cook sauerkraut correctly.

Sauerkraut, if it is very acidic, first washed in cold water, and then cook. Coaled cabbage cooking time depends on the cabbage variety, if the cabbage is solid, then you will have to cook it up to 40 minutes, the softer cabbage is enough and 20 minutes.

Most sauerkraut dishes are prepared, without boiling it first, but immediately thrown into a pan and stew or fry all together. Dishes with sauerkraut are most often cooked with fat pork. This is a Polish dish - Bigos with fresh and acidic cabbage, German - pork legs with sauerkraut. In Russian cuisine, sauerkraut, potatoes and pork are prepared potatoes-selian.

From sauerkraut can be prepared cabbage soup or lean cabbage soup.

Lenten cabbage soup of sauerkraut with mushrooms


  1. 50 g of dried mushrooms To wash and soak in 3 l of cold water For 3 hours, and then cook mushrooms in this water for 30 minutes.
  2. We filter the broth with mushrooms, finely cut the mushrooms and lower them again into the broth, and continue to cook.
  3. We also lower it into the broth 4 Average potatoes, cut into cubes.
  4. 500 g of sauerkraut We wash in cold water, squeeze the water and put the cabbage into a pan from vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons)We extinguish 30 minutes, stirring, and then put it in the broth.
  5. 1 onion Finely cut 1 carrot Grate and fry on 2 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, and then lower it to the rest of the vegetables in the pan.
  6. On the 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil fry until golden 1 tbsp. spoon with a slide of flour, dilute the flour with a broth and pour into the pan to the vegetables, salt, pepper And cook until the vegetables are ready.

How much and how to cook fresh and frozen cauliflower in a soup and before frying after boiling?

How much should you cook color cabbage

Cauliflower It is cooked differently than white.

How to get delicious cauliflower?

  • So that cauliflower does not darken, and to enhance the taste, you can directly into the water where cabbage is cooked, add a few drops of lemon juice. Lemon juice can be replaced with citric acid or 1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar. You can also add milk to the water for this purpose.
  • In order for cooked cabbage to be snow -white, a pan, where cabbage is cooked, is not covered with a lid.
  • The less water you add when cooking, the cabbage it will be tastier, but still the water should cover the cabbage.
  • The decoction after cooking cabbage does not need to be poured, because there are a lot of vitamins, you can cook soup on it.

Cauliflower. We disassemble the cabbage on the inflorescences, and soak in salt water so that insects come out and surfacing, then cook in salted water about 15 minutes after boiling, we take it out of boiling water, and then you can already fry in butter or vegetable oil, sprinkling with crackers.

Frozen cauliflower. Usually frozen cauliflower is already prepared and cut into inflorescences. We lower it into hot water and cook a little longer than fresh 15-17 minutes.

Color cabbage in soup. From colored cabbage with the addition of other vegetables on broth or water, you can cook delicious soup.

Cauliflower and vegetable soup


  1. 2 potatoes We clean, cut into cubes and lower it into a pan.
  2. We disassemble for inflorescences 700 g of cauliflower, we also lower the washed cabbage into the pan.
  3. 2 small carrots, washed, three on a grater, 1 onion cut into small cubes, and fry in a pan on the pan on 40 g butter, and then the fried vegetables are added to the pan.
  4. Potato pan, cabbage and roasting hot water or broth So that the water is a few centimeters above the vegetables, and cook for 10 minutes.
  5. Add to the soup 1 sweet pepper, cut into strips, salt, black pepper groundto our taste, and cook for another 10 minutes.
  6. Serve to the table, sprinkling parsley, dilland adding 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream or cream.

How and how much to cook seaweed?

How much should sea cabbage be boiled

If seaweed was frozen, first pour it with cold water, and then cook for about 15 minutes, drain the water and repeat the cooking twice to remove the specific smell.

Blessed sea cabbage We do not cook for long about 5 minutes.

Dried sea cabbage first soak for 12 hours, and then cook about half an hour.

How much and how to cook Beijing cabbage?

How much do you need to cook the Beijing cabbage

Chinese cabbage Very tender and juicy, it is more suitable for salads, but you can cook soups, borscht, cabbage rolls, and even extinguish it, and so that the cabbage does not digest, it we lower it into a pan at the very end of cooking, bring to a boil and turn off.

How much to cook cabbage for soup, borsch, who is after boiling?

How much you need to cook cabbage for soup, borsch and cabbage

Finely chopped white cabbage for borscht, soups, soup We throw into a pan at the end of cooking and cook about 10 minutes.

It should be noted that some people love in borsch, so that the cabbage is crispy. This will turn out if you throw cabbage into a pan after a roasting where there is a tomato paste, and cook for 2-3 minutes.

How much to cook cabbage for cabbage rolls?

How much cabbage for cabbage rolls is needed

To prepare cabbage for cabbage rollsWe take small heads (from small cabbage leaves, cabbage rolls will also be small).

From a whole head of cabbage, we cut out a stump (in this form the leaves will be easily pulled out of boiling water). Place the cabbage in boiling water and cook for 5 minutes after boilingWhen the cabbage loses its crisp properties, it will be easy to bend, but not soft, we pull it out of boiling water one sheet, as cabbage is prepared.

How much and how to cook cabbage for children's mashed potatoes for feeding a child?

How much cabbage is needed and which is for children's complementary foods

For feeding infants are given colored cabbage and broccoli. This is the most suitable complementary foods. These types of cabbage are easily absorbed by the body, and do not cause bloating, like white cabbage.

Cauliflower for infants


  1. 100 g of color cabbage inflorescences Boil in a saucepan until soft, about 30 minutes.
  2. Drill the decoction, and add 1 to the cabbage Art. a spoonful of boiled milk and half a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
  3. Beat the blender to the puree state, if the mashed potatoes are thick, you can add a decoction of cabbage in which it was cooked.
  4. Here, in mashed potatoes, you can add breast milk, milk mixture, but you no longer need to boil.

How much and how to cook young cabbage after boiling in borsch, for cabbage rolls?

How much you need to cook young cabbage

As soon as it appears in the spring young cabbage, first we often make salads from it, then go to borscht, cabbage rolls. But do we know how to cook it correctly in order to keep vitamins so much as possible as much as possible.

We lay young cabbage in borsch after adding a roasting, let it boil, add greens and turn off.

Young cabbage for cabbage rolls Cook minutes 2, no more, and if you have already separated the cabbage sheets from the head of cabbage (this is possible with young loose cabbage), then they can be held for several minutes in hot, just boiled water, and they will be suitable in order to wrap the filling for the cabbage rolls.

The time of its cooking depends on different types of cabbage. Now we know that cabbage needs to be cooked from 2 to 40 minutes.

Video: Quick method of cutting cabbage for cabbage rolls

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