How many days can a child not go to school without a certificate by law? Is it possible to skip school for family reasons?

How many days can a child not go to school without a certificate by law? Is it possible to skip school for family reasons?

Sometimes, the circumstances that suddenly arose, force their parents not to let the child go to school for a while. There can be many reasons, from the participation of the child in a joint trip or family event, to a slight temporary ailment, in which there is no need to call the attending physician to the house of the house.

The laws of the Russian Federation do not provide for a distinct regulated period of absence of a child in an educational institution without a corresponding certificate of passage of classes. However, there are certain requirements that the student’s parents should know before deciding to leave the child at home, without notifying the school teacher.

How much can you miss a school without a certificate?

  • According to the instructions SanPiN - 13 "Sanitary epidemiological requirements for the construction, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational organizations." From the 11th of the chapter of this resolution and paragraph 11.3 of the chapter provided, the proper position follows: about the possibility of missing school without a certificate for up to 5 days, not taking into account holidays and weekends.
  • If a the child was absent for more than 5 days - Parents are required to submit a medical certificate with relevant information confirming the diagnosis and the period of the disease, as well as excluding the presence of infectious contacts in the child. It is worth noting that this provision contains instructions for preschool organizations. However, they are guided by the majority of children's school institutions.
  • Rules for visiting educational institutions are established and regulated internal school charter, on one's own. When enrolling the child to school, parents need to familiarize yourself with the internal regime of visits and acceptable norms of class passes without a certificate from a doctor. These documents, as a rule, are freely available, in the information corner or on the school website.

Skip the school without a certificate for family reasons: how many days can be absent?

  • In many schools, there is a procedure for compiling statements from parents addressed to the school principal, about the intentional absence of a schoolboy in the classroom - for family reasons.The application must indicate: the deadline for missing classes and a brief presentation of the reason for the absence of a student at school. It must be taken into account that the responsibility for the student’s performance during the absence of a school is assigned to the parents of the child.

Parents are recommended to clarify the list of important classes in this period and, if possible, work out with the child, study the current material in order to avoid spaces in the educational regulations of the student.

  • Within the territory of Moscow region, there are additional requirements for students - skip school without a certificate allowed no more than three days.
  • In the event that the student for these three days left the country - a certificate from the doctor is provided without fail. The same applies to the quarantine period, taking into account the decisions of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • In such a situation, a medical certificate is necessary if the school has been announced quarantine And there was the presence of an infectious disease among students of the school institution.

Is it possible to skip school without a certificate: the situation in practice

  • In everyday realities, permissible skip school without a certificate According to the establishment of the head of the class, it is the teacher who is a responsible person for visiting the school by students. His duties include a timely notification of the school leadership, about the absence of a student.
  • Parents who want to leave their child at home for no more than 3 days are necessary achieve an oral agreement with the class teacher. If the number of days of absence, implies a longer period - the teacher will tell you how to draw up a statement for the head of the school.
  • A child who missed the school days for reason stationary hospitalization, I must resume a visit to the school, presenting a certificate from the doctor. This will help to avoid overloading the child's body during the recovery period, with physical education and will delay vaccinations.
  • Medical certificate or application from parents - They are a respectful document and an occasion so that the child is not exhibited by absenteeism. Ignoring such formalities can lead a student to expulsion from school, not admission to the next class or refusal to issue a certificate of graduation.
Due to the disease
Due to the disease
  • The presence of a child serious illnessi and the medical certificate allows you to extend the school of school for a period from 10 to 30 day, according to the conclusion of a doctor.

Skip school without a certificate: what is considered illegal absenteeism?

  • As in the aforementioned resolution, the Law of the Russian Federation does not give clear definitions to this issue. But, starting from the order No. 579 of the Moscow Department of Education dated 07.27.2007 “On the system of introduction in state educational institutions of the Moscow Department of Education of students who constantly pass or do not attend educational institutions without good reason,” should be considered a student for a student - intentionally and without permission, avoiding school education.
  • The submitted resolution contains directives, which states that it is necessary to control any attendance of classes for each student. And in case school pass without certificate react in a timely manner. Pupils who systematically walk classes need close attention from the pedagogical composition of the school.
  • In addition to checking the academic performance of the student, the class teacher is obliged contribute to the restoration of the attendance of the school institution: eliminate negative circumstances for the student and prevent the absenteeism of training sessions.

Is it possible to skip school without a certificate: parents' reviews

  • Marina, 36 years old.Indeed, sometimes there are all kinds of circumstances when a child may not go to school for a couple of days. Firstly, these are important events in the family-a funeral or a wedding. And secondly, a pass due to illness. For example, digestive stomach disorder. In the first case, parents must ask the child in advance at school for one or two days, due to family circumstances. They usually write a statement addressed to the director. In the second case, you can limit yourself to a note to the class teacher. And if the disease was delayed or complicated, then the hospital will definitely have to contact the hospital for a certificate.
We missed the school - we went to the wedding
We missed the school - we went to the wedding
  • Nadezhda, 41 years old.Usually there are no distinct rules, how much you can skip classes without a certificate. True, some schools indicate this in the rules of the internal regime, in local acts. But the legal authority of such documents, dubious significance. As a rule, they are loyal to the absence without a certificate for 1 or 2 days, if there is an explanatory note from parents. But if this is repeated very often, there may be distrust from the teacher with a number of logical issues. It is better, under such circumstances, periodically take the necessary certificate from the doctor without arousing suspicion.
  • Alena, 38 years old.At the school where my daughter is studying, at the first annual school assembly, the class teacher said that a child may be absent without a certificate in the classroom for no more than three days. Without fail, it is necessary to inform the class teacher about the reasons for the absence. And even better, to state these reasons in the statement addressed to the director. Information in the article helped to determine the exact terms permissible for gaps without reference and figure out what circumstances are enough, and under which an additional document is needed from the doctor.
  • Victoria, 43 years old.For me and my child, this topic is now relevant - our family is going on a trip for two weeks and perhaps there will be a border crossing. The timing of the trip just coincides with the start of the school year. It is unlikely that the trip will be able to transfer the trip. But I do not want to get into an awkward situation because of the trip, to spoil the attitude of teachers at school to the child. Of course, I assume that it is necessary to warn the class teacher in advance. However, I would like to somehow legitimize the fact of a verbal agreement in order to avoid possible problems in the future. Therefore, this information was very useful. Now we properly, we can prepare for the temporary absence of a child at school.

Video: How not to go to school?

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Comments K. article

  1. I did not understand anything, except for the opportunity not to attend school from 1 to 5 days and inform someone, a concrete question, Russian me
    Ditsin could not help her husband, take abroad, leave the child
    No one with, I take it with me, it is 15-20 days, he studies well, in
    I have never missed classes, for a half class from 15 to
    40 days /illness, trips, etc. /what must be provided to both to whom and
    It cannot be expelled, not left for the second year /3rd grade /. The tricks are about nothing.

  2. SanPiN - 13 GL 11, P 3 applies to preschool educational institutions, nothing is said about school there.

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