How many days can not be washed, swim, take a shower after a manti vaccination, from influenza, against tetanus, diphtheria, DTS, ADSM, BCG, hepatitis, measles, rubella, pentaxim, diaskintest? After what vaccinations can not be washed?

How many days can not be washed, swim, take a shower after a manti vaccination, from influenza, against tetanus, diphtheria, DTS, ADSM, BCG, hepatitis, measles, rubella, pentaxim, diaskintest? After what vaccinations can not be washed?

The basic rules of water procedures during vaccination and in the post -vaccination period.

How many days can not be washed after vaccination-tests of Mantoux and why?

Types of reactions to mantu testing
Types of reactions to mantu testing

You can and should take a shower! No one has canceled hygiene procedures. But you need to act carefully and with some reservations:

  • it is better to take shower after 24 hours from the date of the sample;
  • the place of administration of the drug cannot be rubbed, scratching, acting on it with fairly aggressive detergents, roll over with adhesive plasters, treat with antiseptic agents;
  • 72 hours from the date of sample, it is advisable not to take a bath. This will save the wound from the injection injection and reduce the risk of inflammation;
  • 72 hours from the date of sample, it is categorically impossible to swim in pools, open ponds, to wet the injection site with rainwater or melt snow. In addition, it is advisable to avoid active sweating.

Important: if the injection site has fallen under the influence of moisture, it must be gently blote (but do not rub!) With a paper towel or a soft clean cloth.

How many days can not be washed after vaccination against influenza and why?

In this case, it is also not at all about the ban on hygiene procedures. You can take a shower, but 5-6 hours after vaccination and only with good health!

Within 24 hours from the date of vaccination cannot be:

  • take the bathroom,
  • swim in open ponds and pools,
  • have a mechanical effect on the injection (scratch, rub, etc.),
  • clean the junction of the injection with adhesive plasterer;
  • wet the injection site with rainwater or melt snow, etc.

Important: all of the above recommendations are preventive. Their ultimate goal is to prevent the appearance of inflammatory processes at the injection site.

How many days can not be washed after vaccination against tetanus and why?

Children over 1.5 years old are vaccinated against tetanus in the forearm
Children over 3 years old are vaccinated against tetanus not only in the thigh, but also in the forearm

Refrain from water procedures within a day from the date of administration of the vaccine. During this period, you should observe the reaction of the body to vaccination.

If during the day the state of health is good, you can take a shower (not hot). It is better not to use soap or shower gel. It is also not recommended to rub the injection site with a washcloth or a hard towel. Avoid combing wounds.

Important: at body temperature above the norm, any water procedures, including Shower, prohibited!

In addition, tips from the previous part of the article remain relevant.

How many days can not be washed after vaccination against diphtheria and why?

There is a very convenient vaccination practice according to the 2 in 1 method: when vaccines from diphtheria and tetanus are connected.

In this case, all the rules and recommendations from the previous part of the article apply.

In addition, in the post -vaccination period during aquatic hygiene procedures, it is better not to use essential oils, decoctions and infusions of herbs, bath salt, etc. In order to avoid allergic reactions. The post -vaccination period is 72 hours from the date of administration of the vaccine.

How many days can not be washed after the DTP vaccination and why?

It is better to refrain from swimming for at least 24 hours from the date of vaccination. Bathing means a hygienic shower (not hot). Some pediatricians advise increasing this time to 48 hours, fearing the belated reactions of the child's body. If during the specified time the state of health remains stably good and you need to take a shower.

At the same time, it is better to abandon the use of soap, shower gel, decoctions and infusions of herbs, aromatic salts and essential oils. It is also not recommended to rub the injection site with washcloths or other bathing accessories. When wiping, it is better to neatly wet this area with a soft clean cloth.

In addition, within 24 hours from the date of vaccination, it is impossible:

  • take the bathroom,
  • swim in open ponds and pools,
  • have a mechanical effect on the injection (scratch, rub, etc.),
  • clean the junction of the injection with adhesive plasterer;
  • wet the injection site with rainwater or melt snow, etc.

How many days can not be washed after an ADSM vaccination and why?

The rules of the post -vaccination period for ADSM coincide with the rules of the post -vaccination period of the DTP (see the previous part of the article).

How many days can not be washed after BCG vaccination and why?

Children under three years of age are recommended to be done in the thigh area
Children under three years of age are recommended to be done in the thigh area

If the child has good health, you can take a warm shower 6-8 hours after vaccination.

24 hours after vaccination, you can take a warm bath. However, it is better not to rub or scratch the injection site so as not to infect.

Within 72 hours after vaccination, it is better to refuse to use soap, gels, shampoo, decoction or infusion of herbs, etc. This restriction is due to the fact that you should be sure that changes in the appearance of the injection are not related to allergic reactions to cosmetics, grass or essential oils.

How many days can not be washed after vaccination against hepatitis and why?

Important: at body temperature above the norm, any water procedures, including Shower, prohibited!

You can bathe, especially if bathing in the bathroom is an important part of the daily daily routine. Make sure that the water is warm enough, but not hot. In addition, try to slightly reduce the time of the baby in the water so as not to steam the wound from the injection. The first 24 hours after vaccination, try not to affect the injection site with soap, bathing gels, creams, etc.

Pay attention to the following recommendations: within 72 hours from the date of vaccination, one cannot

  • swim in open reservoirs and pools;
  • have a mechanical effect on the injection (scratch, rub, etc.),
  • cover the injection site with adhesive plasterer, etc.

How many days can not be washed after measles from measles and why? How many days can not be washed after rudle vaccination and why?

Vaccination is carried out according to the “3 in 1” method: when vaccines are connected to mumps, measles and rubella.

Water procedures are best posted for at least 24 hours. This is due to the effect of the vaccine on the child’s body, since the vaccine, as a rule, contains a living weakened virus.

If during the specified time the state of health remains stably good and you need to take a shower. At the same time, it is better to abandon the use of soap, shower gel, decoctions and infusions of herbs, aromatic salts and essential oils. It is also not recommended to rub the injection site with washcloths or other bathing accessories. When wiping, it is better to neatly wet this area with a soft clean cloth.

How many days can not be washed after the Pentaxim vaccination and why?

Comparative vaccination schedule with ordinary vaccines and pentaxim
Comparative vaccination schedule with ordinary vaccines and pentaxim

It all depends on the state of health of the baby and common sense of parents.

If the child is active and cheerful in the first 5-6 hours after vaccination, which involves a normal reaction to the procedure, and bathing is an important point in the child’s mode, you can bathe on the same day in compliance with all the above recommendations. But it is better to postpone water procedures for at least 24 hours.

If you observe some deviations from the norm, somehow increased nervousness, lack of appetite, fever, etc., set off bathing for several days and let the child be restored.

How many days can not be washed after Diaskintest vaccination and why?

Diaskintest test is a modern analogue of the Mantoux test with a similar mechanism of action. For her, all the recommendations are preserved that accompany the post -vaccination period of the Mantoux test (see the beginning of the article).

After what vaccinations can not be washed?

There are no such vaccinations! However, this does not mean that having vaccinated, you need to take a bathtub with a fragrant foam in a steam room or for several hours in a row. And even more so, you should not go to the beach, to the pool or for a session of peloid therapy.

Be sure to pay attention to the general state of health after vaccination. During this period, any, even the most insignificant, deviations from the norm may indicate the unwrittenness of the body to new loads.

And water procedures are not only pleasure, but also loads.

Be sure to consult with a specialist who is watching. The remaining recommendations regarding the post -vaccination period are presented above in the text.

Video: Mantoux test - School of Dr. Komarovsky - Inter

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