The declination of the female name Julia in cases: table, ending. As leaning, the name Julia is written in the dative, genitive, creative case: ending. In the dative case - how is it written correctly: who is awarded a letter, the letter is Julia or Julia?

The declination of the female name Julia in cases: table, ending. As leaning, the name Julia is written in the dative, genitive, creative case: ending. In the dative case - how is it written correctly: who is awarded a letter, the letter is Julia or Julia?

How the name Julia is written in cases: examples, table, justification.

The correct spelling of the name is not only a literacy indicator, but also respect for a person. In this article we will tell you how the name Julia is correctly inclined, and also how to correctly enter Julia into letters, gratitude, certificates and other documents.

The declination of the female name Julia for cases: table, ending, spelling

The Greek name Julia is pronounced with an emphasis on the first syllable (southy), which is why the ending is weak and most often pronounced slurred, the sound is heard poorly. We have prepared a simple sign in which you easily find the right declination of the name Julia.

Case Question Writing a name
Nominative case Who? What? Julia
Genitive Whom? What? Julia
Dative To whom? What? Julia
Accusative Whom? What? Julia
Instrumental case By whom? How? Julia
Prepositional About whom? About what? About Julia

Please note that the ending in the names of Julia does not exist, therefore, except for the creative case at the end, always, -i, th.

In the dative case - how correctly: who is awarded a letter, the letter - Julia or Julia?

Before the presentation of Julia, letters, praise, gratitude or other insignia are important in the confirming document correctly enter the name with the middle name, since this document will decorate the wall in Julia’s office for many years.

So, to whom is a letter awarded? This is a dative case, and accordingly, in the tablet above, we immediately see a hint how to write correctly - Julia. In the same way, it is necessary to scrap the middle name, for example, Ivanovna, Dmitrievna, etc.

How leaning, the name Julia is written in the dative, genitive, creative case: ending, examples

So, in this section, we will fix the above information on examples.

Dative answers the question "" To whom?«:

  • Convey Julia;
  • Give Julia;
  • Call Julia;
  • Provide Julia;
  • Trusts Julia;
  • Thanks to Julia;
  • The certificate is given by Julia;
  • Gratitude to Julia.

Genitive answers the question "" Whom?«:

  • Without whom? Without Julia;
  • From whom? From Julia;
  • For whom? For Julia.

Instrumental case answers the question "" By whom?«:

  • The souvenir is made by Julia;
  • The report was created by Julia;
  • The letter was written by Julia;
  • The gift was bought by Julia.

We hope our compact article answered all the questions you are interested in and now you will have no questions with writing the name Julia.

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