The declension of the names of numerals in case: types and rules of declension in the Russian language, examples. How to correctly bow numerals, serial, collective, compound, complex, fractional in case: table, examples with nouns

The declension of the names of numerals in case: types and rules of declension in the Russian language, examples. How to correctly bow numerals, serial, collective, compound, complex, fractional in case: table, examples with nouns

This article will become a cheat sheet for those who want to know how to incline the numerals on cases.

Lamination of numerals in case of case: Types of declension

Bending the names of the numbers in case of cases, many people make mistakes. All the wrong endings can be seen nearby. And if in oral speech this is not so striking, then in the written, errors are immediately visible. The complexity of the correct declension of this part of speech is that there is no single rule. To correctly bow the numeral names, you should know several rules.

Important: numerals are not inclined according to the template or a single sample. There are several types of declension.

Types of declension quantitative
Types of order declensions

We will analyze in more detail the examples in sentences, as well as in generalizing tables.

How to correctly bow numerals from 0 to 10 billion: rule, table, examples with nouns

Important: quantitative - one of the categories of numeral names, have a genus and answer the question “how much?”.

Above, we have already considered the generalized rules for the declension of numerals. Now consider how to correctly bow the names of numerals with the example of the table.

If you need, for example, to scrap the number 300 or 900, just look at the table to understand the principle.

Table 1

Case 300 (three hundred) 900 (nine hundred)
AND. three hundred nine hundred
R. three hundred nine hundred
D. tremors nine -hundreds
AT. three hundred nine hundred
T. three hundred nine -hundreds
P. (O) three hundred (O) nine

Consider examples with nouns:

1. To buy a bicycle, Roman did not have enough one thousand two hundred rubles.
2. Masha wanted to dispose of the gifts for a hundred rubles.

How to correctly include numerals: rule, table, examples with nouns

IMPORTANT: REALLY CREATIONS DISTRODY OF THE OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF OF THE OF OF THE CALP. They answer the question “which”, “what”, “what”, “which”. For example: the fifth ball, the thirty -first mile.

table 2

Case Third Thirtieth
AND. third thirtieth
R. third thirtieth
D. third the thirtieth
AT. third thirtieth
T. third thirtieth
P. (o) third (o) thirtieth

Examples with nouns:

  1. The second participant in the competition showed the best results.
  2. Vanya went the tenth year.
  3. The fourth friend was not at home.
Comparative table of quantitative and serial numbers

How to correctly include numerals: rule, table, examples with nouns

Important: collective numerals are a narrower discharge than quantitative. They are used with nouns, serve to summarize several objects to one whole. For example, three friends, seven goats.

Table 3

Case Six Two
AND. six two
R. six two
D. six two
AT. six two
T. six two (two)
P. (O) six (O) two

Examples of proposals:

  1. Five students took part in the annual Olympiad in mathematics.
  2. Dinner for two in the restaurant will be the best gift on the day of lovers.
  3. Our cat brought six kittens.

How to correctly include numerals: rule, table, examples with nouns

Important: numerals are divided by composition into: simple, complex, composite. Components consist of two or more words. For example: forty -two, three hundred twenty -five, one thousand nine hundred eighty -eighth.

Putting the composite numerals on the cases, do not forget to change all words, see table. four.

Table 4

Case Twenty seven Three hundred forty -five
AND. twenty seven three hundred forty -five
R. twenty -seven three hundred forty -five
D. twenty -seven tremas forty -five
AT. twenty seven three hundred forty -five
T. twenty family three hundred forty -five
P. (O) twenty -seven (O) three hundred forty -five

Examples of sentences with composite numbers:

  1. The victory in the Great Patriotic War occurred in a thousand nine hundred and forty -fifth year.
  2. In twenty -two houses they made a major overhaul.
  3. The meeting was held with two hundred and forty three employees of the company.

Important: in colloquial speech, the declension of components is simplified. It is permissible to incline only the first and last word or only the last.

The declension of the component numbers

How to correctly include numerals: rule, table, examples with nouns

Examples of complex numerals: eighty, two hundred thousand, four hundred. Complex numerals combine two roots in one word: five+hundred.

The table "Personing complex numerals"

Examples of sentences with complex numerals:

  1. Kindergarten visits more than two hundred children of different ages.
  2. Sixty schoolchildren issued vouchers to the sanatorium.
  3. More than three hundred applications were submitted to the competition.

How to correctly bow numeral fractions of ordinary fractions in case of cases: rule, table, examples with nouns

The fractions consist of quantitative (numerator) and ordinal (denominator) numerals. For example 1⁄2 - one second; 4⁄5 - four fifths.

For the correct declension of the fractional number, it is necessary to slip all its parts.

Table 5

Case a half one whole two fifth
AND. a half one whole two fifth
R. one second one whole two fifth
D. one second one whole two fifth
AT. one second one whole two fifths
T. one second one whole two fifths
P. (O) one second (o) one whole two fifth

Examples with nouns:

  1. Add one third tablespoons of salt to the dough.
  2. To the two whole three sixth add two whole eighth.

How to correctly bow numeral fraudin fractions in case of case: rule, table, examples with nouns

Separately, we consider the declension of decimal fractions in Table 6.

Table 6

Case 1/10 1/100 1/1000
AND. one tenth one hundredth one thousandth
R. one tenth one hundredth one thousandth
D. one tenth one hundredth one thousandth
AT. one tenth one hundredth one thousandth
T. one tenth one hundredth one thousandth
P. (o) one tenth (o) one hundred (o) one thousandth

Examples with nouns:

  1. One tenth kilometers have already passed.
  2. On one hundredth site, work has already been completed.
Fractional numerals

How to correctly bow numerals of mixed numbers according to cases: Rules, examples

IMPORTANT: if in fractions it is as much as zero, for example 0.5, then the word “whole” is not inclined.

Table 7

Case 0,3 3,02
AND. zero as many as three tenths three whole two hundredths
R. zero as many as three tenths three whole two hundredths
D. zero as many as three tenths three whole two hundredth
AT. zero as many as three tenths three whole two hundredths
T. zol as integral three tenth three whole two cells
P. (o) zero as many as three tenths (O) three as many as two hundredths

Examples of sentences with fractional numerals:

  1. Four as many as five hundredth, multiply by three as many as seven hundredths.
  2. Take one tenth from three whole hundredths.

Declining numerals and a half, one and a half hundred cases: features of declination

The peculiarity of the declension of these numerals is that for the nominative and vinological cases - one form, for other cases - another. This is evident in the table below.

Table "Planting one and a half, one and a half hundred"

The inclination of the numeral, one according to the cases: features of declination

The numeral one is inclined in exactly the same way as the pronoun “this”.

Table "Lange of one"

Declining numerals two, two in case: features of declination

The table "Removing the numerals two, two"

The inclination of the numerals, both of the cases: the features of the declension

Both words, both are collective numerals. The table in the figure below shows how to bow these words.

The table "Langer of numerals, both"

Now you know how to bow numerals. And if you forgot, you can read this article again.

Video: Rules for declining numerals

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Comments K. article

  1. An error in declining a fractional numeral in the example with nouns in the second example

  2. There is no error. "... and a whole number."

  3. Table 7
    Please tell me why the hundredths in the dative case did not go into the hundredths?

  4. Table 7
    Please tell me why the hundredths in the dative case did not go into the hundredths?

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