Askil syrup: instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, composition, reviews, analogues, contraindications, duration of admission. Askil syrup - at what age can children be given, at what cough to take: with dry or wet?

Askil syrup: instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, composition, reviews, analogues, contraindications, duration of admission. Askil syrup - at what age can children be given, at what cough to take: with dry or wet?

In this article you will see detailed instructions for the use of a cough syrup - ascoril. Read how to drink it to children and adults, in what dosage and what medicines and contraindications have.

In the rainy season, colds usually begin, and not only in children, but also in adults. An unpleasant symptom that accompanies almost all the ailments is a cough. It is difficult to get rid of it, it can last a week, or even two (with improper treatment). The funds that patients buy in a pharmacy do not bring the proper therapeutic effect, and sometimes vice versa, they are harmful.

People often choose medicines themselves simply from coughing, without delving even deeper into the problem. But the cough is different, respectively, dosage forms must be selected taking into account this factor. Next, we will find out in which cases they take ascoril, and all the details about this drug.

Askil syrup: composition, indications for use

This syrup is different from others with its composition. It has four effective components that jointly give a good effect for the treatment of cough. These are elements such as:

  • Bromhexin
  • Rasmentol
  • Salbutamol

Even in syrup ascoril there are a number of auxiliary elements. Thanks to them, it has a pleasant taste, bright, slightly specific smell and is stored for a long time. The drug contains flavorings (pineapple, high -bearemorrhea) and dye. Therefore, patients with allergies should be turned to the components of the syrup in order to protect themselves from all kinds of complications.

Cough syrup - ascoril
Cough syrup - ascoril

According to the instructions, this syrup is effective for dry coughing. In combination with other dosage forms, it is recommended to drink it:

  1. With inflammatory processes that occur in the upper respiratory tract, at bronchitis, lung diseases.
  2. Syrup eliminates a cough if the patient laryngitis, bronchial asthma, emphysema, tuberculosis, silicosis.
  3. Whooping cough It is also treated with this drug. Its action is noticeable after the first reception after half an hour for eight hours.
  4. Ascoril facilitates the course of such a disease as pneumoconiosis. Such a pathology is most often developing at enterprises due to a large amount of dust in the lungs.
  5. At bronchiectatic disease Ascoril facilitates the expectorant of thick sputum.
Askil syrup treatment
Askil syrup treatment

IMPORTANT: This drug must be taken only on the recommendation of your doctor. Because a medical worker takes into account all the features of this tool, and he has many contraindications.

Askil syrup - at what age can children be given, at what cough to take: with dry or wet?

If the pediatrician prescribes syrup to the child, then he evaluates all the pros and cons. Each small patient manifests individual characteristics of the course of the disease, the doctor takes into account. In one baby with bronchitis, sputum abundantly stand out, in the other, on the contrary, a dry cough is manifested. In the second case, the appointment will be appropriate, in the first - no. The components of ascoril have a certain effect on the mechanism of action of cough.

  • Bromhexine - perfectly dilutes sputum
  • GVVEIFENUS - also dilutes sputum, relaxes the muscle tissue of the bronchi
  • Salbutamol - contributes to the expansion of the tissues of the bronchi
  • Rasmentol - has an antiseptic, soothing effect.
Ascorotil - for children
Ascoril - for children

Syrup gives a positive effect in the treatment of dry cough. That is why the specialist can recommend him to take him to a child up to a year. The dose of the drug is selected individually.

If the baby has laryngitis, then you can’t immediately start treatment with such a syrup. At first, inflammation must be removed so that pain passed, there are no problems when inhaling, exhaling. Because during the period of inflammation, the larynx narrows. And thanks to ascoril, sputums will begin abundantly, the larynx will not be easy to cope with the increased release of mucus.

At what age do children give syrup ascoril?
At what age do children give syrup ascoril?

With the manifestation of bronchial asthma, the treatment mechanism is also carried out in a certain sequence. You can’t immediately start taking this drug, there is a risk of aggravating the condition of a sick child.

IMPORTANT: A pediatrician determines an improvement in the picture of health using diagnostics, X-ray. Only with these measures is established when and what drugs to prescribe.

Askil syrup: Instructions for use and dosage for children under a year and older than a year

When children get sick, adults always worry and want their beloved baby, as soon as possible, recover. They do not spare any money even for the most expensive pharmacy funds. But do not immediately buy all the drugs that pharmaceutical companies advertise, they can be completely useless. So the syrup is completely useless with a wet cough. Ascoril fights perfectly with thick sputum, stimulates its conclusion.

The medicine is not recommended for babies up to one year. And starting from one year to six, the syrup is used in the dose - five milliliters (three times a day). The course of treatment can last from five to seven days. This is written in the instructions for the drug.

The dosage ascoril - for the treatment of cough in children
The dosage ascoril - for the treatment of cough in children

However, a pediatrician can independently calculate the dosage of the child. Sometimes his recommendations vary from generally accepted norms. Much depends on the weight of the baby, his state of health. You can take the syrup only two times a day, but you can and three.

Starting from the age of six, Askil syrup is taken three to ten milliliters three times a day. It depends on the severity of the cold infection. Also, it is better to drink the drug after eating and drinking a small amount of water.

Askil syrup: instructions for use and dosage for adults

Adult syrup is prescribed by a pulmonologist. This dosage form is not used to treat ordinary infections. As mentioned earlier, it is productively acting only with dry coughing. Most often, such symptoms are observed with pneumonia, tuberculosis, bronchitis, etc. Such pathologies should be treated in combination with anti -bacterial drugs.

Cough treatment in adults ascoril
Cough treatment in adults ascoril

For adults, it is desirable to use ascoril tablets, but if you prefer syrup, then drink 10 milliliters of syrupthree times a dayuntil a complete getting rid of the unpleasant symptom of the disease comes. Do not exceed the course of treatment with syrup - 7 days.

IMPORTANT: You can not use the drug for laryngitis in the initial phase of the disease, bronchial asthma, until you remove the symptoms of inflammation of the larynx, bronchi. Ascoril is not the drug that is used completely uncontrollably. He is capable of both improving the condition of the patient, and vice versa.

How to take syrup ascil from cough to adults and children: before meals or after eating?

The syrup has an irritating effect on the walls of the stomach, which is why it should be drunk only after eating. It is advisable to do this no later than an hour after eating. Drink the dosage form with ordinary purified water. Do not use soda drinking with it (dairy products, mineral water with a large content of bicarbonates). Thus - you will reduce the effect of the syrup. Or, in general, its use will be useless.

Ascoril - with coughing in adults
Ascoril - with coughing in adults

Askil syrup: How many days should adults and children take?

According to the description of Ascoril, one week is used. If during this time the drug did not affect the course of the disease, then it should be canceled and will again go to the doctor. Long -term treatment with this tool is not provided, undesirable complications may develop.

What is the treatment period ascoril?
What is the treatment period ascoril?

How can you replace ascoril syrup to a child?

The syrup has a unique composition, so it is quite difficult to replace it. You can find other drugs in the city pharmacies, with completely different components. They have a similar effect on the child’s body in the treatment of dry cough. To these are ranked:

  • Ambroxol
  • Lorcof
  • Pertussin
  • Bromhexin
  • Bronchikum
  • Lazolvan
  • Liquorice root
  • Alteyka
Analogs of syrup ascoril for children
Analogs of syrup ascoril for children

Askil syrup: contraindications, side effects

Always, when you take the drug for treatment, be sure to study the instructions. It is especially important to know the contraindications and side effects of the drug. Askil syrup has the following contraindications:

  1. You can not use medicine for patients with hypertension and patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Refrain from taking the product if you have hormonal diseases (diabetes, hyperthyroidism, thyrotoxicosis).
  3. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the drug is contraindicated.
  4. Do not recommend taking syrup to children up to one year.
  5. Ascorus cannot be consumed with cough blockers.
  6. The allergy to any component of the syrup also reduces the intake of the syrup to nothing.
Cough syrup for children
Cough syrup for children

As a result of treatment with this syrup, various side processes can appear. If they have a place to be, then cancel the intake of the drug urgently.

Side phenomena:

  • Heartbeat, trembling, excitement
  • Collapse, cramp in the limbs
  • Changing the color of urine
  • Rash, spots on the skin
  • Migraine, sleep disturbance
  • Problems with the gastrointestinal tract, bleeding
  • Bronchospasm
Treatment of bronchitis
Treatment of bronchitis

Askil syrup: reviews of doctors and adults

After studying reviews about this drug, we can conclude that the syrup is a rather effective coughing agent, but the presence of dyes and other components cause allergies in many patients.

Lilia, 34 years old

In the fall, in kindergarten, the child picked up a cold. The cough was dry, strong. The doctor prescribed Askil 5 ml - three times a day. The result manifested itself very quickly. In the evening, the cough decreased. The only bad thing is that the drug has many contraindications, so it must be used carefully.

Vladimir, 29 years old

The drug is prescribed only with certain types of pathology. You need to know that not any dry cough can be treated with it. For example, with laryngitis, the drug is not effective. Therefore, do not make appointments yourself, come to a consultation at the clinic so as not to harm your health.

Do not rush immediately at the first signs of a cold to use strong drugs yourself. Do not prescribe them for yourself, let an experienced doctor consult you about the treatment. It may be enough the simplest options for therapy. Such as - rubbing, leaching of bacteria with ordinary warm drink, the use of herbal preparations.

Video: Askil syrup - how to apply?

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Comments K. article

  1. they spoke an effective tool ... But in reality he did not help at all. It seems to me, Gedelix, with all its harmlessness, softened the cough much faster

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