Tourette syndrome: what kind of illness, symptoms, tics, behavioral therapy, how to treat, celebrities with Turantt syndrome

Tourette syndrome: what kind of illness, symptoms, tics, behavioral therapy, how to treat, celebrities with Turantt syndrome

Tourette syndrome occurs as a result of deviations in the work of the central nervous system, the disease manifests itself in the form of unpredictable motor activity of the muscles of the face and the cervical zone. In addition to mechanical movements in humans, uncontrolled sound statements in the form of screams, words or sentences slip.

The first symptoms tours syndrome manifest in childhood. For 1000 children, on average, 5 people with a similar disease. Turret's syndrome is more common in male. The disease was first classified by the French neurologist Tourist in the 19th century and named after the discoverer. The main symptom of the tourist syndrome in the form of motor and voice manifestations is called TIK. In terms of frequency and duration of ticks, the course of the disease is characterized.

Tourette syndrome: what is this disease?

  • The nature of the occurrence of the syndrome of the tourist is connected with genetic and environmental factors. When examining patients in half of cases, a similar disease is found in the nearest relatives.
  • Provoke the development of the disease is capable of Long -term intake of psychotropic drugs. A predisposition to the disease can occur due to an unfavorable course of pregnancy-intake of alcohol and smoking, frequent stress, streptococcal infection, fetal prematureism.
  • Tours syndrome in children First manifests itself at school age. The second stage of pronounced symptoms falls on the period of puberty in adolescents. Patients with a similar disease lead a full -fledged lifestyle, without lagging behind intellectual and mental development.

A predisposition to ticks have children with neurological diseases:

  • Attention deficiency syndrome With increased hyperactivity and inattention, requiring drug treatment.
  • Depressive and bipolar teenage disorders.
  • Alarming states, caused by the abuse of alcohol and narcotic substances.

The main problem of people with Turret syndrome is the attitude of others to sudden uncontrolled gestures and sharp statements, an inadequate reaction of society instills complexes and causes a depressive mood in patients. The support of loved ones and acquaintances is important for positive dynamics and speedy recovery.

Tourette syndrome: symptoms

To establish an accurate diagnosis, the patient should be under the supervision of a doctor for at least 12 months. The symptoms of Turantt symptoms include:

  • Tiki - twitching of the organs of vision, sudden cough, sharp movements of the upper body. The patient is not able to control such manifestations, therefore their frequency and duration are uncontrolled.
  • Uncontrolled obscene curses - A patient with a tourist syndrome spontaneously voices immoral words and insulting statements towards the interlocutors.
  • Uncontrolled automatic repetition of words - Suddenly, duplication of the words of the interlocutor begins without understanding their semantic meaning.
  • Multiple repetition of the same word, phrases - Bocation at the end of the sentence, pronouncing one word with different emotional color and a change of loud voice to a whisper.
  • Symptoms are quite harmless for both the patient and close people. The intensity and frequency of manifestations of the disease changes As neurological disorder progresses.
  • As the patient grows up, there is a high probability of developing a tourist syndrome. The life course of the disease forces patients to adapt to the characteristics of their behavior and an inadequate reaction of others.

TIKI in the syndrome of the tourist

  • Depending from individual characteristics Health each patient has its own nature of ticks and different times of their duration. Impulsive manifestations can appear once every few months, and can repeatedly repeat within an hour. Active activity of a person can affect the nature of ticks within one day.
  • Tiki temporary nature They appear for one year in the form of short sounds or movements. They do not attract much attention and are not identified by others.
  • Persistent disorders last more than one year and have a division into motor and vocal tics.
  • Complex disorders of the syndrome of Turantt They are long -term, accompanied by unworthy behavior and obscene swearing.
  • Motor tics are manifested in the form the grimac on the face, active blinking of the eyes, twitching the head. Vocal tiki are expressed by sniffing, barking, loud breath, cough, obscene swearing.
  • With daily ticks of a long natureaccompanied by obscene vocabulary, the patient is considered a physical and social disabled.
  • Stressful situations warm up the flow of ticks. Most often, motor impulses appear at the time of rest, but not sleep. Immersion in the study process, work helps to reduce the nature of the manifestation of ticks.
In time
In time

The course of the disease in a mild form reduces the probability of making a correct diagnosis. Tiki in a few seconds can be perceived as part of the behavior of a modern teenager, which greatly facilitate the socialization of the patient.

Behavioral therapy

  • Patients with Turantta syndrome They need qualified medical and psychological assistance. With timely detection of the problem, there is a high probability of getting rid of the disease without side effects for the body.
  • The main task of the specialist is to explain to the patient and his relatives, what is tours syndrome simple words. If parents can correctly convey information to school staff, then it will be easier for the child to adapt in the new conditions and undergo a learning process. It is important that others take tics as normal behavior of the patient.
  • Teachers can organize an individual learning process for a child with a tourist syndrome. To form responsibility in children in whose environment there is a child with features in behavior, it is advisable to conduct a thematic lecture or show a film about the syndrome of Tours.
It is important for teachers to arrange the educational process
It is important for teachers to arrange the educational process
  • Certain habits of a child can perform the role of the starting mechanism for ticks. The attentive attitude of parents will help to reconsider children's habits and change the behavior model. Daily fixing the nature of ticks helps to identify their nature and reduce the amount of manifestations.
  • Behavioral therapy Helps adolescents to master relaxation techniques that reduce motor manifestations. Psychotherapeutic treatment includes game techniques, contact with animals and surrounding nature, art therapy, etc.
  • Children are able to withstand some ticks by concentration on specific activities. In this case, it increases the likelihood of complicating subsequent manifestations. Physicians include sudden heat, muscle tension, and irritation of the skin.

Tourette syndrome: how to treat?

  • Drug treatment is prescribed if the nature of ticks affects the usual pastime of the child and causes depressive disorders. Drugs are prescribed in minimum doses to muffle acute states. With positive dynamics, the drugs are canceled to exclude side effects.
  • Patients with a complex form turret syndrome prescribed antipsychotics - Olanzapin, Pimosid, haloperidol, risperidone. An important part of therapy is the treatment of concomitant diseases.
  • When diagnosing tours syndrome The doctor must exclude the presence of other neurological disorders. For this purpose, electroencephalography is performed and a clinical blood test is taken. Various brain deviations and the presence of streptococcal infection, exceeding the dosage of drugs are checked.

Modern medicine performs neurosurgical operations to stimulate brain structures. In most cases, patients improve in patients, but persistent remission is sometimes noted.

  • Tours syndrome Diagnosed until adulthood. After 18 years, tiki is diagnosed as another type of disease.

Celebrities with Turantt syndrome

On the example of famous celebrities, we can conclude that Tourette's syndrome is not an obstacle to a full lifestyle.

  • Successful football player Tim Howard Diagnosed the disease in the middle of schooling. Contrary to the unpredictability of TIM Tim, it is possible to control his ailment and successfully realize as a goalkeeper.
  • Tourett Billy Ailish Syndrome It is of interest to a million of her fans. The Hollywood singer managed to achieve great heights in the field of music, release her clothing line, become a successful blogger, take part in interesting television projects and conduct public activities. The bright expressed facial expressions were seen by fans, after which the singer admitted in the diagnosis and emphasized that she did not consider herself a sick person. A video that is clearly visible on the Internet is visible how the syndrome of Tutrett Billy Ailish is manifested.
  • The famous American singer James Durbinhe admitted that from his school years he suffers from Turantta syndrome. Uncontrolled facial expressions caused ridicule from peers. Music has become a rehabilitation therapy to combat the disease. Interestingly, the singer revealed another syndrome associated with the psyche disorder.
  • Famous composer Wolfgang Mozart Also had symptoms of Turantt syndrome. One of the vivid evidence is his historical records with frequent obscene rhymes.
  • The film was launched in the film distribution, in the title role of which was played by a teacher with a Tourette syndrome. The film addresses the problems that people with a similar disease have to face. Contrary to the mockery of students, the teacher manages to come to qualitative interaction with others.

Each of us needs to understand that tours syndrome It does not pose a threat to human life and his environment. With the exception of complex forms of the disease, Tours syndrome It is not an obstacle to a full life.

Video: Tourtta Syndrome, what is it?

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