Excellent student syndrome: what is it, how is it manifested, why is it dangerous to be the best? How to get rid of an excellent student syndrome?

Excellent student syndrome: what is it, how is it manifested, why is it dangerous to be the best? How to get rid of an excellent student syndrome?

What is an excellent student syndrome and how to get rid of it?

The syndrome of the excellent student appears in school years, and sometimes in kindergarten. The desire to have toys is better than Masha with Vova, in adulthood, turns into a desire to be better than anyone in everything, to have things and real estate more expensive than everyone, to be the best in their profession.

This pushes people to work on an unloved, but highly paid job, marry a rich, but unattractive girl, participate in gambling, and other not too reasonable actions. Why is it dangerous to be the best and is it dangerous in principle? Let's try to understand these issues in our article.

Excellent student syndrome: what is this, how is it manifested?

The syndrome of an excellent student is not only for those who graduated from the school for five. And not all real excellent students suffer from this syndrome in life.

The horror of the perfectionist

The horror of the perfectionist

Those who have long graduated from school, but in their souls remained to sit on the first desk, pull their hand to call the board and put a good mark in the magazine, try to be excellent students always and everywhere. Where can you be the first?

  • At work, "eternal excellent students" do more than ordinary workers. Moreover, for people with excellent student syndrome, the result of work is important, but namely assessment of others, most often, authorities.
  • They practically do not late anywhere, and often come before the appointed time. Excellent student syndrome and perfectionism - close concepts.
  • Their clothes are ironed, the boots are always filled, and white collars sparkle in the sun. Eternal excellent students - a little narcissus. Although there is also a diametrical opposite in appearance - complete negligence. People with an excellent student often suffer and avoiding personality disorder - They do not take up affairs, as they are afraid of a low assessment of others.
  • If the “eternal excellent student” is a woman, then she has an ideal order in her kitchen. Although the order in the kitchen does not mean that the hostess has an excellent student syndrome.
  • She cooks perfectly, even if she does not like this activity. The representative of the fair sex with the syndrome of the excellent student does not think about why she is doing this or that work. She makes her simply because “it is necessary”, or because of fear, to be known as a bad mistress or slut. Low level awareness - Her main trouble.
  • If the “eternal excellent student” is a man, then his car is polished and perfectly washed. Most adequate people like beauty and purity, but “excellent students” are just fanatics.
  • Even in intimate issues, these people sometimes try to be the best than everyone is actively interested in how the partner evaluates their successes.

People suffering from an excellent student syndrome are very painful to criticism, but do not know how to constructively defend themselves. Silence or aggressive attack - this will be their reaction to a remark.

Summarizing, we get that it is necessary to draw a line between the syndrome of an excellent student and a healthy perfectionism. If the desire for the better is effective for a person, then there is no problem. But if a person cannot distinguish important from the secondary one, he constantly needs to evaluate, and believes that he himself cannot adequately evaluate his work - this is a syndrome of an excellent student. In general, in the circles of psychologists, disputes are still sharpened about the line between healthy and unhealthy perfectionism.

Excellent student syndrome - why is it dangerous to be the best?

People with an excellent student syndrome are similar to school teachers from the category of unloved
People with an excellent student syndrome are similar to school teachers from the category of unloved

I must say that “eternal excellent students” at first glance captivate people who are in contact with them. They do not need to be adjusted in work, they are well -groomed and strict. But excellent student syndrome It makes a hard life not only the person who suffers to them, but also the life of others.

Those who suffer from excellent student syndrome do not know how to build relationships in the team:

  • These are those people who will roughly question your qualifications. And they will agree to cooperate with you only if they are sure that you are the best of the best. Excellentmen respond only to leaders, they neglect the rest.
  • A person suffering from an excellent student syndrome will desperately strive to take a leading position, but does not delay it. The fact is that in a high post he will not be interested in the productivity of the team, but only how he himself looks in a leading position.
  • An endless stream of criticism comes from these people, even if the work is done well. The work, in their opinion, should be done either perfectly or in any way, the middle is not.
  • A man with a syndrome of an excellent student is far from creativity and does not value other people's creative undertakings. Probably because they are difficult to evaluate.
  • Mercantility is another frequent satellite of the mature excellent student. Money, or rather their number, is perceived as a kind of assessment.
Labor is evaluated by material reward
Labor is evaluated by material reward

But not everything there is definitely:

  • Everyone needs money. It is important why they are needed: for a girl with excellent students syndrome, they often become a goal, and for a girl who does not suffer, money is a means to obtain more important goods.
  • Dislike in the team does not always mean that you have an excellent student syndrome. It is difficult for those who envy, maybe you are just beautiful or very young for your position.
  • If you are alone or alone against all, then this does not mean that you are wrong. The sad story of Galileo Galileo, who was burned at the stake, is a vivid example of this.

People who suffer from an excellent student syndrome do not achieve success. Because they are afraid to do anything. They have many “ideal” plans that gather in a long box and many unfinished things that impose anxiety and depression.

The one who is not accepted is not always abnormal
The one who is not accepted is not always abnormal

Eternal excellent students suffer from their views not only at work, but also in personal life:

  • They, at first glance, are beautiful, caring parents. If they are not excellent students, their children, mothers with dads will solve mathematics problems for them and draw wonderful pictures in school albums.
  • Female women are waiting for husbands at home with fresh borscht and garlic pants. A few friends and friends of excellent students can always count on their help on any issues. There is only one drawback in this scheme - excellent students do not suit themselves.
  • Their morning begins with a headache from problems that need to be quickly and perfectly solved. They practically do not have time to rest. And if it is possible to find an hour or two for this, then with thoughts they still return to unresolved problems. As a result, work on wear is undermined by mental and physical health.

Interestingly, the signs of an excellent student syndrome in his own way, for sure, noticed each of us. You probably had to finish some kind of work “I can’t”, just to do it. In the hours of strong fatigue, probably, everyone falls under the description of the excellent student syndrome.

Excellent student syndrome is fatigue and anxiety due to unfulfilled work
Excellent student syndrome is fatigue and anxiety due to unfulfilled work

How to get rid of an excellent student syndrome: 3 important aspects

Below are somewhat effective, in our opinion, ways that will help get rid of the syndrome of an excellent student.

1. Fantasize. Imagine this inner excellent student with a separate person. Do you feel remorse for not having submitted a report on time? Draw in the imagination of a dry, heartless excellent student, with red shock on the head and thick glasses. Let him wave in front of your nose with this very folder with the report and says: “You have not written a report, then you are insignificance! You are guilty!" What feelings will you experience for this character, will you want to obey him?

Instead of a child, you can imagine an evil old woman who looks like a witch leading to damage in popular beliefs. Imagine that she scolds you. Do you want to obey her? In fact, this is really similar to damage in the popular sense, people with an excellent student syndrome have anxiety and negative ideas about themselves that prevent them from living. And here comes to the rescue of what the Orthodox priests are talking about - damage and superstitions affect only those who believe in this.

Try to look at the internal excellent student from the side
Try to look at the internal excellent student from the side

2. Ask in your thoughts advice from a bright character. Imagine some angel that he can advise? Probably, he could tell that all people are good, although not perfect, and you need to move forward to the best of strength. Some psychoanalysts express the idea that people with an excellent student syndrome are people with an underdeveloped super-ego, characteristic of a 5-7-year-old child. Their super-ego, or the idea of \u200b\u200bhow a person dreams of being, as if, frozen, ideal and inaccessible. While a person with an adult super-ego understands that the movement forward is gradual, and the goals are reached.

3. Try to add awareness to your life. Ask yourself more often why and why you are doing or not doing certain things.

Video: Veronika Stepanova about perfectionism

Video: General features between excellent student syndrome and narcissism.

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