Freily syndrome in children on the right and left: symptoms, causes, treatment, consequences, physical activity, army service. Is pregnancy and childbirth with Freily syndrome possible?

Freily syndrome in children on the right and left: symptoms, causes, treatment, consequences, physical activity, army service. Is pregnancy and childbirth with Freily syndrome possible?

Description of Freily syndrome. The causes and symptoms of Freily syndrome. Diagnosis and treatment of maid of honor. The consequences of maid of honor for children and pregnant women. Do they take the army with Freily's syndrome?

The pathologies of the urinary system, which are developing still, occupy a third of the total number of other congenital pathologies. Such intrauterine abnormalities of kidney development also include maid of honor.

Freily syndrome - kidney anomaly on the left and right: Description

Description of Freily syndrome
Description of Freily syndrome
  • Freily syndrome is a pathology characterized by a violation of the structure of the vascular system of renal.
  • This violation consists in crossing the front and rear branches of the upper renal artery.
  • In this state, the renal pelvis or the logo-flowing department may be observed.
  • Squeezing the pelvis can lead to overflow of renal cups in urine, which subsequently leads to stagnation of urine and various diseases of the urinary system.
  • Most often, maid of honor refers either to the right or left kidney. But there are cases when anomaly is observed in both paired organs.
  • The syndrome itself is not quoted as any type of disease, but over time it can lead to a number of diseases and pathologies of the kidneys.
  • The syndrome owes his name to the American scientist Freily, who opened and described this phenomenon in 1966.

Freily syndrome in children: symptoms and causes

Causes of Freily syndrome
Causes of Freily syndrome

Since this pathology is developing in the womb, it is difficult to talk about the causes of its occurrence. Scientists have only assumptions regarding what can provoke this anomaly:

  • a genetic factor (the presence of a maid of honor in one of the relatives);
  • other genetic pathologies (a crash at the level of chromosomes, gene mutation);
  • the influence of external factors on a pregnant woman (harmful ecology, irradiation, inappropriate conditions);
  • infectious and acute inflammatory processes in the body of a woman during the bearing of the fetus;
  • taking prohibited medicines with a pregnant woman;
  • conducting an inappropriate lifestyle during pregnancy (smoking, drinking alcohol or drugs).
Symptoms of Faley syndrome
Symptoms of Faley syndrome

Symptoms of Freily syndrome are difficult to associate with the pathology itself - most likely they are the result of its effect on the kidneys. The symptoms are considered to be characteristic of this anomaly:

  • pulling pains in the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected kidney or throughout the lower back (in the case when pathology is observed in both kidneys at once);
  • acute, shooting pain in the kidneys (renal colic, appearing as a result of the formation of kidney stones);
  • the presence of traces of blood in the urine (macrohemia - traces of blood are noticeable to the naked eye, microhematurgy - blood is visualized only under a microscope);
  • renal hypertension - an increase in renal pressure.

Freily syndrome: How is it diagnosed, is it visible on ultrasound?

Diagnosis of Freily syndrome
Diagnosis of Freily syndrome

It is extremely difficult to diagnose a maid of honor syndrome, since the pathology itself does not show itself. Only when symptoms provoked by anomaly, diseases, doctors appear, doctors suggest the presence of this syndrome.

To identify the pathology of the renal blood system, a urologist may prescribe a number of tests to the patient:

  • analysis of urine
  • blood analysis
  • analysis on the flora
  • analysis for sensitivity to drugs

Hardware diagnosis of maid of honor can be carried out by applying the following techniques:

  • Ultrasound study of the kidneys;
  • Excretory urography - regentgenography of the urinary system using contrast substances;
  • Mytic cystography - radiography performed at the time of bowel movements;
  • KT of the kidneys;
  • MRI of the kidneys;
  • Renal angiography is an X -ray examination using contrasting substances introduced into the blood vessels.

As for young children and infants, most of the listed studies on them are either prohibited or simply impossible. Most often, for this category of patients, either ultrasound examination of blood vessels (Dopplerography) or multi -spiral computed tomography are used.

Freily syndrome in children: treatment

Treatment of Freily syndrome in children
Treatment of Freily syndrome in children
  • Only after all the necessary types of diagnosis and their thorough analysis are carried out can the doctor prescribe adequate treatment.
  • There is no need to treat Freily's syndrome itself, and there is no possibility.
  • All preventive and medicinal measures are prescribed only to eliminate painful symptoms and concomitant disease.
  • In the course of research, the urologist will also have to analyze the risks of serving the renal pelvis.
  • If the pressure exerted is insignificant and does not lead to any consequences, it can not be touched, but simply observe it-in some cases a person lives all his life with Freily's syndrome, and never once faced the problems of the urinary system.
  • If the situation is critical, then the doctor may decide to use the only effective way to correct the processes of the upper renal artery - surgical intervention.
  • The operation is carried out only in cases where the patient is in order with health, and age allows him.
Surgical treatment of maid of honor syndrome
Surgical treatment of maid of honor syndrome

Modern surgical methods of solving the problem of the Freily syndrome include:

  1. infundibuloplasty-an operation to increase the size of the cup-lobe mouth;
  2. infundibuloanastomosis - an operation to move an arterial branch;
  3. infundibulopyloneostomy - an operation to move an arterial branch into a specially created path between renal pelvis and a cup;
  4. calicopyeloneostomy - an analogue of infundibulopiloneostomy;
  5. intrarental vasopexia - an operation to breed paths of a pathologically located arterial branch and urinary ducts.
Treatment of maids of honor syndrome with drugs
Treatment of maids of honor syndrome with drugs
  • As for the drug treatment for the syndrome of Freily, all prescribed by the doctor will only be aimed at suppressing acute symptoms and alleviating the patient's condition.
  • To reduce renal pressure, hypotensive drugs are most often prescribed: Dapril, Capotopril, Renipril, Enalapril, Captopres, Foszinopril, etc.
  • To eliminate the pain syndrome, patients can take antispasmodics (no-shpa, spasmalgon, papaverine, spasmil, etc.) and analgesic integrated action (rolangin, spasmin, Renalgan, Novigan, Baralgin, etc.).

Freily syndrome in children: consequences

The consequences of Freily syndrome in children
The consequences of Freily syndrome in children
  • In cases where the pressure exerted on the renal pelvis by crossed branches of the renal artery is insignificant, the child may not even suspect his anomaly. Such people can live for years without feeling any discomfort, and not suffering from diseases.
  • Some children may develop arterial hypertension over time. This condition most often leads to weakness and impotence of the baby, quick fatigue, problems with concentration and memorization. Subsequently, a child may lag behind in study from his peers, and have physical restrictions at work in adulthood.
  • The second in danger by the consequence of the Freily syndrome can be stones and sand in the kidneys. Such diseases are most often accompanied by painful sensations, up to the loss of consciousness from pain. Sometimes, to get rid of stones, laser therapy or surgical intervention has to be used.
  • The consequences of such formations are urolithiasis and renal disease (nephrolytiasis).
  • Nephrolitiasis, in turn, is often accompanied by protracted nausea and vomiting. In the case of young children, these two symptoms are able to lead to a serious condition - dehydration.
  • The consequence of nephrolitiasis is also pyelonephritis - inflammation of the kidneys, accompanied by severe pain.
  • Very often, pyelonephritis provokes such a severe complication as renal failure. The consequences of renal failure may be renal failure and death.

Freily syndrome in children: physical activity and army service

Physical activity and army service with Freily syndrome
Physical activity and army service with Freily syndrome

In itself, the syndrome of Freily's syndrome in a young man is not the cause of his honey detergent from military service. This anomaly can only cause small concessions and restrictions in physical exertion in the service.
However, the young man may be exempted from service in cases where Freily's syndrome caused other, more serious diseases:

  • arterial hypertension
  • urolithiasis or renal disease
  • other kidney diseases and urinary system

All diseases in which conscripts are exempted from service in the army can be found in the articles of the military enlistment office schedule.

Is pregnancy and childbirth with Freily syndrome possible?

Pregnancy with Freily syndrome
Pregnancy with Freily syndrome
  • It will be very difficult for women with Freily's syndrome to take out the baby, since in this state an increase in blood pressure, compression of the enlarged uterus to the urinary system and other changes are observed.
  • Most often, women with a pathology of blood vessels of the doctor’s blood vessels are recommended to conceive a baby only after a successfully conducted operation and restore kidney functions. But even in this case, the pregnant woman will need to notify his gynecologist about surgical intervention.
  • At childbirth, such patients must have a nephrologist and urologist.
  • Freily syndrome can become the basis for Caesarean section. At the same time, the risks for the future mother and her baby are significantly reduced.
  • Some women who were diagnosed with Freily's syndrome, but did not manifest itself, believe that such an anomaly cannot become an obstacle to their maternal happiness. However, they are deeply mistaken. In most cases, complexity begins already with 15-20 weeks of pregnancy, and in some situations you have to completely interrupt it at 4-5 months.
  • Therefore, pregnant women with such a diagnosis must constantly be under the strict control of their gynecologist and fulfill all his requirements.

Summing up, it is worth noting that Freily's syndrome is not a death sentence, but it is also not worth ignoring it.

Kidneys: video

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