Symptoms, causes and types of tendovaginitis of the wrist joint. TELDOVAGINITY OF THE WALE: Treatment

Symptoms, causes and types of tendovaginitis of the wrist joint. TELDOVAGINITY OF THE WALE: Treatment

Methods for treating tendovaginitis of the wrist joint.

Tendovaginitis of the wrist joint is a fairly common ailment, especially among athletes. This is inflammation of the tendons and ligaments. We will tell you how to deal with this disease.

TELDOVAGINITS OF A Wrighten joint: what happens, symptoms, causes

It is worth noting that inflammation in this area can be caused by several causes: infectious and non -infectious. That is, the tendons themselves can affect either the infection, or what is in the body itself. There are many causes of this ailment. Basically, in the course of this disease, tendons that become inflamed suffer.

The main symptoms are severe pain, and the symptoms most often depend on the variant of the disease. That is, it is infectious or aseptic. In case of infectious tendovaginitis, the symptoms are more pronounced.

Examination of the patient
Examination of the patient

Symptoms of an infectious disease:

  • A tumor is observed in the tendons, wrists or specific fingers
  • Pulsating pain. A person cannot fall asleep from such pain, because at night it does not allow to sleep. The pain is quite sharp, intense and hurts, like a damaged tooth.
  • Another symptom is the deterioration of fine motor skills. A person cannot move his fingers normally.
  • In addition, the general malaise is characteristic, the temperature may rise.
  • With infectious tendovaginitis, an increase in lymph nodes under the armpits is often observed. This indicates an accumulation of infection.

Aseptic tendovaginitis manifests itself in a completely different way. If it is chronic, then from the symptoms there can only be a slight, pulling pain, which intensifies when pressed on the fingers. From time to time, exacerbations can be observed, during which there is a slight swelling in the fingers, as well as a slight pain when pressed. The disease is not fatal, it is well treated. But if you ignore the symptoms, this can cause the development of dystrophic changes in the tissues and loss of performance. That is, a person can become a disabled person. The case with the pianist Schumann is known, who loved to play the piano very much, but was forced to abandon these classes due to progressive tendovaginitis.

As for infectious tendovaginitis, it can be specific and non -specific. That is, it occurs against the background of tuberculosis or gonorrhea, when the sticks infect blood vessels and tendons. If this is non-specific tendovaginitis, then the infection penetrates due to the disease of other organs. For example, it can be rheumatoid arthritis, or bursitis. In this case, the infection spreads through the body due to the fact that a particular joint or organ hurts. Depending on this, the methods of treating this ailment are selected.

Diagnosis of the disease
Diagnosis of the disease

Methods for treating tendovaginitis of the wrist joint


  • For the treatment of specific and purulent tendovaginitis, that is, which occur against the background of infection, antibacterial agents are prescribed. The choice of antibiotics depends on the test of blood and the sensitivity to the antibiotic. Accordingly, if tendovaginitis arose due to serious diseases, such as gonorrhea or tuberculosis, then therapy for these ailments is needed.
  • As for aseptic tendovaginitis, which is not caused by infection at all, but arose due to an injury or constant load on the tendons, in which case the complete immobilization of the sore limb is recommended. That is, applying gypsum or orthrosis on the hand in order to immobilize the fingers and brush.
  • Cooling dressings that help reduce swelling, reduce pain, are useful. Apply ice or special ointments with a cooling effect. Basically, menthol is included. If very severe pain is observed, blockades with Diprospan are carried out, that is, with corticosteroids. This option is used in severe cases when a person cannot sleep and live normally due to severe pain. Strite therapy and other physiotherapy options helps to cope with non -specific tendovaginitis. That is, it is electrophoresis or ultrasonic therapy that allows drugs to penetrate deep into the tendons and ligaments.
  • If this is chronic tendovaginitis, relapses often occur, which go into an acute form, a person constantly feel pain, then in this case surgery is prescribed for excision of inflamed tendons and ligaments. In such cases, transplantation of artificial or natural ligaments is shown, which are taken from other areas of the musculoskeletal system.
  • The most dangerous is tendovaginitis of the little finger, as well as the thumb. The fact is that in these areas the tendons are unmarried, and then go to the upper hand. Accordingly, the disease can provoke the occurrence of Bursite of the elbow or even the shoulder joint. In such cases, it is necessary to use antibiotics and try to stop the spread of infection through other tissues.

Tendovaginitis is not a very terrible disease, but it can cause disability and violation of the mobility of the fingers.

Video: Tendovagin's wrists

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