Pupyryshki in the language of the child: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment and prevention

Pupyryshki in the language of the child: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment and prevention

In this article we will figure out why a child can have pimples in the tongue. And also find out how to treat this ailment.

Japanese doctors argue that the early signs of the main diseases appear primarily in the language. The appearance of various pimples and pimples in the language of the child can be explained in different ways. In our article, we will consider for what reasons the child may have such symptoms in the language, what to do in such cases and whether these problems can be avoided.

For what reasons can pimples in the language of the child appear: related symptoms and signs

  1. Geographical language. This is a dystrophic disease, which is also called Glossis in medicine. More than 3 % of children suffer from this type of pathology. If you look closely, you can see a map of the earth on the tongue. The side surfaces of the tongue and the back of the inflamed epithelium have a white or red rim, and in a neglected form the tip of the tongue can turn red and a small rash appears. In the affected areas of the tongue where pimples appeared, pain, burning, itching and tingling can occur. All these symptoms can both appear or disappear on their own. But this is not the main reason for the physiological change of language in the child.
  2. More than 90 % of the population of our planet have at least once infected herpes virus. The crawling virus has the opportunity to impress any human organ, moreover, language. Even in my mother’s stomach, infection can occur. On various household items, herpes can maintain properties for up to several days. Therefore, anyone can become infected with herpes, and especially the child. The main features Herpes: the formation of a baby pimples in the tongue, lips and even on the throat.
  3. Allergy. The reason for the occurrence of allergies is a lot: animals that live with you, products, medicines, household chemicals.

    There are many reasons for the appearance of pimples
    There are many reasons for the appearance of pimples
  4. Stomatitis- This is another reason for the appearance of pimples and wounds in a child. The Stomatitis virus provoke several types of pathogenic organisms: herpes, various bacteria, allergies. It may appear due to injury. Often the cause is a banal teething of teeth in a baby. The patient may complain It is difficult for a baby to eat and itching in the oral cavity and itching, sometimes an increase in temperature can be observed.
  5. Scarlet fever - The next reason for the appearance of red pimples in the language in the language. This is an acute disease that is very dangerous and is infectious. Its main symptoms: The temperature rises, the head, tachycardia hurts greatly, the child becomes weak and he does not want to eat, intoxication occurs. And the main sign of scarlet fever The change in the mucous membrane of the tongue is considered.
  6. Damage to the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, trauma with food or liquid, teeth can also lead to problems of the state of the children's language. All this can be called mechanical injury. Items are not only traumatic, but also have a bunch of microbes. And if the child has some kind of wound or sore at the same time and he took a dirty toy in his mouth, then the appearance of pimples on the oral mucosa is inevitable. But such wounds heal in a short time and without the intervention of doctors.

    The language of the child
    The language of the child
  7. Dysbiosis. It appears with improper diet, from antibiotics, poor -quality products. The pimples in the language are painless and do not bring discomfort. But still, such rashes need to be treated and necessarily when controlling the doctor.
  8. With a lack of vitamin Language can also be covered with spots and red pimples. This is explained lack of vitamin B, namely in 12. Changes in the body do not bring some discomfort to the child. With the replenishment of the necessary vitamins, the tongue again acquires a regular color and the rash in the tongue disappears.

How to cure pimples in the language of the child: a list of drugs

If the baby still has some kind of pimples in the tongue, do not self-medicate. If the state of health leaves much to be desired and the child has a temperature, then you should call an ambulance and expect the arrival of the doctor on duty. When the symptoms have just begun to appear and the child’s health does not cause discomfort, you can go to your doctor yourself. Only a specialist prescribes treatment.

Here are the main drugs that the doctor can prescribe:

  1. Nistanite (antibiotic, fights with a fungus Candida)
  2. Furatsilin (mouth rinsing, antimicrobial drug)
  3. Cephasolin (fights with inflammatory and infectious diseases)
  4. Ribomunyl - immunomodulator (increases immunity, preventive from infectious diseases)
  5. Multivitamins
An unpleasant symptom in a child
An unpleasant symptom in a child

But parents, in turn, should also help the child quickly get better. What recommendations should be observed:

  • Make sure that the baby does not climb into his mouth with his hands and does not press his pimples. Such actions can lead to complications, since there is a risk of incurring an infection even more seriously.
  • Follow food. Feed the baby with cereals, mashed potatoes, light broths.
  • Follow the hygiene of the oral cavity. After each meal, rinse your mouth.
  • Give the child a plentiful drink.
  • Rinse the oral cavity with decoctions.

It is important to follow the doctor’s recommendations and carefully follow his instructions.

Preventive measures that will help to avoid the appearance of pimples in the language of the child

To avoid the appearance of such not very pleasant manifestations in a child, it should be accustomed to the following rules:

  • Observe cleanliness in the oral cavity.
  • Do not chew foreign objects.
  • Regularly come to the dentist
  • Eat only foods that do not irritate the mucous membrane.
  • At the first signs of infection, consult a doctor.
  • Strengthen immunity, use the maximum number of seasonal vegetables and fruits.
  • Take the necessary vitamins by age
The language of the child needs to be monitored - this is an indicator of the state of internal organs
The language of the child needs to be monitored - this is an indicator of the state of internal organs

Take the habit of following the state of your baby's language. Enjoy it from childhood to follow your health and adhere to the basic rules of hygiene.

Choice: What kind of diagnosis is geographical?

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