Symptoms and treatment with the knee joint. What medicines and ointments to use with a synovitis of the knee joint?

Symptoms and treatment with the knee joint. What medicines and ointments to use with a synovitis of the knee joint?

Methods of treating synovitis of the knee joint with ointments, pharmacy drugs, physiotherapy.

The synovitis of the knee joint is a fairly common ailment that both young patients and people of more mature age face. It arises for many reasons, among which trauma is not necessarily. In this article, we will tell you which drugs and methods are effective in the synovitis of the knee joint.

Symptoms with the knee joint symptom

It is worth noting that the treatment of this type of synovitis is no different from others. This is due to the same symptoms and causes of the disease. But the main difference between the disease is that it very much limits mobility, and appears more often than other types of synovitis. This is due to the constant mobility of the lower limb, and the high load on them. Especially often they happen in overweight people, the bones are not able to withstand the load of huge weight.

Symptoms of synovitis of the knee joint:

  • Tumor in the joint. That is, the knee is simply inflated, filled with some kind of liquid
  • The area is hot due to the fact that leukocytes are trying to fight the disease
  • A person has acute pain, which may not subside even at night and in a dream
  • Mobility is reduced. A person is unable to step on a sore limb, due to the fact that the knee hurts very much

What tests are carried out during the diagnosis with the synovitis of the knee joint?

The methods of diagnosis of synovitis of the knee joint:

  • MRI
  • Ultrasound
  • X -ray
  • Arthroscopy

In any case, the doctor chooses the methodology after examining the patient, and palpation. Quite often, the tumor of the knee joint can be observed for other diseases, such as arthritis, arthrosis. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly differentiate the disease, which will prescribe adequate treatment.

Dressing with synovitis
Dressing with synovitis

Treatment methods for synovitis of the knee joint

Treatment methods for synovitis of the knee joint:

  • Conservative treatment. Basically, it involves the use of injections, as well as drugs that are found inside with food. That is orally. Among such medications, non -inflammatory drugs of non -steroidal type are distinguished, painkillers, substances that improve edema resorption, hormones, as well as chondroprotectors.
  • If the synovitis develops very rapidly, and the cause of the disease is infection, in this case, are prescribed antibacterial drugs. It can be tablets, or injections that are found in the form of injections in muscle tissue or intravenously.
  • The main task with synovitis is to remove edema. That is, it is necessary to detect the cause of effusion in the joint as soon as possible, and prescribe a drug that absorbs a clot of pus and lymphatic tissue. This will help rather reduce the pressure on the joint, and will also reduce pain. Quite often, with synovitis, conservative treatment is ineffective. In this case, a knee puncture or arthroscopy is prescribed. During the puncture, the joint is carried out with the absorption of the contents into the syringe. After that, the contents of the syringe are sent for analysis. This is necessary in order to detect the cause of effusion. If this is pus, then in this case antibacterial drugs are prescribed.
  • Arthroscopy - A more complex manipulation than a puncture, since the introduction of more than one needle is carried out, but several. During the manipulation, using a special arthroscope device, an probe is introduced into the joint, at the end of which there is a camera. That is, the doctor works using visualization of what is inside the fabrics. This allows you to clearly see the situation, as well as choose the right treatment methodology. With arthroscopy, it is possible to eliminate the fragments of cartilage, which was broken off during the injury, and also to suck pus. Arthroscopy is considered not only manipulation for diagnosis, but also a way to produce therapeutic manipulations.
  • Quite often with the synovitis of the knee joint, after the tumor has passed, it is prescribed physiotherapy. Usually this is a therapeutic electrophoresis, with novocaine, as well as hormones. This allows you to reduce edema as soon as possible, as well as reduce the pressure on the joint. A rather effective magnetotherapy is, during which magnetic flows penetrate the sore joint and affect it. You can also use ozokerite and dirt. It is worth noting that the latest manipulations are thermal, that is, they are carried out with warming and thermal effect on the joint. Accordingly, such therapy cannot be carried out in the acute phase. Any manipulations with heating are carried out only when the edema goes. Because an additional increase in temperature can provoke a deterioration in the situation, and an increase in edema.
Knee pain
Knee pain

Treatment with ointments with synovitis of the knee joint

Many people, especially appropriate patients, do not want to go to the doctor, and solve the situation on their own. The fact is that synovitis is a rather insidious disease, which most often does not pass by itself. After it, peculiar complications appear, and the infection can switch to the bone, which is fraught with its destruction. Accordingly, we recommend that when synovy, the knee joint contact the doctor for help. Of course, it can prescribe ointments and they are quite effective, but it is impossible to cure this ailment with their help.

Among the ointments that are often used in the synovitis of the knee joint, one can distinguish the following:

  • Voltaren. This is a gel that contains sodium diclofenac. That is, the easiest and most affordable version of non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs. Quite effective, can be applied to the bandage.
  • As a medicinal ointment, you can use indomethacin. This is one of the most powerful non -steroidal, anti -inflammatory drugs that act very quickly.
  • Analgesics -based ointments. Among them, Apizartron can be distinguished. It should be borne in mind that in addition to analgesics, this drug contains bee venom. Accordingly, this can have a warm -up effect on the joint, which is undesirable for severe edema and effusion. This is especially forbidden with infectious synovitis, as it can accelerate tissue infection, provoke an effusion growth.

Initially, with synovitis, it is necessary to establish its appearance. Since the tumor or effusion in the joint can be provoked by both bacterial flora and trauma. In this case, the joint is filled not with leukocyte fluid, but by lymph. Quite often, you can detect synovitis filled with fibrous tissues. This happens as a result of damage to the joint for arthrosis. When there are practically no cartilage layer, only its fragments in the form of fibrous tissues are observed. With timely treatment, the prognosis of the disease is positive.

Video: Treatment with the knee joint synovy

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  1. I did not hear about this, but I came across pain in my knee joint, ran a lot, from running and began to hurt the knee joint, drank a complex of minerals and smeared the knee of Honda with cream, pain passed, discomfort left, not risk, I just walk)

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