Symptoms and treatment of muscle myositis at home. How to treat myositis with medication and folk remedies?

Symptoms and treatment of muscle myositis at home. How to treat myositis with medication and folk remedies?

The proposed article will be the answer to the most common questions about myosite. We will consider the symptoms of the most common lesions of the myositis of the muscles of the back, neck and limbs. This article will also talk about drug treatment and treatment with folk methods of muscle myositis.

  • First of all, it is worth determining what the myositis of the muscles is and what are its reasons for the development
  • Myositis is characterized by muscle pain and can have a different etiology of origin (chemical, traumatic or inflammatory). The literal translation from Latin sounds like muscle inflammation
  • Muscle inflammation is a fairly common pathology, which is accompanied by the formation of dense nodes in the inflamed area of \u200b\u200bthe muscle
  • The skeletal muscles of the back, shoulder girdle and neck, as well as muscles of the limbs and chest are most often susceptible to this disease. Of all these options, the most common myositis of the neck muscles

Causes of muscle myositis

Causes of muscle myositis
Causes of muscle myositis

We will list the most common causes of this disease:

• hypothermia after warm procedures
• increased physical activity
• traumatic lesions and bruises
• Infectious muscle damage
• intoxication and chemical muscle damage
• Sometimes stressful situations with the overexcitation of the nervous system

They found out with the reasons, it is worth finding out what general symptoms of this lesion for any localization.

Symptoms of myositis

Symptoms of myositis
Symptoms of myositis

We will consider general symptoms, and a little later we will try to disassemble these symptoms separately for each localization of the inflammatory process.

• swelling in the site of the inflamed muscle
• not always, but it is possible to have hyperemia of the skin over the place of inflammation
• pain in a limited area, which intensifies when the place of inflammation or body movement in this area is felt, movements in the nearby joint may be limited
• The pain can intensify at night in a calm state, and not only at the time of movement. This can also happen when weather conditions change for raw and rainy weather
• The muscle weakness of the whole body increases, it is difficult for the patient to perform the most elementary movements and keep himself in good shape
• The muscle is compacted to the touch and has a nodal formation in the place of inflammation
• Perhaps the presence of elevated body temperature and headache

Now let's consider in more detail the inflammation, the localization of which is most common.

Myositis, symptoms

Myositis, symptoms
Myositis, symptoms

This type of inflammation is diagnosed quite often. The provocative factor is the characteristic inflammation of the tissues of the muscle, while the following symptoms occur:

• Line pain or spine along the spine
• sealing at the site of inflammation
• Local fever (perhaps)
• Restriction of movements

At chronization The process of inflammation of the muscles that are involved in myositis over time atrophy and are not able to function properly.

Myositis of the pectoral muscles

Myositis of the pectoral muscles
Myositis of the pectoral muscles
  • Often the cause of inflammation of the muscle fiber of the chest is the undergoing inflammation of an infectious nature, or rather acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory infections, influenza, etc. In this case, myositis becomes a complication of the disease. Less commonly, toxins or exposure to parasite tissue on tissue
  • This form is most common in categories of persons who, due to working conditions, are forced to be in the not convenient time for a long time positions-drivers, violinist, workers on PC
  • The most country and severe form of such a pathology is purulent myositis. This form arises as a result of local infection muscles and further development of the purulent process in the form abscess And even phlegmon

In the inflammatory process of the muscles of the chest, in addition to the above symptoms, the patient's condition can be aggravated by the following conditions:

• Swearing and pain often cause stiffness and inability to breathe full breasts, this causes partial hypoxia of tissues, dizziness is possible
• General weakness and breakdown
• Complications in the form of a purulent process leads to an increase in temperature and the manifestation of symptoms of a common disease

Myositis of the cervical muscles

Myositis of the cervical muscles
Myositis of the cervical muscles

Well, everyone probably experienced this form of muscle inflammation. A common cause of this form of inflammation is the effect of low temperatures, especially in autumn-spring Season of the year.

Symptoms of cervical myositis are characteristic, this is:
• pain in the area of \u200b\u200binflammation, which gives to the back of the head and shoulder
• Pain can spread even to the lower back
• Headache
• In the morning it is hard to raise your head from the pillow

In order to make an accurate diagnosis and not confuse cervical myositis with similar diseases, doctors recommend an X -ray of the affected muscle.

Myositis of the legs, symptoms

  • The myositis of the lower leg is a frequent pathology of professional athletes, since this category of people most often injures muscles during the game or training. It is also a common reason in this case is the overload of the muscles in the process of active physical exercises
  • Muscle stretching can also cause the development of an inflammatory process in it. For those who are engaged in professional sports, this problem is not known for rumors, and can cause a career end. For these reasons, the issue of therapy for this pathology becomes the most relevant and raises questions. We will try to answer them
  • Before you familiarize yourself with the methods of treating this inflammation, it is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis, and for this you need to know how to exactly diagnose

Diagnosis of myositis

Diagnosis of myositis
Diagnosis of myositis
  • To make a diagnosis, a decisive role is played by the collection of an anamnesis of the disease and the presence of the main symptoms of myositis, which is voiced by the patient
  • At the same time, the doctor necessarily conducts a complete examination of the patient and palpation of the inflamed area. To clarify the diagnosis, myositis is conducted by radiography of the area of \u200b\u200binflammation, general clinical tests are prescribed, which indirectly indicate the presence of inflammation
  • However, the greatest information content is provided by electromyography. This is a kind of ECG, only for the muscles of the skeleton

Drug treatment at myosite

Medication for myosite
Medication for myosite

Like In case of any disease, the treatment of myositis directly depends on the reason why it arose. First of all, treatment is aimed at eliminating symptoms and removing inflammation. Therapy should begin as early as possible and under the control of the attending physician, in order to avoid complications.

The following general tactics are used for treatment:
• The inflamed area provides peace and heat, for this, usually wrapped with a warm scarf or scarf
• It is advisable to ensure a sedentary lifestyle for the period of illness and paul bed mode
• The inflamed muscle is rubbed with warming ointment up to 3 times a day, this relieves symptoms and relieves pain, it can also be rubbed with tincture of pepper, which also has an irritating and warming effect. Ointments: Indomecan, Capsics and Diclofenac. Such ointments have an anti -inflammatory effect
• Take -up forms of anti -inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are orally orally:: Ibufen, Ortofen, Reopirin
• During the treatment, massage of those areas of the muscles that are inflamed. Massage accelerates blood circulation at the site of inflammation and eliminates blood stagnation, improving tissue nutrition
• It is also recommended to rub the muscle m enovazin
Traditional medicine does not abandon the methods of traditional treatment, but it should accompany the main medical measures

Folk remedies for myosite

Folk remedies for myosite
Folk remedies for myosite

Traditional medicine has a lot of recipes for treating this disease, but they are not always effective. We will list the most popular of them.

1. Recipe: a sheet of white cabbage is generously soap and sprinkled with baking soda, then applied to the inflamed area, wrapping with a warm cloth (scarf). It is indicated that this procedure relieves pain

2. Recipe: home ointment from myositis, which, according to the description, has an analgesic effect. It is prepared as follows image is light Pork fat or butter and pile of a dried -shaped field is mixed in a ratio of 4: 1. This ointment is rubbed into the sore muscle

3. Recipe: mix 1 tablespoon of vinegar and 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 glass of warm clean water. Drink this mixture 2-3 cups per day, and grind inflammation with apple cider vinegar

Remember that popular therapy methods should be combined with traditional treatment.

Massage with myosite

Since it is quite difficult to describe this topic, we suggest watching you a video:

How to treat myositis: tips and reviews

After looking at some reviews on this topic, it can be noted that there are a lot of recipes for traditional medicine for the treatment of myosites and they are quite effective. However, for the speedy recovery and faster removal of the symptoms of this disease, medication is necessary. The most effectiveness is shown by drugs of the NSAID.

Video: how to do the neck massage at home?

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