Hands and legs in children and adults sweat strongly. Hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet: causes and treatment. Drugs, drugs and folk remedies for the treatment of sweat and hyperhidrosis

Hands and legs in children and adults sweat strongly. Hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet: causes and treatment. Drugs, drugs and folk remedies for the treatment of sweat and hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet - causes, methods of treatment, advice of those who have overcome the ailment.

Sleeping a natural process in humans, while for centuries, bringing a lot of inconvenience. Especially if the sweat stands out abundantly. With increased gay of sweat, doctors even establish a diagnosis of hyperhidrosis, and appropriate treatment is prescribed.

Hands and legs in children and adults sweat strongly - what to do
Hands and legs in children and adults sweat strongly - what to do

What is hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet?

This is an increased setting of sweat in this case with the area of \u200b\u200bthe palms and feet.

What is hyperhidrosis of the palms and stop
What is hyperhidrosis of the palms and stop

Causes of sweating, hyperhidrosis of the palms and stop

  • First you should deal with the causes of increased sweating in order to understand how it will be possible to work with this and prevent in the future
  • There are actually many reasons, but the most common reason (in 90% of cases) is a high concentration of sweat glands in the body. Note, this is innate, and most often transmitted from generation to generation
  • From which you can draw a certain conclusion - you were born like that, and it is impossible to completely cut off from yourself. But you can solve the problem, and also help solve the problem to your children, because it will most likely be either with them or their children
Causes of sweating, hyperhidrosis of the palms and stop
Causes of sweating, hyperhidrosis of the palms and stop

Slicking also depends on the psychological reaction to stress, and other external stimuli, to transitional age, as well as gaps in hormones.

And one more thing: if you never have sweating, and now you are taking a medicine, perhaps hyperhidrosis is a reaction to the concentration of the medicine in the body.

Video: increased sweating - hyperhidrosis

There are two types of hyperhidrosis:

  • General. The reason may be high temperature, active physical activity, non -standard emotional situation causing fear, panic, and even euphoria. Also, the cause may be dry room, and the body tries to “moisturize” itself
  • Localized. These are most often palms, feet and large folds. The reason here is most often emotional, as well as congenital (concentration of sweat glands in this part of the body)

How to deal with hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet?

How to deal with hyperhydrosis of the palms
How to deal with hyperhydrosis of the palms

We live in society, and as soon as the baby begins to attend a children's institution, until the very last breath in old age, he should greet, shaking his hand, hug when meeting, and take off off a party, etc.

The sweating of the legs and arms causes a lot of difficulties and even complexes. But we live in the age of nano technology, and with such a difficulty we are probably able to cope!

When treatment of hyperhidrosis is effective
When treatment of hyperhidrosis is effective

Today we have several methods of treatment:

  • Folk remedies
  • Tablets and ointments
  • Botox injections
  • Surgical intervention

First of all, we would not recommend self -medication, especially if sweating has already appeared in adulthood.

  • The doctor, unlike you, will analyze the situation in detail, take all the necessary tests and tell how serious the situation is and what measures are worth taking
  • Many perceive folk methods as a panacea, and doctors as a form of seeking to prescribe chemistry. Do not worry, if there are no significant reasons, the doctor will advise you to the folk remedy proven for years
  • But if you view the hormonal failure or other violation of the body, despite the fact that it so actively “signal” with sweat, time can be irrevocably lost

Video: increased sweating. How to treat hyperhidrosis of the palms and armpits. Why do your hands and legs sweat?

Folk remedies for sweating and hyperhidrosis

This ailment can be treated, both taking the medicine inward and externally. But optimal - combine.

Folk methods of hyperhidrosis
Folk methods of hyperhidrosis

For internal use:

  • Tea with lemon balm (not to be confused with mint) reduces sweating, especially in the field of palms
  • Another recipe: pour 2 tablespoons of sage with a glass (200 g) of boiling water in the thermos and let it brew for half an hour. Drink 60-70 g of the infusion 2-4 times a day. It is best to brew daily, but you can store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Take no more than 2-3 weeks, since the Sage contains a substance-a tuion that causes cancer when accumulating

Video: Excessive sweating of the arms, legs and armpits. How to deal with hyperhidrosis? The expert says

For external use:

  • It is advisable to supplement the internal use of lemon balm with mint baths. You can also combine walnut leaves, chamomile, sage, bugs of medicinal
  • If you want to strengthen the vessels, reduce sweating and improve the skin - baths with oak bark. Pour a pack (100 g) with a liter of boiling water and cook for half an hour on low heat, then pour into the bath and take it right away. You can make a common bath, but you can local
  • The crushed oak bark is poured with boiling water so that it only closes the bark and insists for 15 minutes. It is poured into gloves and socks and worn all night. In the morning it is washed off with cool water. Please note that oak can paint clothes and bed. Therefore, these days do not lay a new bed and do not wear clothes that will be sorry to throw away
  • Potato starch can also be poured into gloves and socks at night. The plus of this method is that it leaves no traces
  • Baths with ammonia with calculation of 1 teaspoon per liter of water. In warm water, hold your hands for 10 minutes after washing everything with cool water, get wet with a paper towel and powder with a talcum
  • Squeeze lemon juice into the sprayer, tighten and spray your hands tightly several times a day and at those moments when they begin to sweat. For this role, bottles of antiseptic are well suited, which can be purchased at each supermarket
  • Lemon juice is perfectly replaced by wine or apple cider vinegar. But here it is worth showing caution and diluted with water 1/1 or even 1/3 where 3 parts of water
  • Another method: infusion of birch buds on vodka. Press the kidneys tightly in a glass bottle, pour vodka to the top, insist in a dark place. Wipe the palms and feet 1-2 times a day
  • In summer, with increased sweating, baths with beer help, but beer must be alive, not powder
Treatment of hyperhidrosis with folk methods
Treatment of hyperhidrosis with folk methods

Tablets and products for sweating, hyperhidrosis of the palms and stop

In this chapter, we will talk about over -the -counter medicines, but this does not mean that they can be purchased without consulting a doctor. Remember, in treatment it is important not only to get the result, but also not to harm.

Hyperhidrosis napkins
Hyperhidrosis napkins

Formidron. The active substance formaldehyde, in addition to it, there is alcohol and cologne. This medicine was loved by our parents in Soviet times, the price/quality of pharmaceuticals did not offer a worthy alternative. Using a tampon, it is necessary to apply to problem areas for 2-3 weeks at night, but you can extend the course as necessary.


Formagel. Currently, doctors recommend this drug as the most highly effective and containing maximum amount of formaldehyde. This is a colorless gel that can be used for a long time. According to clinical studies, it is worth using the drug and sweating to decrease by 1-3 weeks. It is recommended for use in the area of \u200b\u200bthe palms, armpits and on the feet.


Teimurov Paste. The proven tool, however, is very uncomfortable. You need to use 2 times a day, getting clothes and bedding. As soon as other medicines appeared and the ointment immediately became less and less attractive.

Teimurov Paste
Teimurov Paste

Sedatives. If the cause of hyperhidrosis lies in the psychological state of a person, then first of all it is necessary to eliminate the cause, and other drugs can be prescribed in parallel with this. Most often, tranquilizers are prescribed, but it is worth remembering that they cause persistent addiction.

Sedatives in the treatment of hyperhidrosis
Sedatives in the treatment of hyperhidrosis

Plant preparations. Preparations based on alkaloids are also very common in the treatment of increased sweating. The most common of them are Belloid, Bellaspon and Bellatamal. Please note that herbal tablets do not cause addiction.

Plant preparations in the treatment of hyperhidrosis
Plant preparations in the treatment of hyperhidrosis

Treatment of hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet of Botox

In the event that the doctors, having tried with the patient, all medicinal and folk methods of treatment, and did not achieve the desired result, the doctor can offer another option for treatment - Botox or Dysport.

The mechanism of influence is the intradermal administration of the drug, which blocks the transmission of pulses from the nerve endings to the sweat glands, respectively, in the root of struggling with the problem of sweating.

Treatment of hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet of Botox
Treatment of hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet of Botox

The method is really effective, while everything is 100%, but the method has a lot of contraindications and complications. Therefore, it is necessary to agree on him is the end in extreme cases. Also, the method is not constant and once every 6 months it will have to be repeated.

Video: Botox with sweating hands

Hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet in the child

Local hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet in children is not often manifested and is not fully studied by medicine. The reasons for the appearance still no doctor will probably be able to report.

But this does not mean at all that this should not be treated with all the thoroughness and expect what will pass by itself. As soon as you notice a child regularly wet palms or wet socks, while the child is dressed in the weather and on the street, a temperature comfortable for the body (not hot summer), you can immediately consult a doctor.

Hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet in the child
Hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet in the child

A doctor, usually this dermatologist must be directed to a number of tests in order to exclude violations in the body, and after that will prescribe appropriate treatment.

If the problem appeared in childhood, and at the same time was not resolved, they will not be found for successful treatment in adulthood. Love your children and treat as soon as you notice the disease.

Video: Hyperhidrosis in a child

Hyperhidrosis of the palms and feet: Viewreviews

Kirill: As far as I remember, he hates “male handshake”, since the hands were wet and sticky. Parents complained, but their grandmothers convinced them that this would be temporarily and pass as soon as it would grow up. It passed, since Kolya Botox once every six months. Other methods are not effective, because the disease is running. My advice is a sweaty body for more than a week - take to the doctor. It is better to hear that you are an abnormal parent than to start the disease.

Natalia: After giving birth, she began to sweat hard, nothing helped. I went to the hospital, put a hormonal failure with hyperhidrosis. They assigned tablets and baths with decoctions of oak bark, tea with lemon balm and so on. It all passed in 2 months. Here, the sooner you turn, the sparing the treatment will be.

Video: How to get rid of sweating (hyperhidrosis)?

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Comments K. article

  1. My son (17 years old) has increased sweating. And in general, she began to notice that he was getting tired somehow faster, not so mobile. Maybe I can show his doctor, what do you think? Or is this summer and heat?

  2. Jeanne, I believe that it is necessary to show the doctor, you never know ... In general, the symptoms are similar to the VSD, my nephew had this. The sister was so worried, but in the end everything was in order, they drank a course of Eltacin, he said well with them well. Plus, she took a vacation and completely dedicated it to her son. They walked a lot, the food organized the right and useful, in general now everything is normal, Pashka is cheerful and vigorous. The heat of course is blown by everyone, but it is better to play it safe.

  3. I noticed that my daughter (14 years old), hands began to sweat strongly. And also complains about weakness and headache.

  4. And what are you intended to do. My advice to you, contact the doctor, because most likely this is VSD and you will need drug treatment. Most likely, like most adolescents with VSD, Eltacin will be prescribed. It is precisely this drug that was saved by my child with VSD. And then such pains were strong and weak that barely moved his legs (

  5. Just do not use the formidron (((it is very dried, it seems to burn the skin straight. As our experience showed - the most true from hyperhidrosis of the palms - the combination of Novopassit, phenibut and formagel. Formagel for a week holds the effect, then we make baths of oak bark. A week later, in a week later - Formagel again.

  6. Ploster for the formgel. For me, its biggest plus - no need to leave for a long time on the skin - half an hour and wash off. So active substances are not absorbed into the body.

  7. The sweating of the legs can easily eliminate Intimo Sano for the legs. It is convenient to carry them with you in a purse and conveniently use.

  8. And for example, I have sweat and arms and legs, and my head is completely. I used to use various funds individually at once. Now I have found a great solution - Dry Dry Deo Body. I lubricate everything for a little, and I no longer suffer from hyperhidrosis in problem areas.

  9. I did not encounter children's hyperhidrosis, but in adults I often observe, and this itself. I use from the funds presented in the article - formgel. In my opinion, the most convenient and effective tool, with a long effect.

  10. I solved this problem with the help of Russian Dry ru. This line has a series for the legs and for armpits, by the way, I process my palms and the palms.

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