Cones on the joints: causes of education, drug treatment, folk remedies, prevention of cones on the joints

Cones on the joints: causes of education, drug treatment, folk remedies, prevention of cones on the joints

The problem of cones on the joints is quite frequent. Let's find out how to get rid of this problem.

This trouble is often found in older people. The most common cones on the joints of the fingers, although they can appear on the legs, in the shoulder joints, on the head and neck.

Like any disease, such growths intervene at once in several areas of life: aesthetically disfiguring the hand, physiologically - cause painful sensations, and can gradually lead to limiting the motor function of the joints.

It is precisely about such formations on the phalanges of the fingers that they most often turn to the rheumatologists. Moreover, the growths can be on one finger, and at once on several, the situation is the same with the joints, they are affected both by one (monoarthritis) and groups (polyarthritis).

The cause of cones on the joints

The cause of cones on the joints, No matter how trite, it lies most often at the age.

  • As practice shows, people after 50 years old are most susceptible to the disease. This does not mean that among young people such problems are excluded. No, they are simply caused, as a rule, injuries, bruises, fractures.
  • Another cause of cones is joint diseases. They can be characteristic of arthrosis, arthritis or osteoarthritis, rheumatism or gout.
  • Diseases associated with the problems of the endocrine system are also capable of provoking the appearance of such growths. Therefore, when the first signs of any thickening of the joints appear, you must urgently consult a doctor.
  • Fit options are numerous. Most often found:
    bushar and gesberden nodules - Typically age -related formations, which often accompany arthritis and arthrosis. Quite dense and, as a rule, painless, they can cause redness of the skin, swelling and even a feeling of pain at the moment of exacerbation. All these phenomena can be eliminated drug.
  • But the formation itself cannot be cured - the bump remains forever. Bushar and gesberden nodules There may also be a result of injury, hereditary predisposition, they can provoke hypothermia. As a rule, the index or middle finger, sometimes the little fingers, are affected. But the thumb is invulnerable to nodules.
  • Hygroma (synovial cyst) is more often located near the nail on the middle finger and is a seal containing a liquid. This is a consequence of an injury or mechanical effect on a brush. A striking example is the middle fingers of many students with a grated ballpoint with corns.
Joint problems
Joint problems
  • Physical loads are most often associated with cones in the popliteal region, with sprains, dislocations of ligaments and tendons - in the ankle.
  • Bills on the legs often occur due to deformation of the thumb of the foot, and the main reason here can be called uncomfortable tight shoes.

Drug treatment of cones on the joints

As in overcoming any disease, half the success depends on the rest of the diagnosis and the therapy. Here, an X -ray comes to the rescue, ultrasound, if this is not enough, studies are supplemented by histology and MRI. After the results of all studies, the specialist will determine the characteristics of the seal, on which the selection of medicines depends.

  • Swelling, pain syndrome and other external manifestations remove Ketonal, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Movalis And other non -steroids.
  • Teraflex, Artro And other chondroprotectors are prescribed to restore cartilage fabrics.
  • If the cause of the disease is bacterial in nature, antibiotics are used, among which Erythromycin, ampicillin, Sumamed and other drugs of this group.
  • Complement the treatment Trental, improving blood circulation, vitamins and minerals.
Bumps on the joints
Bumps on the joints

To enhance blood circulation, relieve swelling and inflammation, some of the above drugs are also used in the form of ointments: the same Diclofenak, Ibuprofen, Fastum-Gel and others. In addition, among the components of some painkillers there are Bishophytewhich can be used as a compress.

  • There are possible lotions based on analgesic drugs: lubricate the cones with 10% alcohol tincture with tablets.
  • You can’t do without physiotherapy in the form of a laser, electrophoresis, simple fingers with the simultaneous use of ointments, magnetotherapy, etc.
  • If there are no pain, you can resort to simple exercises, bending your fingers, squeezing a brush or tennis ball in your hand, making circular movements with brushes.
  • In particularly difficult cases, the doctor decides on surgical intervention. Usually it is carried out on an outpatient basis.

Folk remedies for the treatment of cones on the joints

Most often, these are a variety of compresses and ointments, which may include mustard, aloe, aspirin, honey and many other components. Some herbalists advise taking turmeric inside, speaking of its effectiveness.

Here are a few simple recipes:

  1. Mix 1 tbsp. l. Salt (preferably sea) and 7 drops of turpentine with 50 g of clay, pour all this with a glass of boiling water and make a mixture that put on the bump for 15-20 minutes. This composition relieves inflammation.
  2. Dissolve 200 salts in 5 liters of hot water and hold your hand (or leg) in this brine with a bump for 15 minutes.
  3. Pour the peel with 4-5 potatoes and pour 3 liters of water and boil for about 15 minutes. In a decoction, soar hands or feet.
  4. Melt 115 g of paraffin and 30 ml of vegetable oil in a water bath.
  5. Lubricate the deep container with vegetable oil and pour the melted mixture into it. While it cools down, lubricate your hands with St. John's wort oil. When the mixture has cooled, lower the limb with a bump into it and hold, while a paraffin layer forms on the skin. Wrap with a plastic bag, on top with a towel and hold it for up to 20 minutes.
  6. Compresses of salt and snow are also recommended, but you need to be very careful with them and keep literally 4-5 minutes, because You can get a burn.
    A food supplement containing glucoseama sulfate is also recommended. But again, the care and consent of the doctor will not hurt, because Side effects are possible.
Treatment of cones
Treatment of cones

And, of course, a diet is needed in treatment. No pickles, spices, conservation, switch better to vegetables with fruits, dairy products and low -fat meat with fish.

Prevention of the appearance of cones on the joints

It is hardly possible to provide all the situations in which hygiere or knot can appear, but we must strive to avoid injuries, do not postpone the treatment of any problems with the musculoskeletal system, choose not only fashionable, but most importantly, comfortable shoes, include products containing in the daily diet containing Calcium, phosphorus, protein, must.

By the way, the flexibility of the joints increase knitting, embroidery, play the piano, so you can safely master these activities. Thus, you can summarize: the cones themselves are not a disease, but only a concomitant sign.

It is important to pay attention to treatment
It is important to pay attention to treatment

Therefore, attention should be paid to the treatment primarily the ailment of the joint. And one more point: any medicine, including the folk one, can have a side effect, so we will advise you to discuss the appropriateness of this method of treatment with your doctor. And the main rule, of course, reads: do not postpone the visit to the doctor as soon as you felt the first signs of discomfort. Then the treatment will be easier and more effective. Well, of course, much cheaper.

Video: cones on the fingers

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