The skin is peeling, itching in the ears inside, outside, on the earlobe, behind the ear in adults and children: causes, treatment. The skin is peeling behind the ear, cracks, covered with a crust and wet: the reasons how to treat medication and folk remedies?

The skin is peeling, itching in the ears inside, outside, on the earlobe, behind the ear in adults and children: causes, treatment. The skin is peeling behind the ear, cracks, covered with a crust and wet: the reasons how to treat medication and folk remedies?

Causes and methods of treating itching in the ears.

Most problems with the ears appear precisely due to improper care. Otolaryngologists are faced with huge traffic jams and damage to the eardrum due to improper or improper care of the ears. Itching in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ear shells is also often associated with the errors in care.

The skin is peeling, itching in the ears inside and outside the ear shells: Reasons

There are a lot of reasons why itching and burning are observed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ear shells. This can be either an allergic reaction or a symptom of a serious ailment. Oddly enough, itching of the ears can be associated with endocrine or hormonal disorders.

Causes of itching:

  • Incorrect hygiene. Itching can be observed if you very often clean your ears. In this case, the auditory move is damaged. When healing the wounds, burning is observed.
  • Allergy. It can be associated with flowering of plants or the use of powders with strong smells. Food allergies are not excluded.
  • Otomicosis. This is a fungal disease, which in the initial stages is characterized by mild itching or slight burning.
  • Dermatitis. It can be seborrheic or allergic. It all depends on what caused the ailment.
The skin is peeling, itching in the ears inside and outside the ear shells: Reasons
The skin is peeling, itching in the ears inside and outside the ear shells: Reasons

Ears and cracks in the corners, redness: Causes itch

In general, cracks behind the ear are formed for a reason. In most cases, this is due to the ailments of fungal or allergic nature.

Causes of cracks:

  • Atopic dermatitis. Usually appears in children under the age of 3 years. It is associated with the errors in nutrition. With such violations, the diet and the use of emolets are indicated.
  • Eczema. In the initial stages, it can be wet and release yellow liquid. Then dry crusts appear.
  • Fungal infection. In this case, it is necessary to find out the pathogen. To do this, you need to take a scraping to the laboratory. Most often, itching and peeling with cracks are provoked by mushrooms of the genus Candida.
Ears and cracks in the corners, redness: Causes itch
Ears and cracks in the corners, redness: Causes itch

The skin is peeling behind the ear, cracks, covered with a crust and wet in adults and children, infants: reasons

Wet eczema causes a lot of inconvenience, both adults and children. It can be accompanied by pain and fluid release. It is worth considering that such a disease is usually closely connected with digestive organs.

The reasons:

  • Wet diathesis
  • Gneiss
  • Fungal ailments
  • Reducing immunity
  • Stress
  • Incorrect hygiene
The skin is peeling behind the ear, cracks, covered with a crust and wet in adults and children, infants: reasons
The skin is peeling behind the ear, cracks, covered with a crust and wet in adults and children, infants: reasons

The skin on the earlobe is scratching and peeling: Causes

The peeling of the earlobes is found quite often. Moreover, sometimes the treatment is quite simple and paradoxical. Often patients themselves are to blame for the occurrence of a disease.

The reasons:

  • Allergy. Most often occurs due to the use of hair dyes or means for laying curls. A lot of aggressive substances causing allergies will restrain themselves in these agents.
  • Eczema and fungus. Along with peeling, there is an unpleasant odor, as well as a plaque of yellow or brown.
  • Bacteria. This is due to the use of headphones or earrings. Do not forget to sometimes treat jewelry and headphones with antiseptics.
The skin on the earlobe is scratching and peeling: Causes
The skin on the earlobe is scratching and peeling: Causes

Why does it dry, peel, blushes and lumps the skin in the ear shells and behind the ears: how to treat drugs?

The drying and peeling of the skin inside the auricle is associated with eczema or dermatitis. Often otitis media also causes such symptoms. Therefore, to clarify the diagnosis and proper prescription of the drugs, you should contact an otolaryngologist Il dermatologist.

Methods of treatment with medicines:

  • Antihistamines. It is advisable to use them for allergies and atopic dermatitis. You can use Diazolin, Loratadine, Eden, Citrin tablets. For processing cracks, phenastil gel or trimistin is used.
  • Antibiotics. Effective in the case of bacterial ear lesions for otitis media. In this case, it is better to use drops of Otof, Albucid or Miramidex. These drops kill fungal and bacterial infection.
  • Antifungal agents. Usually prescribed ointments or drops in the ear. Preparations are used for candidiasis and otomicosis. Most often prescribed candida, clotrimazole, fluconazole, Levorin, Pimafucin.
  • Antiseptics. These are liquids that are used so that a bacterial infection does not join. Chlorhexidine, Miramistin can be considered the most effective. Try not to use alcohol antiseptics, they can enhance itching and peeling.
  • Operation. Surgical intervention is shown exclusively when boils appear in the ear. Timely drainage will avoid inflammation of the auditory move.
Why does it dry, peel, blushes and lumps the skin in the ear shells and behind the ears: how to treat drugs?
Why does it dry, peel, blushes and lumps the skin in the ear shells and behind the ears: how to treat drugs?

Why dries, peels, blushes and lifes the skin in the ear shells and behind the ears: treatment with folk remedies

Along with medical remedies for treating ears peeling, folk methods are used. It can be vegetable oils or herbal decoctions. Most often, ointments or drops are prepared for introduction to the auditory move.

Folk recipes:

  • Vegetable oil. In general, you can use olive or sunflower oil. If you have essential oils, they are mixed with the base. Such a mixture is wiped the area that peeling. You can’t bury the mixture in the ears.
  • Aloe. It is necessary to purchase vitamin A, E and B6 at the pharmacy. They are mixed in equal quantities and introduced aloe juice. The cotton swab is impregnated with liquid and applied to the place of peeling. 30 minutes enough for the paste to absorb. It is recommended to do such applications twice a day.
  • Calendula. It is necessary to purchase an alcohol tincture of calendula in a pharmacy. Immediately the ear is lubricated with hydrogen peroxide, and then wiped with a cotton swab moistened in calendula tincture.
  • St. John's wort. Pour 10 g of dry St. John's wort grass 100 ml of 70% alcohol and allow to stand for 7-11 days. After that, the fluid is filtered and treated with damaged areas.
Why dries, peels, blushes and lifes the skin in the ear shells and behind the ears: treatment with folk remedies
Why dries, peels, blushes and lifes the skin in the ear shells and behind the ears: treatment with folk remedies

As you can see, itching in your ears is not trifles. Often peeling indicates diabetes and endocrine disorders.

Video: ears peeling off

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Comments K. article

  1. Doctors say that something is wrong in the intestines, because these are all signs of a lack of vitamins B, and they are produced there. At first I drank beer yeast, now I just switched to the normoprom, because it is easier to restore the intestines than to constantly swallow vitamins, especially since it is not known how they are absorbed there. And creams and ointments in general, in my opinion, do not help ..

  2. First of all, of course, you need to take the tests, take tests and further make a diagnosis and answer, something with the intestines, nothing about. It can be banal skin mycosis, which, with proper hygiene, good immunity, is excellent to be treated, Mizol helped me, dripped to the affected areas.

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