The skin is peeling and leaning after tanning: what to do, how to align the skin of the skin, can it be ripped off? What to do so that the skin does not peel off after a tan?

The skin is peeling and leaning after tanning: what to do, how to align the skin of the skin, can it be ripped off? What to do so that the skin does not peel off after a tan?

In this article, we will talk why the skin is peeling and leaving after tanning, as well as what can be done with it.

Each wants to have a beautiful and even tan. Smooth skin is always in fashion and with a tan, the girl looks fresh and slimmer, but this is only when she has beautiful and even skin. But there are situations when the skin begins to climb and exfoliate. Her view, of course, is not the most beautiful. Moreover, peeling can still be accompanied by discomfort and pain. In such situations, you must definitely consult a doctor. Let's find out with you what to do if the skin is peeling and climbing, as well as how to warn it.

Why is peeling and climbing the skin after tanning: Reasons

Leather skin after tanning
Leather skin after tanning

Our skin has a special protective mechanism that works with tanning. And this can lead to the fact that the skin is leaving after tanning. In addition, when the skin becomes darker, which we call tan, this is also its protective reaction.

So that there are no burns on the skin, special cells called melanocytes actively produce a pigment such as melanin. This leads to darkening of the skin, which allows it to become less susceptible to sunlight.

But even in this case, if you neglect the rules of the right tan and be in the sun for a very long time, you will have to pay for it, because the whole body will simply “burn”.

Determining the first symptoms of sunburn even at an early stage is not at all difficult:

  • The skin blushes very much and remains so long
  • In reddened areas, the skin is very sensitive
  • Gradually, pain occurs with any touch to the skin
  • In very difficult cases, blisters of large or small
  • The skin is peeling

If at this time you noticed the signs of burns, then you need to go into the shadow so that the condition is easier. Often there is nausea, the head dizzy and even the temperature rises. If you do nothing and continue to take sunbathing, then the consequences will be very bad.

If the skin is peeling and leaning after a tan, is it possible to rip it off?

Often, girls think that it is not necessary to remove peeling skin, because then the tan will come. But this is not so. Such skin must be removed by necessarily, but only neatly. So, when the skin surrounds after tanning, it cannot be ripped off or scratch it in any case. Just because the spots appear. Better make peeling with soft tools.

It happens that a suitable product is not at hand. In such a situation, you can make it yourself. But do not use it right away. First should pass 2-3 days.

The skin is peeling and leaning after tanning: what to do, how and how to align the skin of the skin?

The skin surrounds after tanning and as a result of obtaining burns in the sun. In this case, skin areas die and can be quite large. In addition, cells may be deeply damaged. So you have to tolerate. To make the recovery process faster, use some very simple means.

So, let's find out what means can be used to solve this problem.

  • Scrubs

So that the skin exfoliates faster, use scrubs. The main thing is to do this right, because damaged skin does not tolerate aggressive effects. Therefore, be sure to choose soft components for the procedure.

For example, products such as:

  • Scrub of coffee grounds and vegetable oil. Take small grinding coffee and brew it. Mix the remaining thick with any of the oils. Both components are added in equal quantities.
  • Sugar scrub. It works even more delicate and removes all the excess from the skin. It is prepared from a large spoon of olive oil and small sugar. But do not apply the finished product right away. Let the sugar dissolve a little, otherwise it will scratch the skin.

Recall once again that scrubs can only be used a few days after receiving a strong tan. There is still inflammation, it is strictly forbidden to do anything. So you will make it even worse.

  • Nutrients

When the skin is damaged by the exposure of the sun, then for quick recovery it requires proper care. Most of all, the skin needs water at this time. There are many folk and pharmacy products that can be used if the skin suddenly peels off. The following funds are ideal:

  • Kefir or sour cream mask. This is a well -known tool that is convenient to use at any time, because everything you need is often at hand.
  • No less useful in this regard vegetable oilhaving a careful effect and usefulness for the skin in terms of moisturizing. But only it can be used solely after the burning of the burn.
  • Fat creamsMade in natural oils, perfectly perform the task.
  • You can buy the necessary funds through a pharmacy, for example, it can be Panthenol. It is able to heal the skin and provide it with the necessary amount of water.

Be careful because each part of the body requires special care. For example, the face is treated with green tea. He fights effectively with swelling of the skin and calms it. More sensitive places, such as the neck, ears, face, shoulders, cannot be treated with petroleum jelly and ice cream, as well as rub oil. This will lead to the fact that the skin will recover worse, that it is far from benefit.

What to do, what to spread, so as not to peel off and not peel off after tanning on the face, nose, back, legs, arms: Tips

To restore the water balance of the skin after tanning, you need to use an integrated approach. That is, it should be carried out in several areas at once, and not only in one. You must adhere to several simple recommendations that will help you protect yourself and worry that the skin is leaving after tanning:

  • Normalize drinking mode

If you do not have any diseases of the kidneys or hypertension, then you can drink up to three liters of water every day. It is not necessary to drink simple water. It may well be juice or tea. If the skin is moisturized from the inside, then the skin will quickly recover.

  • Use special tools

Low -fat creams with natural oil in the composition have a good effect. If desired, use the oils in its pure form. If you do not want any oils, then oily yogurt or kefir or sour cream to help you. They remove redness from the skin and soften it.

It is strictly forbidden to use petroleum jelly or lanolin when peeling and burns, because it will only strengthen already severe irritation.

Pastes and ointments based on hormones are considered useless in this situation. By the way, not everyone knows, but fruit masks are also effective after sunbathing.

There are also many special skin restoration products in pharmacies. You can choose absolutely any. If you use pharmacy and folk remedies at the same time, then the skin will heal very quickly.

  • Drink vitamins
Drink vitamins
Drink vitamins

If you suspect that you have a sunburn or your skin is already peeling, then start drinking vitamins. During this period, group B vitamins are especially important, which provide the skin with forces for recovery. The most popular today are - "" Complivitis«, «Vitrum" and others.

  • Adjust the time for tanning

In order not to suffer because the skin peels out after tanning, you need to behave correctly under the sun or in a solarium. Peeling can be avoided if you sunbathe on the beach until 10 in the morning and after 16 hours. In these periods, ultraviolet is not so dangerous. But it is better not to spend the whole day on the beach, because it is a lot of stress for the body, because it is immediately affected by a lot of light. Just from such abuse, sunburns arise.

If you are on the beach, then in no case do not remove the headgear and glasses. The sun dries the hair, ages and too overdles the skin. The position should be periodically changed. It is better to do it every 10 minutes. Each hour take breaks, going into the room or shadow. And immediately after returning from the beach, go to the shower or spread the body with a lotion.

If you visit the solarium, then be careful, and do not stay for more than 10 minutes under the lamps. Additionally apply creams for prevention. In advance, even before the session, use a special tool. The plus to everything, go only to proven salons, where modern equipment is used and lamps change in time. This will allow you to maintain your health.

  • Use sunscreen

In addition to all the possible accessories that you usually take with you to the beach, you need to additionally use sprays, creams and oils. It is better to process the skin several times, every three hours. The same rule applies to waterproof products.

Video: What to do if burned in the sun?

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Comments K. article

  1. After Zagar, I use the hyaluronic moisturizing Bronzeada balm, it soothes well, restores and moisturizes the skin after sunbathing.

  2. Oh yes ... Now in the summer it is so important to monitor the nutrition and moisturizing of the skin. Therefore, hyaluronic acid is required for me personally. I take from Evalar, because the dosage and the price are good ... the skin does not dry so much, which means that as long it will remain healthy and young))

  3. And I try to smear the skin with Radevit after sunbathing. Even after a sunburn, he saves the skin. Moisturizes her and takes off his burning sensation.

  4. An excellent remedy for solar burn is Steizamet ointment. She has a powerful regenerative effect. Helps much better than folk remedies such as sour cream and kefir.

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