Sage to stop lactation: tea, decoction, butter - how to apply?

Sage to stop lactation: tea, decoction, butter - how to apply?

Breastfeeding is a natural, but not the only way to feed the baby. For many reasons, the mother can decide to change the breastfeeding regime for her baby. Not only in the case of transition to dietary food intakes, but also for reasons of work or comfort.

The reasons why the mother decides to stop breastfeeding may be different. Some mothers can decide to do this when they return to work, other mothers consider it too painful or difficult to feed, and decide not to do this. Regardless of the cause, their body, even after the cessation of breastfeeding, continues to produce the milk necessary for feeding the baby.

Sage to stop lactation: how to do everything right?

If this is not used, there are natural ways to stop lactation. Forced to stop lactation, a very important step if you want to stop breastfeeding. When the chest produces milk, but does not devastate, an accumulation occurs, which creates many problems, and in some cases very severe pain.

Very often in cases of non -gradual cessation of breastfeeding, an inflammatory disease of the mammary gland - mastitis develops. It is manifested by fever and severe pain and hardening in the chest. In this case, you must consult your doctor, since we are talking about inflammatory diseases that need to be treated in a timely manner.

Often, the gradual reduction of breastfeeding provokes the cessation of breast milk production. In some cases, some women may continue to produce milk for a long time.

The decision to stop lactation for the mother
The decision to stop lactation for the mother

Doctors advise paying attention to some precautions that help the body not to produce more milk. It is important to avoid stimulation of the nipples so as not to cause milk production. Wear bras who do not fit the body too much, and support the chest well. A warm shower can stimulate the mammary gland, so it is necessary to avoid a stream of water directly onto the chest.

It is also important to avoid combining milk, because it makes the body produce even more. In the case of overload and irritation, it is better to remove excess milk with massage movements of the fingers to reduce discomfort.

Sage for young mothers

It is important to drink a lot of water at this stage of lactation to avoid dehydration. There are also numerous natural products that facilitate the process of lactation. The most famous assistant for women - sage.

How to use sage to stop lactation?

The sage - so they also call sage, is a safe, effective and natural remedy that will help stop breast milk production. Shallefey contains a significant number of phytoestrogens - a female hormone of estrogen of plant origin, which help reduce lactation. Estrogen inhibits the production of prolactin - a hormone responsible for lactation.

The principle of action of sage on the production of women's milk is not very complicated: it increases the amount of estrogen in the body, while significantly lowering the production of prolactin. Prolactin does not stand out - milk is not produced.

Sage can be taken in two different ways: in the form of infusion (tea), or tincture. Folk remedies are not scientifically verified. In any case, if you have no contraindications, you should try.

Can be used in different forms
Can be used in different forms
  • The recipe for tea is simple: Not a large amount of sage pour 200 ml of boiling water. Insist about an hour. Filter and drink 50 g 4 times a day after eating. You can add honey and milk.
  • Decoction: Pour 200 ml of boiling water into the stewpan, pour 2 tbsp. sage, boil 10 minutes. Filter and drink 20 g 4 times a day.
  • Buy in a pharmacy sage oil. Apply with light massage movements to the chest. This will prevent the accumulation of milk and the occurrence of mastitis.

Schalfey cannot be used for epilepsy, severe cough, acute inflammation of the kidneys, and during pregnancy.

Video: Sage to stop lactation

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