"Sex Barrier": about the drug, the form of release, properties, action, the use of drops and tablets for cats, cats, cells and bitches - useful tips, price

"Sex Barrier" is an excellent tool to exclude replenishment in your pets. Let's get acquainted with the drug in more detail.

"Sex Barrier" is considered a oral, biohormonal product, which contains a minimum of synthetic substances. The optimal number of hormones provides the animal with a safe, reliable concentration of the drug, which is completely safe, does not have serious side effects.

The drug has a huge number of advantages when comparing this method with sterilization. The latter is capable of applying a pet strongly, because of it, various complications, obesity, and so on often occur. “Sex Barrier” is an ideal drug, the best way, thanks to which you can control the sexual attraction of a pet.

"Sex Barrier": About the drug

This drug is intended in order to inhibit the sexual arousal of cats, to interrupt an unwanted pregnancy. "Sex barrier" in its own composition contains the following active substances:

  • Substances 1 - Mephephenolacetate.
  • Substances 2 - ethinyl estradiol.

These components inhibit the formation of hormones, thanks to which the sex glands are adjusted. Due to the product, follicles in the ovaries ripen more slowly. As a result of which estrus ceases in a cat.

Under the influence of the drug, the uterine mucosa begins to change its own biochemical composition. In the future, the risk is reduced that the cat eggs are fertilized during accidental mating.

  • It is such a mechanism of exposure that the drug has. He can completely solve many problems associated with the sexual attraction of the animal.
  • In the female, sexual arousal is suppressed, the duration of the appearance of estrus is delayed and regulated. The drug also carries out a contraceptive effect for 24 hours after random mating has occurred.
  • Means "Sex barrier" It can still adjust the unwanted behavior of a cat when she has estrus.
  • If we talk about male individuals, then the drug also suppresses excitement from them, can adjust the instinctive behavior of various planes, for example, the marking of its own territory in the house, on the street.
  • The main advantage of the contraceptive drug - It faster reduces the level of active components, when compared with other similar means.
  • Also, the advantage of the drug can be called that the drug is developed taking into account the type of animal, its gender. The reproductive functions of pets after this contraceptive can recover about 3 months after the cessation of its reception.
  • "Sex barrier" It is characterized by high quality. The product has a patent protection, comfortable packaging, thanks to which you can avoid the purchase of a fake. It is very important - the product has also a gold and platinum quality sign. For a long time, the product has been successfully used by people who give medicine to their favorites.

Medicine release form "Sex Barrier"

The hormonal drug produces in 2 types:

  • In the form of tablets
  • In the form of drops

You can acquire the best option, taking into account the characteristics of the character of your own animal. Active substances in these drugs are similar. This means that they are also identical to their own properties, exposure.

We note that the drug is produced in the following versions:

  • For cats, cats.
  • For dogs (male, bitches).

Funds are distinguished by the concentration of active components. During the purchase of a drug, be extremely careful. The use of a product intended for females is unacceptable for males, as this can lead to an overdose.

  • Drops "Sex Barrier" They are available in a transparent solution that has a light yellow color. As a rule, the drug is packed in polymer bottles. On each bottle there is a dropper-pipe. Thanks to such a pipette, you can quickly measure the desired dose of the drug. The composition of the product contains hormonal substances, plus olive oil with a large number of vitamins. Thanks to plant oil, the medicine is better, faster absorbed. Vitamins have an antioxidant effect, with the help of them toxic substances are removed faster from the body.
  • Tablets "Sex barrier" they have an oval shape. One side of the tablets is pink, the other is white. The tablets in blisters are packaged. There are 10 pills in one package. There is starch in each tablet. Also, the product consists of milk sugar and other additional components.

The tool itself, regardless of the release of the form, must be stored only in a warm place, but so that the temperature is no more than +25 ° C. "Sex barrier" It is allowed to freeze for a short time when you need to transport it. After the drug thaws, it does not lose its own pharmacological qualities.

"Sex barrier": properties, action

The drug has a pronounced contraceptive effect due to a combination of 2 important components. These hormonal components have the ability to supplement the effects of each other, as a result of which a comprehensive effect of the drug occurs.

The action of the drug " Sex barrier " It achieves due to the fact that active substances are inhibited by the formation of hormones responsible for the production of follicles. Because of this, ovulation is completely stopped. In addition, the viscosity of the uterine mucosa increases significantly, processes in the endometrium are changing. After sealing, the egg, which is fertilized, simply cannot attach.

From activity
From activity

In addition, the drug adjusts the behavior of the animal, as it has the following properties:

  • Calms the nervous system of the pet.
  • The animal after the drug becomes not so aggressive.
  • The pet never marks the place again.
  • The medicine makes it possible to eliminate other negative symptoms that can occur during sexual hunting.

Already after the 2nd or 3rd days after the use of the product, the pet does not scream, does not mark the territory, he disappears the desire to mate. The behavior of a cat or dog is rapidly normalized.

"Sex Barrier" for cats and cats: Application

Hormonal drug must be given to animals in different proportions. It all depends on the floor of the pet. Before you give the drug to your pet, determine its weight. If you incorrectly calculate the dosage, this can lead to an overdose or negative effect.

When select the form of the product itself in the form of tablets, you must adhere to the next instructions.

Tablets "Sex Barrier" for cats

  • If the cat weighs less than 5 kg, then give her 1 tablet per day.
  • If the cat weighs at least 5 kg and a maximum of 10 kg, give her no more than 3 tablets per day.
  • If the animal weighs up to 20 kg, give a maximum of 4 tablets per day.

In order to maintain the effect of the product, mix it with a pet every month. Let’s first tablet for 3 days. If you miss one trick, plus the cat managed to take a walk, then give it a couple of tablets for a day after mating.

Tablets "Sex Barrier" for cats

Medication is carried out as follows:

  • If your cat is young, then initially give it 2 tablets at the same time.
  • Next, give the drug as cats.
  • So that the effect of the medicine does not stop, let's give a cat every month for 3 days in 1 tablet.

If you decide to give preference to drops, then you should adhere to the following instructions.

Drops "Sex Barrier" for cats

  • If your animal weighs a maximum of 5 kg, then give him 4 drops every day until the excitement stops.
  • If the cat weighs more than 5 kg, then it needs to be given up to 7 drops daily until the arrest is stopped.

If you decide to give the cat a medicine by moistening the food in it, then make sure that the pet has completely eaten the food.

The course of treatment lasts, as a rule, up to 5 days. In order for the effect to be as stable as possible, let the kitty have a remedy every month. The reception time is no more than 3 days. In order to prevent an undesirable pregnancy, give your favorite once funds. Spend the reception throughout the first day after mating.

Drops "Sex Barrier" for cats

Perform reception of the product according to the same scheme as for a female. You only have to change the duration of taking the drug.

  • If you have an adult cat, then give him a remedy of a maximum of 6 days.
  • If your cat is young, then the deadline for receiving the product is extended to 8 days.
  • In order for the medicine to act stably, give his pet for 3 days.

You can purchase a combined hormonal product at any specialized pharmacy. The cost of the drug depends on the form of release. Veterinarians advise an incredulous, restless animal to give the drug in the form of drops. If you give a pet constantly, you can achieve a stable effect as a result. Be sure to follow the dosage, so you can restore sexual functions in the pet when stop giving it the medicine.

"Sex Barrier" for dogs: Application

Take a pet when you notice the first signs of sexual arousal. Apply a medicine in the form of drops to the dog on the tongue 2 times a day. You can drop the drug for some food. Carry out the treatment until the signs of excitement in the dog are completely disappeared.

As a rule, the treatment period is up to 7 days. However, you can extend it a little. Bitch to prevent an unwanted pregnancy, let's have a double dose 1 time.

The most important thing is to give a remedy to the dog after mating so that more than 2 days do not pass. Now consider the dosage of taking the drug.



  • If your dog weighs a maximum of 5 kg, then give it once the drug only 1 drop.
  • If the animal weighs no more than 10 kg, then at a time give the pet no more than 4 drops.
  • Individuals whose weight is a maximum of 30 kg, give up to 8 drops.
  • If your dog weighs more than 30 kg, then it needs to be given from 9 drops or more.

A completely reproductive function of the dog can recover after 2 months, when you stop giving the pet medicine.


  • If your dog weighs no more than 5 kg, then give her 1 tablet per day.
  • If the weight of your pet is a maximum of 10 kg, it needs to be given no more than 3 tablets.
  • If the dog weighs no more than 30 kg, give her 4 tablets, no more.
  • Dogs whose weight is more than 30 kg must add 1 tablet per 10 kg.

If you give the drug correctly, select the perfect dosage, such effects will not be found. But the drug cannot be given to some breeds of dogs, for example, to Greihunds.

"Sex Barrier": Contraindications

As indicated in the instructions, this drug can not be given to every animal.

There are some contraindications, and therefore do not give the pet medicines in the following situations:

  • If the animal has a disease associated with the genitourinary system.
  • If the pet has the pathology of the reproductive system.
  • You can not give when a pet has diabetes.
  • If an allergy is detected in an animal to a certain substance.
  • It is also not recommended to give the drug to those cats and dogs that have not yet reached puberty.
There are contraindications
There are contraindications
  • Doctors prohibit giving medicine during pregnancy if the animal feeds their kids.
  • You can not give the drug if a cat or dog has a tumor of the mammary glands. Due to the medicine, the neoplasm will begin to develop faster.

"Sex Barrier": useful tips on use, price

  • If you begin to adhere to the dosages that the manufacturer recommends, the risk of side effects is excluded.
  • If an allergic reaction occurs to one of the components, it is necessary to stop giving the animal the product. In such a situation, a pet can be given an anti -allergic drug, conduct a symptomatic treatment.
  • If you exceed the dose or give the medicine for a long time (more than 1 year and 6 months without interruptions), the hormonal drug can cause the development of pathologies that are associated with the reproductive system. This can also lead to serious disorders of the pet behavior.

This drug is implemented in any specialized veterinary pharmacies. You can also purchase it in an animal clinic. The cost of the drug fluctuates within such limits:

  • The cost of tablets is at least 137 rubles and a maximum of 170 rubles.
  • The cost of tablets is approximately 200 rubles.

It is important that addiction to the medicine was not noted.

Video: "Sex Barrier" - so that the cat does not walk

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