The secrets of Japanese geisha in bed. The art of love of Japanese geisha - teaching geisha sex: video

The secrets of Japanese geisha in bed. The art of love of Japanese geisha - teaching geisha sex: video

Who are geisha? What are their secrets in love, seduction and sex?

Perhaps every adult has heard about geishas and that their very existence was intended in order to skillfully give pleasure to those with whom these women communicated.
These pleasures were very, very diverse, starting from their appearance, the environment they created, dancing, music, singing, attracting movements, exquisite conversations, ending with sexual delights.

Gayish sexual skills: where do myths begin?

To date, there has been a very stable myth that the geishas were unsurpassed lovers, and they studied the art of love all their lives, bringing their skill to perfection and delivering indescribable bliss to the partner.

The art of seduction of geisha has been studying all their lives.
The art of seduction of geisha has been studying all their lives.

It was this aspect of the skills of Gaysh that came to the fore, and he began to grow even more myths. Gayish love and sexual skill is now described by such words as:

  • "Unforgettable"
  • "Sweet" sensations
  • "Higher" "incredible" bliss

In fact, the art of love of geisha was complex and by no means coming to pleasure in bed. Geishas attracted men with an aesthetic atmosphere, psychology of circulation, bypassing, fascinating conversation, communication, in which a man could feel the most, and, of course, to top it off the entire ritual complex of seduction, workshop sex.

Japanese painting: Geisha.
Japanese painting: Geisha.

The status and requirements for the skill of Gaysh changed at different times, but the main requirements for their skill were:

  • the ability to meet guests, to conduct conversations with them on the crown of interest to them, including current social events
  • compliance with etiquette and noble traditions, first of all, during the tea ceremony
  • the ability to care and take care of yourself, to be beautiful and refined, to move away from everyday everyday life
  • what Geisha's attention is most drawn to with the care of himself - leather, eyes, lips

Important: Today, geisha is associated with a beautiful young Japanese woman in a traditional kimono with an intricate hassle, a swept face and bright and distinct makeup. It seems gentle and touching, like a flower, fragile, elegant and sensual, mysterious, like all of Japanese culture

Video: The art of being a geisha

The art of love of Japanese geisha

Geisha (gay (art + man), two hieroglyphs, read together, so it turns out that Geisha is a person who owns different arts.

Geisha: sophisticated and mysterious, like the whole Japanese culture.
Geisha: sophisticated and mysterious, like the whole Japanese culture.
  1. Geishas initially appeared in the 17th century, and it is interesting that among them were men
  2. Geishas were divided into those who initially learned various arts in order to adequately meet, welcome and please men, and those who initially engaged in prostitution, and only then improved in the comprehensive art of seduction
  3. Geishas were housewives at tea ceremonies. Their skill was paid, and not every man could afford to spend time in the society of a priestess of love, fascinating entertainment and communication. Interestingly, the so -called hourly payment to the geisham was calculated based on the number of burned aromatic sticks
  4. In the geisch society, men could relax, be treated with beautiful, receive sexual relaxed pleasure, which he is most often deprived of a house, due to the established metromonial traditions of Japanese society
A man is a geisha in the figure.
A man is a geisha in the figure.

Video: Geisha dance

The secrets of the geisha bed

When it came to bed, here Geisha showed skill to give the man the greatest pleasure. She could masterfully cope in order to excite a man, bring him to the highest degree of pleasure during sexual intercourse and make the sexual intercourse last enough time and ends with a violent orgasm.
For this, geisha used:

  • flirting, preliminary losing and exciting actions and views
  • erotic relaxing and exciting massage
  • various tactile affectionate actions
  • erotic poses
  • impact on erogenous zones
  • kisses
  • different forms of sex, including oral, anal
  • aromas and semi -ground room

Important: the appearance of geisha was already delighted. She appeared quietly in the howl of a magnificent outfit, rustling silk, serving a man, spoke insinuatingly, from time to time opening the floor of the kimono, giving a reason to the fantasy of the lucky one

Only the geisha outfit is delighted.
Only the geisha outfit is delighted.

Erogenous zones

This is the name of places on the human body, the touch to which sexually excites and gives the greatest sexual pleasure. In fact, our body has multiple nerve endings, and if you correctly and skillfully touch certain areas, stroke them, slightly press, then the partner will experience bliss.

Geisha on Japanese engraving on wood (erotic content).
Geisha on Japanese engraving on wood (erotic content).

In the process of their preparation, the geisha studied erogenous zones and skillfully used their skills in communicating with clients. After all, it is known how well the eastern philosophers, doctors, well, geisha, know active points on the human body. For example, doctors can be treated with acupuncture, and geisha can accurately affect the partner’s erogenous zones in a certain tactic and sequence.
The greatest sexual dedication is possessed:

  • back (especially the sacrifice area) and neck
  • buttocks
  • hands (fingers and palms, as well as the inner surface of the elbow)
  • the inner surface of the hips
  • the stomach and chest
  • genitals

Geisha could, without even touching the genitals, acting on other erogenous zones, lead a man to the peak of excitement and pleasure. Touch, a light massage of the penis and testicles, in the end, brought the man to frenzy.


Geisha is not only the mistress of the tea ceremony. She perfectly owns the art of kisses.
Geisha is not only the mistress of the tea ceremony. She perfectly owns the art of kisses.

The impact on the erogenous zones was accompanied by kisses. And the art of kisses of geishas also studied initially. They could skillfully alternate light skating kisses with passionate and frenzied, depending on what form the love game acquired. Lips are a very sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe human body, and kisses are pleasant and exciting both partners. They can be used both before and during sexual games.

  1. The kiss itself is already very sexy. And if the kiss of the kiss is an erogenous zone, if kisses alternate in strength and passion, then the pleasure of a partner covered by passion does not know the limit
  2. Geisha alternated kisses-kassania with a tongue, licking kisses when the lips slightly touch certain places on the body of the partner. They could also use the tongue with kisses, as if ironing them a partner, rumble in his mouth or hole, slightly bite with his teeth with a kiss, suck the erogenous places of the partner
  3. All these types of kisses alternated in a preliminary love game, accompanied by the actions of the hands and body of the geisha


The hands of the craftswomen of love ran through the body of a partner, caressing and pleasing him, and her body was pressed and moved to a tiny distance in order to touch and snuggle up to him again, so much so that the man covered more and more desire and excitement.

  1. Light touch, stroking and erotic massage became a prelude to subsequent unforgettable sensations. In a love game, hugs are important, as they help partners exchange sexual energy, which is important to get harmonious pleasure
  2. Heisha knew how to alternate hugs, breast -touched, touching the hips, interweaving (when not only the body and arms, but also the legs participate), full of embrace in the lying, when a man and a woman merge into a single whole
Geisha has always been in the center of the plot of Japanese erotic painting.
Geisha has always been in the center of the plot of Japanese erotic painting.

Oral sex

Geishas were masters of oral sex. Oral sex is very important in oriental culture, because, thanks to the released liquids, partners directly exchange male and female energy. And this is important not only in sex, but also to preserve mental balance, inner harmony and healthy long life.

Important: Geisha is a craftswoman for love manipulations with a penis. Inna can play with their lips, place it deeply in itself and then sharply push it out, kiss the head, suck. The man is in bliss and frenzy

Poses in sex

During the act, Geisha uses different movements of his body to increase his pleasure and the pleasure of a man. She can move to the beat with him, or, on the contrary, make movements, as if preventing the movement of the man’s body, which gives him pleasure.

  1. During the act, partners change poses, lengthening the act, finding the most profitable poses for pleasure, bringing the man to the final frenzy
  2. Geish's most popular poses were in a position when Geisha sat on a man (on a lying, sitting on his knees), and he penetrated her
  3. Geisha actively participated in a love ritual, in movements during intercourse. It was important in her art was the possession of the internal muscles of her sexual organ, which she trained specifically in order to deliver the man as much pleasure as possible

By the way, geisha's love rituals have their own poetic names, which makes love games not just sexual acts, but also emphasizes their aesthetics.

Geishas experiment with postures in sex.
Geishas experiment with postures in sex.

So, for example, love poses are called:

  • "Fluttering phoenix"
  • "Mystical bird"
  • "Silk Unwinding"
  • "Jumping White Tiger"
  • others

Kisses could have names like:

  • "Corals and pearls"
  • "Pearls"
  • "Carling of the wings of the butterfly"
  • others

Secrets geisha in sex

In addition to the use of various erotic techniques that can significantly strengthen the sexual satisfaction and pleasure, the arsenal of the sexual seduction of the geisha also included:

  • the art of communication, when in a conversation the priestess of love understood the aspects and characteristics of the character of a man and could guess his mood, support, calm, masterfully exaggerate dignity, making a client of a special, worthy personality.
  • the preparation of geisha included the development of the creative principle in it, the ability to own musical instruments, the art of dance, singing, which subsequently helped a comprehensive enjoyment of a man enthusiastically skillful and beautiful interlocutor
  • possession of body and voice: soft, delicate, captivating body movements, languid and bewitching intonation, views and unobtrusive, but exciting touch created a man of pleasure
  • the art of bringing a man to ecstasy with the help of excitement techniques, stretching pleasure, finding the highest point of pleasure to, during and after sexual intercourse
  • the art of harmony and naturalness (everything that Geisha does is everything that it touches, everything that it is surrounded by is breathing harmony and sensuality, and a man involuntarily finds himself in this world, joins him and dissolves in it)

Important: they tried to conduct love games and sexual acts with a prepared atmosphere for this. Such that nothing distracts lovers from their occupation - neither extraneous things nor extraneous sounds, so that the whole surrounding environment contributes to love enjoyment

The main secret of geisha in sex is the ability to create an atmosphere.
The main secret of geisha in sex is the ability to create an atmosphere.

Video: Training geisha sex

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